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Tirek has absorbed all the magic in equestria! What video game hero or villain powers would you have?

For me, it would be Solaris' powers from sonic 06.

Max steel’s powers (2016 Reboot) because he has some versatility in his arsenal.

I'll give you a hint.


The superhero from Megaton Rainfall.

Tom nook , he owes some bells

Rip and tear, until it is done

Goku's abilities from Dragon Ball Super. I was originally going to say Zeno's power to erase things from existence, but I have a feeling that erasing Tirek would also erase all the magic he's absorbed, causing the ponies he stole that power from to not regain the stolen magic

Gives me reach, gives me something to channel my rage, Discord probably gives them to me before losing his magic...

Zero. He’s dealt with plenty of Mavericks, especially ones like Sigma and the general. The latter of which took a laser that could’ve destroyed the earth. And because Zero’s Arsenal is technologically, not magical, Tirek wouldn’t be able to absorb it.


The White Tanooki Suit from Super Mario Bros. This is technically a power since it's a Power-Up. Basically, Super Star that lasts the whole level and leaves you off with the power of the Super Leaf, which is still good. Overall, I kinda cheated.

Arsenal bird, Ace Combat 7 with full compliment of drones. The death of a thousand cuts...
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown - PS4/XB1/PC - Arsenal Bird Trailer - YouTube


Against all the evil that Hell can conjure,
all the wickedness that mankind can produce,
we will send onto them... only you.
Rip and Tear, until it is done.

Fallout 1-4 including new vegas all guns and melee weapon with the dlc included. Which mean i got a death ray and missiles

First off, I'd have my natural Machop strength and attacks which have been drastically boosted by intense Physical and Special Attack training. I also have fast reflexes and incredible endurance. In a pinch, I'll activate the Bond Phenomenon with Keldeo to gain some elemental powers and Ultra Instinct-level reflexes.

If my own powers fail me, I'm never afraid to call on my friends for help. For this specific situation, they would bring me the Giga Bell from Bowser's Fury. I would be able to use its gigantic power because it would awaken from sensing the imminent threat that is Lord Tirek.

Atomic density manipulation. Like Sandman
Or maybe a prosthetic weapon arm. Like Wild Dog from Time Crisis.

Nox, The Time Xelor

Pushups situps and plenty of juice. If you get that reference Prefect

Gotta be Kratos. That kind of monster is his specialty.

Comment posted by Sea Pony deleted Feb 15th, 2021

I'd be like Josh from Let's Game it Out and abuse the powers I have available to cause as much destruction as possible, but moderate it so I'd leave the place I fight Tirek in as whole as possible after the battle.

Your a man of culture as well!

Comment posted by GodzillaSpino deleted Feb 15th, 2021

Pepsiman's power to inexplicably turn anything into Pepsi

He throws something at me: turn it into Pepsi
He casts a spell at me: turn it into Pepsi
He mistakes me for Discord and tries to use the Elements of Harmony to stop me: turn the focused energy into Pepsi

Once his spirit and will to fight is broken: turn him into Pepsi

TeamFourStar's Dragonball Z Abridged.

I would say yoshi because he did took down a giant Bowser before

Only difficulty is...which QTE do I finish him off with; centaur or minotaur?


Fallout 1-4 including new vegas all guns and melee weapon with the dlc included. Which mean i got a death ray and missiles

Don't forget the mini nuke.

Oh! Better idea.
Bust off both of his horns. First one goes into his eye, second one goes right through his heart!

Dark matter from Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, I could not only turn him to stone instantly, but he would practically suffocate if he had even just a sliver of negative emotion.

Metaknight from smash bros brawl, and do it with the equivalent of button mashing in power abuse. I can tell you from playing that it is quite powerful.

That's too perfect. Give this person a medal. A 100% 24-carat gold medal, ya got it?

Asta, from Black Clover

Zhongli Elemental Burst from Genshin Impact should be sufficient in taking down the god wannabe

One Keyblade, coming up!!!! Time to smash and bash with all the Disney flair and Square Enix crazy!



Yea the fallout new vegas ammo mini nuke that thing can deal lots of damage

I agree I also forgot about that show mentioned it and I went oh yeah I remember that

There's no way I could pick just one, so here's a list of ideas I'd have...

Ironman's Armor - It's technically not a superpower per se. But it checks a few good boxes, like super strength, flying, beam attacks, and computers.
Super Saiyan - Seriously, why hasn't anyone mentioned this one yet? Personally, I would prefer the Super Saiyan 4 form from GT. Not for how strong it is, but because I like the design.
Vizard - If you don't know what that is, it's from the anime Bleach. It's when a Soul Reaper gains the powers of a Hollow. This choice would also come with all the powers of a Soul Reaper as well.
Yu-Gi-Oh - Odd choice, I know. But it would be awesome if I had the power to take Yu-Gi-Oh cards and bring the monsters to life to battle for me.
Hammer Bros. Suit - Seriously, that power-up is awesome. The best in the entire franchise in my opinion. And I say it's as valid a superpower as Ironman's Armor.
Ninjutsu - Specifically from Naruto. Naruto is basically Dragon Ball Z with ninjas. (Can you tell I like anime?)
Mewtwo - ...Does this really require an explanation? And his powers are based on psychokinesis, not magic. I'd also settle for Lucario... because I like Lucario.
Uncanny Dodge and Evasion - Now going into D&D territory. Uncanny Dodge would allow me to half the damage from any melee attacks. And Evasion allows me to not only half the damage of area affects, but it also allows me a chance to take no damage. I feel like going full Rogue would be too much. (Although, if being a rogue is an option, I'll take it.
Q - I know that Discord is basically just Q. But the difference is that Q's powers aren't magic, it's just omnipotence. Yeah, having the powers of a god is a little overpowered. But it's my prerogative to choose that ability.
Magician - Yes, it's technically magic. But Tirek only feeds on arcane magic. I'd be an illusionist. That way, everything I do cannot be taken away from me if Tirek wants a snack. Perhaps something along the lines of Chris Angel or Darren Brown.
Time Lord - Because I like Doctor Who. Do I need a better reason?

And just because...

Coolaid Man - He's strong enough to burst through any wall, so I assume that also includes other materials, specifically organic. And afterward, I can treat everyone to a nice refreshing drink.

I ended up with a longer list than I expected. There are probably other powers that would be on the list, but I can't think of them off-hand.

7437204 For me, I'd want the Crucible/Marauder's Axe from Doom Eternal, the Thu'um from Skyrim including the DLC ones, the Adamant Rail from Hades with Aspect of Eris and the Seeking Fire and Delta Fire upgrades, and Lysithea's Hades Omega/Dark Spikes T spell from Fire Emblem Three Houses.
Speaking of mini-nukes, I recommend the MIRV Launcher to hit more of Tirek.

Comment posted by HB_DS2013 deleted Feb 15th, 2021

Sheepinator from ratchet and clank

Ryūu ga waga teki wo kuraū and Ryūjin no ken wo kūrae!

HAHA! Wise choice! I'd get help from Discord, call in Strider Squadron, Three Strikes, and Mihaly from AC7, FUCK YEA!!!

Is Three Strikes and Trigger the same pilot?

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