Equestria Girls: It’s Showtime 76 members · 11 stories
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For Looney Tune fans by Looney Tune fans!

Just so I'm clear, this will mostly be set in the Equestria Girls world with the Humane 7, right?

Elmer Fudd was sneaking around CHS before turning to the fourth wall shushing others, "Be vewy-vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits!"

As Elmer continued to sneak around the school, Bugs and Angel Bunny poked their heads up from a bush observing Bugs' arch nemesis, "Ok, Angel, are ya ready for your first lesson on how to fool the hunter?" Bugs asked, as Angel nodded in excitement.

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That's right.

Ok just making sure. Thanks!

well i can see this going poorly for Elmer Fudd like it always does

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The fact that Elmer Fudd's hunting on school ground says a lot about how far he's going, just to hunt rabbits...

Group Admin

Just a list of "episodes" that I've thought of in the works for the upcoming chapters.

When an inspirational speaker, named Iron Will, comes to town and turns Fluttershy too assertive, it's up to Bugs Bunny to snap the timid girl back to her senses.

Wanting to make some quick cash, and become an internet star, Daffy Duck and the CMC work together to create his movie, Duck Dodgers.

Applejack's families in a town called Appleloosa are under threat, by a band of outlaws led by King Longhorn, and Yosemite Sam.

Elmer Fudd is on the hunt for "wabbits." Bugs Bunny and Angel must work together to outsmart the hunter.

To uncover Filthy Rich's next nefarious scheme, the Rainbooms and Looney Tunes go undercover.

To save Sugarcube Corner, Bugs Bunny competes in WWE for the prize money.

The Roadrunner and Wile. E. Coyote are in town.

What sort of painful, justified, Looney Tune fashion slapsticks will our heroes subject this bad business mogul to?

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I just found this old Looney Tunes commercial. I need to find the time and place for this beautiful musical!

LeAnn Rimes — Target Ad 1996

Full Song

Group Admin


Equestria Girls: It's Showtime

First Song: You Are My Equestria Girls

Narrator: "A bittersweet ending..."

You are my Equestria Girls

Sunset Shimmer: “I’m sorry girls. I really am going to miss you all..."

Narrator: "Tearful farewells..."

(Background)Met you and the light switched on
It brightens up my day like the sun
When my friends come a-runnin'

Applejack: “No matter where you go, or no matter what happens, don’t ever forget, you were one of us. Like apples to the core. Okay?”
Sci-Fi Twi: "...but this town won’t be the same without you…”
Pinkie Pie: "I’m going to miss you a lot, Sunset. For all the parties I’ll never get to throw for you.”
Fluttershy: “I’m just thankful I got to know the Sunset Shimmer I’m happy to call...my friend.”
Rarity: “I guess this is goodbye. I’ll never forget you....”
Rainbow Dash: (Angrily) “But if you need help! You’ll call, right? Because we’ll come after you! And you know that, right?”

Narrator: "The end of every chapter..."

You were right all along
That together we're always better

“Goodbye everyone!” Sunset waved to her friends present in the room.

Narrator: "...Begins a new story."

We could turn a sketch into a masterpiece
When you're here, I feel like I'm complete

Bugs Bunny appears.

Bugs Bunny: “Eh...what’s up, doc?”

Second Song: Off to see the World

(0:10) Musical breaks

Rainbooms: "Bugs BUNNY!?!"

Wallflower, Juniper, and Flash: "Bugs BUNNY?!"


Bugs Bunny: (Looking at a map) "I knew it. I should’ve made that turn at Alberquerque."

"Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
We're off to see the world"

Elmer Fudd: "Ooh, I'll get that wabbit!"

"We don't need to know (oh)"

Daffy Duck: (Bouncing and whooping)"Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo!"

I love this very moment
We're speedin' up, not slowin'
We might know we can't win

Bugs Bunny: "I dare you to step across that line!"

Yosemite Sam: "Okay! I'm-a steppin'!"

But we're dumb enough to try
We're going, there's no maybe
That's why they call us crazy
And we'll say if anybody asks us

Filthy Rich: "GET. THOSE. TUNES!"

The Looney Tunes avoid the goons.

"Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
We're off to see the world
We don't need to know (oh)

The Equestria Girls and friends – minus Sunset – hugging the Looney Tunes.

Sci-Fi Twi: (Voice-over) "Even if you guys are just cartoons...you seem to carry the same magic we all know and hold dearly. The magic of friendship."

Bugs Bunny: (To Sci-Fi Twi) "This Sunset goil's my type of gal."

(Holds an embarrassing snapshot of Sunset Shimmer)

Bugs Bunny: "She's a Carrot Lady." (Bouncing his eyebrows)

"Hey (hey!), where you gonna go?"
We're off to see the world
We don't need to know (oh)

With a grunt, Filthy Rich angrily hurls his remote and completely smashes his flatscreen T.V. Smoke erupts from the broken glass, as Filthy Rich breathes in heavily.

“Make a fool out of me, will they?” Filthy muttered. “Soon as I find this… ‘black vandal’, whoever his name is, he’ll wish he hadn’t crossed paths with Filthy Rich!”

“Uh, Mr. Filthy Rich sir?” A voice spoke through the comm.

“WHAT?!” The man shouted, angrily pressing the comm.

“The police are here to speak with you, sir,” The staff replied.

“Well send them up!” Filthy Rich replied, facing the smashed T.V. “And get me a new flatscreen T.V. for my office. On the double!”

“Yes sir.”

(Trailer resumes, with a montage of the main characters)


The Rainbooms

The Canterlot Movie Club
Bugs BunnyDaffy Duck

Porky Pig

Filthy Rich

Flash Sentry

Wallflower Blush


Juniper Montage

(End of trailer)

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes

EEquestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes
The Equestria Girls have a Looney Tune time with Bugs Bunny and friends.
Phantom-Dragon · 21k words  ·  48  2 · 3.1k views

Available now!

Group Admin

So, Wolfram-And-Hart. Got any ideas you would like to share?

Not at the moment. When the Looney Tunes come to mind, I think more of the gags than actual character interaction. I could think of jokes, but not much that would move the story along.

Group Admin

That's okay. Just share them anyway.

Spoiled Rich: You worthless creatures will pay for this!
Daffy: I see why they call ya spoiled. You're aging like milk.
Spoiled Rich: HOW DARE YOU!
Daffy: But don't worry, I got some face cream that'll really improve your looks!
Spoiled Rich: ...Really?
Daffy: Yep! (Hits her in the face with a banana cream pie) See now you're much easier to look at! Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

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😆 Excellent! That's funny!

Imagine the girls and Bugs running into this kid during Easter time

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I haven’t thought about that episode in a long time!

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But with Mother’s Day coming up, I remember this special the Looney Tunes once did for the holiday.

And this episode from Baby Looney Tunes:

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We’re gonna need more ideas.

Rainbow vs Roadrunner vs Speedy

Rainbow: All right, you two let's see who is fastest between the three of us.
Roadrunner: Meep, Meep (Soundly good to me.)
Speedy: Si, and let the fastest runner win.

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You wouldn’t happen to be referencing that one cartoon when Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote both try to catch their targets, were you?

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