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Just says you, Mane Six and Spike are just chilling until you saw a giant portal and to your shocks, you saw 5 monsters flying through the portal and crash land on Ponyville as 5 monsters are fighting each other.


King Kong

King Ghidorah



When you, Mane Six and Spike saw Kyan just walking around like if nothing bad happens to him and you ask him what happened and my OC, Kyan would say this

Kyan: (calm) You could said it was a result of my bad timing.


Kyan: Calm down… you see, I was just visiting to check on my good old buddy, Godzilla…. Unfortunately, I came in on wrong time cause Godzilla is fighting with 4 other kaijus including famous King Kong over there….

King Kong is smashing the empty houses with his giant feet while the civilians are chased by Mothra and Rodan as Godzilla battling King Ghidorah…

Kyan: (sighed) In my defense, it was heat of a moment when I accidentally summoned my portal Magic on them and sending them to Ponyville…. I can't help you with this one cause I promise to Godzilla that I wouldn't inference his fight with other kaijus for the title of "King of the Monsters"… but you can have this.

He gives a Mickey Mouse ear hat to you (or in JNKing's case, he gave Mickey Mouse ear hat to Kodo, Celine and Star Wing and each of their hats have their favorite colors.)

Kyan: See you in Disneyland!

He teleport himself away, leaving you and others of dealing with 5 raging monsters destroying Ponyville for the title of "King of the Monsters"

So what would you do

If JNKing reading this, Kyan would told Shiva and Star this…

Kyan: I am not a coward…. I am man of my word and Star Wing, you say you want to take on a generic villain… well, now you can take on these monsters… let's see how little alicorn/thestral princess can take them down? Don't get cocky… those monsters are a force to be reckoned with… good luck, Star Girl….. and call me when whoever won the fight so I can clean up the mess.

He teleport himself away.

Group Admin

As Kyan teleported away, Luke and Star would glance up at the other monsters.

"Well, he isn't wrong about me wanting a generic villain," Star noted. "Though I think those are a bit out of my height range.

"Same," Luke grumbled. "We're gonna need like... some serious growth spurts to handle these guys."

Shiva would grimace, before glancing at Spike curiously. "Spike," she noted. "Didn't you have that one thing where you could grow if people gave you a lot of stuff?"

Spike shuddered. "Don't remind me. That was the most humiliating day of my life."

"Sorry, brother," Kodo replied, before dunking him in gems. "All of those are for you."

As Spike shivered and struggled, the dragon greed taking over, Kodo and Shiva would seize him with their pack links. Spike's shudderings would cease as he felt the dragon's greed leaving him.

"Whoa," he'd mutter. "What are you guys..."

He'd go dead silent as he saw Luke and Star Wing grow to the size of the monsters, Shiva riding on Luke while Kodo is riding on Star Wing. For additional awesomeness, Star would have used some of her own magic to give herself a draconic makeover, making herself look more like a giant Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon.

"GUESS WHAT BLOCK BUSTERS!" Star would boom, catching the monster's attention. "SOME NEW CHALLENGERS ARE ENTERING THE FRAY!"

The monsters might glance at each other, before roaring back. In essence, yelling, "BRING IT, WEIRDO!"

As Star lunged at them, Luke followed up with his own attack. And together, the two would take on Rodan and Mothra. As Star combatted Mothra from the sky and Luke wrestled with Rodan, Shiva would link with Godzilla and Kong.

"Kyan mentioned you were friends, yes?" Shiva noted. "Well, we need you two to focus on the three headed dragon. My companions will deal with the other two."

If Godzilla or Kong try to argue, Shiva's pack links will literally squeeze their brains.

"NO BUTS!" she's snarl at them. "Work together to bring these monsters down. NOW!"

And thus, working together, the giantized Luke and Star would work with Kong and Godzilla to bring down the other three monsters.

Of course, once Godzilla and Kong beat the other three, they still have to fight each other for the title of King of Monsters. As Shiva tried to figure out a compromise to that, Giant Luke would just jump in and clobber both of them, knocking Star over as well.


His booming howl would produce a whirlwind that would throw Godzilla, Kong, and the other three defeated monsters away. Then Kodo - who managed to grab a fraction of Kyan's power when he gave him the Mickey Mouse hat - would open a portal back to their world, allowing Luke's howl to hurl the monsters back home.

Of course, with the monsters beaten, Ponyville still has to be repaired. Shiva would roll her eyes, but bark out, "Celine!" And Celine would lead a small squad of diamond dogs to repair the town, while Shiva and Kodo restored Luke and Star to their smaller forms, giving the Dragon's Greed back to Spike.

"I did not know you were capable of that," Spike mumbled as he flexed his talons.

"I'm an energy absorber," she replied. "It's not hard to take the ability with the magic. If anything, it's one step less that I have to do, since I don't have to break down the magic into its purer energy form." She glanced at Luke and Star, who would be rubbing very sore muscles. "Though, it looks like it takes a toll on my friends."

"What? Nah," Luke said.

"No, we're... completely fine..." Star insisted... only for both her and Luke to collapse face forward and start snoring, utterly tuckered out by the fight.

Shiva would sigh again before picking them both up. "Excuse me, guys," she'd say. "I gotta tuck these guys in." Then she'd leave, while Celine continued to repair the town, and Kodo would be left staring dumbly at the Micky Mouse hat. He'd glance up at Twilight.

"What the heck is a Disneyland?" he'd ask.

Group Admin

Later, Kyan visited at Shiva's home and notices Luke and Star are all tired up from the fights with Godzilla, Kong and other 3 monsters and seeing Ponyville is already being repaired.

Kyan: It seems I don't have to clean up the mess after all… Let's me guess… your husband won the fight, did he?

Shiva nodded

Kyan: (sighed) I knew he would take the title.

He summoned a cake for Luke to eat once he wake up and a crown for him to wear.

Kyan: I have the best chef to make the most tastiest cake for whoever won the King of Monsters fight and a crown.

Shiva roll her eyes at what would her husband do with the crown.

Kyan: My apologies, Shiva… Is there's a way to repay you back? I am a god… I can make anything happens.


The whole Kyan giving Mickey Mouse hat to Kodo, Celine and Star Wing is a reference to Family Guy episode where Brian encounters Michael Eisner who give him a Mickey Mouse hat.

Yes, Kyan would go to Disneyland often and he would use his power so he can get on the ride quickly and have enough money to buy whatever stuffs he want from Disneyland.

Group Admin


Kyan: (sighed) I knew he would take the title.

Star rolled over in her sleep. "Mm... cheated..." she mumbled.

Shiva chuckled. "Ignore her," she offered. "She's just embarassed she didn't keep her guard up."

Shiva roll her eyes at what would her husband do with the crown.

Despite her exasperation, she'd still perch the crown on his head, grinning softly as he slumbered.

"Crown or not," she whispered. "You'll always be my King, Luke."

He hummed softly, smiling in his sleep.

Kyan: My apologies, Shiva… Is there's a way to repay you back? I am a god… I can make anything happens.

"Just don't bring more creatures like those five back here," Shiva would ask. "As much as Luke and Star probably enjoyed it, I don't like to think of what kind of strain Dragon's Greed had on their bodies. It's not a tactic I'd like to repeat unless absolutely necessary."

Kodo would tilt his head. "That's it?" he'd ask. "A god offers you repayment, and you just want him to not use his powers?"

"To be fair," Celine noted. "He did already give us cake." She'd drool at the sight. "Tasty, dog-safe cake..."

"Hey-now," Shiva would nip at Celine, forcing her back. "That cake is for your father. He's the one that earned it."

Celine would pout, leading Kodo to grin.

"Then your greatness Kyan," he'd declare. "I'd like my sister to have a nice big cake all for her."

"Aw," Celine would coo. "Kodo, you're so sweet." She'd look to Kyan. "Can you give him a cake that's as sweet as he is. And safe for dogs of course," she'd add with a quick look to Shiva (who had a bad experience with cake where she accidentally choked on it). Luckily, it would be a minor memory, and Shiva would just shake her head with a grin.

"You pups and your sweet things," she'd muse. "Alright, if we're ordering food, I'll take a prime rib steak. It's not often I get to enjoy the finer cuts of meat out here."

Celine and Kodo would then look at the slumbering Star. "What about Star?" they'd ask.

Shiva would nod. "This may be an odd request, but Star really likes cupcake smoothies. It's a strange thing, but apparently, she makes it by blending a bunch of cupcakes, adding an - in my opinion - unhealthy amount of energy drinks - five hour, red bull and 7 up - and topping it off with several cherries. Yes," she'd add at Kyan's probably shocked expression, "She's very eager to test just how much an alicorn/thestral heart can take."

Group Admin

Kyan would blinked in surprise before summoning 2 big dog-safe cakes for Kodo and Celine, a prime rib steak for Shiva and cupcake smoothies with unhealthy amount of energy drinks - five hour, Red Bull and 7 up - and topping it off with several cherries….

Kyan: That Star mare is one strange… I don't who is more craziest, Pinkie or her… I wonder if she happens to be a long lost cousin of Pinkie Pie… never trusted the Pie family.

While Kodo and Celine are eating his cake, he pat on Kodo's head.

Kyan: Kodo, my boy… you are wondering about Disneyland?

Kodo nodded before Kyan grins

Kyan: Kodo, I think you are going to love Disneyland cause I am taking you and Celine to Disneyland!

He gives them 2 Disney pass to Kodo and Celine as he use his magic to put Marvel shirt on Kodo while put Disney Princesses shirt on Celine…

Kyan: Before you ask, Disneyland is from a human dimension but I can change your species into humans so they wouldn't be confused by 2 talking Diamond Dogs… although, I am hesitate to take Star Wing cause how excited she get with everything… but just in case.

Kyan creates a Disney pass for Star Wing by putting the pass in her hooves.

Kyan: Once Star mare wake up and get her smoothies and your kids down eating with their cakes… I will take them to Disneyland so they can understand it while you and Luke do the bee.

He winked at her while Kodo and Celine are disgusted by what he implies to.

Kyan: Hey… you two would eventually do the same thing to your mates! So don't be hypocrite!


Yes, Kyan is big on Disneyland… you could call him a Disney fanatic.

To answer your question, With the exception of Pinkie Pie, Kyan is utterly baffled by the entire Pie family and wonder about their obsession with Rocks… he may have interact with rocks like Korg but the idea of the entire family so dedicated to rocks baffled him…

I going to guess Celine is big on cakes or sweets (at least the dog-safe one).

Awesome work.

Group Admin


I going to guess Celine is big on cakes or sweets (at least the dog-safe one).

Yep. It came around from her interacting with Pinkie Pie; the pink party planner may be eccentric, but there's not many people that can get away from interacting with her without finding out how great sweets are. Granted, Shiva didn't like cake because Pinkie jumped into her first meeting with Shiva without thinking, but Pinkie learned and adapted so that her meeting with Celine went far more smoothly.

Kyan: Hey… you two would eventually do the same thing to your mates! So don't be hypocrite!

Kodo would laugh. "It's true," he'd admit, before grinning at Celine. "Though I guess you'd be trying to do it with another female." He'd pause. "How would that even work, by the way?"

Celine would glance at Star, who would still be snoring, and shrug. "Not sure, but I guess I'll figure it out when I get to it." She glanced back at Kyan. "For now, I am kinda curious about this Disneyland and these human forms. Why not give it a shot?"

"Indeed." The others would jump to find Star awake and grinning, sipping her smoothie and already shapeshifted into a minotaur. Kodo would hold back a chuckle.

"Minotaurs aren't humans, Star," he'd note. "Good use of the changeling spells though."

"Alicorn powers, baby!" Star would agree, before shifting into a centaur.

With Kyan's help, Star would get into a proper human form, before doing the same to Kodo and Celine Then, they'd head off to Disneyland, and have a grand old time.

Thanks again for sharing. Kyan giving Kodo and Celine human forms reminded me of Helluva Boss, and I loved it. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Group Admin

I wonder what type of Disneyland rides Kodo, Celine and Star Wing would enjoy the most?

Group Admin

Star gets to enjoy flying all the time, so she'd probably want something that has a bit of story to it. Maybe like the Haunted Mansion or even Pirates of the Carribean.

Kodo would probably like the Jungle Cruise, since it would remind him of the forests back home.

And Celine? Well, Celine would do her absolute best to like 'It's a Small Word After All.' After hearing about how no one likes the song or the ride, Celine would get a defiant look in her eye and declare, "Well, I'm sure I'll find something to like about it!"

Leading to a scene where the three meet up, and Celine has her teeth gritted in a smile, while Star and Kodo are smiling knowingly.

"So," Kodo teased. "How was it."

"Fine," Celine replied. "It was great. Awesome."

"You sure?" Star noted. "You're not grinning the way you do when you actually liked something."

"No-no," Celine insisted. "It was fun."

"Oh my gosh, you're even doing the same denial thing I do," Star would proclaim, turning to Kodo with a gasp. "Is this how it feels from the outside."

"It sure is," Kodo would reply.

"Shut up, it was fun!" Celine would snap.

"Name a single part of that song or ride that was fun," Kodo would challenge.

Celine would pause for a moment, trying to say something positive about the ride. Eventually though, she'd turn away.

"You're such a jerk, Kodo!" she'd cry.

"Aw, come on," Wing would insist. "No crying; this is Disney Land; the happiest place on this Earth!"

Kodo would go with her. "Yeah, come on, I'm just teasing," he'd insist. "Why don't we check out Jungle Cruise; I'm sure it'll remind ya of home."

Sighing, Celine would join. But she'd still be looking for something positive to say about It's a Small World.

Group Admin

Yup, I could see that happen. :rainbowlaugh:

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