Friendship Is Awesomes 299 members · 14,365 stories
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Group Admin

Just says your OCs somehow got into the Chocolate Room and Willy Wonka let your OCs to do whatever they want in the room (just don't touch the his beloved Chocolate river as a certain German boy learned that the hard way)

Other than that, what kind of candies your OCs would eating in the Chocolate Room?

Ha! I can't do this post without including the famous Pure Imagination song by one and only.... Gene Wilder!!!!!!!

Astral would be trying a small piece of everything.
Savage would cut the top off of a pumpkin and scoop out the gooey inside with a spoon.
Bluu couldn't since dogs and sugar don't mix well.
Fucanglong would be eating a chewable mint.



Hit would most likely go for the mints, because he likes mints, his favorite candy.


He would go for the chocolates, because it's sweet and he really loves the flavor. It also reminds him of when Celestia gave him a nox of chocolates for their anniversary.

Grasshopper Man

Honestly, he wouldn't eat any of them at all, soley bevause he wants to stay fit. And so many candy around would tempt him to eat and eat. So he wouldn't give a candy a single lick.

Group Admin

BrawnyBold would definitely go for the giant gummy bears on that tree and maybe have some of those flower teacups as well.

Group Admin

Most of my dogs would be unable to enter the room, sneezing from the pure amount of sugar in the place. Celine would make the most progress, but even she probably wouldn't get far before realizing that even the fruits were candy. And not likely a candy that was safe for dogs.

Star would likely be carving a pathway through the candy room, literally just devouring everything in sight. She'd also probably risk falling into the chocolate river... though she does have wings to get her out of that.

Wildvine would be curious in the grass, tasting it to discover it's some kind of sugar grass.

Blaze would be looking for sour patch kids or anything that had spice to it (that girl loves her spice).

Jackknife would make a beeline for the chocolate river, using his water bending abilities to lift the chocolate out of the river and into his mouth without touching it.

Swift would likely perch in the trees, trying to figure out if the candy fruits have seeds in them.

Diamondback would look for rock candies or hard candies, comparing them to her own diamonds and only selecting the ones that look the most similar to eat.

And Luco? He'd probably follow Star's lead, though he'd be testing just how much of the candy room is edible; even licking at the walls, the pavement and the stairwell.

Group Admin

At least, Jackknife find a way of getting chocolate from Chocolate River without falling into it or upset Willy Wonka.

Although, Wonka would gives a "stern" talk for almost falling into his beloved Chocolate River

Willy Wonka: (yelling) MY CHOCOLATE!!!!! My chocolate! My beautiful chocolate!

Dog's Kryptonite: Plain sugar :rainbowlaugh:

I take Blaze prefer hot and spicy foods than sweet candies

Thank for sharing it :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin


Willy Wonka: (yelling) MY CHOCOLATE!!!!! My chocolate! My beautiful chocolate!

Jackknife: Ah, relax, Wonka. I ain't falling in. See? (He scooted further away from the river, while a straw of chocolate formed out of the river and settled in Jackknife's mouth. He leaned back and kept sipping with a content grin)

Dog's Kryptonite: Plain sugar :rainbowlaugh:

It's even more ironic considering how friendly Star Wing is with them, considering that girl is a sugar maniac. :rainbowlaugh:

I take Blaze prefer hot and spicy foods than sweet candies

She thinks they help her flames, and either way, she loves the way they make her tongue tingle.

Anyway, always happy to share. :pinkiehappy:

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