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I absolutely loved Cobra Kai and Season 4 is the best one! You should check it out on Netflix.

Alright, Which Dojos would your OCs likely to be in?

Cobra Kai


Eagle Fang

* Kyan- Miyagi-Do

* Eki- Cobra Kai

* Argo- Cobra Kai

* Felix Phoenix- Cobra Kai

* Bob Wallstreet- Cobra Kai

* Green Hawk- Miyagi-Do

* Thunder Queen- Miyagi-Do

* Borgman- Miyagi-Do

* Dark Mark- Eagle Fang

* Speed Demon Kid- Miyagi-Do

* Insect Girl- Eagle Fang

* Grandmaster Kazuya- Eagle Fang (unlike most of Chimera's members, He's not really villainous character but he's honorable guy who genuinely want to help the civilians and destroy the government's corruption... he may be ruthless but he's not 100 percent vile)

* General Reinhardt Rasputin- Cobra Kai

* Red Star Jin- Eagle Fang

* Static Burst- Cobra Kai

* Dr. Madame Lynn- Cobra Kai

* V- Cobra Kai

* Ryder- Miyagi-Do

* Azazel- Miyagi-Do

* Rash- Miyagi-Do

* Scarlet- Miyagi-Do

So what would Dojo your OCs be? Villainous Cobra Kai, Heroic Miyagi-Do or Anti-Hero Eagle Fang?

Group Admin

Shiva - Miyagi-Do. Shiva doesn't like fighting, and so she'll be interested in ways to end fights quickly. And it's not like she won't need it, since she relies a lot on her powers, and is not as good with hand-to-hand when it comes up.

Luke - Cobra Kai, surprisingly enough. While it is villainous, Luke sees offense as a good defense. Combine it with his wife above, and they pretty much form an Eagle Fang all their own.

Celine - Miyagi-Do; Celine's style revolves primarily around defense; redirecting attacks and subduing targets non-lethally. And plus, she's got the heroic spirit to go with it.

Kodo - Eagle Fang; he likes the mixture of defense and attack, and feels like Eagle Fang is a good place for him since they're also striking out away from a formerly villainous faction.

Logan - Eagle Fang; while Logan's determination means he can soak up a lot of damage, he doesn't just want to defend; he wants to strike back and strike back hard at whatever ticked him off.

Red - Eagle Fang; she likes the mixture of attack and defense it provides, and it also feels like a good way at sticking it to her mom, who would stay in Cobra Kai and thus become an enemy by default.

Darius - Miyagi-Do; he's better with a crossbow than his claws, so something with a bit more defense is better for him, since he mostly just needs to put some distance between himself and his foe. Then he can whip out the crossbow and end it for real.

Myst - Cobra Kai, though mostly because her style is very aggressive and brutal.

Jazz - Miyagi-Do; similar to Wildvine, Jazz likes relying primarily on her saxophone, so something that she can just use for defense is more up her alley.

Star Wing - Miyagi-Do, though she'd also love the mixed teachings of Eagle Fang. Plus, she'd love the name 'Eagle Fang;' she doesn't care that eagles don't have fangs, it just sounds awesome.

Blue Moon - Miyagi-Do, though of course, Ryder better be going with her.

Frost Bite - Cobra Kai; she knows what she wants, and she's going to get it, one way or another.

Fox Hound - Eagle Fang, primarily because she'd be pissed at how Keene took Johnny's dojo away from him, and would seek to aid him in bringing down the corrupted Cobra Kai as a way of sticking it to Kreese since she can't arrest him.

Cat Catcher - Miyagi-Do, as he's a stealth based fighter who doesn't really like attacking all out.

Ricochet - Miyagi-Do, though she would also do well with Eagle Fang and it's mixture of both Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai's teachings.

Wildvine - Miyagi-Do; Wildvine would do well with a defense based style, since she's a bit of a squishy wizard that relies too much on her powers.

Diamondback - Cobra Kai. She's ruthless and determined, and while she can be pragmatic, if it's in her best interests to take someone down, she takes them down with no hesitation.

Jackknife - Cobra Kai, partially because his combat style would fit well with Cobra Kai's aggressive attack based skill set, and because he would love the chance to be their mascot since he's technically a snake.

Swift - Miyagi-Do, believe it or not. Swift's combat style is mostly about priortizing speed and being hard to hit, so he'd benefit more from the defensive style of Miyagi-Do.

Blaze - Eagle Fang, especially once she's turned her back on Luco.

Luco - Cobra Kai, though he'd also be one to jump between Cobra Kai and Eagle Fang on a dime. He's very chaotic and doesn't like being tied down to a single side, which definitely does not make him someone either dojo would want for long.

Group Admin


Myst - Cobra Kai, though mostly because her style is very aggressive and brutal.

TBH, I knew she would be in Cobra Kai due to her being vicious fighter and have No Mercy attitude toward humans.

I imagine her beatdown to one of Cobra Kai's student once the teacher said "Finish him/her" be similar to Hawk's beatdown to one of his former bullies but more bloody.

(Skipped to 0:54)

She would make a great Cobra Kai…. Although, he would also make a scary sensei and probably make the students go through those insane training. 😬😬😬

Fox Hound - Eagle Fang, primarily because she'd be pissed at how Keene took Johnny's dojo away from him, and would seek to aid him in bringing down the corrupted Cobra Kai as a way of sticking it to Keene since she can't arrest him.

Don't you mean Kreese? Keene is Robby Keene.

Out of your OCs in Miyagi-Do, who would hate Wax On and Wax Off lesson the most? The one where the students do those mundane task like cleaning cars, painting the house/fence, sanding the decks and pretty much chores.

Group Admin


I imagine her beatdown to one of Cobra Kai's student once the teacher said "Finish him/her" be similar to Hawk's beatdown to one of his former bullies but more bloody.

Oh yeah; Myst wouldn't be using her knuckles, she'd be using claws. There wouldn't be much left to 'pick up' by the time she was done. :twilightoops:

Don't you mean Kreese? Keene is Robby Keene.

:facehoof: Yeah, sorry. I knew that the guy's name started with K-something, and I didn't want to look it up because I was sure I remembered it. No such luck.

Thanks for catching that. I just fixed it in the edits.

Out of your OCs in Miyagi-Do, who would hate Wax On and Wax Off lesson the most? The one where the students do those mundane task like cleaning cars, painting the house/fence, sanding the decks and pretty much chores.

Shiva - Shiva would catch on to what the lessons were meant for pretty fast, so she wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.

Celine - Celine would love the added benefit of learning on top of being able to help someone with chores that do need to be done, so she'd be okay with it too.

Darius - Darius would be a little confused by it, but he'd just roll with it, probably snarking about how he's pretty much becoming a cleaning service.

Jazz - Jazz would definitely hate the lessons a lot, feeling that the chores thing is kinda beneath her, and that besides that, she's supposed to be learning martial arts.

Star Wing - Star would immediately get where this was going, having read stories about Miyagi and would get into it with gusto.

Blue Moon - Blue wouldn't really voice her opinion and just go along with it, trusting the sensei to know what's best.

Cat Catcher - Cat's an observant changeling, so he'd also figure out what was going on, and work with it. Also, he'd really like the idea of the chores, as it manages to make him look innocent; something he might try and use in his heists where he'll pretend to be a window washer or a painter.

Ricochet - Ricochet, similar to Jazz, would get impatient pretty fast. And while she'd get why they were doing it, she'd still feel that the moves aren't flashy enough, and that they need to have more substance to them. In essence, she'd be eager to get to the part where they actually fight.

Wildvine - Wildvine would complain less in that she didn't get the lessons, and more that she just didn't want to work at all. She's got a few elements of Grif from Red Vs. Blue in her, and while she may be green instead of orange, laziness knows no bounds.

Swift - Swift would be more worried that he was doing something wrong, constantly fretting that he's doing the waxing on and waxing off incorrectly and thus not learning the forms properly.

So, out of all of them, I'd say it'd be a tie between Ricochet and Jazz. Rico because she wants to do something more flashy, and Jazz because she feels her pride's being hurt by training in such a way.

Group Admin


Blue Moon - Blue wouldn't really voice her opinion and just go along with it, trusting the sensei to know what's best.

I imagine Ryder would said something like this while he and Moon sanding the floor.

Ryder: (sanding the floor) I am so glad that I am sanding the floor during daytime cause if I do one of chores at nighttime, I would be exhausted and worried about my arms falling out! Sun! GIVES ME STRENGTH!!!!

Out of your OCs, who would be the top student for each Dojo?

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Ryder: (sanding the floor) I am so glad that I am sanding the floor during daytime cause if I do one of chores at nighttime, I would be exhausted and worried about my arms falling out! Sun! GIVES ME STRENGTH!!!!

Moon would chuckle, glad that she has Ryder with her to make the work load easier.

Out of your OCs, who would be the top student for each Dojo?

:applejackunsure: That's a tough one, but...

Miyagi-Do - Celine. Miyagi-Do's way always seems to be focused on defense and counter-attacks; never making the first move. The other OCs I have may be heroic, but many of them are often too quick to start battles or pick fights. Star Wing and Rico, in particular, are far too gung-ho, and even defensive fighters like Darius or Wildvine tend to strike back, even if it's in alternative methods like crossbows or gas. Celine's focus is mainly on either re-directing strikes or disabling her opponents, to the point where she might become known as the Shield of Shiva, as opposed to Kodo, who is known as the Sword of Shiva, for his more aggressive and attack-based style - one that actually works really well with Celine's defense to allow the two to protect each other. Overall, I feel Celine's the most suited to being the top student.

Eagle Fang - Logan. Eagle Fang, to me, seems to be about balance; balancing the defensive style of Daniel's teachings with the more aggressive style of Johnny's teaching. OCs like Kodo, Fox and Blaze are too aggressive and often forget the defensive part, while others like Red can focus too much on defense and not enough on offense. Logan can defend himself well enough, but is more aggressive than Celine and even willing to pick fights. Plus, his unwavering determination would give him an edge that the others can't replicate, simply for the fact that he won't go down and he won't stop pushing until he gets where he wants to be.

Cobra Kai - Myst. With Cobra Kai's focus on offense and aggression, you need to have a willingness to push things to the brink. Myst stands above all the others on this in one major and very disturbing factor: she is the only one who is absolutely ready to kill. Diamondback comes close, but even she will hesitate, due to Luco telling her, Jackknife and the other dragons that killing is a waste of life and should not be done if it can be avoided. Luco himself hates killing, Frost Bite talks tough, but is still young and not prepared for the emotional turmoil that comes with killing, and Luke learned from Shiva that murder can make things worse. All of the other Cobra Kai OCs have something that usually is holding them back. Myst, on the other hand, has nothing holding her back. If she thinks that someone needs to die, she's going to kill them. No questions asked. And that willingness to go further than anyone else would either land her at the top spot of Cobra Kai... or in a padded cell in an insane asylum.

Anyway, always happy to share.

Thanos - Eagle Fang. Thanos is the perfect balance of aggressive and calm, when he gets in fights he doesn't go for the kill and yet he has some aggressive to his martial arts.

Hit - Miyagi-Do. His fighting style is all about ending fights quickly, even though it would be fitting to put him in Cobra Kai or Eagle Fang. I like Miyagi-Do because of it's spiritual form.

General Grievous - Eagle Fang. Being a general of a Minotaur Army and a dragon slayer. You'd expect him to be in Cobra Kai, and yet he's here. He doesn't just defend, or end fights quickly. During the fights he's calm and tries to find a weakness.

Grasshopper Man - Miyagi-Do. A hero always wants to end a fight before it starts, and end a fight quickly.

Rai Kurkson - Eagle Fang. I don't wanna explain this.

Raven Avis - Miyagi-Do. Being a prodigy that she is, she would learn how to end fights quickly, because a quick one is better than a fight that lasts 10 days.

Chad Chaddington - Eagle Fang. A barbarian, a viking, whatever you call him, he wants nothing but a good brawl. Combining the Yin and the Yang would complete a perfect martial artist... Which he is.

Julia - Miyagi-Do. She doesn't want to fight, but if she gets in one, she wants to end it quickly.

Julio - Miyagi-Do. Same as his assistant.

Rai Kurkson - Miyagi-Do. Grasshopper Man needs to learn from someone.

Aurum Avis - Cobra Kai. He is in Cobra Kaibfor his predatory way of fighting, and besides, "no mercy".

Ivo Ivory - Miyagi-Do. He is not great at fighting, but wants to be like a master since he watched the shows as a kid.

Mr. Mask - Cobra Kai. A man who wants nothing but blood, he will use any tactic to kill his enemy. But he will often use defense to crush his enemies.

Warden Fortis - Eagle Fang. He wants a perfect balance, and being balanced means being unstoppable. Which he wants to be.

Athena Williams - Cobra Kai. Come on, we've seen this coming.

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Yoshifan: hmm I don't know how to fight but this should be fun I guess I'll go to Miyagi-Do lol thats a funny name 😄

I watch this movie and the show

I've never seen Cobra Kai

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