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We will be tackle to my favorite DCEU movie from James Gunn! The Suicide Squad!

Remember, you must kill off half of your OCs or else it wouldn't be called The Suicide Squad. (Which the first one failed on)

Which one that get to live while others get to die since they are on the suicide mission. (Yes, JNKing, you must have to kill half of your OCs whether you like it or not.)

Oh, you must list your OCs' criminal records since most of them are supervillains


Grandmaster Kazuya- Amanda Waller

The ruthless government official at the head of ARGUS.

The difference is unlike Waller, he treat his men very well but he willing to do questionable actions in order to protect the civilians since he knows Government ain't doing good job of protecting them.

Unlike Waller, Kazuya does let the main Suicide Squad to save the city from Argo since he can't stand of letting people die because government's selfish desires.

He does give Dark Mark a second chance to redeem himself for his actions at the end of the film.

Azazel- Rick Flag

A special operations officer who acts as the field commander of the Suicide Squad.

The difference is when Dark Mark killed him in order to stop him from revealing secrets to the press, his final words were...

"Sabrina would've been ashamed of what you have become."

Felix Phoenix- Savant

A highly skilled war veteran.

The difference is Phoenix will be younger than Savant and his guitar would be his main choice of weapon.

Criminal Record: Brainwashing all of his fangirls to commit crimes and assault his hater for insulting his songs

The difference is instead of run away like Savant did, Felix would try to play his guitar super fast in order to blast his enemies but he was quickly gunned down by them fast before he can finish it.

Red Star Jin- Javelin

A former Olympic athlete turned criminal.

The difference is Jin will be more broody than Javelin and his interaction with Scarlet are more like Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl and he's only joins the mission so he can see his little sister again.

Criminal Record: His association with an infamous terrorist organization and assassinated all famous politicians

The difference is unlike Javelin, he does put up in his fight and slashing all of his enemies in half before being gunned down by them... he does gave his sword to Scarlet before he dies.

Scarlet- Harley Quinn

A former psychiatrist turned into a crazed supercriminal.

The difference is Scarlet is less crazy and more nice girl who believes she's in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Criminal Record: Creating a tsunami that flooded the entire city in her rage and killed many fishermen who stand in her ways

Unlike Harley, Scarlet is accompanied by Rash who is the reason for her humanoid body and like Harley, they're escape from bad guys on their own... but she's not the one who killed Argo

Speed Demon Kid- Polka Dot Man

A deeply troubled man afflicted with an interdimensional virus that grants him the ability to shoot plasma blasts in the form of polka-dots.

Unlike Polka Dot Man, the reason why Speed acts like a nervous wreck is because his past bullying with popular girls and his speed powers cause him to hallucinating anyone's face with the face of his old bully.

Criminal Record: Robbed 10 banks and accused of hurting girls

The difference is unlike Polka Dot Man, his death scene is more dignified as he sacrifice his life by saving Insect Girl from Argo's creatures who massacre him which explains of Insect Girl holding a remain of his suit better.

Insect Girl- Ratcatcher 2

A criminal with a handheld device that allows her to control legions of rats.

The difference is she have an actual power of controlling bugs and is born with a condition that made her body look like a giant humanoid bugs.

Criminal Record: Killing the civilians for hurting her babies

Green Hawk- Bloodsport

A former war veteran turned contract killer who gained infamy for putting Superman in the ICU with a Kryptonite bullet.

The difference is his suits is full of multiple swords, knives etc.

Criminal Record: His association with an infamous terrorist organization and a contact killer

His motivation is different. Green Hawk only agrees to join the team is to be reunited with Rei again but to avenge Red Star Jin when he was killed in action.

Unlike Bloodsport, he's the one who killed Argo with Jin's sword before saying "This is for you, Jin."

Borgman- King Shark

A shark-man speculated to be a descendant of an ancient shark god.

He would be given Adaptation Intelligence where Borgman talk normal and is less of a manchild and ironically the Team Dad of the team.

Criminal Record: Weapon of Mass Destruction

Thunder Queen- Mongal

A genocidal alien warrior with a massive hatred of humans.

Unlike Mongal, she doesn't gung-ho on the enemies as she was trying to summoned her storm but she accidentally electrocuted herself to her death when she was standing by a power cable and is burned to dust.

Dr. Madame Lynn- Thinker

A highly intelligent metahuman who serves as the lead researcher of Project Starfish.

She would be composed with Silvio Luna and Mateo Suarez as she's the dictator of a country and forcing all civilians to go through her experiments which make her the prime target of the Suicide Squad.

Like Thinker, she tortures Argo so she can use his power for her experiment and powering her soldiers while betraying the original country leader so she can ruled the country with her iron fist.

Unfortunately, like Thinker, she get killed by Argo after an explosion set him free and he uses his power to crush Lynn to her death.

Bob Wallstreet- Blackguard

A mercenary for hire.

Criminal Record: Killed 1 homeless people

Like Blackguard, Wallstreet is even more pathetic as he wasn't trained killer like the rest of the squad and he was only here since Kazuya is not fond of him and was quickly taking out before he can reveal him selling his team out.

Captain Rover Danger- TDK

A man with the power to make his arms fall off and float around independently from the rest of his body.

Criminal Record: Fraud

Unlike TDK, Rover doesn't have powers (yet) and he relies on his gadgets to make himself look like an invincible superhero even through he's not.

Like TDK, He does survive the massacre and ends up hiding in a country in order to recover his injuries.

Rash- Weasel

A feral and carnivorous weasel man.

Unlike Weasel, Rash is more importance in this one as he's symbiotic with Scarlet and helping her to escape from bad guys and like Borgman, he would have Adaptation Intelligence as well... and he doesn't die in this one.

Criminal Record: Attacking the civilians

Ryder- Captain Boomerang

An Australian bank robber and assassin who utilizes deadly boomerangs.

Unlike Boomerang, he's more nicer and uses his fire powers instead.

Criminal Record: Arson and Fire

Like Boomerang, he does put up in his fight and he saved Scarlet before being sliced to death by a falling helicopter caused by Thunder Queen's storm.

Dark Mark- Peacemaker

A man so committed to peace that he is willing to kill as many people as it takes to achieve it.

The difference is Dark Mark is less crazy but a bit jerk with a burning hatred toward rich assholes.

Criminal Record: Kill a lot of rich people

Unlike Peacemaker, Dark Mark is a reluctant spy who was hired by government so he can destroy the evidence of Argo's existence but he is very hesitant as he grow fond of his team but at the same time, he was blackmailed by them and he was very remorseful when he killed Azazel.

Instead of attempt to kill Insect Girl, he does end up fighting a horde of Argo's creatures as a way to make up for his actions before seemingly died... however, he somehow manages to survived and was given a second chance by Kazuya to redeem himself.

Argo- Starro the Conqueror

A gigantic alien starfish who conquers planets through mind-control.

The difference is he's more wrathful god who is angry with humanity for their pointless conflicts and mistreatment from Madame Lynn cause him to wanting to destroy the humanity for good.

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Amanda Waller - Fox Hound

The Head of Argus. Similar to Kazuya, she would be more of a Mother to her Men; believing in those who fell from grace and assuring them that these missions will help them in atoning for their crimes. However, she is also blunt with them in that these missions must succeed.

Another addition is that Fox Hound would show up to assist in the final fight, becoming enraged by the equivalent to Rick Flagg's death. Additionally, she wouldn't give Peacemaker's equivalent a second chance either. Why? Well...

Rick Flag - Ricochet

Fox Hound's daughter, and the only one she trusts to be the field commander of the Squad.

She's killed by Star Wing, with her last words being, "You may be the hero of your story... but in everyone else's story..." she'd then die, but the final unspoken phrase: "You're the villain," would hang in the air, effecting Star greatly.

Savant - Logan

Different from Savant or Phoenix is that Logan would use his bare fists and be known for his unrelenting determination.

His criminal record would include multiple accounts of defiance against authority figures, assaulting authority figures... overall just being a pain to authority figures.

In a bit of adaptational badassery, Logan would actually take out every enemy on the beach. However, he would be riddled with bullets in the process. But in keeping with his determination, Logan would die standing, having defeated his enemies, and refusing to go down even in death.

Javelin - Swift

Instead of being an Olympic Athlete, Swift would simply be a guy in the wrong place at the wrong time.

His criminal record would only be association with a terrorist.

During the battle, he serves as a sniper, using a bow, wind arrows and gravity itself to cover for the others. Unfortunately, when snipers lock on him, he tries to fly out of their range, and his overseer gets the wrong idea and assumes he's running. As a result, his collar activates, killing him and dropping his corpse next to Blaze, who knew him. Horrified by his death, she takes his bow, which ends up saving the day.

Harley Quinn - Blaze

I often see comparisons between Harley Quinn and Blaze, so I figured why not let Blaze play the part of Harley Quinn.

Her criminal record would include multiple counts of arson, inciting violence, participating in violence and refusal to work with law and order... until now.

Unlike Scarlet, she still kills Alt Shiva; using Swift's bow to do it.

Polka Dot Man - Kodo

Unlike Polka Dot Man, Kodo actually has a good relationship with his mother. However, she was kidnapped by someone, leaving him in a state of paranoia and constantly killing everyone that he believed was involved with his mother's death.

His criminal record includes all these deaths and assaults, until Fox was able to calm him by claiming one of the missions might lead him to his mother.

She ended up being right, but it made his death scene sadder, as it really was his mother their fighting (see her entry below for more info). He tries to appeal to her, insisting that she's better than this and that he believes in her. But she - too far gone to even recognize him - shoots him through the head with a pack link bolt.

Ratcatcher - Jazz

In a version of the Pied Piper, Jazz would use her saxophone to control pretty much every animal.

Her criminal record includes the murder of several people who didn't like her music.

She ends up being vital in the final battle, as her music fights against Shiva's pack link/hive mind control, and allows Blaze to get in the final blow she needs.

Bloodsport - Darius

Similar to Bloodsport, and even with some similarities to Dead Shot, Darius would be an assassin and sharpshooter, with his criminal record being him accepting jobs from terrorist organizations and being contracted to kill multiple targets.

He'd also retain the Team Dad role, though he'd also be a bit more funny with his puns.

King Shark - Jackknife

Both are aquatic based fighters, and Jackknife would similarly serve as the Big Guy of the Group.

Like Borgman, he'd be a bit smarter, though not by much.

Criminal record would include association with a mass terrorist and creating a tsunami that killed several fishermen.

Mongal - Myst

Not much different; both are genocidal warriors with a hatred for humanity.

Similar to Mongal, she'd rush right into the fray, causing chaos among the fighters and carving them up. It'd be thanks to her that Logan was able to take down the entire army, as she took down half of them while he took down the other half.

Before both succumbed to their wounds, they saw each other and exchanged a nod before dying on their feet.

Thinker - Luco

Unlike Thinker, he's not a meta-human, but he's very good at manipulation.

He tortured Shiva into insanity to use her for his experiments, planning to re-enslave Jackknife, Blaze, Swift and Diamondback. However, he does show sorrow when he finds out Swift and Diamondback died on the beach.

But his sorrow doesn't save him from Shiva, as when she breaks free, she crushes his head like a melon before going on her rampage.

Blackguard - Diamondback

Unlike Blackguard, Diamondback is actually trained. And her 'betrayal' is actually her cutting a deal with the guards to let them through without hostilities.

Unfortunately, one soldier takes the opportunity to stab at a chink in her armor just as she thinks she's bought the entire squad a non-fatal way in, and she dies with a surprised, "That's... not what I expected..."

TDK - Blue Moon

Unlike TDK, Moon is the more clear rookie of the group, being younger, but just as eager to help.

When Myst starts tearing through the guards like a badass, Moon tries to join in. Unfortunately, she can't stand up to gunfire the way Myst can, and goes down in a few hits.

Her last words, as she watches Myst and Logan tear through the place, are, "How do they make it look so easy?"

Weasel - Luke

Unlike Weasel, he - in a moment of adaptational intelligence - would admit he's a werewolf, and take some delight in scaring Diamondback when she asks if he is one. Though Diamondback wouldn't be as scared as Blackguard was.

Criminal Record: Multiple counts of assault, and overeager eating of private property.

At first, he'd sink like a stone due to his bulk, and appear to be dead when he sinks right to the bottom. However, at the very end, he climbs out of the water, ready to fight... only to find out he spent the entire movie struggling to get out of the water, and missed out on everything, leading to him cussing out the world.

Captain Boomerang - Cat Catcher

A thief who's cane could double as a boomerang, but is a bit more like a hook.

He has more of a friendship with Rico, who's secretly his daughter. Which makes his death all the more tragic when he tries to get Moon out after she's wounded, only for Myst to slice off a guy's hand as he was about to throw a grenade, causing the grenade to land right in front of Cat Catcher and blowing him up.

Peacemaker - Star Wing

Similar to Dark Mark, Star Wing would be less crazy and more just dedicated to peace.

Her criminal record would be pulling a prank on a corrupt business official which turned fatal when she failed to realize the official was allergic to the nut-flavored ice cream she deluged him in. And since Darius and Myst aren't a thing in this version, Star would be a bit more flirtatious in her rivalry with Darius, with the two having more belligerent sexual tension.

Sadly, she'd also be a spy hired by the government to destroy the evidence of Shiva's existence. She shows extreme remorse when she's forced to kill Ricochet, and Rico's last words effect her to the point that she breaks down when she tries to kill Jazz, admitting she can't do it. She takes so long trying to shoot her, that Darius is able to sneak up on her and bring her down with an arrow to the back.

And when Fox arrives to help and finds Star Wing, Star merely lowers her head in acceptance, as Fox shoots a support beam and crushes her underneath it, avenging her daughter's death.

Starro the Conqueror - Shiva

In this variation, Shiva was captured by Luco - ironically triggering Kodo's start of darkness - and tortured into insanity. Her pack link mutated into a hive mind like method of mind control, which Luco and the government were hoping to use for themselves.

However, Shiva broke free, killed Luco, and after proving she was too far gone after killing Kodo when he tried to appeal to her, Shiva was brought down by Blaze and Swift's bow, as Jazz managed to wrest control away with her music, and Darius and Blaze finally put the old dog out of her misery.

Group Admin

I bet Fox must really hated the government for their involvement of torturing Shiva to do their bidding but they are indirectly responsible for the death of Ricochet since their spy, Star Wing forced to kill her so she wouldn't get the secret out… I know Fox follows the law but would she forgive the government (the one she working for) for the madness they causes? She lost not only her daughter but as well Cat Catcher (although, I doubt she would care for him since he died)

I wonder what kind of dictator Luco would be and how he would ruled the country since the part of the film is about the squad dealing with dictator as well the resistance and Madame Lynn is the "mad scientist"-type dictator and I imagines Luco is a dictator to the country… I wouldn't surprise if he dressed like Bison.

Although, what did he do to the civilians of a foreign country that cause a resistance against Luco?

Ha! Diamondback as Blackguard is so hilarious and her death might be only one that is comical since she didn't see that coming! :rainbowlaugh:

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


I know Fox follows the law but would she forgive the government (the one she working for) for the madness they causes? She lost not only her daughter but as well Cat Catcher (although, I doubt she would care for him since he died)

Oh, she'd still care that Cat Catcher died. But to be fair, he died fighting the enemy - even if Myst technically caused his death, it was an enemy grenade that did him in. Rico was killed by someone that was supposed to be her ally and friend. Ultimately, I think Fox would forgive the government as a concept, but she would hunt down the specific people who ordered Star Wing to cover things up, and she would not only make sure they were exposed and arrested for what happened to Shiva, but Fox would also give them a beatdown so bad, they would be spending their entire prison sentences in the hospital.

I wonder what kind of dictator Luco would be and how he would ruled the country

Specifically, he'd be dressed as Shao Kahn

And he'd run it very similarly to Shao Kahn; in essence, he'd have a massive arena, and invite the people to come in and fight for privileges, supplies, even to settle matters of justice: say someone smashed another person's car? Instead of going to court about it, Luco would just have them fight, and whoever won got a new car, while the other one had to make do with a smashed-up car. People who were good fighters lived in luxury; getting everything they wanted.

People who couldn't fight that well in one on one fights lived in poverty. They ended up forming the bulk of the resistance, as they were tired of playing by Luco's rules, and wanted to give him - and the thugs and bullies that got to the top of his food chain - a much tougher fight than what they'd be able to give in the arena.

Ha! Diamondback as Blackguard is so hilarious and her death might be only one that is comical since she didn't see that coming!

Yep :eeyup:. Diamondback usually thinks she's untouchable since her armor is the strongest in the universe. But if you know the chinks in her armor, you can give her a very harsh wakeup call. As the guy who killed her did.

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Always happy to share.

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