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Group Admin

One-Winged Angel is A Big Bad assumes a monstrous form for combat.

Classic Big Bads have the tendency, when push comes to shove, to turn into big honking monsters. A Mad Scientist in a fit of urgency might down his own Psycho Serum, or a practitioner of Black Magic might mutate himself into an Eldritch Abomination, or... you get the idea. Bets are good they'll become way more bloated, ugly, or plain disfigured. And with this new form, their power grows immensely.

This indicates that the villain means business and it's time for the heroes to get cracking.

So what would be your Villainous OC's more monstrous form aka their One-Winged Angel?

I go first

Eki would let himself be consumed by many Shadow Jackers monsters that he unleashed his true but monstrous form to fight the heroes

Rasputin would consume all souls he took to transform into a giant and more hulk-sized version of himself

Madame Lynn would pilot her own mecha as her own One-Winged Angel form.

As for V... you really don't want to know what is his One-Winged Angel form... trust me.

Group Admin


As for V... you really don't want to know what is his One-Winged Angel form... trust me.

That person is a bag of mysteries, isn't he?

Ah, well. Let's see how my own villains compare...

When Luco decides to get serious, he unleashes a golden ape form similar to a Super Saiyan Oozaru.

The angrier Myst gets, the stronger she gets. So, while she normally looks like an anthro wolf, she'll get more werewolf like and scarier looking the more she's denied her vengeance.

Evil Kodo or Evil Shiva, when fought against for too long, will become more spider-like creatures who's tendrils double as webbing.

Diamondback can literally turn the entire planet into her body, becoming Diamond Gaia.

Jackknife can turn into a leviathan, similar to Perfect Chaos.

And Blaze can summon the very concept of fire, becoming a literal goddess of destruction, not unlike the Phoenix Force from X-Men.

By contrast, Star Wing can summon the inherent power within herself as an alicorn to become a physical goddess of star light. Not villainous, but definitely needed to fight these guys.

Fox Hound - if really-really-REALLY pissed off - can summon the demons from Tartarus, and turn herself into a Fury. A demon that will drag sinners down to the ultimate punishment.

And finally, Frost Bite, much like her mother, is capable of turning herself into an ice dragon capable of freezing time itself.

Group Admin

Since you brought up the good guys, I will show my heroic OCs and their ultimate form

Like Dragon Ball Z, Everyone from all different universe would cheers Kyan and telling him to not give up cause him to unleash his ultimate true form

Speed Demon Kid would bring out his more heroic version of Red Shot called "Turbo Boost" after they manages to cure him from his "Red Shot" condition and unlike his villainous form, he remains himself and control himself as he's more powerful than ever but with power of love.

Insect Girl would transform herself into a giant insect monster if someone keep hurting her babies too many times.

How would Twilight react to see Kyan's true form?

Giant Kyan: Hey, Twi... (chuckling) This is my true form, what do you think?

[Insert Twilight's response]

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Giant Kyan: Hey, Twi... (chuckling) This is my true form, what do you think?

[Insert Twilight's response]

"You look amazing, Kyan!" Twilight would exclaim.

Also, Star would be pretty ecstatic at how similar she and Kyan look to each other.

"We're Space Beings!" she'd cheer, before pausing. "I want to say Space Siblings, but I've always seen you as more of a father figure, so... Space Dad and Space Daughter? Or something else?"

[Kyan's response]

And speaking of heroic forms, I only showed Shiva and Kodo's evil form. Kind of like Speed, when they remember how the Pack Link is meant to be for family and teamwork, they instead become more god-like figures, with Shiva in particular taking after her original inspiration Amaterasu.

I'm also wondering if Fox Hound might get a second form - again, similar to Turbo Boost - where after her wrathful ways result in her being sent to Tartarus alongside the criminals she hated, she reforms and manages to become a restored angel.

Your thoughts?

Group Admin


"We're Space Beings!" she'd cheer, before pausing. "I want to say Space Siblings, but I've always seen you as more of a father figure, so... Space Dad and Space Daughter? Or something else?"

[Kyan's response]

He would chuckles

"Sure, let's be Space Dad and Space Daughter." :raritywink:

I like the idea of them gaining their own heroic form after they reform themselves and they are more powerful than their hatred form like for example

Argo would start off with his Shadow Jacker form after he made a deal with Eki

But once he realizes he was manipulated by Eki and after receiving a slice of humble pie from Kyan, Argo would discard his Shadow Jackers as he regains his former true form.

As for Fox Hound, sure why not... that way it would represent of her making peace with herself and her loved one like Cat Catcher and Rico.

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

For Claw, it would be his dragon force form. Something like this pic here

And if you watch Dragon Ball and read Dragon Ball Super Manga. It's a mixture of Vegeta Ultra Ego and Goku Ultra Instinct

I got kinda scared of those villain pics, but whatever.

In the ultra-rare case Lightning’s controlling a lot of storm clouds, and is extremely angry, she could turn into a huge cloud-pony combo. But that would rarely ever happen.

Aqua has many forms, being a changeling. From tiny and harmless to large and powerful. She very rarely uses her extremely large forms.

On April Fools’ Day, Sky is the ultimate prank queen. Somewhat like Luan Loud. She’s a harmless, regular teen all the other 364 days, but on the first of April, she turns into the ultimate prankster. But she has no big bad form.

And while we’re on this topic, let me share a recipe. It’s for ‘Disaster’. The ingredients required are no sleep, and Dark Wing. You know he’s precise on his four hours of day sleep, which he divides into naps, and two hours of night sleep. If he doesn’t get at least 6 hours of sleep, he gets mad. And believe me, you don’t wanna get this guy mad.

Group Admin

Oh, there was one more form I wanted to throw out there: Blue Moon.

Normally, she's very kind and timid. But she also took lessons from the kirin. And if she's sufficiently angered, she can tap into the dragon heritage Star Wing gave her and unleash an honest to goodness Nidrik form.

Group Admin

I think Ryder would say this when he saw Moon in her Nidrik form.

Ryder: I think I'm in love.

Jin: What?

Ryder: (snapped out) :twilightoops: Nothing, sir!

Group Admin


Ryder: I think I'm in love.

Jin: What?

Ryder: (snapped out) :twilightoops: Nothing, sir!

Star: :rainbowlaugh: Careful, my young friend, and not just of Jin. Usually when Moon's like this, she's like the Hulk; tears apart everything and anything in her path until she calms down. (Pulls an 'Explain-Explain-Oh-Crap' expression.) :derpyderp1: Speaking of which, we should probably put a lid on her anger!

Cue Star, Ryder and Jin trying to calm Moon down before she completely destroyed whatever had pissed her off.

Group Admin


Jin would hugged his daughter tightly even through he knows that hugging her in her Nidrik form will burn part of his body.

Jin: Moon, We're here for you... we are not going away, go same to your partner... so please, go back to my baby girl that I know and love

[Insert Star's response?]

Group Admin


[Insert Star's response?]

A tidal wave crashed into Moon, Ryder and Jin. And before Jin could wonder if Star just threw a bucket of water at them or something, he found her hugging Moon as well, just as soaking wet as they were - thus implying that she had shrouded herself in water and then tossed herself at Moon.

"Moonie, it's okay," Star assured her, as the fires of the Nidrik form were quenched by the flames. "We're here. We're all here."

With her companions reassuring her, and the water quenching her flames, the Nidrik reverted back to Moon.

"Wha..." she mumbled, before blinking. "What happened?" She turned a bright red as she found herself pinned under Ryder, with Star and Jin on either side. "What is going on?"

"Moon!" Star said in joy. "She's back, everyone. And probably needs some personal space."

"Please?" Moon asked, as everyone scrambled off her. She rubbed her head. "Why am I soaking wet?"

"You turned into a Nidrik," Star replied. "You know; those fire spirits the Kirin can turn into. Turns out you have that skill."

Moon blinked in disbelief. "I did?" She stared down at her hand in shock, before Star gently gripped it.

"But it's going to be okay," Star assured her. "It's just a new power that you need to learn how to control. Okay?"

[Insert Ryder and Jin's additions]

Group Admin


"But it's going to be okay," Star assured her. "It's just a new power that you need to learn how to control. Okay?"

[Insert Ryder and Jin's additions]

Ryder: Yeah, don't worry, Moon... I will help you to control your power... after all, I am your partner and we need to have each other's back.

Jin: He's right, my daughter... your mother helped me to become a better person who I am today, so trust in not only your partner but your family as well... (rubbing some of his burn parts) got to say, you really did manages to land hits on your old man... he he he he he he.

He would ruffled Moon's mane.

Group Admin


Ryder: Yeah, don't worry, Moon... I will help you to control your power... after all, I am your partner and we need to have each other's back.

Moon grinned at Ryder's support. "Thanks, Ryder." She almost hugged him, before remembering Jin and settling for a simple smile.

Jin: He's right, my daughter... your mother helped me to become a better person who I am today, so trust in not only your partner but your family as well... (rubbing some of his burn parts) got to say, you really did manages to land hits on your old man... he he he he he he.

She gasped, hesitantly reaching for his burns. "I'm so sorry," she whimpered. "I should've..."

"No, I'm sorry," Star noted. "I thought the water would help with those." She leaned back with a huff. "I got us all wet for nothing." She sighed, before summoning some burn cream and bandages. "Well... hopefully, this will still work."

She'd then set to work on healing her lover, with Moon and likely Ryder helping.

Thanks for sharing. Glad you enjoyed this fiery look into Moon's One-Winged Angel Form. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Got another one; Swift's 'Cardinal of Chaos.'

Based on the Duke of Making a Mess from Ducktales

(0:31 - 1:00)

Combined with Aang's Avatar State from Avatar the Last Airbender. (1:15 - 1:33)

Swift is normally pretty friendly, if a little uptight and jittery, but get him too stressed out, and he'll cause a massive tornado/storm/hurricane to form around him, destroying pretty much everything that's around him and forcing others to leave him alone.

Group Admin

I don't want to mess with him when he is in that state.

Anyway, unlike others, Raziel got 4 stages of his one-winged Angel forms due of his desire of reaching a god level so he can no longer be a nobody anymore. (think like Frieza's transformation)

His first One-Winged Angel Form

His second One-Winged Angel form

His third and penultimate One-Winged Angel form

His God One-Winged Angel form

Your thought on this?

Group Admin

Kinda reminds me of an earlier draft I had for Kodo.

See, Kodo was based off of Bigby Wolf from 'The Wolf Among Us,' who sort of also had three stages that could be considered one-winged angel forms.

Sort of in the same vein, I liked the idea of not just Kodo, but the demi-wolves in general having a 'Feral Mode,' where like Bigby, they became more and more savage and bestial the angrier or more desperate they get, eventually allowing them to achieve dragon sized wolf forms like Bigby.

Raziel really makes me want to bring back the Feral Mode, as while I'll admit it's not like Raziel's forms (which I'm sure he'll like since he wants to be unique), it's also a nice tie-in to how the demi-wolves were based heavily on werewolves.

Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

One more; I know that Blaze had her one-winged angel form, but her future counterpart Phoenix loses this ability after Kodo cripples her.

However, in desperate times, she can still summon a fraction of the power she once wielded as Blaze to become more draconic.

Phoenix has a Samus-inspired suit, so when she goes One-winged angel, she begins to resemble Meta-Ridley - ironically Samus' arch-enemy.

Let it be known that Phoenix hates the power surge she gets when she goes Ridley Mode, as it reminds her of why it was so easy for her to be villainous when she was with Luco as Blaze. So, she never likes to stay like this for long, and her suits are even designed to break apart if she stays in 'Ridley-Mode' for too long. As without the suits, she can't maintain the form.

Group Admin

Wow! At least her suit are designed to break apart before she gives in to that form too much.

I hope someone is there to make sure Phoenix doesn't die after her suit break apart since her suit is only thing of keeping her alive.

Thank you for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


I hope someone is there to make sure Phoenix doesn't die after her suit break apart since her suit is only thing of keeping her alive.

That's why she never strays far from the Union of Knights; especially Jackknife, as Jackknife's symbiote power will ensure she stays alive long enough to get back to Diamondback.

It does result in Phoenix and Jackknife getting shipped a bit - which disgusts Phoenix as she sees Jackknife as a brother - but when given the choice between dying and getting teased for the implications of Jackknife's power, she'll take getting teased any day.

Thank you for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

Sure. Oh, and because I forgot to include this in the first post:

Connors can summon his god power to turn the cloak that conceals him into a portal to one of his storage dimensions. Kind of like Cloak from Cloak and Dagger

If he swallows you up in that cloak, you're pretty much stuck there to be his experiment or object of study. He's also got several outfitted enchantments that prevent people from busting out like Buu did in Dragon Ball Z, ironically enough because Connors has seen feats like Buu and made preparations against them. So, in essence, if he decides to break out the storage dimensions, you're in for a bad time.

Group Admin


Connors can summon his god power to turn the cloak that conceals him into a portal to one of his storage dimensions. Kind of like Cloak from Cloak and Dagger

If he swallows you up in that cloak, you're pretty much stuck there to be his experiment or object of study. He's also got several outfitted enchantments that prevent people from busting out like Buu did in Dragon Ball Z, ironically enough because Connors has seen feats like Buu and made preparations against them. So, in essence, if he decides to break out the storage dimensions, you're in for a bad time.

Wow! I don't want to go into his cloak for sure. :pinkiegasp:

Group Admin


Thanks again for posting and letting me share. These are always a lot of fun. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin

Just realized this, but Jackknife has an alternate evil side apart from his leviathan form.

As a water dragon, he's able to control every type of liquid; from water to drinks to liquid chemicals... and more importantly, to blood.

However, there's a catch. If he blood-bends too much, he unlocks an alternate personality: Kira.

Kira is, for all intents and purposes, a vampire dragon that focuses exclusively on blood-bending. It has all of Jackknife's aggression and anger, but none of his loyalty, only desiring to kill and rip the blood from everything and anyone it can find.

Once Kira is unleashed, it takes a journey to the center of the mind to free Jackknife. And even then, there's always the fear that Kira will separate itself from Jackknife's consciousness. And if it does manage to become it's own creature, well... things are going to get very bloody.

Group Admin


it takes a journey to the center of the mind to free Jackknife.

Oh! Like RWBY Ice Queendom where Shion have a semblance to bring those who are considered the closest to the victim to their nightmare in order to free them from Nightmare Grimm?

Yeah, he need to not use blood-bend too much or else he ends up unleashed Kira.

Thank for sharing his evil side. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Always happy to. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Hey again,

So, I had an idea for an entire arc around a one-winged angel form. Specifically Jackknife's form.

See, as a water dragon, Jackknife can use any type of water, including blood. However, if he blood bends for too long, an alternative personality takes over: Kira.

As I mentioned above, Kira is sort of a mixture of Carnage from Spiderman...

And Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate, including having the voice of Alucard's Abridged actor, Takahata101

However, I had an idea where, after struggling with Kira, Jackknife is forced to separate from Kira, allowing him to become his own person and go on a rampage. However, after battling and taking a fatal blow from Kira, Jackknife summons every last bit of determination and strength he has, a la Undyne turning into Undyne the Undying...

And manages to turn into something like Undyne the Undying, for instance, a Water Dragon God.

Just like how Speed has Red Shot and Turbo Boost, Jackknife would have Kira and his Water Dragon God forms, the latter of which would only be unlocked when Jackknife nearly died to Kira.

Your thoughts?

Group Admin

That's awesome to see Jackknife gains a new form that not only combat against Kira but to show that he's done playing game with Kira anymore and beat the living crap out of him.

No wonder why Jackknife doesn't want to go into Aura's body (beside he doesn't like anyone treat him as a medic) because he knows going into his body would lead to Jackknife and Kira's situation.

Thank you for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


No wonder why Jackknife doesn't want to go into Aura's body (beside he doesn't like anyone treat him as a medic) because he knows going into his body would lead to Jackknife and Kira's situation.

Yep; he won't admit it now, but the idea of bringing out Kira scares him. And being stuck in a body filled with blood? Might as well be ringing an alarm clock for Kira to come out and cause trouble.

Here's hoping that Jackknife can contain him long enough to finish the mission, and if not, that his Water Dragon God form will be enough to defeat Kira.

Thank you for sharing it. :twilightsmile:

Always happy to share. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Hey again,

So, after Blaze was revived in 'Return to Us,' I wanted to go into some details on her new abilities and her One-Winged Angel Form, or as I like to call it, the Ridley Form.

In essence, Blazing Phoenix (Blaze and Phoenix merged into one) has three forms. Her natural form looks like Samus Aran.

Complete with the glow, as she now has Blaze's power nestled inside the suit. And for good reason.

If she needs it, she can upgrade to the Meta-Ridley form, where her suit opens to let her become more draconic and letting her use more of her strength and firepower.

However, she can now go one level up from that. If things are really bad, Blaze can completely shed her suit and unleash the 'Ridley' form. So, imagine normal Ridley:

But on fire.

But here's the thing; in her 'Ridley' form, it's not just fire coming off her. Due to Blaze and Phoenix's souls merging, their flames got more powerful than before, transcending simple elements and becoming pure destructive energy.

So, everything that's around Blaze while she's in this form will destroy itself. It's like a terrifying combination of fire and acid; it burns through pretty much everything she's close to, and if she's not careful she will risk it getting out of control and even hurting others.

Hence why she doesn't like using the Ridley form unless she has no other choice.

As a result of this upgrade, I'm thinking of also giving Phoenix traits of TaliZorah Vas Normandy from Mass Effect.

But with a twist: Tali needs her suit because without it, she would die due to the weak immune system her species has. In Phoenix's case, she needs her suit because without it, everyone around her would die due to the Ridley form.

Your thoughts on that?

Group Admin

Very interesting and glad that Blaze is back since both Luco and Jackknife were in big depression after her death. (I also glad Myst's back to the good side since Speed would hate himself for something bad happened to Myst)

Anyway, cool concept and very great character development for both of them.

Phoenix finally embrace her Blaze side while Blaze becomes humble and not wanting everyone to die.

Thank for sharing with it. :twilightsmile:

NOTE: I am posting about Raziel as he turn himself in to Heavenly Knights after playing a role in setting Myst's path to good.

Group Admin


Very interesting and glad that Blaze is back since both Luco and Jackknife were in big depression after her death. (I also glad Myst's back to the good side since Speed would hate himself for something bad happened to Myst)

Glad that Blaze was missed. Though Luco's got a pretty fun plan to celebrate - and also work out some issues he had towards her dying - on April Fools.

And, of course, Myst is going to be happy that she can still be with Speed, since he's easily her best friend.

Phoenix finally embrace her Blaze side while Blaze becomes humble and not wanting everyone to die.

Indeed; both characters have grown, and I look forward to seeing what they can do together. Though I also imagine there's going to be some confusion between Riverstone and Gladius since River was Blaze's lover while Phoenix is Gladius'. Though considering Blaze and River were more friends with benefits, I imagine it'll be worked out quickly enough.

Thank for sharing with it. :twilightsmile:

Always happy to share. :pinkiehappy:

NOTE: I am posting about Raziel as he turn himself in to Heavenly Knights after playing a role in setting Myst's path to good.

:raritystarry: Awesome. I look forward to seeing it. 👍

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