Friendship Is Awesomes 298 members · 14,230 stories
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When you are developing your OCs, what are things regarding your OCs originally envisioned or elements that didn't make the cut?

I go first.

Kyan- He wasn't meant to have his own name and was just a "God" OC with no name as a way to respond to those hypothetical MLP post but since a lot of others' OC have names, I decides to give him one so he can have his own name.

Eki- I wasn't intended to gives a proper leader of Shadow Jackers since the initial concept of Shadow Jackers that they would be collective swarms but I need someone that would make it personal for Kyan and thus, Eki is born. He was originally going to have connection with Chimera with Raziel being his main follower but I cut it out for a reason which I will get to that later.

Argo- Again, I only wanting all Multiversal gods beside Kyan to be corrupted by Shadow Jackers and lock away but when someone post a hypothetical Movie post where we make our own movie, I need a villain that could fit as a main villain of my movie and that's how Argo came about.

Felix Phoenix- Surprising, he was supposed to be Eki's son and have a great relationship with him but I worried that it make Eki too sympathetic and I end up scrapping that idea and have him being hired for gun by Eki. (I end up reusing the son's element with Rash)

Bob Wallstreet- i originally didn't intend to give Felix his sidekick but I just like the idea of him having his Smee-like sidekick.

Green Hawk- His original personality was he was supposed to be a ladies man and was more of Spike Spiegel-type guy and him accidentally killing his mother when he was a kid would have been his original core elements before I completely changed him into a blooding samurai who blame himself over the death of his surrogate little sister. I also cut out the romance stuff between him and Thunder Queen as it just didn't work for me.

Borgman- Him acting Team Dad wasn't meant to be part of his personality at first but I eventually incorporate it since I like the idea of him acting like a literal dad to anyone.

Dark Mark- He was supposed to be ultra villainous who would treat others like shit and do questionable action to get the job done but I realizes that it would him way unsympathetic to the reader and I tone down his behavior and have him targeting at rich scumbags instead.

Speed Demon Kid- He was supposed to be very strange guy like Polka-Dot Man from The Suicide Squad and very eccentric guy who act very weird to others but I end up revision him as the most kindest and shy guy who treat others with kindness.

General Reinhardt Rasputin- In my original concept of him, his powers would have been all 4 elements like Fire, Water, Earth and Wind but he would be too easy for other elements fighters and I change him into a Russian Shang Tsung with a voice of Joker.

Rei- Originally, Rei was meant to be brought back to life and becomes Static Burst but I feared that it would be a bit predictable and I end up having the soul of actual Rei (Jin's sister) being destroyed by Rasputin and a computer clip named Program Six-Seven ends up becomes Rei.

Ryder- I was toying with the idea of him having another friend beside Blue Moon and that friend would have been a female dragon who would have a crush on him but end up becoming increasingly jealous toward Blue Moon since she spent more time with Ryder than her and start to become Yandere toward Ryder that she ends up joining Chimera so she can kill Moon and get Ryder for herself but I end up scrapping that idea as it becomes too complicated and the love triangle was ultimately unnecessary.

Azazel- He was supposed to be V who would have manipulate the heroes and he was more of Syndrome-type character who lies about the existence of Heavenly Knights and was a mole sent by Chimera to fool the heroes but again, not only i end up liking the idea of Heavenly Knights being real but I just can't bring myself to do that to Azazel, so I end up creating Raziel to take his place as V.

Raziel- I originally envisioned him to be the biggest asshole character with no redeemable qualities since i didn't want to make a Dog villain OC that were too similar to Kodo and Myst and I wanted Raziel to stand out from them but eventually, I felt Raziel would fit better as a tragic villain than a hate sink villain... although, I did gave him a different motivation than Kodo and Myst whose motivation involves their pack. He was originally to be working with Eki but I cut out that connection since it wouldn't make sense for Raziel to be Eki's follower since he hate the idea of being a follower as it wouldn't make him stand out and it would make him a nobody which he hate. So yeah, Raziel is doing on his own.

Rash and Scarlet- I didn't have intention of creating a rebel Shadow Jacker since they are meant to be monsters that need to be destroyed but AstralFlare42 pitch me the idea of a Thorax-like Shadow Jacker that i got hook on the idea and while I did struggles with his host, JNKing help me with the host which Rash and Scarlet are born! I added the romantic aspect later on cause I thought they would make a cute couple and I like the idea of them as my Beauty and the Beast OCs. :heart:

Axel- I initially against this OC at first but I eventually creates him after the ending of No Way Home and Qrow's bad luck semblance inspires me to creates Axel.

What is a 'god' to him, actually? :trixieshiftright: Everyone have a different meaning about this word.

I remember when I created Amelia, a god cat of creation and Diana, the god cat of death, I actually ask that question of myself.

Aura: Aura was actually never supposed to exist at all. When I wanted to create post involving OC's it was supposed to be just Mystic and Para-Twi. He would of been mentioned by Mystic, but I wanted him to have a brother that he could rely on, and thus, Aura Kaiser was born. Plus, Aura Kaiser is a character I wanted to use when I create my own video games, as well as the Guardians.

Levi: Levi was originally going to be Aura's sidekick. Clinging onto his side and never leaving his sights as if he was a puppy. But I wanted him to be more independent yet still have that same loyalty.

Lü Bu: I wanted to make Lü Bu into Kenpachi from Bleach, but I didn't just want him to be identified as just a brute. He was my first OC after all so I made him as a kind of warrior teacher in a way.

Aster: Originally, Aster was going to be more of this elderly wolf being, but I gat his inspiration from my childhood dog, who acted like a puppy through his entire life. So I created Hati for Jason, who was a character in a story that I'm currently writing, and turned Aster into a kid.

Inanis: Inanis was supposed to be more like the Joker at first. An entity created from the eons of pain and suffering Aura had suffered and the result of him trying to separate all of that from himself, thus creating Inanis.

Orion: Originally, Orion was supposed to still be on the team, but I figured that turning him into a villain would give Luke his own "villain" as a member of the dimension Guardians.

Group Admin

:raritystarry: A trip down memory lane. I love this.

Alright, here we go.

Shiva - Shiva started off as pretty much a copy of Amaterasu from Okami, being a goddess like figure that protected the world. After I played Mortal Kombat X, however, I liked the idea of her being like Kotal Kahn, since both he and Amaterasu were associated with the sun. However, my initial drafts had her as very harsh and very hostile towards my human protagonists, with her ironically being more like Myst. After some of my beta readers noted how they found themselves hating her and seeing her more as a villain than an anti-hero, I realized I needed to step things up, especially since I was considering making her Kodo's mother at that point (see his entry below for more details) and I needed her to be somewhat likable. Then I thought, 'wait, they have no context for why she was like that,' and with help from stories such as 'Misunderstandings' and 'Drawn with the Night' I came up with a backstory for Shiva where she was abused as a dog. Then, despite the backstory being meant to explain why she was mean, her personality did a complete 180 through the story, and she became more like the benevolent dog that we all know her as today.

Luke - Luke started off completely different from who he is now; when I came up with him, the entire premise behind him was that he was a death seeker who wanted to die after losing his family - this aspect may come up again if Shiva dies. Like with Shiva, I gave him a backstory as well, with him actually being a toxic influence on Shiva at first, inspiring her to do more violent actions, and regretting it later, hence why he was a death seeker. Of course, as mentioned, beta readers hated his characterization during his toxic phase, so I ended up toning that back as well, ironically reversing it so that Shiva was actually the one holding him back. I was a huge fan of Lucario, and took some aspects from the Lucario pokemon, especially their calmer temperaments. The Luke we all know now was almost done, but I still felt he was too stoic and not very interesting. So, I ended up giving him the traits of a real life dog I used to walk - Duke - who would literally eat anything he could see or chase after anything I told him to chase. I upgraded Luke's version so that he fought or ate everything he saw, gave him development with Shiva being the one to restrain him rather than him encouraging her darker side.

Celine - Celine started off as a copy of the character Sphinx from a lesser known video game I liked called 'Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy.' I initially just had her as this copy for a while, before I watched RWBY, and liked the idea of her and Kodo being based on Blake and Adam, only with them being siblings instead of lovers. From there, I fleshed her out further, with her becoming Shiva's daughter, and gaining aspects from both Krystal and Fox of Star Fox and Kate from Alpha and Omega. But there isn't much that has changed from her aside from the backstory I gave her that's based off Blake and Adam's storyline from.

Kodo - Kodo was initially based off Bigby Wolf from the Fables comics; or his better known alias, the Big Bad Wolf of Legends. Originally, he was going to be one of Wing's main antagonists - a figure very similar to Ra's al Ghul or Mr. Freeze who wanted to use Wing to destroy humanity in revenge for them killing his mother - though I also had plans for him to make a Hazy-Feel Turn that didn't stick, and led to him dying by another character's hand - a character I ended up scrapping. The character - ironically - was based off Wolf O'Donnell from Star Fox, and I ended up incorporating some of Wolf's aspects into Kodo. The main draw about him was how he 'was' a bad guy, but loved his family, especially his mother, which led to the development of Shiva, as I didn't like the idea of his mother just being a generic 'nice girl' who's sole purpose was to die so that we felt bad for Kodo. Watching RWBY gave me the idea that Kodo could be a better version of Adam, and pretty soon, that led to the majority of his characterization forming as ideas of how I would've written Adam differently.

Logan - Logan was originally created from me watching 'Chicken Little.' I hated how the other characters treated Chicken Little, and came up with an original character that sort of served as a mentor and big brother figure to him. He was originally called 'Lone Wolf,' in keeping with how most of Chicken Little's friends were named after terms for outcasts - Runt of the Litter, Fish out of Water and so on. Of course, I had to come up with an explanation for why he was willing to stick with the little guy, and after watching 'Sing' with the character Johnny, who's father was a criminal, I liked the idea of Lone - or Logan as I would start calling him - being the son of a criminal as well. Dots connected, and before I knew it, Logan was Kodo's son, dealing with the fallout that his dad went through, and leading to my writing 'Lone Wolf of Equestria,' itself inspired by Bronywriter's 'No I'm not a Brony, Get me out of Equestria.'

Red - Red was originally based on Ruby Rose from RWBY, but didn't have much else going for her. Funny enough, after Myst's own development - see below for more details - a comparison to Ada Wing from Resident Evil gave me the idea to give many of Myst's original characterizations to Red, with her becoming a bit more coy and mysterious - though I didn't get the chance to show that when I first dropped her, as her main role then was to explain how Logan could be Kodo's son, since he needed a mother alongside a father, and I didn't like the idea of leaving even one of his parents nameless like many other cartoons like Ducktales might do.

Darius - Darius was a combination of two of my favorite sniper characters - Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead, and Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect. I also originally had a story based on Balto, where Darius had been one of Kodo's crew before being caught by Fox Hound and serving as one of her assistants, all while another of Fox's partners (a blatant rip-off of Steele) belittled and mocked Darius for being one of Kodo's crew, which wasn't helped when Darius' old flame (Myst, though back then she was known as Banshee) tried to tempt him back to evil. The character ended up getting scrapped, and for now, Darius' plot line of being a former villain that managed to fully turn good has been scrapped as well. For now, he's mostly been floating around in my roster, with me wanting to do something with him, but not fully sure what. I ended up making him Myst's husband and Red's father to explain where Red came from after questions arose on this forum about who her parents were (made sense too, since Myst/Banshee was going to be Darius' temptation towards the dark side in his story), and I've pretty much been keeping him around as I try to figure out what to do with his character.

Myst - Funny enough, Myst was originally inspired by Kasumi Goto of Mass Effect, being a perky, happy-go-lucky thief and trickster that enjoyed messing with others. However, after Shiva and Luke got adaptational heroism, I still felt that they needed some sort of temptress to try and pull them down the road of villainy. Myst was the first one I came up with, but her perky personality didn't quite fit for how she could reasonably tempt Shiva or Luke. So, I gave her an adaptational angst upgrade, switched her backstory to her being abused as well, and made her more like Koba from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Funnily enough, her angst upgrade mirrors that of Black Orchid from Killer Instinct, who was originally also very coy and playful in the original Killer Instinct, but then became more serious and angry in the reboot they made in 2013. I also combined her with Darius' old flame Banshee, who would have also tempted Darius to go back to villainy as well. Overall, Myst became the one that tempts the wolves to do evil, though I didn't want her to be without her sympathetic moments, and as this forum has shown, there's a lot more to her than just tempting others to do bad things.

Jazz - Not a lot of development went into this one - I saw Transformers, liked the name 'Jazz,' and made a character based around the name. I've still been trying to figure out what to do with her since.

Star Wing - Just like Lü Bu is Auramastermg's favorite and first, Wing is my favorite and first OC. Originally, she was a black dragon, similar to Toothless, with a wacky personality to compensate for the fact that she looked evil. She was also inspired by Pinkie Pie, with her being one of several dragons that Spike would have met and formed his own dragon version of the Elements of Harmony with. Also, as I developed my 'Of Scales and Fur' storyline, I liked the idea of Wing being the hero; I revised her from a pure black dragon to a dragon dog hybrid, born to bring peace to a war that had been going on between the dragons and the wolves. However, my original plan of her being the Pinkie to Spike's Twilight still remained, and it was my dream to get her into a fanfic. Silver Dragon Blade Wing gave me the perfect opportunity with his post about an OC that was Luna's foal, as while I had to switch Wing from being a dragon to being an alicorn, I still felt that it fit; as Wing was night-themed, her being Luna's daughter made sense. I could still have her be a dragon since Alicorns are supposed to be good at magic, and so I could have her shapeshift and justify it by explaining how she liked dragons. It even had an explanation for why she acts so differently to how she looks - she was bullied for her looks and told she was going to be evil, so she tried to show that she was good through and through. Overall, the post and the story it was borne from - 'Survival of the Wolves' - wasn't what I was hoping it would be, but I'm still happy with the characterization it gave Star Wing.

Blue Moon - Originally, Blue was going to be Wing and Darius' daughter. I had a plan where after Darius managed to escape Myst's toxic influence, he went on the road for a journey of self-identification, and ran into Wing, with the two hitting it off and having Moon as a result. Moon herself had very little characterization, though I did like the idea of her being an archer like Darius, and that led to me drawing comparisons to her and Clementine from the Walking Dead, who forged a lot of her personality. Even now, I'm still working on her, but I'm glad I've been able to flesh her out with this site and all you wonderful writers. :twilightsmile:

Frost Bite - Frost was originally an ice dragon, pretty heavily based on Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat, and a bit on the Prince from Prince of Persia, Sands of Time. After watching Spartacus: Blood and Sand, I liked the idea of Frost's scar - a trait she picked up from Sub-Zero- actually being a handicap for her, leading to her developing the superiority complex she would carry as no one took her seriously as a fighter. Also, when I started coming up with the different breeds of dragons, I had trouble deciding if Frost should be a water dragon that controlled ice and was either a daughter or a rival (or a daughter who wanted to surpass her father) to Jackknife, or an earth dragon that could solidify water and was a rival to... yeah, her being a rival to Jackknife used to be a big thing for her. After pondering it for a time, I noticed on the forum that Star was getting cozy with Blizzard Ice, and got the idea to switch Frost's heritage completely, turning her into the unicorn daughter of Star Wing and Blizzard Ice, with her inheriting Blizzard's ice powers, strengthened by her mother's magic.

Fox Hound - Fox hasn't changed a lot from my original conception of her. Based off Carmelita Fox from Sly Cooper, and Valerie Gray from Danny Phantom, Fox was originally a human known as Valerie Fawkes. I even had a short story idea where she comes to Equestria, and arrests literally everyone - even the princesses. It was a really strange story that I'm ultimately glad I scrapped. I decided instead to have her be born an earth pony, and worked it from there, but her personality and skills have largely remained the same, with her being one of my more static characters.

Cat Catcher - similar to Fox, Cat was originally a human named Kyle Hardy, with his name being derived from Selina 'Catwoman' Kyle of Batman fame, and Felicia 'Black Cat' Hardy from Spiderman. (You can even see where I got his name; I inspired both from Cat themed super heroines). Despite the naming, he was originally conceived from watching Sly Cooper, though he did have plenty of both Hardy and Kyle's flirtatious attitudes, even if he was still a guy. Having him be a changeling if Fox was going to be a pony was a really easy decision. And despite their animosity, they were conceived together, being based off of Sly and Carmelita's relationship and the 'Dating Catwoman' aspect as a whole. Though sadly, I never developed them much beyond that.

Antenna - Antenna was originally a human known as Anaconda, real name Catherine Madden. She was based off the titular Catherine from the video game... well, Catherine. A sultry femm fatale who tempts men into games of terror and death. I toyed for a time between whether Anaconda was going to be a straight up succubus that captured men and turned them into sex slaves, or just a femme fatale like Ada Wong. Ultimately, I embraced the idea of her being a changeling queen, since it was pretty much letting her be both at once, though I did also tone down her villainy a lot, as she originally would have captured ever male she could get and either kept them as sex slaves, or drugged them into monsters that sexually attacked anything she wanted them to - which I also imagine Kyan, Aura and all the others wouldn't have taken kindly to. :twilightoops: Luckily, Lady Umbra had asked my help in the 'Kung Fu Equestria' series, and I was allowed to insert Anaconda - or Antenna as she was known - into that story, with her being the wife to Thorax and Queen of his Hive. That characterization has stuck, though I also added Cat being her son as an extra justification for why Fox is hesitant about Cat, though I imagine her hesitation would be more justified if Antenna was her original villainous 'Anaconda' persona.

Ricochet - Rico was inspired by the 'Spider Girl' comics; featuring the daughter of Spiderman. I absolutely loved the idea, and tried to make one for my own, with 'Ricochet' actually being the name of an alias Spiderman once used when he couldn't be Spiderman for a brief period of time. She also got traits from Madison Paige of Heavy Rain, in how Madison was a journalist and how Rico herself loved recording everything she could see. She also got inspiration from the El Tigre cartoon, specifically in how her parents are both hero and technically villain, and she has to decide which one she wants to be. I also ended up combining her with another OC I had - Carol - from 'Wolves of Equestria' specifically with her unrequited crush on Logan.

Jackknife - Originally, Jackknife was inspired by Percy Jackson of the Olympians. He was also going to be the 'Rainbow Dash' equivalent of a group of dragons Spike would've met and befriended to form his own dragon version of the Elements of Harmony. However, I kept having trouble figuring out how they would meet and interact, and ended up placing him into these forums as one of Luco's minions, as Jackknife wasn't a classic sea serpent, and I wasn't sure how else he could join, hence why he's not usually as villainous as Luco is, and tries to be more friendly - he was originally meant to be Spike's friend, not Luco's minion.

Swift - Similar to Jackknife, Swift was going to be the 'Fluttershy' of the group of dragons Spike met and befriended. I even had an idea where he was the result of a griffon and dragon mating, and had been abandoned due to being considered a freak. This sort of carried over into him being Luco's minion, with Luco finding his egg and adopting him while also giving him power over wind. Ironically, Swift also had the biggest change in personality; originally, he was way more stoic and thoughtful, being more of a leader figure than anything else - he was inspired by Jason Grace of the Heroes of Olympus series. But I felt that made him too boring, and tried a few other tactics. After almost making him the 'Rarity' of the group, with him being more pompous and arrogant, I instead decided to make him more cowardly and hesitant like Fluttershy, leading to the air dragon we know today.

Blaze - I know what you're thinking; Blaze was going to be one of Spike's friends too right? Actually, no. She was originally based off of Yang Xiao Long, and would have gone on adventures with Red. However, after I read Wings of Fire and fell in love with Peril, I liked the idea of Blaze being the Harley Quinn to Luco's Joker, which I incorporated into my fic 'Wolves of Equestria' where she causes trouble for Logan alongside Luco. However, after that, I got an idea where Blaze ends up losing her powers like Jaime Lannister losing his hand. I ended up combining her with Firedance - a stunted runt of a dragon who would have been one of Spike's friends - and came up with a storyline where Blaze starts out as Luco's most loyal henchmen. However, Kodo or Shiva end up taking away her powers - which I tried to show in the 'antagonist destroyed' post - and she ends up compensating by becoming a tinkerer and crafter like who Firedance was, eventually finding that she liked her depowered state and choosing to stay like it when Luco offered to turn her back.

Luco - Inspired directly by Discord, Luco was pretty much Discord and Joker wrapped up in one colorful bow in every way; he starts off as an antagonist to Wing, but slowly becomes more of a mentor to her, enjoying bantering with her. I even once considered romance - at least on Wing's side - blossoming between the two, before deciding I liked Luco more as an asexual. Interestingly, he got a huge villain upgrade in my standalone 'Of Scales and Fur' novels, where it's revealed he caused the entire dragon dog war that's been going on in that book. Ironically, while I do cite him as my most powerful character in these forums, he's only the second antagonist faced in my standalone series, with Shiva discovering his conspiracies and leading a hunt against him, and other villains coming up after him. In fact, I'm not sure if he'll even get to meet Wing or challenge her the way I intended. Of course, the future isn't set in stone, so we'll find out eventually.

Diamondback - In keeping with the dragons above, Diamondback was going to be the 'Rarity' of Spike's group. However, I got inspired by RWBY, and liked the idea of Diamondback being like Jacques Schnee, upgrading her to an antagonist, while one of her children would have become Spike's friend instead. Worrying about making her too evil, I then gave her Scrooge McDuck's backstory, in how she started out with nothing, and now seeks to have everything. Granted, she's still a bit more evil than Scrooge, but I want her to also feel morally flexible, so that she knows not to tick off villains or heroes more powerful than her, and even have good intentions behind her.

Wildvine - When I first came up with Wildvine, her main gimmick was just 'hippie dragon.' Yes, she was originally a dragon. I liked the idea of her becoming the 'Rarity' of the group, though only because Diamondback was supposed to be the 'Rarity' but then ended up betraying Spike and the others, with Wildvine disapproving and helping Spike and the others escape her. I eventually switched her to a pony because Diamondback originally started off as a pony before getting Luco's deal, though I have considered switching Wildvine back to being a dragon again. I'm not really sure.

Bang Fifigara - Bang's also one of my more static characters. His gimmick is that he's manly despite having pink scales and... yeah, that's pretty much it. I based him off the pink skin from Captain Falcon (or should I call it 'Captain Fabulous?'), and gave him a background appearance in my 'Of Scales and Fur' novel, but overall, I'm still trying to figure out what to do with him. I like his character (which was also inspired by Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist), but I'm not sure what I can have him do, since Blaze already fills the role as one of Spike's friends. I might end up having Bang be Shiva's friend and contact for the dragons, as he's meant to be a pure Equestrian dragon as opposed to the others being hybrids, but... again, we'll see.

Danielle Dolores Dixon - the second character I ever created; Dixon was inspired by Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy, later getting elements of Daxter from 'Jak and Daxter,' Kazooie from 'Banjo-Kazooie' and Jeff 'Joker' Moreau from 'Mass Effect' added in. I originally thought of Dixon being Wing's rider and sidekick (as Wing was originally a dragon), but then decided against it since Jak and Daxter had worked with Daxter doing most of the talking while Jak was more stoic. Wing's more impulsive and does plenty of talking herself, and I feared having her and Dixon together would just make them too obnoxious to like. In my standalone novel 'Of Scales and Fur' I ended up making Dixon Bang's rider, though even then, I'm worried the personalities really don't mix well together, though I can't do much about it, since the book's already published :facehoof:. Overall, Dixon's again one of those characters I really like, but I can't figure out what to do with.

Allison ‘Tex’ Churchill - Originally based off of Agent Texas from Red Vs. Blue, I liked the idea of her being an actual Texan, and toned back her fighting skills to instead make her more of the classic gunslinger, taking notes from Erron Black. In my 'Of Scales and Fur' novel, I also have her as Swift's rider, with Swift allowing her to snipe foes from pretty much anywhere, and guiding her bullets so she rarely - if ever - misses. I also intended for them to end up forming a gang together, or at least keeping peace in a gang-ridden land. We'll see what happens, though in terms of fanfics, I'm not really sure what to do with her.

Smith - Smith was literally based on one of my closest friends in real life; my cat Smith. After he passed away, I created the character to remember him by, and given that Smith IRL was loud and gluttonous, I ended up giving him some traits of Wario, specifically him as a biker and a mercenary. However, beyond that, I've had trouble figuring out what to do with him. I'm considering a path for him in the standalone novels where he finds Wing the same way I found Smith IRL as a stray, with him taking her in the same way I took Smith IRL in, but we'll see where that goes.

Lizzie - Lizzie (Celine's daughter) is based on my own dog, Lizzie IRL, and even directly mentioned to be her reincarnation, with hopefully her personality intact. As with Smith, I'm still figuring out what to do with her, but I really hope to be able to utilize her.

Nick Connors - Originally inspired by Mitch Connor of South Park and Lemony Snicket from a Series of Unfortunate Events, I liked the idea of Nick being a mysterious traveller who recorded my stories for others. In a way, he was the narrator of my tales, just as Lemony Snicket was for the Baudelaire's. Due to him being omniscient enough to know what everyone was doing, I made him more powerful, and even gave him Mitch's teleportation ability where he seems to be able to leave and possess Cartman whenever he wants. Ultimately, he lost his role as narrator, but was replaced as a still very powerful and dangerous info-broker, similar to the Shadow Broker from Mass Effect. He also ended up becoming the King in my standalone fantasy, and I intend to see where I can take him being a ruler in there. With all that power, I wasn't sure how to transfer him into the fanfics, and after liking Kyan and Aura, decided to have Connors be their equivalent, since he's, for all intents and purposes, the god of the 'Of Scales and Fur' universe, making sure that it works according to his design.

General Drake - Drake was inspired by William Carver from Telltale Games' The Walking Dead. Though he was meant to be a villain, there was something I really liked about him: I'm not sure if it was the performance by Michael Madsen, the slightly more sympathetic motives he had in Episode 2 where he seemed genuinely concerned for his people or his respect for Clementine. Either way, I wished that he hadn't been the antagonist, and crafted a character who was slightly more reasonable. From there, I took his social darwinistic views and upgraded him to a leader of dragons, with some inspiration from Daenerys from Game of Thrones. His ability to bring down dragons with a single punch was a logical next step. Ironically enough, he was also very antagonistic in my first drafts, being a direct expy of Beast Breaker and being the one who broke Shiva. However, I didn't like the idea of Drake being pure evil, and thus gave him some adaptational heroism, with him being more sympathetic if still suspicious of the wolves. Dreyfus (Gary Oldman's character) from Rise of the Planet of the Apes was a direct inspiration in giving him some needed adaptational heroism.

Brock - Another very minor character, I've flip-flopped on whether Brock is a really powerful earth dragon, or a very strong human. Either way, his main gimmick is that he's a guardian who doesn't really express himself that much, but is much smarter than he lets on. In the standalone novel 'Of Scales and Fur,' he's full human and Diamondback's rider, which I adapted into being her previous mate in the fan fiction forums. Still figuring out where he can go from here.

Group Admin

Very interesting of how your OCs start off. Yeah, Kyan would put Antenna in a death loop if she tries to do that. I knew there was up between Wing and Darius but didn't know about Moon being initially Darius' daughter.

What do you think about early versions of my OCs as well the ideas for them that I ultimately scrapped?

I have considered about ret-conning Speed's mother where she is surprisingly immune to Zeronos' effect but she faked it cause like Axel, she lead a dangerous life with a lot of enemies coming after her and she ultimately put Speed for adoption to protect him from her enemies while Axel is assumed she "forgot" about him, left Speed to protect him from his own enemies as well. (They do care about him through and often send gifts or something to cheer him up)

Your thought?

Group Admin


Very interesting of how your OCs start off. Yeah, Kyan would put Antenna in a death loop if she tries to do that.

Yeah, figured as much. :twilightoops: And even with her adaptational heroism, Rash still went old school on her. Really shows her not to mess with Rash's family... even if she is technically part of that family, it won't save her if he feels she's being a problem.

I knew there was up between Wing and Darius but didn't know about Moon being initially Darius' daughter.

Yeah, I did a play through of Mass Effect where Wing was Commander Shepard, and she did the romance path with Garrus. I thought their interactions were adorable, and Darius was sort of a way to continue that.

Does make me curious what Red Star Jin thinks of Darius or how he'd react to knowing Moon is actually Darius' daughter in another universe.

What do you think about early versions of my OCs as well the ideas for them that I ultimately scrapped?

Kyan- He wasn't meant to have his own name and was just a "God" OC with no name as a way to respond to those hypothetical MLP post but since a lot of others' OC have names, I decides to give him one so he can have his own name.

I remember when Kyan was just the 'God' OC. I really like his growth and how he feels more like his own character. You did a great job with him. :twilightsmile: 👍

Eki- I wasn't intended to gives a proper leader of Shadow Jackers since the initial concept of Shadow Jackers that they would be collective swarms but I need someone that would make it personal for Kyan and thus, Eki is born. He was originally going to have connection with Chimera with Raziel being his main follower but I cut it out for a reason which I will get to that later.

Interesting; so Eki would have led Chimera kind of like how in my RWBY Rewrite Salem would've manipulated the White Fang. Though considering Raziel did get mauled by Shadow Jackers, I can see how it would be weird for Raziel to be a follower of them.

Argo- Again, I only wanting all Multiversal gods beside Kyan to be corrupted by Shadow Jackers and lock away but when someone post a hypothetical Movie post where we make our own movie, I need a villain that could fit as a main villain of my movie and that's how Argo came about.

I remember that hypothetical movie post too - sad that I can't find it anymore :fluttershysad:. Still, interesting way to create Argo.

Felix Phoenix- Surprising, he was supposed to be Eki's son and have a great relationship with him but I worried that it make Eki too sympathetic and I end up scrapping that idea and have him being hired for gun by Eki. (I end up reusing the son's element with Rash)

Wow, so Rash and Felix could have been brothers? Or Rash could've been Felix. Either way, I really like the concepts.

Bob Wallstreet- i originally didn't intend to give Felix his sidekick but I just like the idea of him having his Smee-like sidekick.

Yeah, you can't really go wrong with a Smee-like sidekick; the original Smee is just so darn lovable.

Green Hawk- His original personality was he was supposed to be a ladies man and was more of Spike Spiegel-type guy and him accidentally killing his mother when he was a kid would have been his original core elements before I completely changed him into a blooding samurai who blame himself over the death of his surrogate little sister. I also cut out the romance stuff between him and Thunder Queen as it just didn't work for me.

Wow, sounds like he had just as much of a personality change as Myst did; both used to be a bit more charming and friendly before becoming brooders. Also, good choice cutting out any romance. While I know you mentioned him trying something with Blake Belladonna, Thunder Queen doesn't really come across as the lover type.

Borgman- Him acting Team Dad wasn't meant to be part of his personality at first but I eventually incorporate it since I like the idea of him acting like a literal dad to anyone.

I feel that the Team Dad thing was a great thing to add to his personality. It makes him feel more fleshed out and human.

Dark Mark- He was supposed to be ultra villainous who would treat others like shit and do questionable action to get the job done but I realizes that it would him way unsympathetic to the reader and I tone down his behavior and have him targeting at rich scumbags instead.

Definitely glad you made him more sympathetic. Like I mentioned, I originally had Shiva be the same way, where she was very temperamental and quick to lash out at those who wronged her. But then people told me, 'Hey, are we supposed to like Shiva? Because she's a serious b!tch.' Giving them a target for their rage definitely helps.

Speed Demon Kid- He was supposed to be very strange guy like Polka-Dot Man from The Suicide Squad and very eccentric guy who act very weird to others but I end up revision him as the most kindest and shy guy who treat others with kindness.

Interesting. I wonder which variation of Wing would have gotten along the best with Early Speed. I forgot to mention this, but Wing was even crazier in my original drafts, with a much more Pinkie Pie - esque personality that hinged way too much on trying to be funny.

General Reinhardt Rasputin- In my original concept of him, his powers would have been all 4 elements like Fire, Water, Earth and Wind but he would be too easy for other elements fighters and I change him into a Russian Shang Tsung with a voice of Joker.

Wow, so he was almost the Avatar. Honestly, I think the change worked; like you mentioned, the elemental fighters could use the elements against him, and you can't go wrong with the voice of Joker.

Rei- Originally, Rei was meant to be brought back to life and becomes Static Burst but I feared that it would be a bit predictable and I end up having the soul of actual Rei (Jin's sister) being destroyed by Rasputin and a computer clip named Program Six-Seven ends up becomes Rei.

This was very smart; it kept us on our toes and it even shows a great usage of an idea I had for Penny in the RWBY Rewrite - where even though Penny does still come back, it's as Penny 2.0, who's not Penny and has a lot of the hangups that it sounds like Six-Seven Rei will have as she develops her own personality.

Ryder- I was toying with the idea of him having another friend beside Blue Moon and that friend would have been a female dragon who would have a crush on him but end up becoming increasingly jealous toward Blue Moon since she spent more time with Ryder than her and start to become Yandere toward Ryder that she ends up joining Chimera so she can kill Moon and get Ryder for herself but I end up scrapping that idea as it becomes too complicated and the love triangle was ultimately unnecessary.

I appreciate you cutting out the Yandere dragon. Moon would've been terrified to even be around Ryder if this other dragoness was getting on her case for it, and love triangles can be kinda risky to begin with.

Azazel- He was supposed to be V who would have manipulate the heroes and he was more of Syndrome-type character who lies about the existence of Heavenly Knights and was a mole sent by Chimera to fool the heroes but again, not only i end up liking the idea of Heavenly Knights being real but I just can't bring myself to do that to Azazel, so I end up creating Raziel to take his place as V.

:pinkiegasp: That certainly would've been a twist; him lying about the Heavenly Knights to get in the others good graces. Though yeah, Shiva never would have forgiven him for lying about that. Good choice having Raziel take Azazel's place as V.

Raziel- I originally envisioned him to be the biggest asshole character with no redeemable qualities since i didn't want to make a Dog villain OC that were too similar to Kodo and Myst and I wanted Raziel to stand out from them but eventually, I felt Raziel would fit better as a tragic villain than a hate sink villain... although, I did gave him a different motivation than Kodo and Myst whose motivation involves their pack. He was originally to be working with Eki but I cut out that connection since it wouldn't make sense for Raziel to be Eki's follower since he hate the idea of being a follower as it wouldn't make him stand out and it would make him a nobody which he hate. So yeah, Raziel is doing on his own.

Yeah, while I still think him as a tragic villain works better, I still feel that he's unique from both Kodo and Myst. Myst wanted revenge on humans and humans alone, and was considered very heroic, if a little ruthless to her wolves. Kodo wanted to protect his mother, and let that desire guide him down a dark path that even Myst thought was going too far. And Raziel, as you mentioned, wants to stand out and be more than just someone else's toady, leading to him doing his own stuff. Yeah, this definitely works great for them.

Rash and Scarlet- I didn't have intention of creating a rebel Shadow Jacker since they are meant to be monsters that need to be destroyed but AstralFlare42 pitch me the idea of a Thorax-like Shadow Jacker that i got hook on the idea and while I did struggles with his host, JNKing help me with the host which Rash and Scarlet are born! I added the romantic aspect later on cause I thought they would make a cute couple and I like the idea of them as my Beauty and the Beast OCs. :heart:

:twilightsmile: I remember helping you with these two. It was really awesome to see them get fleshed out, and it continues to be great seeing them develop in these forums. Excellent work with them.

Axel- I initially against this OC at first but I eventually creates him after the ending of No Way Home and Qrow's bad luck semblance inspires me to creates Axel.

Interesting inspirations, and I love how they tie into the nature of both No Way Home's ending and Qrow's semblance. Excellent work there.

I have considered about ret-conning Speed's mother where she is surprisingly immune to Zeronos' effect but she faked it cause like Axel, she lead a dangerous life with a lot of enemies coming after her and she ultimately put Speed for adoption to protect him from her enemies while Axel is assumed she "forgot" about him, left Speed to protect him from his own enemies as well. (They do care about him through and often send gifts or something to cheer him up)

Your thought?

Hm... while I like the idea of his mom being a bad@$$ as well, I don't like the idea of her being 'completely' immune to the Zeronos' effect. I like the idea of it having a lessened affect on her - like after her memory's wiped, she still sees Axel and feels 'something' for him, which can allow him to easily rekindle their relationship - and it'd be kinda funny considering that she's using an idea I had for why Raven left Yang in RWBY - that she had too many enemies to deal with, and didn't want Yang to get hurt.

That'd be kinda cool; Speed's mother is based on Raven, his dad has inspiration from Qrow. There's even an interesting reversal there, where while Kodo and Celine took Blake and Adam's relationship and switched it with Kodo and Celine being siblings, but now Axel and Speed's mom take Qrow and Raven's relationship and switch it with them being lovers instead.

Probably not something you intended, but I found that thought kind of awesome either way.

Overall, though, I really like it. Gives Speed two awesome parents and lets him know again just how wrong his bullies were to try and say he's a nobody.

Awesome work. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Does make me curious what Red Star Jin thinks of Darius or how he'd react to knowing Moon is actually Darius' daughter in another universe.

I imagine he would be amused by it and would trusted Darius with Moon since he knows Darius is a good dog.

I remember when Kyan was just the 'God' OC. I really like his growth and how he feels more like his own character. You did a great job with him. :twilightsmile: 👍

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Interesting; so Eki would have led Chimera kind of like how in my RWBY Rewrite Salem would've manipulated the White Fang.

In a way, yeah.

Wow, so Rash and Felix could have been brothers? Or Rash could've been Felix. Either way, I really like the concepts.

Not intentionally but yeah they could have been brothers if I went with original route with Felix.

Also, good choice cutting out any romance. While I know you mentioned him trying something with Blake Belladonna, Thunder Queen doesn't really come across as the lover type.

Agree with you.

Thunder Queen doesn't have time for romance.

I appreciate you cutting out the Yandere dragon. Moon would've been terrified to even be around Ryder if this other dragoness was getting on her case for it, and love triangles can be kinda risky to begin with.

Yeah, I imagine Frost Bite wouldn't take kindly of Yandere Dragon threatening to kill Moon for trying to take Ryder away from her.

:pinkiegasp: That certainly would've been a twist; him lying about the Heavenly Knights to get in the others good graces. Though yeah, Shiva never would have forgiven him for lying about that. Good choice having Raziel take Azazel's place as V.

I wonder how Shiva and her pack react if one of their pack mates sell some of the wolves out to a Pony slaver for treasures like this wolf was willing to sell some of Shiva's pack mate to slavery so a Pony slaver can give him treasures.

You said Myst is big on wolves but what if a wolf betray her by selling her out to a pony slaver over treasures. (Not all wolves are good like she like to believes)

Kodo wanted to protect his mother, and let that desire guide him down a dark path that even Myst thought was going too far.

Myst got a point there.

Kodo did try to enslave everyone includes his own pack and I know Myst is not fond of enslavement since she went through hell from that and believe killing humans is more merciful than making them slaves and I imagine she wouldn't appreciate Kodo enslaving her pack while Sombra possessed him.

:twilightsmile: I remember helping you with these two. It was really awesome to see them get fleshed out, and it continues to be great seeing them develop in these forums. Excellent work with them.

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Hm... while I like the idea of his mom being a bad@$$ as well, I don't like the idea of her being 'completely' immune to the Zeronos' effect. I like the idea of it having a lessened affect on her - like after her memory's wiped, she still sees Axel and feels 'something' for him, which can allow him to easily rekindle their relationship

Yeah, I agree with you.

No matter how many times he uses that sword, Speed's mother still feels 'something' for him and despite Axel’s belief about the sword, you can't destroy the love they have with each other… a great man once said this

That'd be kinda cool; Speed's mother is based on Raven, his dad has inspiration from Qrow. There's even an interesting reversal there, where while Kodo and Celine took Blake and Adam's relationship and switched it with Kodo and Celine being siblings, but now Axel and Speed's mom take Qrow and Raven's relationship and switch it with them being lovers instead.

Probably not something you intended, but I found that thought kind of awesome either way.

Ha! I just realizes that and yeah, I could see the comparison.

Overall, though, I really like it. Gives Speed two awesome parents and lets him know again just how wrong his bullies were to try and say he's a nobody.

Yeah! I like the idea of a shy and nice guy like Speed whose parents are ultra badasses.

Awesome work. :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


I imagine he would be amused by it and would trusted Darius with Moon since he knows Darius is a good dog.

Yeah; Darius would get along great with Red Star. I imagine they'd be good friends. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, I imagine Frost Bite wouldn't take kindly of Yandere Dragon threatening to kill Moon for trying to take Ryder away from her.

Oh yeah, Frost would annihilate anyone that threatens her little sister. She may be egoistical, but Frost loves her family with all her heart.

I wonder how Shiva and her pack react if one of their pack mates sell some of the wolves out to a Pony slaver for treasures like this wolf was willing to sell some of Shiva's pack mate to slavery so a Pony slaver can give him treasures.

You said Myst is big on wolves but what if a wolf betray her by selling her out to a pony slaver over treasures. (Not all wolves are good like she like to believes)

Let's just say that any traitor to the wolf pack would prefer death to what Shiva would do with them.

As for Myst, she would utterly beat down whoever had betrayed her. She'd also be kind of like Caesar from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes with Koba:

Koba/Traitor: Wolves... shouldn't kill... wolves...

(Casear/Myst glares down at him for a moment)

Caesar/Myst: You are no wolf. (Cue Fatality)

Kodo did try to enslave everyone includes his own pack and I know Myst is not fond of enslavement since she went through hell from that and believe killing humans is more merciful than making them slaves and I imagine she wouldn't appreciate Kodo enslaving her pack while Sombra possessed him.

Agreed; Myst would be ashamed of Kodo, especially if he said that he had learned it from her, as she'd then claim she never taught him how to be a human. That would hit him particularly hard; if Myst decides you're no wolf, it's bad. If she compares you to a human... :fluttershyouch: Gods help you.

Group Admin


Agreed; Myst would be ashamed of Kodo, especially if he said that he had learned it from her, as she'd then claim she never taught him how to be a human. That would hit him particularly hard; if Myst decides you're no wolf, it's bad. If she compares you to a human... :fluttershyouch: Gods help you.

Yeah, doesn't help that Myst is his mentor and to hear his teacher comparing him to humans who abuses her must really hurt him.

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


to hear his teacher comparing him to humans who abuses her must really hurt him.

Oh yeah; in the novels, I plan for it to be the thing that snaps him out of his villainy and causes him to have the Heel Realization where he goes from a villain to an atoner.

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile:

Sol Blaze: Sol Blaze going to have three names since Sol Blaze is his title name and others his normal names. But I change it for reasons.

Liberty: Liberty was going to be a Moon Dragon but I change her to a sun dragon since to me. Liberty have that flare to her

Blaze: I almost have Blaze to be a Sunny from the Wing of Fire book but I change it since it didn't suit right to me


Gumdrop: Her name was originally Gumball and she was originally going to have scars

GC: Was going to be a lighter purple

Minty: Looked different, instead of a pink and green mane it was going to be brown with her back being dark pink.

Bolt (A falcon pet the squad has): Was originally going to be hippogriff that was turnt into a falcon

Scrapped OCs

Rebel: Was gonna be a red earth pony that would have known Trixie when she was a foal like Loophole did.

Blueberry: Old OC I was going to revive into MLP. dunno what her name was supposed to be since she was called two different things...

A brown griffin, a pink and black pegasus and a blue and light pink (I think) kirin

Group Admin


Orion: Originally, Orion was supposed to still be on the team, but I figured that turning him into a villain would give Luke his own "villain" as a member of the dimension Guardians.

:applejackunsure: So… Orion’s a villain because Luke joined the Guardians?

Like, he would have been part of the team if Luke had said no to Aura’s offer?

No. This was way before. The original idea was that Orion was going to betray the Guardians in order to bring his dimension back. Sort of a deal with the devil situation.

Group Admin

Ah, okay, I gotcha.

Thanks for the clarification. 👍

Group Admin


I added some new people, and I thought you might be curious to know what could've been with them beforehand.

Winter Herald was originally a human known as Regina Winters, who will play a part in my 'Of Scales and Fur' saga. Based on Amanda Waller with a bit of Weiss Schnee, her goal would have been to protect her people from hostile dragons and wolves like Diamondback or Myst. In a way, she was kinda like a more badass version of Councilor Neighsay, in that she'd only want to make sure humanity wasn't destroyed by other creatures. This translated over to her protecting the more peaceful Neartica Hive. And due to her turning Weiss' glyphs from magical to shurikens, I got the idea to give her some abilities from Greninja, as I liked the Pokemon and wanted to incorporate it into my stories somehow, leading to Winter Herald using the Greninja form as her primary method of combat.

Riverstone is based on an Original Character made by my best friend. Said to be essentially him in a fantasy setting, the Riverstone of his world - 'Claws of War' is way more stoic than I've made my own version of River, mainly due to me reflecting how my friend was nervous about how he nearly messed up our friendship and was eager to make amends. Also, his version of River is human, but can change into both a dragon and a wolf, with his wolf form being known as Mogar (Or 'Mogar the Magnficient,' as I liked to call him)

Firedance (as mentioned with Blaze) was originally going to be one of Spike's friends, though I couldn't decide on whether he'd be the 'Rarity' (due to him enjoying building things) or possibly the 'Applejack' (since his preference for hand cannons gave him a sort of Western Cowboy vibe). After I came up with Blaze's story arc, I decided to put Firedance on the backburner, but I felt bad about taking him out of the main lineup, and decided to make him Blaze and River's kid as a way of inserting him into the story. Granted, he's now more Next Generation, but then again, Frost was originally meant to be Jackknife's rival, so I think it still worked out okay.

Typhon was originally known as Kira, and was also originally female. Based off Bloody Mary from 'The Wolf Among Us,' she was way more violent and sociopathic, being a vicious killer that everyone feared. However, since I didn't like the idea of killing off my characters, I switched her to Jackknife's evil version, with her pretty much becoming male due to Jackknife himself being male. I also gave Typhon aspects of another dragon character I had - Rex - who's gimmick was much more in line with Soft Claws, being that he stole gold and jewelry and acted more like Smaug. Though Rex also had elements from Bowser in that he liked kidnapping princesses and making them into his harem, something that Typhon might still try to do, even though his Ubel persona took a much more disgusting viewpoint towards why he'd kidnap princesses, and made me more nervous about him having a harem.

Lizzy Soft Claws, as mentioned above, was based on Rex; another dragon character I had who indulged his greed and stole everything. However, I realized that this would work as an evil side to Diamondback, who similarly struggled with wanting everything - based on a theory I had involving Rarity and how she could struggle between being generous and being greedy. Henceforth, Lizzy Soft Claws came forth as an idea for Diamondback, being her evil side and the one she struggles with when it comes to being generous and caring for others or looking out for herself.

Cardinal of Chaos... honestly didn't really have an early version of himself. I was thinking about evil versions of my characters, and liked a version of Swift that was like Zaheer from Legend of Korra, since Zaheer really showed just how dangerous air benders can be when evil.

I am considering adding Hawk to the mix, since I've made her into Swift's abusive aunt for 'The Drake Six,' but I'm not sure yet. Especially since Hawk originally wasn't abusive. She was sassy yeah, being based on Hawk Girl from Justice League and Falco Lombardi from Star Fox, but she wasn't abusive. So, it's kinda sad thinking about how she went from an abrasive but still pretty good-intentioned gal to Swift's personal nightmare. Yet at the same time, she does serve as a good foil for Swift: where Swift is a sniper who is very precise with his bow and arrows despite being nervous, Hawk utilizes a spray-and-pray method where she just shoots sharp feathers everywhere with twin Uzis, and is confident and abrasive despite not being that good of a shot. I might change things so that she's more of a rival to Swift - not abusive like she is in Drake Six, but at the same time, someone that really ticks him off and pushes him to be better than he is.

Avispa was originally a human male named Jayden Pierce. Based on Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain, and also the Agents from the Matrix, Jayden would have been the equivalent of an FBI agent, and worked for Connors as part of his Illuminati group. Avispa still carries a lot of Jayden's abilities personality, being socially awkward, a tad obssessive and loyal to those she loves, but now she's loyal to Insect Girl instead of Connors, and will protect Insect Girl and the rest of her bug family with everything she has.

Avispon was originally Rey Del Pantera; aka Calico Freeman. Sort of like Eugene Fitzherbert from Tangled, he would've been an orphan who grew up on stories of Puss in Boots, and wanted to be like him. To that end, he formed a 'Rey Del Pantera' persona where he got to be like his hero, though financial needs turned him into a reluctant thief that would have run-ins with Rico, and serve as a bit of a love interest for her, as he became motivated to try and find a way out of the criminal lifestyle so that he could fight by her side instead of against her. However, I also had an idea for an insect wind dragon - Wasp, she was originally called - but never figured out what kind of personality Wasp could have. After getting the chance to add her in by making her Insect Girl and Swift's daughter, I decided to combine Rey and Jayden's personalities with Wasp, thus allowing them to be in the story, even if they were different from how I originally envisioned them.

Group Admin


Winter Herald was originally a human known as Regina Winters, who will play a part in my 'Of Scales and Fur' saga. Based on Amanda Waller with a bit of Weiss Schnee, her goal would have been to protect her people from hostile dragons and wolves like Diamondback or Myst. In a way, she was kinda like a more badass version of Councilor Neighsay, in that she'd only want to make sure humanity wasn't destroyed by other creatures. This translated over to her protecting the more peaceful Neartica Hive. And due to her turning Weiss' glyphs from magical to shurikens, I got the idea to give her some abilities from Greninja, as I liked the Pokemon and wanted to incorporate it into my stories somehow, leading to Winter Herald using the Greninja form as her primary method of combat.

I imagine Canon Felix would be shocked that Winter is based on Amanda Waller before looking at a picture of Amanda Waller.

Before looking at Winter Herald and then, Felix looked back and forth between Amanda Waller and Winter Herald.

Bob Wallstreet would looked at the picture. "So your girlfriend was based on a fat chick? Very ironically that you girlfriend prefers to be super skinny than fat like Waller."

Felix sighed as he shook his head.

Riverstone is based on an Original Character made by my best friend. Said to be essentially him in a fantasy setting, the Riverstone of his world - 'Claws of War' is way more stoic than I've made my own version of River, mainly due to me reflecting how my friend was nervous about how he nearly messed up our friendship and was eager to make amends. Also, his version of River is human, but can change into both a dragon and a wolf, with his wolf form being known as Mogar (Or 'Mogar the Magnficient,' as I liked to call him)

At least, you didn't turn him into a vile villain like Aura did with Orion when he made him out of his anger toward his former best friend. (Word of advice, never made an OC out of anger cause you ends up regretting)

No wonder why River use "Mogar" name a lot and that explains why he have an ability to turn into dragon.

I wonder how would the conversation between your Riverstone and his Riverstone be like?

How is Claws of War different from your Of Scales and Fur?

Firedance (as mentioned with Blaze) was originally going to be one of Spike's friends, though I couldn't decide on whether he'd be the 'Rarity' (due to him enjoying building things) or possibly the 'Applejack' (since his preference for hand cannons gave him a sort of Western Cowboy vibe). After I came up with Blaze's story arc, I decided to put Firedance on the backburner, but I felt bad about taking him out of the main lineup, and decided to make him Blaze and River's kid as a way of inserting him into the story. Granted, he's now more Next Generation, but then again, Frost was originally meant to be Jackknife's rival, so I think it still worked out okay.

That works fine at the end since he's still be friends with Next Gens.

Typhon was originally known as Kira, and was also originally female. Based off Bloody Mary from 'The Wolf Among Us,' she was way more violent and sociopathic, being a vicious killer that everyone feared. However, since I didn't like the idea of killing off my characters, I switched her to Jackknife's evil version, with her pretty much becoming male due to Jackknife himself being male. I also gave Typhon aspects of another dragon character I had - Rex - who's gimmick was much more in line with Soft Claws, being that he stole gold and jewelry and acted more like Smaug. Though Rex also had elements from Bowser in that he liked kidnapping princesses and making them into his harem, something that Typhon might still try to do, even though his Ubel persona took a much more disgusting viewpoint towards why he'd kidnap princesses, and made me more nervous about him having a harem.

I am shocked you based him on Bloody Mary since you did talk about him being more of Abridged Alucard.

Considered he did kidnapped Twilight, I imagine Kyan will tear him apart if he laid one finger on his beloved Alicorn again and this time, he really means it.

Lizzy Soft Claws, as mentioned above, was based on Rex; another dragon character I had who indulged his greed and stole everything. However, I realized that this would work as an evil side to Diamondback, who similarly struggled with wanting everything - based on a theory I had involving Rarity and how she could struggle between being generous and being greedy. Henceforth, Lizzy Soft Claws came forth as an idea for Diamondback, being her evil side and the one she struggles with when it comes to being generous and caring for others or looking out for herself.

To be fair, Rarity didn't come from a wealthy family since her parents are more laid back common folks, of course she would be struggling with that as she want to be in same level as the nobles.

Lizzy could work as shadow archetype for DB as if she would have become if DB chose greed over generous.

Cardinal of Chaos... honestly didn't really have an early version of himself. I was thinking about evil versions of my characters, and liked a version of Swift that was like Zaheer from Legend of Korra, since Zaheer really showed just how dangerous air benders can be when evil.

Make sense cause Zaheer represents that not all air benders are peaceful people.

I am considering adding Hawk to the mix, since I've made her into Swift's abusive aunt for 'The Drake Six,' but I'm not sure yet. Especially since Hawk originally wasn't abusive. She was sassy yeah, being based on Hawk Girl from Justice League and Falco Lombardi from Star Fox, but she wasn't abusive. So, it's kinda sad thinking about how she went from an abrasive but still pretty good-intentioned gal to Swift's personal nightmare. Yet at the same time, she does serve as a good foil for Swift: where Swift is a sniper who is very precise with his bow and arrows despite being nervous, Hawk utilizes a spray-and-pray method where she just shoots sharp feathers everywhere with twin Uzis, and is confident and abrasive despite not being that good of a shot. I might change things so that she's more of a rival to Swift - not abusive like she is in Drake Six, but at the same time, someone that really ticks him off and pushes him to be better than he is.

Hawk work better as Swift's rival cause it would motivate him to push himself to his limit. (Like how Mike and Cardin pushed Everest to his limit)

Also, Insect Girl would've killed Hawk with no hesitant by having her bugs eat her to her death if she was Swift's aunt... no one abuses her beloved Rapido. (Through, she will spare her if you went Hawk as Swift's rival route)

Green Hawk would better shortening his name just to avoid the confusion between him and Hawk because they would get this.

Speed: Hawk!

Both Green Hawk and Hawk: Yes

Speed: No! I meant for the Samurai Hawk! Not Gun Hawk! Goddamn it!

Avispa was originally a human male named Jayden Pierce. Based on Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain, and also the Agents from the Matrix, Jayden would have been the equivalent of an FBI agent, and worked for Connors as part of his Illuminati group. Avispa still carries a lot of Jayden's abilities personality, being socially awkward, a tad obssessive and loyal to those she loves, but now she's loyal to Insect Girl instead of Connors, and will protect Insect Girl and the rest of her bug family with everything she has.

That would explains why Avispa like to wear the suit a lot and her stoic personality.

Canon Insect Girl would be shocked at this as how can a kind girl like her and a nervous boy like Swift give birth to the most stoic girl like Avispa. "Frost Bite got from Star's arrogant attitude, Blue Moon got from Jin's broody attitude but where does Avispa get her attitude from?! I am too kind and eccentric while Swift is nervous."

Avispon was originally Rey Del Pantera; aka Calico Freeman. Sort of like Eugene Fitzherbert from Tangled, he would've been an orphan who grew up on stories of Puss in Boots, and wanted to be like him. To that end, he formed a 'Rey Del Pantera' persona where he got to be like his hero, though financial needs turned him into a reluctant thief that would have run-ins with Rico, and serve as a bit of a love interest for her, as he became motivated to try and find a way out of the criminal lifestyle so that he could fight by her side instead of against her. However, I also had an idea for an insect wind dragon - Wasp, she was originally called - but never figured out what kind of personality Wasp could have. After getting the chance to add her in by making her Insect Girl and Swift's daughter, I decided to combine Rey and Jayden's personalities with Wasp, thus allowing them to be in the story, even if they were different from how I originally envisioned them.

At least, Rico proves Jacey wrong about her not moving on from Logan since she's dating Shadow and Avispon is her hypothetical love interest in Of Scales and Fur. (Ryder: Yes, Rico. We get it, you win. You prove Jacey wrong, no need to gloat about it. :ajbemused:)

You know, it's very ironically how Rico initially detest her mom and yet, she found herself in her mother's shoes when she meet her love interest who is a criminal like her father.

I also find it another irony that Jayden (an agent) and Rey (A master thief) ends up being sibling in this universe. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Felix looked back and forth between Amanda Waller and Winter Herald.

Bob Wallstreet would looked at the picture. "So your girlfriend was based on a fat chick? Very ironically that you girlfriend prefers to be super skinny than fat like Waller."

Winter rolled her eyes. "I'm inspired by her ideology," Winter clarified. "Not her appearance."

At least, you didn't turn him into a vile villain like Aura did with Orion when he made him out of his anger toward his former best friend. (Word of advice, never made an OC out of anger cause you ends up regretting)

Agreed. While I was a little bitter with him, I didn't like the idea of just making him pure evil. And I think we can both agree that River ended up being a pretty okay character. I do still wonder if we can do more with him, but we'll see where the future takes us.

No wonder why River use "Mogar" name a lot and that explains why he have an ability to turn into dragon.

Yep. :eeyup:

I wonder how would the conversation between your Riverstone and his Riverstone be like?

His Riverstone isn't much of a talker, so he'd probably just silently watch my Riverstone as if privately thinking why he seems to have a twin brother. And any attempt my Riverstone made to try and strike up a conversation would likely be ignored or rejected, so he'd settle for just sitting there and hanging out.

How is Claws of War different from your Of Scales and Fur?

Where my book focuses on wolves, dragons and humans trying to live together in a more light-hearted tone with a more optimistic viewpoint on peace and friendship, Claws of War is a darker take about special breeds of humans that can shift into animals. Canidae are the most common and take on wolf forms, but there are also Ursadae that turn into bears, Felidae that turn into cats, another type that can turn into dragons, and a few more that he hasn't decided if they'll make an appearance or not.

And as mentioned, where my stories tend to be light hearted and geared towards happier endings or resolutions, my friend's stories are grim dark, and don't usually have anything good happen to their protagonists that often. He's told me some of the stuff he has in store, and... :fluttershbad: Let's just say I don't think I'd be able to put my own guys through the kind of stuff he's planning.

I am shocked you based him on Bloody Mary since you did talk about him being more of Abridged Alucard.

Yep; he did get notes from Abridged Alucard later, but while he was female, the first character I was inspired by to make him was Bloody Mary.

So, consider Alucard the next level in Typhon's development.

Considered he did kidnapped Twilight, I imagine Kyan will tear him apart if he laid one finger on his beloved Alicorn again and this time, he really means it.

No doubt about that. Typhon himself knew it, based on how he reacted when Logan lured him right to Kyan.

To be fair, Rarity didn't come from a wealthy family since her parents are more laid back common folks, of course she would be struggling with that as she want to be in same level as the nobles.

Agreed. 👍

Lizzy could work as shadow archetype for DB as if she would have become if DB chose greed over generous.

My thoughts exactly.

Make sense cause Zaheer represents that not all air benders are peaceful people.

Yep; and wind dragons can be just as dangerous when they aren't interested in talking things out.

Hawk work better as Swift's rival cause it would motivate him to push himself to his limit. (Like how Mike and Cardin pushed Everest to his limit)

Agreed; plus, she's got the perfect attitude for a rival; she's sassy and abrasive, but at the same time not malicious. She'll drop the perfect wise cracks and passive aggressive remarks to get Swift raring to prove himself better than her.

Also, Insect Girl would've killed Hawk with no hesitant by having her bugs eat her to her death if she was Swift's aunt... no one abuses her beloved Rapido. (Through, she will spare her if you went Hawk as Swift's rival route)

Another good reason for Hawk to go the rival route.

Green Hawk would better shortening his name just to avoid the confusion between him and Hawk because they would get this.

Speed: Hawk!

Both Green Hawk and Hawk: Yes

Speed: No! I meant for the Samurai Hawk! Not Gun Hawk! Goddamn it!

Hawk would suggest that Green Hawk either keep the Green, or they can also refer to her by her full name: Hawk Eye.

And yes, Swift will note the irony in how someone called Hawk Eye is a terrible shot. To which Hawk will respond by taking a bullseye, and blasting it with her Uzis, noting how she still hit it, even if it took her a bunch of shots to do it.

That would explains why Avispa like to wear the suit a lot and her stoic personality.

Yep; those are carry overs from when she was Jayden Pierce.

Canon Insect Girl would be shocked at this as how can a kind girl like her and a nervous boy like Swift give birth to the most stoic girl like Avispa. "Frost Bite got from Star's arrogant attitude, Blue Moon got from Jin's broody attitude but where does Avispa get her attitude from?! I am too kind and eccentric while Swift is nervous."

"Maybe it's got something to do with how we can get when we get angry or focused," Swift offered. "As mentioned, I used to be much more stoic and thoughtful, and I can still reach that personality if I'm focused enough. Maybe that's where she got it from."

At least, Rico proves Jacey wrong about her not moving on from Logan since she's dating Shadow and Avispon is her hypothetical love interest in Of Scales and Fur. (Ryder: Yes, Rico. We get it, you win. You prove Jacey wrong, no need to gloat about it. :ajbemused:)

Rico: Who said I was gloating? I haven't gloated, have I? At least... I don't think I have to Jacey. Although I did want to, I'll admit that. But I'm above that kind of pettiness... I hope.

Avispon: Aye, let it go, Rico. Relax; we're all friends here." :twilightsmile:

You know, it's very ironically how Rico initially detest her mom and yet, she found herself in her mother's shoes when she meet her love interest who is a criminal like her father.

Yep; the irony was not lost on Rico.

However, unlike Fox, who wanted to put Cat behind bars, Rico actually sympathizes with Rey/Avispon, and does try her best to help Rey/Avispon figure out a way to get out of the criminal lifestyle, which in turn makes him more loyal to her.

I also find it another irony that Jayden (an agent) and Rey (A master thief) ends up being sibling in this universe. :rainbowlaugh:

Yep; strange things certainly happen here, don't they? :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Where my book focuses on wolves, dragons and humans trying to live together in a more light-hearted tone with a more optimistic viewpoint on peace and friendship, Claws of War is a darker take about special breeds of humans that can shift into animals. Canidae are the most common and take on wolf forms, but there are also Ursadae that turn into bears, Felidae that turn into cats, another type that can turn into dragons, and a few more that he hasn't decided if they'll make an appearance or not.

And as mentioned, where my stories tend to be light hearted and geared towards happier endings or resolutions, my friend's stories are grim dark, and don't usually have anything good happen to their protagonists that often. He's told me some of the stuff he has in store, and... :fluttershbad: Let's just say I don't think I'd be able to put my own guys through the kind of stuff he's planning.

:twilightoops: Whoa, you weren't kidding about him.

(I turn to my OCs) So I take you guys don't want to see Claws of War universe or at least-

My OCs:

"I think we stick to Gaia Universe." Kyan admit.

"Yeah." Everyone agreed in unison.

"Maybe it's got something to do with how we can get when we get angry or focused," Swift offered. "As mentioned, I used to be much more stoic and thoughtful, and I can still reach that personality if I'm focused enough. Maybe that's where she got it from."

"Good point, Swift." IG agreed. "Avispón got it from me while Avispa got it from you."

Thank you for sharing. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


"Good point, Swift." IG agreed. "Avispón got it from me while Avispa got it from you."

"Agreed," Swift said.

Thank you for sharing. :twilightsmile:

Always happy to share. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Had a few more characters introduced, and I was curious what you'd think of their origins:

Bai Long

I don't think I mentioned him here, but Bai Long was originally based off a character I customized for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The original was a female Argonian werewolf named White Dragon (which 'Bai Long' translates out to), and initially, she was as heroic as the Dragonborn usually is in Skyrim - though I do admit, after defeating Alduin, her morality dipped a bit so that I could complete the Daedric Prince sidequests, like her empowering the Ebony Blade by killing some of the friends she made in the campaign. However, I remembered our post about a predator that the dragons feared, and I realized that as a Skyrim Dragonborn, Bai Long was technically perfect as a predator for dragons, and it would be kinda interesting to see a character that is normally a hero be seen in a scary, Jason Voorhees style light for dragons.

I changed her to male since I was worried I had far too many female characters, and then also switched them to a burned human to give some more justification for why they'd hunt dragons.


Lupa was originally the oldest member of the pack. Kind of the Yoda of the group, she'd be a wise, experienced samurai wolf, fast enough to slice through foes in the blink of an eye, and the only one that Myst would listen to.

Unfortunately, I couldn't include her in Of Scales and Fur, since I realized that if Lupa was there, Myst's place as the leader wouldn't make sense, since Lupa is far more experienced than Myst and would've at least had more of a calming influence on Myst. Add to that, Myst was changed into the one that made most wolves into demi-wolves, so Myst would technically be Lupa's superior, something that wouldn't work since Lupa's supposed to be more experienced.

Ultimately, I had to scrap her being the eldest and the mentor (with a lot of her moments going to Luke, who would've been her brother in the original), but I still liked the idea of her being a super fast samurai wolf, so I eventually put her into these forums as Jazz's daughter. Though the irony isn't lost on either me or Lupa - the one who was initially the eldest is now one of the youngest. Hence why she's so desperate to study up and return to the level of skill and knowledge she had as a concept.

Luckily, she's not the youngest wolf around, or she'd be left pretty depressed at the change of events.


In Star Fox Command, there's a good ending where Fox McCloud and Krystal end up marrying and having a kid, Marcus, who becomes the next captain of Team Star Fox.

Having found out about this around the time I found out about Spider-Girl and was concurrently working on Rico, I loved the idea of a son of Fox running around, and started wondering what adventures he could've gotten up to. Of course, Marcus McCloud wasn't my character, so I couldn't make any of those adventures much beyond fanfiction.

But I did like the idea enough that I eventually made my own character - a kid called Marcus who similarly loved the idea that he shared his name with the son of a great hero, and so tried to pass himself off as a hero himself.

I might try and bring this story back in the forums, where Marcus distances himself from Jazz and/or Saki to try and claim he's the son of Wing or something like that, only to get called out for it when he has to undertake a challenge only Wing could do, and falters, realizing that his own family is fine the way it is.

He also got his gunslinging abilities and penchant for dual wielding from Captain Rex of Star Wars; the Clone Wars, since Marcus McCloud didn't have a chance to show what he was capable of, and I liked the idea of Marcus being a gunslinger. Makes me wonder if he should either get Tex as a mentor or as a potential rival... or even both, with Tex being a sort of trickster mentor that only fights Marcus so he can improve his skills.


Storm was originally going to be a Zora OC; I loved how the Zora looked, especially in Majora's Mask, and wanted a character who resembled them. I wasn't sure how he'd get from Hyrule to here, but that would've been a problem for another time.

Also, he was originally heterosexual, as - again - I loved how the Zora looked, and felt that girls would be swooning over him. However, after I heard about some controversy surrounding gay characters and how some people felt that more recent stories didn't have very good representation, the idea formed in my mind about one of my characters being on the LGBT spectrum. Storm was my most recent addition at the time, and I couldn't help but imagine the irony if a guy who looked especially appealing to ladies couldn't reciprocate their affection.

But even then, I remembered how the main problem a lot of folks had with LGBT characters was how their sexual orientation was the only thing that mattered about their characters. Not their personalities or their skills or their backstories, it was always just 'they are gay' and that was all anyone would say about them. So, I knew Storm needed to be more. And putting him into this forum has given me the chance to expand more on his character - from him having a Scootaloo-style hero worship for Jackknife (himself having some basis from Rainbow Dash) to him being religious (inspired when I wanted to give him an Irish accent, and remembered Alexander Anderson - one of the most badass Irish guys I've ever had the pleasure of watching in action :pinkiehappy:). I feel that I've made the most progress with Storm's character by sharing him on this site, and I appreciate you and all the writers here for helping me with him.

Group Admin


Bai Long

Very ironic that she's a werewolf and her name is "White Dragon". :rainbowlaugh:

The fact you have to kill her friends in order to get Ebony Blade is even more ironic since wolves are big on pack and White Dragon is a wolf.

Anyway, it's interesting how she start off as a hero before becoming a villain in Dragons' eyes.

And yeah, you do have a lot of female characters.


I can see why Lupa wouldn't work since Myst is supposed to be the leader of wolves before Shiva overthrow her and Lupa would've stopped Myst from doing hideous actions a long time ago.

Through, I am worried that she won't be able to spend proper childhood since she would be more focus on being adult than being kid.


It would be interesting to see Marcus distance himself from Jazz and Saki because while Saki is a ninja, Jazz was a saxophone singer who doesn't do any big heroic action since all she does is play music all day... it's cool job for Jazz but I imagine Marcus be disappointed he's not son of great hero like Wing.

Through, I can see him going through Break the Haughty when he fails challenges Wing go through and causing him to realizes he was being ungrateful to his own family and be appreciated with what he got with them.

I do like the idea of Tex being a Trickster mentor to Marcus... you did said Tex was underutilized and you hope you would do post on her like Mother's Day post where Swift tries to impress his "mom".


Yeah, especially most of stories usually killed off Gay characters. Also, Ilia from RWBY was treated by fans as "that gay Faunus" and treating her lesbian sexuality as if it was one trait they only remember about her... I can see why you want Storm to be more than "that gay dragon"... I am very reluctantly to do full-on gay or lesbian character since like you said, they would be known as "that gay knight" which I don't want to do.

And thank you for sharing with us, King... we glad we help you out. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Very ironic that she's a werewolf and her name is "White Dragon". :rainbowlaugh:

True. 🤣

Though to be fair, she started off as an Argonian (the lizard guys) and only became a werewolf after joining the werewolf faction called the Companions. Even when she got the werewolf ability, she still predominantly looks reptilian.

It also translates out into why Bai Long the Dragon Hunter is more tolerant of the wolves; his inspiration had wolf heritage.

The fact you have to kill her friends in order to get Ebony Blade is even more ironic since wolves are big on pack and White Dragon is a wolf.

Yep. Which also further shows how Bai Long doesn't really fit into either category; he's not full dragon, since he kills dragons, but he'll never be accepted among the wolves since he's willing to kill his friends for power.

Anyway, it's interesting how she start off as a hero before becoming a villain in Dragons' eyes.

And kinda tragic; it's kind of a fall from grace, in a way.

And yeah, you do have a lot of female characters.

Yep. :eeyup:

Makes me wonder if Rocket should show up as a guy rather than a girl. Though that might be too weird, since she already showed up as female in the OSAF novels.

I can see why Lupa wouldn't work since Myst is supposed to be the leader of wolves before Shiva overthrow her and Lupa would've stopped Myst from doing hideous actions a long time ago.

Absolutely. Though I do like the idea of her being like the Roman Goddess, similar to how Auramastermg's Fenrir is based on the Norse Wolf God.

Through, I am worried that she won't be able to spend proper childhood since she would be more focus on being adult than being kid.

Maybe we can do a plot thread about it, where your OCs talk to her about it and get worried that she's denying herself a proper childhood by focusing too much on who she should be. Though if the God Lupa makes her presence known, it'll be a little more complicated since God Lupa did warn that if Pup Lupa shows weakness, she will kill her.

It would be interesting to see Marcus distance himself from Jazz and Saki because while Saki is a ninja, Jazz was a saxophone singer who doesn't do any big heroic action since all she does is play music all day... it's cool job for Jazz but I imagine Marcus be disappointed he's not son of great hero like Wing.

Yep; it could even play a factor into why Jazz wants to be a sniper, since she's hoping that pulling off some pretty cool trick shots will endear her to her son.

Through, I can see him going through Break the Haughty when he fails challenges Wing go through and causing him to realizes he was being ungrateful to his own family and be appreciated with what he got with them.

Yeah, but I want to play it carefully; Chill had Edward and Blake at odds, and it was a complete disaster.

I don't want Marcus to be like that. I want it to be clear he still loves Saki and Jazz, and is just going through a phase.

Kinda like in 'BrotherHooves Social' where Apple Bloom didn't notice how jealous Big Mac was of her preference for Applejack until he talked it out with her.

I do like the idea of Tex being a Trickster mentor to Marcus... you did said Tex was underutilized and you hope you would do post on her like Mother's Day post where Swift tries to impress his "mom".

:rainbowlaugh: That just gave me a hysterical image of Marcus and Swift engaging in a variation of "Hell's Greatest Dad", with the two of them competing for Tex's affection (obviously replacing lyrics like 'you're like the daughter that I wish that I had' with 'You're like the mother that I wish that I had.' or 'You care for me like the mother I want.")

Yeah, especially most of stories usually killed off Gay characters. Also, Ilia from RWBY was treated by fans as "that gay Faunus" and treating her lesbian sexuality as if it was one trait they only remember about her... I can see why you want Storm to be more than "that gay dragon"... I am very reluctantly to do full-on gay or lesbian character since like you said, they would be known as "that gay knight" which I don't want to do.


It's even sadder since Ilia had more going for her than just her sexuality; she was genuinely interesting since while she agreed with Blake that they were going too far, she didn't have hope that anything else would work.

Though I do think that her Heel-Face Turn was a little rushed.

And thank you for sharing with us, King... we glad we help you out. :pinkiehappy:

Always happy to share. :twilightsmile: 👍

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