Friendship Is Awesomes 299 members · 14,421 stories
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This takes place after Agni Kai

Aura and Shiva had just came back from where Lü Bu and Riverstone were, and it was safe to say that Aura was still mad. Not just at Lü Bu for nearly causing a Dimensional crisis, but at Riverstone for what he said to Shiva, that was going too far.

"Shiva" He caught her attention as she turned her gaze at him. "How long were you following me, Star and Luke?"

Once she gave her answer Aura sighed. "Then you also heard that Luke is planning on exiling himself once Morgana is dealt with?" He then looked at her. "Cause I really don't want that to happen."

[Shiva's response?]

When they both caught up to Luke and Star Wing they had just finished dealing with a powerful looking security golem that was covered in spikes and had blades coming out of its blocky arms. Next to it seemed to be a special door, and Aura could feel the power from the other side.

"Just one more step. My goal within this temple is just beyond those doors. Question is, how do we open them?" Aura said as he inspected the door.

If anyone tried to bust the door open they would find all their attacks absorbed and sent right back at them. Aura then found something peculiar, the door had a special crystal gauge on it and a hint in his old language.

"I think I know what to do." He went over to Star Wing and let out his hand.

"Shall we?"

Star knew exactly what he was thinking and the two formed Lapis Wing. "Okie dokie! Time to open this door! Open Sesame!"

Lapis Wing brought their claws together and their energy went into the crystal and made the door glow. Soon as it stopped taking in energy, it opened slowly and revealed a pathway of just darkness.

But Lapis Wing unfused and Aura slowly walked forward. When he took a step, a pathway of torches lit up with blue fire leading to the center and lighting up the entire chamber. The sound of gears turning echoed through the chamber and a puff of steam erupted from the center showing a giant forge with blue molten metal in it.

[OC's response?]

Aura didn't say a word as he was just in awe struck. "Master. I finally found it. The forge of creation."

Aura kept moving up the stairs until he made it to the center and found Chrono in disguise with the rest of the Guardians there.


Aura just looked at them dumbfounded. "Wh-why are you all here? Better question, how did you all get here?"

Aster went forward, he was still malnourished but he was starting to look a bit better. "Our cloaked friend brought us here. Said about something very important."

"Aster? Is that you?" Aura was suprised at what had become of Aster. He knew that the Guardians meant everything to him but to see him be resorted to this.

"You all can catch up afterwards." Chrono went up to Aura and held out his hand. "The shards of the sword, now."

Aura backed up. "And why do you need them? I need them to..."

"Restore the sword to normal. I know, but you could of never do it alone. The forge of creation requires a full team to use it. Not to mention, knowing you, you were going to incorporate something new into the blade, when you brought back the Guardians that we created." Chrono removed his hood and let them all see his face.

"Old friend."

Aura and the Guardians were at a lost for words, he was..."

"Chrono? Y-Y-Your al-l-live? But how?"

"I'll explain later, but for now." Chrono walked up to the forge and pulled the lever to activate it. "We must fix your mistake."

He then threw in the shards and used his powers over time to accelerate the melting process. "But I will say that I had a vision. All the Guardians were together and helping create this blade. One that would exceed the old one for the coming threat."

Those who knew Chrono knew what it meant when he had a vision and got serious. "Then tell us. What do you need us to do?" Levi asked, fully ready to start.

"Materials. To your left there is a mine with rare and powerful gems and metals. Gather those and I'll explain the rest when we get there." Chrono said as he worked his magic on the forge.

[OC's response?]

Group Admin

Aura and Shiva had just came back from where Lü Bu and Riverstone were. Shiva kept her distance; she could tell that Aura was still mad, and was less than eager for a repeat of when she or her wolves had tripped his berserk button.

Though what she didn't know was that Aura was not just mad at Lü Bu for nearly causing a Dimensional crisis, but at Riverstone for what he said to Shiva. In his mind, that had been going too far.


She winced, before turning her gaze to him.

"How long were you following us?"

"Since Luke left Connors safehouse dimension," Shiva replied.

Aura sighed. "Then you also heard that Luke is planning on exiling himself once Morgana is dealt with?" She nodded morosely as he then looked at her. "Cause I really don't want that to happen."

Shiva's tail tucked, and she looked down. "It might not be what you want," she said. "But it's what he believes is best." She gave a sad look to her husband as he forged on ahead, Star only able to get his attention when she alerted him to enemies. "He feels like he's been corrupted." Her fur glowed as she looked into his mind. "He keeps going over the memory where I lost control with the One Piece pirates. He thinks that was the reason why you asked him instead of me; because I was impure and incapable of handling the position of a Guardian." She shrugged. "Which I'll admit, I probably am."

[Aura's reaction?]

"Either way," Shiva continued. "He thinks that he's like me now." She lowered her head. "And it's all... so overwhelming for him. Getting manipulated and possessed by Morgana, getting the Guardians disbanded; Aster hating him when Aster doesn't hate easy, Hati and Myst being angry with him..." She shook her head, and ran after Luke, unable to stay away from him any longer with how much pain he was carrying.

When they both caught up to Luke and Star Wing they had just finishing off a powerful looking security golem that was covered in spikes and had blades coming out of its blocky arms. As they fell the creature, they found a special door, and Aura could feel the power from the other side.

"Just one more step. My goal within this temple is just beyond those doors. Question is, how do we open them?" Aura said as he inspected the door.

Luke hummed, tracing a claw down a special crystal gauge before looking around at the temple.

"Shiva," he said as she caught up to him. "We need Lia and Lapis Wing."

Nodding, Shiva pressed her head to his, and they fused into the wolf centaur Lia.

Managing a small grin, Star headed over to Aura and offered her hoof. "Shall we?"

Aura knew exactly what she was thinking and the two formed Lapis Wing. "Okie dokie! Time to open this door! Open Sesame!"

Lapis Wing brought their claws together. Lia followed their input, and the combined energy of the two Androgynes went into the crystal and made the door glow. Soon as it stopped taking in energy, opening slowly and revealing a pathway of just darkness.

Lapis Wing unfused and Aura slowly walked forward, though Lia stayed fused together. When he took a step inside, a pathway of torches lit up with blue fire leading to the center and lighting up the entire chamber. The sound of gears turning echoed through the chamber and a puff of steam erupted from the center showing a giant forge with blue molten metal in it.

"Dang," Star Wing whistled. "Diamondback and Smith are gonna be pissed they missed out on this."

Lia peered at the forge. "So... this is where we will fix our mistakes?"

Aura didn't say a word as he was just in awe struck. "Master. I finally found it. The forge of creation."

Aura kept moving up the stairs, Star and Lia flanking him, until he made it to the center and found Chrono in disguise with the rest of the Guardians there.


Aura just looked at them dumbfounded. "Wh-why are you all here? Better question, how did you all get here?"

Aster went forward, he was still malnourished but he was starting to look a bit better. "Our cloaked friend brought us here. Said about something very important."

Lia's tail tucked at the sight of Aster. The wolf centaur's form glitched, Luke briefly seen turning away in pained remorse while Shiva tried to comfort him. But the Androgyne reformed, stoic as usual, and stepped back from the group, not looking at Aster.

"Aster? Is that you?" Aura was suprised at what had become of Aster. He knew that the Guardians meant everything to him but to see him be resorted to this...

"You all can catch up afterwards." Chrono went up to Aura and held out his hand. "The shards of the sword, now."

Aura backed up as Star stepped up to his defense. "And why do you need them? I need them to..."

"Restore the sword to normal. I know, but you could never do it alone. The forge of creation requires a full team to use it. Not to mention, knowing you, you were going to incorporate something new into the blade, when you brought back the Guardians that we created..." Chrono removed his hood and let them all see his face. "..Old friend."

Lia said nothing, having already known about Chrono's revival, but Star, Aura and the Guardians were at a lost for words.


"Chrono?" Star asked, looking between them and then at Lü Bu's reaction. "Holy crap..."

"Y-Y-Your al-l-live? But how?"

"I'll explain later, but for now." Chrono walked up to the forge and pulled the lever to activate it. "We must fix your mistake."

He then threw in the shards and used his powers over time to accelerate the melting process. "But I will say that I had a vision. All the Guardians were together and helping create this blade. One that would exceed the old one for the coming threat."

Those who knew Chrono knew what it meant when he had a vision and got serious. "Then tell us. What do you need us to do?" Levi asked, fully ready to start.

"Materials. To your left there is a mine with rare and powerful gems and metals. Gather those and I'll explain the rest when we get there." Chrono said as he worked his magic on the forge.

Lia was already at the mine before the others could move. They channeled their pack link power.

"Diamond Dogs - to me!"

Lia let out a howl, and light spirits of diamond dogs shot out, working with seamless precision and breathtaking speed as they gathered up the rare and powerful gems and metals, handling them like stained glass as they brought them to Chrono and set them down before him and the others.

"What next?" Lia asked.

Shiva's tail tucked, and she looked down. "It might not be what you want," she said. "But it's what he wants." She gave a sad look to her husband as he forged on ahead, Star only able to get his attention when she alerted him to enemies. "He feels like he's been corrupted." Her fur glowed as she looked into his mind. "He keeps going over the memory where I lost control with the One Piece pirates. He thinks that was the reason why you asked him instead of me; because I was impure and incapable of handling the position of a Guardian." She shrugged. "Which I'll admit, I probably am."

"That's not true at all. You felt like you had enough of all the invaders or wanderers from other dimensions. As I told you, those with God like powers eventually go through a snap once or twice." He then looked at Luke with saddened eyes. "Plus, you know that I chose Luke for a different reason. I chose him because he had a particular spark in him, a courage that would shine light in any darkness. Despite the dangers that day, he took the gamble without a second thought and gained the power to bring you back and save not just one dimension, but two. Not to mention..." He held a locket and opened it to show a picture of the Guardians all together with a smile on their face. "He is just one in a billion. During missions he pit his own safety on the line to save many lives, becoming a sheild that protects the innocent from harm."

His frown turned into a smile. "It's that selfless conviction and drive that makes him more then worthy of being a Guardian. His caring heart and drive to protect. Even now he just wants to protect us, but exile is not the answer. Trust me, I've been there and let me tell you, it only brings pain and loneliness."

[Shiva's response?]

Lia let out a howl, and light spirits of diamond dogs shot out, working with seamless precision and breathtaking speed as they gathered up the rare and powerful gems and metals, handling them like stained glass as they brought them to Chrono and set them down before him and the others.

"What next?" Lia asked.

Me motioned for Crystal who nodded and went over to the pile of gems, ores and metals. "In my vision each Guardian had a task that they were preforming. Crystal here with her knowledge of geology, as she uses them in her clothing, can determine the perfect quality for the blade."

Chrystal then kneeled down and sorted through the items. Her tails glowed and half of the pile glowed as well, moving into the molten metal. But she then took the other half which was mainly gems. "I just had an idea for an addition to the sword, shouldn't be too long." She then set up shop and used her magic to create a thread from a gem in her paws.

Chrono then looked at Cinder. "Cinder, this machine is still old and the effects of time has started to effect it." He pointed to several gears and pipes that had signs of rust and damage. "You must use your gift to repair the forge to normal so that we can start the next phase."

Cinder saluted and grabbed her tools. She then ran to the damaged parts and started to make her repairs. They weren't too hard and she was able to finish them in 10 minutes. The large metal pot then tilted and poured its contents into a mold.

"Levi, your powers are needed here. Use your Water Pulse move to rapidly cool the metal into a more solid state so that we can start hammering it down, but don't make it too cool, we still need it hit and malleable. Then you are to transfer the energy from the remains of the gem that was in the Elemental Sword into a container so that we can use it later."

"Right." Levi then kneeled down and fired a ball of concentrated water towards the metal giving it a more solid form. He then took the bag with the gem and moved all it's energy into a special container.

He hesitantly looked at Lü Bu. "Honda... you are the only one who can withstand high temperatures. So if you can take the metal and place it on the anvil."

Lü Bu said nothing and picked up the metal then placed it in the anvil.

"Aura, you are hammering the blade down and Honda will help reheat it when needed. During that process," He then looked at Jason, Aster and Lia, more importantly, Luke. "You three are to find a new replacement for the gem that was once embedded in the sword. Not just any gem though, it has to be a gem called Galaxy Amethyst. You'll understand why it'll take three people soon."

[OC's response?]

Group Admin

His frown turned into a smile. "It's that selfless conviction and drive that makes him more then worthy of being a Guardian. His caring heart and drive to protect. Even now he just wants to protect us, but exile is not the answer. Trust me, I've been there and let me tell you, it only brings pain and loneliness."

Shiva nodded. "He wouldn't be completely alone, though." She looked to Aura. "He wants me to go with him. Like I mentioned, he thinks we're one in the same now." She lifted a paw. "You... don't need to explain it again, I understood. But he also said he feels like I was the only one that had his back while Morgana had him falling in darkness. And..." she looked back at him. "Even if he didn't want me along, I'd still follow." She smiled sadly as her eyes visibly teared up. "I don't feel complete without him."

If Aura said that meant she had to be the one that talked him out of it, Shiva would say, "...Yeah..." but with a very contemplative air, like the idea of running away with Luke by her side was a tempting idea.

"Aura, you are hammering the blade down and Honda will help reheat it when needed. During that process," He then looked at Jason, Aster and Lia, more importantly, Luke. "You three are to find a new replacement for the gem that was once embedded in the sword. Not just any gem though, it has to be a gem called Galaxy Amethyst. You'll understand why it'll take three people soon."

Lia nodded. "Just tell us where we can find it."

Once Chrono explained where to go, Lia set off, not looking at Jason or Aster.

Star glanced around, not liking the dreary air around Lia. "And... do I get a job? Or can I just be a cheerleader?" She turned into Night Fire - complete with pom poms and a cheerleader outfit.

She then started doing a dance, clearly trying to keep morale up. "Guardians Number One! Can't be number two! They're gonna forge the whoopee outta you!"

[Anyone's reaction?]

She then started doing a dance, clearly trying to keep morale up. "Guardians Number One! Can't be number two! They're gonna forge the whoopee outta you!"


She turned to the direction of who called her. "How about we fuse to speed up the process. Luke and Shiva are still Lia, so why not do this as Lapis Wing."

[Star Wing's response?]

With the other three, they had ventured deep into the mines and while there were gems of all kinds everywhere, none of them were what they were looking for.

"Be careful, with the amount of treasure here there is always bound to be something protecting them. Eyes forward everyone." Hati said, he had to take control since Jason's eyes were not build to see in pitch darkness unlike Hati's, Aster's and Lia's.

Aster swirmed as he walked forward and looked at Lia, but hesitated since the last time him and Luke saw each other Luke nearly crippled him while they were fighting each other. But he took a deep breath and mustered up as much courage as he could.

"Um, Luke, or Lia. The Luke part of Lia, gosh I don't know how to say this properly." He softly spoke while staying close to Lia.

[OC's response?]

Aster looked down and avoided eye contact. "Is it true Luke? Are you really going to exile yourself and leave the pack, the Guardians, everyone in Ponyville... me?"

Depending on their answer Aster would rush up to them and clinged onto their leg like how a toddler would cling to their parent. "Please don't leave us. Don't leave me. Was it something I said? Was it because I said that I hated you when we fought?" His eyes were flooded with tears. "I'm sorry I said those things! Just... please don't leave. You've became a huge part of my life and... and..."

He then kneeled down crying and saying sorry between sobs.

[OC's response?]

The touching moment was ruined when they all felt a terrifying presence nearby. Even in their Androgyne form, they felt terror consuming them. They turned the corner to see a pond with a large crystal floating at the center with the outline of something in there, or someone.

Hati gulped and calmed himself. "I think we just stumbled into where Morgana's body is. I can see why Percival had such a hard time sealing her up now."

Aster went up and created an ice kunai but dissipated it when he realized that destroying it would just free Morgana.

Hati took a stick and threw it at the crystal, as it made contact the stick was then turned into the same stuff as the gem prison.

"That explains it. Miracle Quartz. A gem that wraps around anything with a heat source and imprisons it while locking them in time and space. While rare, it is extremely dangerous, one of the few substances that can subdue even an Androgyne. It played a key part in many of their wars. Or so Percival has told us."

[OC's response?]

Group Admin


She turned to the direction of Aura, who called her. "How about we fuse to speed up the process. Luke and Shiva are still Lia, so why not do this as Lapis Wing."

Star grinned. “Whatever you need, babe,” she replied, fluttering over to fuse with him.

With Lia, Jason and Aster, they had ventured deep into the mines and while there were gems of all kinds everywhere, none of them were what they were looking for.

"Be careful, with the amount of treasure here there is always bound to be something protecting them. Eyes forward everyone." Hati said, he had to take control since Jason's eyes were not build to see in pitch darkness unlike Hati's, Aster's and Lia's.

Lia nodded, No Mercy forming in their claws and the light from the blade filling the halls.

Aster squirmed as he looked at Lia, but hesitated since Lia refused to look at him. Not surprising, since the last time he and Luke saw each other, Luke had nearly crippled him while they were fighting each other. But he took a deep breath and mustered up as much courage as he could.

"Um, Luke? Or Lia? The Luke part of Lia? Gosh, I don't know how to say this properly." He softly spoke while staying close to Lia.

Lia still didn’t look at him, but a soft grunt let Aster know they were listening.

Aster looked down and avoided eye contact. "Is it true? Are you really going to exile yourself and leave the pack, the Guardians, everyone in Ponyville... me?"

Lia’s jaw tightened. “We are corrupted. Impure. Unworthy. It’s what’s best,” they said, before speaking in a softer voice. Luke’s voice. “It’s what you want… right?”

Horrified that Luke believed Aster wanted him gone, Aster rushed up to Lia. The younger wolf clung onto their leg like how a toddler would cling to their parent.

"No, I don’t want that! Please don't leave us! Don't leave me! Was it something I said? Was it because I said that I hated you when we fought?" His eyes were flooded with tears. "I'm sorry I said those things! Just... please don't leave! You've became a huge part of my life and... and..."

He then knelt down crying and saying sorry between sobs.

Lia looked up, their eyes glistening as they struggled not to cry. Their form glitched, Shiva straining out to hug Aster while Luke kept his eyes away, struggling to keep his resolve even as it visibly tore his heart.

But then Luke gasped. “Shiva, stop! GUYS WE’RE NOT ALONE!!”

Shiva snapped back to Luke’s side as Lia reformed with a terrifying growl. A second later, Aster, Hati and Jason felt what Lia was growling at.

A terrifying presence was nearby. Even in their Androgyne form, Lia’s growl was but a mask for the fear consuming them. They turned the corner to see a pond with a large crystal floating at the center with the outline of something in there, or someone.

“It’s her,” Lia whispered, terror fighting to mask rage and despair.

Hati gulped and calmed himself. "I think we just stumbled across where Morgana's body is. I can see why Percival had such a hard time sealing her up now."

Aster went up and created an ice kunai but Lia snatched his arm.

“No!” They hissed. “If your attack does nothing but wake her…!”

They didn’t say anything else, but the implication was clear enough: destroying it would just free Morgana.

Hati took a stick, but Lia stopped him as well. Keeping their companions back, Lia sent out a pack link tendril that cautiously probed at the area around the Crystal, analyzing the magic as it attempted to harden the link into the same stuff as the gem prison.

"Miracle Quartz,” Lia reported, withdrawing the link before it could be entrapped. “A gem that wraps around anything with a heat source and imprisons it while locking them in time and space.”

“That explains it,” Hati realized. “While rare, it is extremely dangerous, one of the few substances that can subdue even an Androgyne. It played a key part in many of their wars. Or so Percival has told us."

Lia turned away. “We must inform the Guardians!” They sent a pack link back to the forge room.

As the Guardians worked, Lia’s link reached them, showing them what Lia, Aster, Hati and Jason had discovered.

Time grows short,” Lia’s voice whispered. “Chrono or Aura, what should we do to secure Morgana’s crystal so that we may find the Galaxy Amethyst in peace?”

They could hear the fear in Lia’s voice: they did not want to leave any risk that Morgana could get out before they were ready to combat her.

Time grows short,” Lia’s voice whispered. “Chrono or Aura, what should we do to secure Morgana’s crystal so that we may find the Galaxy Amethyst in peace?”

They could hear the fear in Lia’s voice: they did not want to leave any risk that Morgana could get out before they were ready to combat her.

At first there was static, but the feedback cleared up and they could hear Chrono's voice. "That is why I brought Venus with me. I'll send her your way. Just keep an eye on that thing and what ever you do, don't let anything warm near it otherwise that thing will spread and consume all."

After 20 minutes they heard footsteps coming closer, but they could tell that it was friendly as Venus came in with a strut. "Someone called for a witch?"

She went up to Hati and scratched behind his ear, much to his delight. "Hati, it has been far too long."

"It is good to see you too Venus. I'll admit, I was shocked to hear that Orion tracked you down to help us."

Jason appeared above Hati's head in his transparent form. "Knowing this witch there is something in it for her. She never does anything for free."

Despite being in his transparent form, he felt himself being picked up and was now face to face with Venus. "Still so hard on me I see. That hurts my feelings." She said acting like that really hurt her. "Congratulations on being a father though. But we can catch up later."

She walked up to the Crystal and sighed. "And I just got my hair done too. Oh well, sacrifices must be made sometimes." Her hair started to glow and move upward, swirling around and creating some kind of portal then chanted.

[The language is called Enochian. Here is an example.]

From her hair a pair of giant hands came out and grabbed the crystal. At first it tried to spread but the hairs glowed again and it turned into ice.

"Same as ever. Venus was our summoner back in the day. But she prefers to be called a beast tamer. Commanding deadly beasts and summoning them through her magic hair. Just as you would expect from a witch." Hati stated as he watched Venus work, he then started to remember his old days as her before she retired.

The hair then wrapped around the Crystal and Venus drew out a long knife and cut her hair off. "Wolf cub! Ice it, now!"

Aster quickly froze the hair tangled gem completely solid as it landed with a thud. Venus' hair then regrew itself back to normal as her hair rewrapped around Venus' body.

She then grabbed the frozen gem and carried it over her shoulder. "Well that takes care of one problem, for now. I'll take this back to the others, away from heat too. I think we can set a trap for Morgana if she somehow finds a way in. Good luck with your search."

Venus walked out gem in tow as she hummed a little tune.

The three then continued and this time feeling a sensation that filled them with light. There on a podium, stood a gorgeous gem that changed colors and had plant-life around it.

"That must be the Rainbow Amethyst. Definitely looks like the gem that was in the Elemental Sword." Aster said as he tried to take a step but Jason took control and grabbed him by the tail right before a large swing axe got to him.

Aster gulped and backed up. "Okay, that seems a bit much."

"The thing is lined with traps out of the wazoo. One wrong move and you'll see just how much is really overkill. Luckily for me..." He stretched his legs and arms to get more limber. "I do stuff like this in a daily basis."

He put his goggles on and jumped into the trap filled room. Jumping out of the way of arrows, spears, flames and axes galore, flipping, sliding and jumping as he made his way to the Amethyst. Then he grabbed it and quickly bolted out of the room, and good thing too as the podium sank and the entire room caved in and the floor gave out making everything fall to a seemingly endless pit.

"That wasn't so hard." Jason said with a cocky grin as he spun the Amethyst on his finger. "I expected that to be a challeeeeeennnnngggggeeeee!!!!!" A tendril grabbed Jason and pulled him in.

"JASON!" Aster went after his best friend but he felt something wrapped around his foot and a second later he was dragged down too.

[Lia's response?]

If they dove down they would land on a sandy ground and see what looked to be a giant kraken holding both Jason and Aster so tightly that they couldn't move.

[How will the fight it?]

Group Admin

At first there was static, but the feedback cleared up and they could hear Chrono's voice. "That is why I brought Venus with me. I'll send her your way. Just keep an eye on that thing and what ever you do, don't let anything warm near it otherwise that thing will spread and consume all."

Lia glitched again, Shiva briefly being seen grimacing in anger while Luke glanced at her nervously, but then the glitch faded, and Lia nodded. "Understood. Standing by."

After 20 minutes they heard footsteps coming closer, but they could tell that it was friendly as Venus came in with a strut. "Someone called for a witch?"

She went up to Hati and scratched behind his ear, much to his delight. "Hati, it has been far too long."

"It is good to see you too Venus. I'll admit, I was shocked to hear that Orion tracked you down to help us."

"Orion?" Lia asked. "We thought Chrono was the one who recruited her."

[Insert anyone's explanation to that]

If Venus noted Luke's handsomeness again, Lia would glitch again to show Shiva standing protectively in front of her mate, as Luke tried to calm her. Once again though, the glitch would be temporary, and Lia would reform, smoothing their fur out and shaking their head to clear their components' diverging thoughts.

Jason appeared above Hati's head in his transparent form. "Knowing this witch there is something in it for her. She never does anything for free."

Despite being in his transparent form, he felt himself being picked up and was now face to face with Venus. "Still so hard on me I see. That hurts my feelings." She said acting like that really hurt her. "Congratulations on being a father though. But we can catch up later."

She walked up to the crystal and sighed. "And I just got my hair done too. Oh well, sacrifices must be made sometimes." Her hair started to glow and move upward, swirling around and creating some kind of portal then chanted.


From her hair a pair of giant hands came out and grabbed the crystal. At first it tried to spread but the hairs glowed again and it turned into ice.

"Same as ever," Hati said, noticing Lia watching with trepidation. "Venus was our summoner back in the day. But she prefers to be called a beast tamer. Commanding deadly beasts and summoning them through her magic hair. Just as you would expect from a witch."

Lia said nothing as they watched Venus work.

Hati then started to remember his old days as her before she retired.

The hair then wrapped around the Crystal and Venus drew out a long knife and cut her hair off. "Wolf cub! Ice it, now!"

Aster quickly froze the hair tangled gem completely solid as it landed with a thud. Venus' hair then regrew itself back to normal as her hair rewrapped around Venus' body.

She then grabbed the frozen gem and carried it over her shoulder. "Well that takes care of one problem, for now. I'll take this back to the others, away from heat too. I think we can set a trap for Morgana if she somehow finds a way in. Good luck with your search."

Venus walked out gem in tow as she hummed a little tune.

Sighing once with relief, Lia led the group onward. Soon enough, they felt a sensation that filled them with light. There on a podium, stood a gorgeous gem that changed colors and had plant-life around it.

"That must be the Rainbow Amethyst. Definitely looks like the gem that was in the Elemental Sword." Aster said as he tried to take a step but Jason took control and grabbed him by the tail, while Lia shot forward and grabbed a swinging axe, breaking it off by the blade and showing it to Aster.

Aster gulped and backed up. "Okay, that seems a bit much."

"The thing is lined with traps out of the wazoo. One wrong move and you'll see just how much is really overkill. Luckily for me..." Jason stretched his legs and arms to get more limber. "I do stuff like this in a daily basis."

Lia nodded. "We've got your back if anything happens."

He put his goggles on and jumped into the trap filled room. Jumping out of the way of arrows, spears, flames and axes galore, flipping, sliding and jumping as he made his way to the Amethyst. Then he grabbed it and quickly bolted out of the room, and good thing too as the podium sank and the entire room caved in and the floor gave out making everything fall to a seemingly endless pit.

"That wasn't so hard." Jason said with a cocky grin as he spun the Amethyst on his finger. "I expected that to be a challeeeeeennnnngggggeeeee!!!!!" A tendril grabbed Jason and tried to pull him in, but Lia snatched him with a pack link tendril, the two sides now fighting over Jason like a tug of war.

"JASON!" Aster tried to go after his best friend, however...

"NO!" Lia snatched Aster by the scruff of his nape, depositing him on their back. "Stay at a distance!" Lia barked as they pulled Jason back with their tendril. "Look for weak spots, anything you can throw kunais at."

Lia dug their wolf paws into the ground, and with a mighty muscle straining pull, they tugged Jason closer, revealing what had snagged him: what looked to be a giant kraken holding Jason so tightly that he couldn't move.

With incredible strength, Lia continued their tug of war with Jason, drawing No Mercy in their free hand, and firing it's extendable blade experimentally at the mouth and tendrils.

If one of them turned out to be a weak spot, they'd turn to Aster. "[Weak point], Kunai! NOW!"

Aster would then hit the weak points with his kunai, helping Lia batter the kraken with attacks until it either fell or released Jason.

"Orion?" Lia asked. "We thought Chrono was the one who recruited her."

[:twilightoops: I ment to put Chrono's name in there. I made that post when I was under the effects of eating too much turkey so I was tired.]

"That wasn't so hard." Jason said with a cocky grin as he spun the Amethyst on his finger. "I expected that to be a challeeeeeennnnngggggeeeee!!!!!" A tendril grabbed Jason and tried to pull him in, but Lia snatched him with a pack link tendril, the two sides now fighting over Jason like a tug of war.

"JASON!" Aster tried to go after his best friend, however...

"NO!" Lia snatched Aster by the scruff of his nape, depositing him on their back. "Stay at a distance!" Lia barked as they pulled Jason back with their tendril. "Look for weak spots, anything you can throw kunais at."

"And please hurry! I don't want to lose another limb, or worst, ripped in half!" Jason shouted as he felt his torso being pulled in two different directions.

Lia dug their wolf paws into the ground, and with a mighty muscle straining pull, they tugged Jason closer, revealing what had snagged him: what looked to be a giant kraken holding Jason so tightly that he couldn't move.

Astet went wide eyed as he saw the creature. "I thought sand krakens went extinct long ago."

Jason struggled to get out as the tendril continued to wrap around him. "Well guess one survived! Better then a land shark though!"

With incredible strength, Lia continued their tug of war with Jason, drawing No Mercy in their free hand, and firing it's extendable blade experimentally at the mouth and tendrils.

If one of them turned out to be a weak spot, they'd turn to Aster. "The Mouth, Kunai! NOW!"

Aster would then hit the weak points with his kunai, helping Lia batter the kraken with attacks until it released Jason and fell into the abyss.

"Thanks. Let my guard down for one second and I nearly became kraken food. I owe you one." Jason said as he got back up while holding his side.

[Lia's response?]

The three of them finally got out of the mines and saw that Lapis Wing was hammering away at the blade til it was the right size.

"Perfect. Now to sharpen it."

They went to the grinder but Chrono stopped them. "Sorry Lapis, but you are not the one who grinds it."

He then looks at Lia, but they could tell that he was looking at Luke. "Aster, cool the blade off a bit so that Lia could sharpen it."

Aster went over to the blade and released a blast of icy wind at the hot metal then handing it to Lia so that they can sharpen it but they noticed that there was no power to start it up.

"Simple fix, this is why Jason is also needed." Chrono looked at Jason. "Using your speed, run at high speeds to make the belt move. The forge used beasts to power it up so you should have no problem."

Jason sighed and went to the wheel. "Why shouldn't I be surprised. All you think I'm good for is speed."

He started running and Lia pressed the blade against the grinder as sparks flew off it and during that Aster was tasked to make the hilt of the sword with help from Lapis Wing as they needed to add the Rainbow Amethyst.

The grinding process took an hour but it was finally sharp and straight, but before they could add it to the hilt, Chrono came in.

"Now for the final piece." He took out a chisel. "Each Guardian must carve out a Rune. This was Aura's idea as he said that he wanted to make it so that everyone he trusted can use the blade with no limitations." He said as he added a rune of his choice, then Cinder, Crystal, Aster, Jason and Hati, Lü Bu, Levi, and Aura. But there was one more important member. All eyes were on Luke.

[OC's response?]

Aura smiled and showed a spot on the blade just for Luke. "We've all had our dark moments. Heck I just had one recently when Inanis messed with my mind to make me attack you all. But most importantly, you are far more important to this team then you realize Luke. You and Shiva changed us for the better."

"You became our brother." Levi stepped up.

"You helped us change our view of others." Lü Bu stepped up.

"You helped us feel normal." Cinder came up.

"You gave us a home." Aster said with teary eyes.

"You gave us friends who care about us." Crystal stated.

"You made us feel like we mattered." Jason said before Hati took control. "And you helped me in my darkest of times."

Aura stepped up and brought his hand out. "You are much more then a Guardian, Diamond dog, or anything. You are family, and I am so happy that I've met you."

[OC's response?]

Group Admin


[:twilightoops: I ment to put Chrono's name in there. I made that post when I was under the effects of eating too much turkey so I was tired.]

Oh. Okay. Never mind that then. :twilightsheepish:

Aster would then hit the mouth with his kunai, helping Lia batter the kraken with attacks until it released Jason and fell into the abyss.

"Thanks. Let my guard down for one second and I nearly became kraken food. I owe you one." Jason said as he got back up while holding his side.

Lia pat his back with the first smile they had seen from the Androgyne. “Nothing is owed. We’re just glad you’re safe.

The three of them finally got out of the mines and saw that Lapis Wing was hammering away at the blade til it was the right size.

"Perfect. Now to sharpen it."

They went to the grinder but Chrono stopped them. "Sorry Lapis, but you are not the one who grinds it."

He then looks at Lia, but they could tell that he was looking at Luke. "Aster, cool the blade off a bit so that Lia can sharpen it."

Aster went over to the blade and released a blast of icy wind at the hot metal then handing it to Lia so that they can sharpen it but they noticed that there was no power to start it up.

Lia almost used the pack link to make power, but then paused. “I need a Guardian’s help for this, yes?”

Chrono looked at Jason. "Using your speed, run at high speeds to make the belt move. The forge used beasts to power it up so you should have no problem."

Jason sighed and went to the wheel. "Why shouldn't I be surprised. All you think I'm good for is speed."

He started running and Lia pressed the blade against the grinder as sparks flew off it and during that Aster was tasked to make the hilt of the sword with help from Lapis Wing as they needed to add the Rainbow Amethyst.

The grinding process took an hour but it was finally sharp and straight, but before they could add it to the hilt, Chrono came in.

"Now for the final piece." He took out a chisel. "Each Guardian must carve out a Rune. This was Aura's idea as he said that he wanted to make it so that everyone he trusted can use the blade with no limitations." He said as he added a rune of his choice, then Cinder, Crystal, Aster, Jason and Hati, Lü Bu, Levi, and Aura. But there was one more important member. All eyes were on Luke.

But he remained in Lia, and tried to add his rune while still Lia.

[Were the others okay with that?]

If they asked Lia to add it as Luke, he sighed. “We’re re-treading old arguments, guys,” Luke said from within Lia. “You guys say I’m worthy, I say I’m corrupted, and nothing we say is gonna convince the other side?”

Aura smiled and showed a spot on the blade just for Luke. "We've all had our dark moments. Heck I just had one recently when Inanis messed with my mind to make me attack you all. But most importantly, you are far more important to this team then you realize Luke. You and Shiva changed us for the better."

"You became our brother." Levi stepped up.

"You helped us change our view of others." Lü Bu stepped up.

"You helped us feel normal." Cinder came up.

"You gave us a home." Aster said with teary eyes.

"You gave us friends who care about us." Crystal stated.

"You made us feel like we mattered." Jason said before Hati took control. "And you helped me in my darkest of times."

Aura stepped up and brought his hand out. "You are much more then a Guardian, Diamond dog, or anything. You are family, and I am so happy that I've met you."

Lia grinned faintly, and shimmered back into Luke and Shiva, Luke taking Aura’s hand.

However, when Shiva tried to step back, Luke took her hand.

“You guys are family to me too,” Luke promised. “But I couldn’t have done any of the things I’ve helped you with alone.” He looked to his wife. “Shiva is my family too. My other half. My light in the darkness. And without her, our family feels incomplete.” She kissed Shiva before looking to the others. “It doesn’t have to be right now. Especially not with Morgana so close. But someday… I’d like Shiva to join our family in the Guardians as well. I’d like to have her by my side, just as Jason and Crystal have each other.” He gazed up at Aura. “Please.”

[their reply?]

If they asked Shiva, she’d be nervous, but give Luke a look of love. “If it means I can be there for him… I’ll do anything to prove I’m capable. Overcome any obstacle. Luke is my family too. My King. And as long as we’re together… I feel ready for anything.”

And if they worried about Outer haven, Luke would grin.

“We’ve trained Celine for this day,” he said. “She has Bluu and the love of the Pack. And she’ll still have us if we’re needed.”

Shiva nodded. “She is ready. And so are we.”

If they agreed, Luke would visibly glow with delight before carving his rune into the blade.

Even better, his rune would translate out to ‘Wolf’s Love’

Shiva would wait - after all, Luke said he was okay with her not joining this very instant - but she and Luke would visibly have their spirits restored, with hope for the future.

But he remained in Lia, and tried to add his rune while still Lia.

However, the others were okay with the idea, but Chrono on the other hand, who is a stickler for making his vision as correct as possible.

"My vision showed Luke putting in the Rune so if you could please..." Lü Bu shoved Chrono telling him to just let it happen.

Luke sighed. “We’re re-treading old arguments, guys,” Luke said from within Lia. “You guys say I’m worthy, I say I’m corrupted, and nothing we say is gonna convince the other side?”

Aura smiled and showed a spot on the blade just for Luke. "We've all had our dark moments. Heck I just had one recently when Inanis messed with my mind to make me attack you all. But most importantly, you are far more important to this team then you realize Luke. You and Shiva changed us for the better."

"You became our brother." Levi stepped up.

"You helped us change our view of others." Lü Bu stepped up.

"You helped us feel normal." Cinder came up.

"You gave us a home." Aster said with teary eyes.

"You gave us friends who care about us." Crystal stated.

"You made us feel like we mattered." Jason said before Hati took control. "And you helped me in my darkest of times."

Aura stepped up and brought his hand out. "You are much more then a Guardian, Diamond dog, or anything. You are family, and I am so happy that I've met you."

Lia grinned faintly, and shimmered back into Luke and Shiva, Luke taking Aura’s hand.

However, when Shiva tried to step back, Luke took her hand.

“You guys are family to me too,” Luke promised. “But I couldn’t have done any of the things I’ve helped you with alone.” He looked to his wife. “Shiva is my family too. My other half. My light in the darkness. And without her, our family feels incomplete.” She kissed Shiva before looking to the others. “It doesn’t have to be right now. Especially not with Morgana so close. But someday… I’d like Shiva to join our family in the Guardians as well. I’d like to have her by my side, just as Jason and Crystal have each other.” He gazed up at Aura. “Please.”

Aura looked at both Luke and Shiva with a big smile and a tear forming in his eye. "It would be an honor to add her to the team. Truth is..." He turned to Hati who had a proud smile that a father would carry. "Hati has been asking me to bring Shiva in for a long time. He felt that she would be a huge help and can help bring peace to many more dimensions."

He then gazed at Shiva with light in his eyes. "What do you say Shiva? Would you like to join our family as a Dimensional Guardian?"

At first she was nervous, but gave Luke a look of love. “If it means I can be there for him… I’ll do anything to prove I’m capable. Overcome any obstacle. Luke is my family too. My King. And as long as we’re together… I feel ready for anything.”

"And what of Outer Haven? I don't want to over work any of you." Aura asked in concern.

“We’ve trained Celine for this day,” Luke answered. “She has Bluu and the love of the Pack. And she’ll still have us if we’re needed.”

Shiva nodded. “She is ready. And so are we.”

Aura turned to the others for their opinion and they nodded in agreement. Luke then visibly glowed with delight before carving his rune into the blade.

Even better, his rune would translate out to ‘Wolf’s Love’

Shiva would wait - after all, Luke said he was okay with her not joining this very instant - but she and Luke would visibly have their spirits restored, with hope for the future.

Chrono gave a smile. "Now, time to add the hilt, Crystal."

She took the hilt once she added a long ribbon to the end of the handle and inserted the blade in, then Lü Bu welded it in place and gave it to Aura who held it high upwards as it glowed in a radiant light.

And in that moment, the mark of the Guardian returned onto their bodies.

The Dimensional Guardians were back! And they're ready to face Morgana and Inanis when they come.

Thank you for sharing! :twilightsmile:

And look forward to tomorrow.

Group Admin


Thank you for sharing! :twilightsmile:

And look forward to tomorrow.

Thank you for sharing as well. :pinkiehappy:

My OCs are ready to bring their A-Game tomorrow. Looking forward to it. 👍

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