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Darren Cross: All those years ago, you picked me. What did you see in me?
Hank Pym: I saw myself.
Darren Cross: [hurt] Then why did you push me away?
Hank Pym: Because I saw too much of myself.

Shadow Archetype is a character that embodies something another character does not like about themselves.

This question may sound personal but I am curious of which villain OCs is your Shadow Archetype? The person you could've become or a cautionary tale of who we should not to be?

This question is specifically about you BTW.

For me, it would be Eki.

Eki would've been me if I didn't mature and still act like a manchild.

He represents the cautionary tale for those who refuse to mature and denying their responsibility as an adult.

He's no doubt the biggest manchild i ever created and I certainly don't want to be like him... hell no.

Who is your Shadow Archetype?

Yeah... I'm gonna have to go with Light Speed :rainbowderp: With how Light Speed is and how he reacts when confronting other others is just horrible considering his ego and high pedestal of how he views things compared to others especially in a competition.. I'm always having to learn and better myself and be a good person but I would have been Light Speed if I didn't mature and see things in a new light.

Well for me it would have to be Inanis.

Just like how Inanis did all of those things just to get Eki's attention when he first appeared, If I didn't end up taking shelter in my metaphorical shell during my school life, (Which was tough for someone like me.) I would of been doing extremely stupid and down right dangerous things just so that people can pay attention to me.

I actually did a few things like that when I was younger in pre-school and I hated myself for that. I was so stupid and desperate to gain attention that once I got it, I shriveled down into a scared little kid until my 2nd year of Elementary.

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Bai Long; previously Myst.

Both represent anger in a way for me, which is an emotion I struggled with a lot. I've had problems keeping my temper in check, and it was something bullies quickly started using to harass me: they'd just get me riled up, and then when I lost my temper, they'd always set things up so the teachers would just see me freaking out, and assume I flew off the handle for no reason, which, of course, only made the cycle worse as I got angrier and angrier with these guys.

Myst was my first successful attempt at controlling the anger; though at first, it was through Shiva, who ironically had a way more violent reaction to Beast Breaker in my original drafts for 'Howlite Howler' (sort of an internal lesson to myself on how I couldn't let the anger overwhelm me, or I'd do something I really regretted). However, after my beta readers noted that Shiva's anger was making her too unlikable to be a protagonist, I transferred her anger over to Myst, and as a result, I found that Myst served as a viable way of dealing with my anger, since unlike Shiva, Myst was meant to be an antagonist, so I didn't have to worry about her being unlikable. I inserted things about people I didn't like into Myst's rants against humans she disliked, and before long, I had a viable antagonist that was not only a Shadow Archetype to myself, but to Shiva as well, as Shiva got to see in Myst what she would become if she let anger take hold (though sadly, she did need Aura Kaiser's help for the lesson to stick after she got frustrated)

However, as I started moving Myst towards more of a tragic anti-villain, I noticed Bai Long managed to be worse than her. Because where Myst was anger (short fuse, but quick burnout) Bai Long was hatred. Where Myst grew to represent quick blowouts of rage that I was able to get control over (like rage quitting a video game), Bai Long was a part of me that would hate someone so much, I would find myself starting to plan ways to murder them. That part of me scared me, and with the work I had done for Myst guiding me, I inserted all those hateful thoughts into the character that would become Bai Long.

I don't like being angry, and I don't like it when I hate others. So Myst and Bai Long both serve as cautionary tales to myself to keep a cool head and to try my best to empathize with others, even when they don't make it easy.

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