Friendship Is Awesomes 296 members · 14,219 stories
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What makes Spider-Man the most relatable hero was he wasn't rich like Iron Man or have a godlike power like Thor, he is a normal kid struggling with everyday problems.

Like Peter is struggling with paying rent, dealing with a boss, bullying and pretty much all real life issues we are going through.

So, out of your OCs, who is the most relatable that everyone can relate to when they deal with real life issues?

For me, it would be Speed Demon Kid cause he's not a god or a rich man, he's just an average joe who deals with issues like how to stand up for himself and dealing with social interaction.

What about your OCs? Who is the most relatable that everyone can relate to?

If Auramastermg reading this, try not to pick any OCs who are not insanely powerful like Aura Kaiser or any Guardians, your OC must be relatable similar to Spider-Man and deal with real life issues, not fighting insanely super-powered villain.


If Auramastermg reading this, try not to pick any OCs who are not insanely powerful like Aura Kaiser or any Guardians, your OC must be relatable similar to Spider-Man and deal with real life issues, not fighting insanely super-powered villain.

Wasn't going to. As they are no where near as relatable as my choice.

That being Mystic Knight.

While he was based on my younger self, he still has that nervous vibe that I'm sure we've all went through once or twice. Always wondering if what we do is good enough or even if we are really worth something. And he's just a stallion with big dreams.

Plus while he is very nervous about a lot of things, he isn't afraid to stand up for himself and his friends when he needs to and to show the world that he can be something.

Sorry if this all seems vague, I suck at explaining things.:twilightsheepish:

Group Admin


Personally, after thinking it over for a bit... I feel like the most relatable is Shiva.

Shiva, at the end of the day, is the most reluctant hero out of all of my OCs. She doesn't want to get stronger or spend all her time training; she doesn't want glory or fame, heck, subconsiously, she doesn't even want to join the Guardians (Sorry, Auramastermg :twilightsheepish: This is going to be something she'll need to confront in Aura's test for her)

What she really wants is to just be able to live a quiet, peaceful life with a family who loves her while she loves them back.

But, of course, there's always something about life that will put that peaceful life in jepoardy, so she'll take up arms and do her best to help her family survive.

Where others may get involved in conflicts by choice, she only gets involved by necessity, as in, if she doesn't, her family dies.

This is similar to how Peter Parker became Spiderman because he was needed, not because he was wanted. J. Jonah Jameson does his best to slander Spiderman's image, and Spiderman 2 showed the strain that being a hero had on his life, and how tempted he was to quit the superhero lifestyle. Yet, like Shiva, he still puts his life on the line, because if he doesn't, innocent people can and will be threatened, hurt or even killed. And with the power he wields, he has a responsbility to use it to help those people. Just as Shiva has a responsibility to use her pack link for the good of the many.


(Sorry, Auramastermg :twilightsheepish: This is going to be something she'll need to confront in Aura's test for her)

Oh I already knew that.

But as I said long ago when I first came up with the Guardians; They don't just fight, most of the time they just escort lost beings from other dimensions and return them home. Anytime they do all need to fight would be akin to divine intervention, as they should let mortals solve any evil themselves.

But at the same time her feelings on not fighting is what makes her a perfect Guardian in my mind. As I chose the word Guardians cause they are used to protect.

Group Admin


But at the same time her feelings on not fighting is what makes her a perfect Guardian in my mind. As I chose the word Guardians cause they are used to protect.

Fair enough.

It'll definitely be interesting seeing Aura convince Shiva to go through with joining them.

I look forward to it when that post comes along.

Until then, thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

Bandit, Chad, Kappa and Echo Tusk

Bandit- Has the most trouble fitting in because not only is he very different from those he's around, but he's huge and intimidating. He's regularly judged for his appearance and who his mother is, so a lot of ponies gave a negative opinion of Bandit before they even meet him. Not to mention, no matter how much good he does, someone always tries to paint him in a bad light.

Chad- Despite how Chad acts and behaves, he's super aware that his childhood isn't gonna last forever. He is in no rush to become an adult, but knows it's around the corner. He's also very smart for his age, but regularly underestimated by adults because of his youth.

Kappa- Kappa may appear grumpy, but he's just an introvert who likes to be alone or with his friend Derpy. However, a lot of creatures think he's rude or aggressive for that.

Echo Tusk- Echo Tusk is a Book Store Cashier living a retail worker's life. That should speak for itself.


heck, subconsciously, she doesn't even want to join the Guardians

:fluttercry: With everything that's happened since... Maybe Shiva should've listened to her subconscious more (just a random thought after coming back to this after rereading the Talos Arc.)

Group Admin

:ajsleepy: That's honestly what I keep thinking as well. Might've saved her and her friends and family a lot of heartache.

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