Friendship Is Awesomes 298 members · 14,237 stories
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Group Admin

When I said the main hero, think guys like Luke Skywalker, Liu Kang, Superman, Captain America etc.

What those guys have in common is that they are not only the main hero of the stories but the one who get the most focus out of the character.

So who is your main hero or who is the Luke Skywalker or Superman of your stories?

For me, it would be Speed Demon Kid cause I feel he's my Luke Skywalker in a way as he's very idealistic person who start off as a pushover but as time go by, he becomes a courageous person who willing to risk his life to protect the innocent from the evil.

My oc is named Ullr

Group Admin


Star Wing.

To me, Star Wing is the main hero and Big Good of my series. In OSAF, she's a hybrid of dragon and wolf who believes she was born to end the conflict between dragons and wolves, and even though in the Fimfic posts, she's the daughter of Luna instead, she still has that desire to be a hero and spread good will and love throughout her adventures.

She doesn't have much in the way of character development, but I feel she serves better as a static character, like Goku; where she doesn't develop that often, but her personality influences the people around her and inspires them to be better than they were before.

I only have a couple of OCs that appear more than once.
But if I were to pick one that would be, I would easily suggest Winter Fields. Who is far... more than she appears.

She's a little Mary-Sue-ish, but is quite aware of it. One of her... Feats is Minor Deus Ex Machina. She often has to be careful or something could go too far in her favour and she could steal the spotlight unintentionally.

Mystic Knight.

I know may would think that it be Aura Kaiser, but he is more of a mentor rather than the main hero.

The whole idea of him not having any magic yet still finding his role in the world has been done by other media before, but most of the time they don't have much character development. But I think that the whole trope that even if you don't have any power, you can still make a difference is perfect for Mystic since we get to see him grow from a shy Unicorn who lacks self confidence, to a real hero who would fight for what's right.

Group Admin

Yeah, I could see him as the Luke Skywalker of your story.

Very ironically that despite being the main hero, not only he's not part of Guardians but the Big Bad, Fenrir is not even his arch-nemesis since Gallant is more of his arch-nemesis due to the hell he put Mystic through.

I notices that he rarely appears in any posts you did since you focus heavily on Guardians more than the main hero, Mystic.

Just saying.

Thank you for sharing. :pinkiehappy:


I notices that he rarely appears in any posts you did since you focus heavily on Guardians more than the main hero, Mystic.

Im actully going to put him in more often. Just haven't had any post that would fit at the moment. There will be soon.

Group Admin

We look forward to seeing them. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you as always for sharing. 👍

The main hero of my stories is Sid the Hero (One of my Sonic OCs. I haven't made any heroic OCs for MLP yet).

Group Admin


Sorry I didn't write this sooner, but personally, I like that Mystic's beef is with Gallant rather than Fenrir.

It reminds me of how Luke Skywalker had the most animosity with Darth Vader, even though Darth Sidious was the Big Bad.

It even serves as a neat little inversion to the Star Wars tale, since Luke didn't know Vader was his father until Episode 5, whereas Mystic knows Gallant is his father from the jump.

Oftentimes, the Dragon (And by that, I mean the right hand man to the Big Bad, who don't need to be actual dragons - please stop glaring at me, Drake :ajbemused:) is meant to be The Heavy - that is to say, the most active and threatening villain in the story. As giving them a boss who makes orders from the shadows offers more intrigue and suspense, since we won't know when they'll need to take on the bigger boss, but at the very least, the hero get character development by taking on the one that is the most active threat and whom they have the most personal beef with.

In this case, beating Gallant will give Mystic the development that he needs to become the hero he's meant to be. Henceforth, he can't fight Fenrir with any hope of victory until he overcomes his personal and literal demons by defeating Gallant.

Group Admin

Yeah, that's a good comparison, King and it's make sense that Mystic have more personal fight with Gallant than Fenrir since Gallant is the one who constantly made Mystic's life a living hell for something that wasn't in Mystic's control.

As for why you feel fighting Gallant is a chore? Well, Aura told me he wanted Mystic being the one to put the end of Gallant.

Think like Cobra Kai where even through John Kreese is the main villain, Daniel have more personal grudge with Terry Silver since Terry did made Daniel's life a living hell and I am glad it was Daniel who defeated Terry, not Johnny or others... it's Daniel's fight.

So, please, King... don't have your OCs try to end Gallant cause that Mystic's fight... no one else.

If you like, you could talk with Aura about why you don't want to deal with Gallant since you told me it was chore.

I don't want you to do something that isn't fun for you to write... you're my friend, King.

Group Admin


As for why you feel fighting Gallant is a chore? Well, Aura told me he wanted Mystic being the one to put the end of Gallant

Yep, he told me the same thing. And it makes sense; Gallant is Mystic's fight. Only by defeating Gallant can Mystic find peace with himself and become the hero Aura says he is.

So, I don't intend to have my guys fight with Gallant any more; next time he shows up, and Mystic is in the area, they're going to let Mystic fight. They'll even straight up tell Mystic, 'This is your fight. We can't do this for you.'

Though they will also ask him to 'kick his arse,' because they're tired of Gallant constantly coming in, wangsting about how Mystic 'killed' his wife, and then getting Fenrir to yank him away.

I appreciate you making sure this stays fun, buddy. You're my friend as well. :twilightsmile:

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