Friendship Is Awesomes 296 members · 14,219 stories
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Group Admin

Since JNKing and AuramasterMG have been doing story arcs more than others, I decides to set new rules.

1. All posts that have nothing to do with story arcs that JNKing and AuramasterMG been doing won't be affected by the story arcs

One of the big reason why i took 2 months hiatus was I can't post any fun posts without suddenly getting involved with story arcs.

Like, I get you are writing the story arc but not everyone are going to be interested in story arcs and some folks just want a fun hypothetical post that have nothing to do with story arcs.

Also, don't try to shove your story arcs on them since they have no interest in doing story arcs as they just want to post a more fun hypothetical post.

2. Please no more mean-spirited posts

This forum is called Friendship is Awesome and a certain user have a tendency to post a mean-spirited post where either Blueblood did horrific things to more innocent characters or just plain mean-spirited post.

I get It's fun to place the asshole in their place but it can get annoying and repetitive if you keep doing mean-spirited posts.

3. Do not post anything when you get angry

JNKing has said he regrets of making Shiva and especially Luke assholes because he was having difficulty with his jobs and most of the time, he would take his frustration out on having his OCs being very ultra hostile to AuramasterMG's OC.

If you are angry, do not post at all because it would affect on not just your OCs but you negativity... remember a certain Jedi would said about anger?

Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate … hate leads to suffering

So yeah, try to not post anything on this forum when you get in your angry mode... it's not healthy.

And when you introduce your OCs, do not let your anger affect how you portrayed your OC as AuramasterMG made a big mistake with his OC, Orion because due to personal issues between him and his former best friend whom he based Orion on.

So yeah, that's pretty much new rules from now on.


One of the big reason why i took 2 months hiatus was I can't post any fun posts without suddenly getting involved with story arcs.

Wait, I'm the reason why you took your hiatus?

:fluttercry: I am so sorry for that. I've been trying to fix that but most of the time I have a hard time with how I should name the post. Like Too hot! it was like how last year I made a post about how everyone's OCs would beat the heat. I didn't want to make it so similar to that.

And some of my post were never meant to be story posts but somehow they end up as those anyway like Spring Grooming even though I said that I wanted it to be comical and therefore, not a story post.

So to fix that I will put a [SP] at the start of any story post I make to prevent that mistake from ever happening.

And again, I am sorry for the trouble I caused.:pinkiesad2:

Group Admin


Wait, I'm the reason why you took your hiatus?

No, what I actually meant to said doing story arc can be draining at time and I don't want to drain out all of my energy because I realizes that when I did Reign arc, it drain out of my energy and I don't want to go through that again.

And again, I am sorry for the trouble I caused.:pinkiesad2:

That's okay, Aura... there's no hard feelings between us. :twilightsmile:


That's okay, Aura... there's no hard feelings between us. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for letting me know.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin


One of the big reason why i took 2 months hiatus was I can't post any fun posts without suddenly getting involved with story arcs.

Like, I get you are writing the story arc but not everyone are going to be interested in story arcs and some folks just want a fun hypothetical post that have nothing to do with story arcs.

I understand, and apologize if my story arcs felt more like chores than fun explorations of character development. I hope to adjust the Drae Kahn Rex story arc accordingly, as aside from Rex, it does introduce some characters that I'm hoping will have interesting and new personalities that the others will have fun bouncing their own OCs off of.

JNKing has said he regrets of making Shiva and especially Luke assholes because he was having difficulty with his jobs and most of the time, he would take his frustration out on having his OCs being very ultra hostile to AuramasterMG's OC.

Indeed. Which does make me worried that some will take my latest post the wrong way.

Despite Luke's reaction, I do want to clarify that though he seems to be verging towards hositility, I do intend for him to make an epic and heroic return later.

So yeah, that's pretty much new rules from now on.

Sounds good. Thanks for letting me know.

I am sorry for the trouble I caused.:pinkiesad2:

No worries, Aura buddy.

Like I said, Luke's actions in 'The Last Request' are mainly due to shock and struggling to handle some emotions that he's been pretty much trying to ignore for a long time. I do intend for him to prove that he's ultimately moved on and isn't letting the past bring him down, but I want to do it in a way that builds suspense, and thus makes his eventual return to duty all the more awesome. :rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks as always for sharing your amazing characters, and I look forward to your response. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the heads up.

Group Admin

Alright, I made another new rule!


Since a certain user loves to forced Wolves of Outer Haven against their wills to participate the tournament, I decides to lock down or even delete any tournament stuffs that forced other creators' OCs to participate against their wills and not getting their consent.

I'll only allows tournament stuffs under one condition that another creators agree to let their OCs to participate.

Consent is important, guys.


Marlon, if you are reading this... can you please stop with having One Piece pirates or Navy going after the OCs, especially the King's wolves! With them constantly attacking and belittled them for no fucking good reason!

I'm sorry but you really need to stop doing One Piece stuffs, especially having baddies belittled the wolves... that stuff getting old and mean-spirited.

There, that should do it.

Don't worry about it man. I stopped that doing over a year ago. As you can see I'm sticking more to the Canon of Friendship is Magic and posting roleplay scenarios about Friendship Missions. :twilightsheepish: I've stopped doing the Tournament stuff and the One Piece roleplays like 2 years ago :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I'm glad you understand this, Marlon. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

Thanks Rag. My OCs appreciate you looking out for them. :twilightsmile:
And thank you for understanding, Marlon. 👍

Honestly, tournaments are why I refuse to participate with my characters. And it also violates certain rules all of my characters reside under. Trying to make them work under other people's rules is why I started my own multiverse, where I can make my own rules.

Group Admin

Can I add a rule to this:

Don't make stuff up about others OCs without permission from the writers.

This hasn't happened in a while, but I wanted to get it off my chest, because there were a few times in the past where MarlonCalpe or Auramastermg just made up their own stuff about my guys.

Like Marlon assuming without input from me Celine would join a tournament, or Auramastermg just deciding on his own that Connors manipulated Orion and Marcus into being evil?

Celine and Connors wouldn't do those things. And since Aura in-universe never apologized to Connors for accusing him of that, I'm worried about it happening again.

So, can we make that a rule? No making things up about someone else's OCs unless the OCs writer gives permission?

Group Admin

Alright, we can add that to the rule.

I can understand your frustration, King... I would get annoyed if someone else tried to do with my OCs without my permission.

From now on, anyone who make stuff up about other OCs without their writer's permission, I will be deleted the post or at worst, banned them from this forum.

I want everyone to respect each other's OCs... no more of assuming what other OCs would do without asking their writers' permission first.

Court adjourned. (I slammed my gavel on the table)

Group Admin


I can understand your frustration, King... I would get annoyed if someone else tried to do with my OCs without my permission.

Especially when they're being portrayed in a very negative light. :ajsleepy:

From now on, anyone who make stuff up about other OCs without their writer's permission, I will be deleted the post or at worst, banned them from this forum.

Thanks, buddy. Shiva, Connors, Wing and all my OCs appreciate you looking out for them. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin

I wasn't thinking about this rule but I going to add the new rule.


Mystic Sunrise tried to crammed their OC, Pearl in my snow tournament as a last minute.

Aura have this problem where he tried to crammed his OCs in situations like cramming Aura Kaiser in a scene with Connors when Smith get reincarnated even through he shouldn't be there since King didn't call for Aura Kaiser to be in that scene.

Especially he keep having his OCs like Jason be the one who cook the Thanksgiving feast even through King didn't said anything about who cook the fucking feast and he have Smith called Jason out for taking the credit... stop cramming your OCs there, Aura.

I made this rule causes King was concerned that Aura would tried to crammed Fenrir in for Rex post despite the fact King have no intention of having Fenrir get involved with the Rex Post as it would only focus on Rex and Talos.

Aura, please, don't try to crammed your OCs in situations that doesn't requires their presence.... you don't need to crammed your OCs in situations... it just unnecessary and disrespectful to the writer's intentions.

No one is asking you to crammed your OCS... no one...

From now on, you have to talk to writers about the future posts and how your OCs got involved and making their presence feel more reasonable and less cramming... don't crammed you'd OCs for no reason unless you have a reason to do so.

A new rule added to this!

I want to make it clear, for everyone who reads this, that I didn't mean to insert my character into that :fluttercry:.

Group Admin

Yeah, and we managed to make it work out since we just covered what would happen if Pearl won, rather than saying outright that she beat all of the other OCs.

Come to think of it, we did something similar with another post about Netherrealm games and what our characters endings would be in those games.

I feel that what ended up happening with Pearl and Frost was kinda like that, so it worked out. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin

Mystic Sunrise recommended a new rule: saying up front who a post is meant for should be a required thing for posts.

It'll save the headache for people trying to insert characters that don't belong.


I'd like to add a secondary rule to that: If a post is meant for anyone to take part in, that should be specified as well. That way, people won't have to worry about whether it's okay for them to put their characters into such a situation or not.

Group Admin

Make sense... that way to let others know a post is meant for specific writers.

Alright, we can add those to the rules.

Thank you two for adding those rules.

Group Admin

Seconded there. 👍

Thank you for rolling with us. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Just thought of a question and wanted to ask.

What makes these skit things posted here not considered “Roleplaying?” Since it is against the site rules.

Is it because how they are created, like can be seen as practice for writing or creating OCs. Being more public. Or was there special permission given of some sort. Or am I missing something?

I think they seem kinda fun and a great way to build and practice with OCs. was about to make one but started to think and wonder about this, that’s all

Group Admin

I know this was addressed to Ragnarok, but I wanted to add my own two cents:

I personally considered them great practice for writing and creating our OCs. And like you mentioned, they are a lot of fun to do while also helping us improve our craft. They give us the chance to see how our OCs interact with each other and give great ideas for our stories, while also letting us catch plot holes or character inconsistencies that would hurt our stories.

And I'd love to see how your OCs would interact with ours. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Due to the event behind Talos Chapter 3, I decides to add another new rule.


The whole point of Talos Arc Chapter 3 was not only to kill a certain character that shall not be named but to give redemption for 2 characters and the Wolves finally achieved peace at last.

The story should have ended... right? No... they decides to drag on the story after the initial point ended with Aster and others go on the quest to get half of the characters to remember.

Like how did we went from a story about Talos' redemption to a story about Aster and others getting half of the folks' memories back? I don't get it.

This is why I am making this rule to prevent any more dragging out the story for the sake of it after the initial point ended.

I'm sorry if I sound rude but I just want to get off my chest.

So, Talos Chapter 3 would be the last story post to be dragged out after the initial point of the story... any story post need to end once they get to the initial point of the story.

We're only doing this because once the Talos arc ends I will be going on hiatus till I get my life back together.

I still need to find a new job and work on restoring my bank account, then fix my car.

Sorry if this was getting dragged out, but it's better then leaving it how it is for who knows how long

Group Admin

Oh... I'm sorry about that, Aura.

Well, thank you for letting me know and take care of yourself, Aura... don't push yourself too hard.

Now if only this was a site-wide rule. Far too many users do this with a story. Also why I think full stories should be limited to just hints and suggestions.

That way anybody who wants to know more about our characters has to go read our actual stories instead of coming here.

Group Admin

Considered Auramastermg's Mental health is not great, I decides to add another rule


This forum is meant to be loose and to have fun with no worry... but unfortunately, some of the posts may ends up making you stressed out than being a fun post.

From now on, I don't want you to write a post that you intentionally to write a post to give writers stressed out like what happened with Aura.

Mental health is very important and I don't want anyone's mental health to worsen from those posts.

I hope you understand this new rule... just have fun... no need to increases other writers' stress.

Group Admin


Part of the reason I hated Orion so much was because he stressed me out in his debut post; I'd write in a response before I went into work, and after a hard day's work, I'd come back to find that Orion had completely ignored or no-sold my OCs attack and was now laughing at my OCs incompetence.

I'd like to make sure that doesn't get repeated in the future. :twilightsmile: 👍

Group Admin

I been thinking about it after Mystic told me about how they have no intention to bring their serial rapist Villain OC as they are uncomfortable with that chatacter and after consideration, I have to put my foot down for this rule.


The reason why I am banning Serial Rapist-type characters, especially villains was I am rather uncomfortable with dealing with those guys... and I am concerned that some of the writers in this website may or may not went through sexual assault... I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable on this forum.

This forum is meant to be fun... an escape from reality... nobody want to deal with serial rapist... that's not fun.

Plus, I always felt that cheap and lazy way to make the villain detestable.

So, from now on... no more serial rapist OCs on this website.... I don't want this forum to reopen old wounds for those who did suffered from sexual assault... I want to be safe environment.

Group Admin

Sounds good.

We already got rid of Ubel - no way he's coming back - Kira's more interested in fighting than sex, Luco's asexual, and Rex is going to be more of a simp for Shiva, rather than an actual menace to her, and develop to the point where he's willing to protect her from things far worse.

No more r@pists on this forum from now on. Only Safe, Sane and Consensual acts will be permitted. 👍

I'd wondered if there had been any before now. Long gone thankfully since I don't recognize Ubel's or Kira's names.

Group Admin

Yeah, Kira's still technically around, but as mentioned, she's creepy, but not perverted.

She's what I like to call a Blood Dragon; that is to say, a Gaian Water Dragon that learned blood-bending.

I'm not sure if you've seen Avatar: the Last Airbender, but in reference to that show, blood-bending (aka, being able to control the blood in someone's body) has a corruptive influence on Gaian Water Dragons that makes them more aggressive and mentally unstable.

In Kira's case, it's made her into a complete lunatic, who's equally happy with getting hurt as she is with hurting others.

Though she's still better than Ubel - another Blood Dragon, though one that liked to use his blood bending for... well, we don't need to go into details on him. :fluttershyouch:

Just know that thankfully, he's dead and I have no intention on bringing him back; Blood Dragons are similar to vampires in that they are weak to intense sunlight. And my OCs found this out when they managed to burn Ubel to death.

Group Admin

I am adding another new rule.


I add this rule so other writers wouldn't think we hate them when we have our OCs be ultra antagonistic toward their OCs... that way is much more healthy and wouldn't affect other writers' mental health.

From now on, if you do a post where your OCs intentionally antagonistic other writers' OC, put a disclaimer first to assures them they do not hate them.

Group Admin


Again, Aura, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn't like you personally, because that's not true.

None of my characters' reactions are meant to be personally antagonistic. And if they come across that way in future posts, please let me know in a DM, and just like how we managed to change Skoll and Logan's interaction to show their friendship, we can alter the dialogue to make sure that the friendship of our own characters shines through.

I remember the day I saw my mom and dad get into a big argument about something, and while it didn't go any further beyond raised voices, I got worried about what it could snowball into. But when I confessed my feelings to them, they both told me not to worry; that couples and friends can and will fight and argue over things. But no matter what, they still love and care about each other. And that it's that ability to bounce back from arguments or fights and still remain friends that will show true friendship.

It was something that I had a fun time displaying in Lone Wolf of Equestria, where Logan and Twilight would snark and gripe at each other a lot since their personalities clashed, but at the end of the day, they also eventually became inseparable, with Logan even becoming extremely loyal to Twilight, and her even wanting him as the Captain of her Royal Guard when she became Princess.

I kinda liked the idea of him forming a similar loyalty to Mika, though I was also scared that if he used some of the snark and jabs that he used with Twilight, he might accidentally hurt Mika's feelings or make her think he doesn't like her, which, again, isn't true.

I hope that the posts going forward will allow our characters to still show that no matter what gets thrown at them, they still care deeply about each other, and will always have each other's backs. :twilightsmile:

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