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Group Admin

Hey guys :pinkiehappy:

2024 is just around the corner.

I'm so excited for the story plans and ideas we've got in store for this year. And to that end, I wanted to share a small little teaser to hopefully amp you guys up for the adventures to come.

Also, I've been reading the book 'The August Few' by Sam Fennah, so there's a reference to that in here as well. Amazing book, by the way. :pinkiehappy: Haven't finished it yet, but I am very much enjoying the journey.

Say that it's almost the New Year. Ponies and OCs are celebrating and enjoying the last of the previous year.

But there's one OC that your OCs soon discover isn't joining in the festivities: Star Wing.

Likely curious in how such an eccentric and party-loving mare could be absent, your OCs might investigate.

If they do so, they'll find Star Wing near a small little portal, gazing at them with a hopeful look, like she'd been planning on them noticing her absence and going looking for her.

"Hey guys," she said with a small smile. "I was hoping you'd join me. I wanted to show you something." She'd be especially delighted by the arrival of the musically inclined (like Ragnarok17's Felix, or the Kelduo's Free Verse)

She showed them the portal, through which was a strange new world.

If asked what this place was, Wing replied, "Kivouack; a land where time is measured, not in years, but in music. Bells, chimes, tones, stanzas..." she gazed at them with a childlike eagerness. "Isn't that cool? A world where time is measured by music?"

[Their thoughts on such a place?]

Unfortunately, just as Wing remained blissfully ignorant of the rest of Kivouack's 'eccentricities' she and her companions were also unaware of a trio of shadowy figures watching her through said portal.

"Star Wing," the largest of the figures whispered, his voice filled with respect... and also a touch of bitterness. "The strongest warrior ever to walk the lands of Gaia."

"Ya need glasses, luv?" a lithe figure next to him snarked. "That ain't our version o' her."

"Ain't the strongest neither," the third figure added, especially if Aura was nearby. "You sensing that one? She's barely into his league."

"She still deserves respect," the leader said firmly. "Even with her potential only partially tapped, she was - and still is - a great hero." A wicked grin spread across flaming-red lips. "Imagine what the Ultimate Warrior could do; achieving all the potential that she was unable to reach."

"Then what are we doing acting the voyeurs?" the snarky voice replied. "Let's get back to the hunt!"

"It's New Years Eve, my overly-eager follower," the leader chastised. "Show some restraint for now. And with it, some clarity. This is no hunt; it's an audition. Only the most powerful demi-wolf in the multiverse can help bring about the Ultimate Warrior."

"So, what?" the third one asked. "We looking for a queen?"

"No," the leader huffed as he turned his back on Star Wing. "We're looking for a goddess."

At the same time, Shiva lay in her den alongside Luke. Luke had fallen asleep long ago, yet he still held onto Shiva like a security blanket.

Though comforting warmth was all around Shiva, her mind refused to rest. A problem befuddled her, demanding an answer.

Moving slowly and carefully so as not to wake her husband, Shiva adjusted herself so that she was face to face with Luke's sleeping visage. Then, ever so carefully, she let her pack link touch the sides of his head.

"What did you get into, my King?" Shiva whispered, searching the blank static where once there had been memories. "What was in that diamond that took your memory?"

At first, static was her answer, but Shiva was well-versed in the pack link. Before long, fragments of the lost memories began to surface. Images that - on their own - made little sense. But piece by piece, Shiva reassembled the puzzle that had become Luke's mind.

And what she found...

[Your thoughts on the teaser? On the mysterious trio of figures? And perhaps on what Shiva discovered in Luke's mind?]

Group Admin

Say that it's almost the New Year. Ponies and Outcasts are celebrating and enjoying the last of the previous year.

But there's one OC that Outcasts soon discover isn't joining in the festivities: Star Wing.

"Where is Star Wing?!" Dark Mark asked in confusion. "I thought she would be loving this party!"

"It's so weird without her!" Thunder Queen yelled. "We can't have a party without her!"

Outcasts ends up investigate and soon, they'll find Star Wing near a small little portal, gazing at them with a hopeful look, like she'd been planning on them noticing her absence and going looking for her.

"Hey guys," she said with a small smile. "I was hoping you'd join me. I wanted to show you something." She'd be especially delighted by the arrival of the musically inclined (like Ragnarok17's Felix)

She showed them the portal, through which was a strange new world.

"What is this place?" Borgman asked.

"Kivouack; a land where time is measured, not in years, but in music. Bells, chimes, tones, stanzas..." she gazed at them with a childlike eagerness. "Isn't that cool? A world where time is measured by music?"

"Well?" Thunder Queen said as she have a grin. "What are we waiting for? PARTY!!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Outcasts immediately start dancing in Kivouack.

[Your thoughts on the teaser? On the mysterious trio of figures? And perhaps on what Shiva discovered in Luke's mind?]

Well, this is going to be intense first 2 months for sure.

I got a post credit scene:

Rygel winced in pain as he holding his head.

Other Council members looks at him in shock and concern. "Rygel? What hap-"

Kazia was silenced by Rygel raising his hands as he struggled to breathe. "It's Shiva... she.... she..."

"What is it?" Tyrell asked. "What about Shiva?"

Rygel leans to Tyrell as he whispering into his ears.... Tyrell's eyes widened in horror.

"Everyone..." Tyrell said in more serious but shaky tone. "I think it's time... something we should've done a long time ago."

The council was about to ask him what is he talking about but seeing how he's far more serious than usual, they simply nodded in agreement.

"Whatever you do... do not let anyone knows about this, not even our lords... this is our problem to deal with." Tyrell sternly told them.

Cut to black.

The Council will be getting involved.... finally! And they won't let anyone to get involved.... this is the problem they are going to solve on their own.... without any help from Outcasts, Apex Knights and even Kyan.

This is their problem.

Thank you for sharing it. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Outcasts immediately start dancing in Kivouack.

Glad they enjoyed.

I've been reading The August Few - the book that takes place in Kivouack - and it is such an amazing read.

It's long, sure, and it's not going to make a lot of sense to those that aren't familiar with Sam Fennah's work. But as someone who's watched most of Fennah's videos and seen his videos about his own characters, it's so exciting to see this guy manage to make a story for his characters.

It's kinda like how it'll be when you get your story out, and people recognize characters from the forums. It's just the most amazing feeling. :pinkiehappy:

I got a post credit scene:

:pinkiegasp: :raritystarry:

I was so hoping you'd put something involving the Council. I'm so nervicited to see what happens.

Thank you for sharing it. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for sharing as well. :pinkiehappy: 👍

I'm always happy to share with you guys. :twilightsmile:

Say that it's almost the New Year. Ponies and OCs are celebrating and enjoying the last of the previous year.

But there's one OC that Helix and Free Verse soon discover isn't joining in the festivities: Star Wing. Curious in how such an eccentric and party-loving mare could be absent, the two chose to investigate.

They found Star Wing near a small little portal, gazing at them with a hopeful look, like she'd been planning on them noticing her absence and going looking for her.

"Hey guys," she said with a small smile. "I was hoping you'd join me. I wanted to show you something." She was especially delighted by the arrival of the musically inclined Free Verse.

She showed them the portal, through which was a strange new world.

Helix gazed at the place, an unnerved look in his eyes. "How... peculiar. Just what is that location, anyway?"

Wing replied, "Kivouack; a land where time is measured, not in years, but in music. Bells, chimes, tones, stanzas..." she gazed at them with a childlike eagerness. "Isn't that cool? A world where time is measured by music?"

"Measured? By music?" Free Verse laughed. "Sounds like something Discord might do. After all, not all music is particularly harmonic; The World Revolving is chaos given rhythm, if I'm to be blunt." She chuckled softly, before sighing. "If you were wanting us to visit this world together, I must respectfully decline."

"Because of your overdue cameo, right?" Helix asked.

"Right. Crescent told me a few days ago that my counterparts across the multiverse were making an appearance at a certain academy, which means I'm due to be the Meloetta appearance at the academy Torrent's family and Leroy are visiting." She showed Star Wing this video.

[Star Wing's response?]

"But... I don't feel right making my cameo when I haven't fully moved on from my insecurities. I mean, I've realized that my species isn't as weak as I thought, yet my soul still hurts from those self-imposed scars." Free Verse perked up, smiling. "So before I go to Blueberry Academy, I'm off to see Storming Seas. Certain circumstances had been forcing me to put off a favor I mean to ask him, but those circumstances have finally changed thanks to my director from beyond the fourth wall."


Helix waved as Free Verse set off to find Storm, before turning his attention to Star. "Well then, I guess that leaves the two of us to check out this ‘Kivouack’ place..." he said hesitantly. "Who knows, it might grow on me... if I direct my attention away from certain things."

[Insert what Storm was doing], when Free Verse approached him. "Hey, Storm. Do you have a little time to spare?"

[Storm's response?]

"I'm getting ready to go visit Torrent and his family, but there was a... request I wanted to ask you about beforehand." Free Verse looked to the side. "I know I should be asking Jazz if I have a music problem..." She looked back at Storm, optimism in her eyes. "But you're the one who's attached to the Zelda game famous for masks. There's a specific song from Majora's Mask that I want to hear, but only from somebody who bears an earnest love for the source material; someone who understands the song, not just knows it."

She took a breath. "Would you let me hear the song that Link played to heal the spirits of the fallen Goron champion and the Zora guitarist?"

Group Admin


Wing replied, "Kivouack; a land where time is measured, not in years, but in music. Bells, chimes, tones, stanzas..." she gazed at them with a childlike eagerness. "Isn't that cool? A world where time is measured by music?"

"Measured? By music?" Free Verse laughed. "Sounds like something Discord might do. After all, not all music is particularly harmonic; The World Revolving is chaos given rhythm, if I'm to be blunt." She chuckled softly, before sighing. "If you were wanting us to visit this world together, I must respectfully decline."

Star gasped. "Oh, no; I wasn't suggesting we visit. The music-as-time thing was cool, but... it's not the only thing about this world." She gave it a nervous glance. "The Kivouakians, as they're called, are... not like us. They see the world very differently." She looked back to Free Verse with a grin. "I was just curious what you'd think about how they measure time through musical intonations." She paused. "Though, now I'm curious; what's going on with you?"

"Your overdue cameo, right?" Helix asked.

"Right. Crescent told me a few days ago that my counterparts across the multiverse were making an appearance at a certain academy, which means I'm due to be the Meloetta appearance at the academy Torrent's family and Leroy are visiting." She showed Star Wing this video.

Star gasped in glee. "Oh! Yeah, that does look important."

"But... I don't feel right making my cameo when I haven't fully moved on from my insecurities. I mean, I've realized that my species isn't as weak as I thought, yet my soul still hurts from those self-imposed scars." Free Verse perked up, smiling. "So before I go to Blueberry Academy, I'm off to see Storming Seas. Certain circumstances had been forcing me to put off a favor I mean to ask him, but those circumstances have finally changed thanks to my director from beyond the fourth wall."

"Well, I hope it goes well," Star said with a grin. She almost offered a hoof shake, before thinking better of it and giving a salute. "Good luck."

Helix and Star waved as Free Verse set off to find Storm, before turning his attention to Star. "Well then, I guess that leaves the two of us to check out this ‘Kivouack’ place..." he said hesitantly. "Who knows, it might grow on me... if I direct my attention away from certain things."

"Yeah," Star said. "Like I said; the beings who dwell here are... let's say they're very in touch with their primal sides. Still civilized, of course; and still willing to negotiate, barter and debate with, but things work very differently there than what we're used to here."

In a small makeshift church, Storm had set up a small little cross, and was kneeling before it in prayer, when Free Verse approached him. "Hey, Storm. Do you have a little time to spare?"

Storm turned with a smile. "I always have time for friends," he said happily, shifting so he could look at her fully. "What's up?"

"I'm getting ready to go visit Torrent and his family, but there was a... request I wanted to ask you about beforehand." Free Verse looked to the side. "I know I should be asking Jazz if I have a music problem..." She looked back at Storm, optimism in her eyes. "But you're the one who's attached to the Zelda game famous for masks. There's a specific song from Majora's Mask that I want to hear, but only from somebody who bears an earnest love for the source material; someone who understands the song, not just knows it."

She took a breath. "Would you let me hear the song that Link played to heal the spirits of the fallen Goron champion and the Zora guitarist?"

Storm paused, remembering the poor Zora guitarist. He nodded. "Of course," he said, before going over to a guitar he had resting near his cross. After strumming a few practice notes, he began playing the song in earnest.

Noticeably, as he played, Storm wept silent tears as he poured his soul into the piece, remembering Mikau and his brave stand against the pirates that stole his and Lulu's eggs. For while Link did manage to recover the eggs, Mikau didn't get to live long enough to see it. And while some like Storm did want to believe that their spirits lived on through the masks, he still wished that such tragic fates did not have to befall such good people.

As as Storm poured his heart out into the music, Free Verse could feel life in the air. Small bits of green plants grew from the wood around them, almost as if he was actually channeling magic healing from his music.

Storm paused, remembering the poor Zora guitarist. He nodded. "Of course," he said, before going over to a guitar he had resting near his cross. After strumming a few practice notes, he began playing the song in earnest.

Noticeably, as he played, Storm wept silent tears as he poured his soul into the piece, remembering Mikau and his brave stand against the pirates that stole his and Lulu's eggs. For while Link did manage to recover the eggs, Mikau didn't get to live long enough to see it. And while some like Storm did want to believe that their spirits lived on through the masks, he still wished that such tragic fates did not have to befall such good people.

As as Storm poured his heart out into the music, Free Verse could feel life in the air. Small bits of green plants grew from the wood around them, almost as if he was actually channeling magic healing from his music.

However, Free Verse was unaware of the plants growing, for as Storm played the melody, she closed her eyes, the heartfelt sincerity of his song mentally transporting her to a place familiar to those to whom Link had played the Song of Healing...

Free Verse saw herself in a black void, nothing else within it as far as the eye could see. That is, until she looked back. Behind her, there laid two figures she knew well: her Aria and Pirouette formes, both battered and bruised. These were her original formes as she had long thought they were, fragile and lacking strength.

Looking down at her feet, she saw broken chains around her ankles, chains that had once bound her to the two cognitive burdens she had created before she had discovered the truth. Now, she could run ahead to the future, leaving her old disbeliefs to turn from memories to dust...

But though a part of her wanted to, she did not. Instead, she walked across the chains, step by step, until she was right in front of the two formes, who looked up at her in confusion and fear. And she offered a hand, helping them to their feet.

Then she hugged them, because although they were lies she had told herself, they proved to be a reminder that she wasn't invincible, that she had limits.

Together, they headed into the distance, as another figure emerged from Free Verse...!

Free Verse opened her eyes with a soft gasp, finding herself back in the makeshift church. She gave Storm a grateful, warm smile. "Words can't express my thankfulness for you. Because of the heart and soul you put into that healing song, I finally managed to face myself head-on. I've accepted and tamed my inner demons, but although they're a part of me, they don't define who I am. Thus, while I'll use them as a tether to keep me down to earth..."

She began to shine brightly, as her hair unravelled from around her head. It formed into a large bow on the left side of her head as the hairpiece from her Aria and Pirouette formes decorated the right side once more, the fading light allowing Storm to see that Free Verse's color scheme changed from purple to pink as well.

"...they won't stop me from bringing inspiration and hope to the world, one stanza at a time!"

[Storm's response?]

I finally got around to drawing it, so now Free Verse has an alternate forme!:pinkiehappy: As implied by the new figure separating from her during the Song of Healing sequence, she can switch between this and her ninja–style appearance at any time, each one with its own perks. The pink forme, which I'll dub for now her Showtime form, is a Normal and Fairy type that acts as a bard. It is in this form, unburdened and free from the lies she once believed, that she can bring out the special powers of songs and dances, using them to buff her allies and hinder her enemies. Her purple form, which I'm gonna call her Showstopper form, remains a Normal and Dragon type and is primarily combat–based, backed up by the reminder that she isn't the strongest and thus needs to fight to survive.

What do you think?

Group Admin

Free Verse opened her eyes with a soft gasp, finding herself back in the makeshift church. She gave Storm a grateful, warm smile. "Words can't express my thankfulness for you. Because of the heart and soul you put into that healing song, I finally managed to face myself head-on. I've accepted and tamed my inner demons, but although they're a part of me, they don't define who I am. Thus, while I'll use them as a tether to keep me down to earth..."

She began to shine brightly, as her hair unravelled from around her head. It formed into a large bow on the left side of her head as the hairpiece from her Aria and Pirouette formes decorated the right side once more, the fading light allowing Storm to see that Free Verse's color scheme changed from purple to pink as well.

"...they won't stop me from bringing inspiration and hope to the world, one stanza at a time!"

Storm smiled and bowed his head. "It was my pleasure to help," he replied. He nodded to the world outside. "Do what you have to do. And, Free Verse..." he hesitated, clearly not wanting to offend and scared Free Verse might take it the wrong way.

[Her response?]

If she asked him what he wanted to say, he said carefully, "I just... I don't know if you believe in such things... and it's okay if you don't..." He hesitantly did the sign of the cross. "But... may God and good fortune be with you as you adventure towards your goals."

[Her response?]

If she asked why he was so nervous, he looked back at the cross.

"I know that there are... 'others' out there... who believe in a singular God, and... try to force that ideology onto others." He gave her a sad look. "I don't want you to think I'm like them." He looked up. "I like the idea of someone being out there. Even for the very powerful like Celestia or Arceus." He gazed at her. "And I love the idea of loving my neighbor as I love myself." His gaze turned sad. "But I don't want others to think I'll force those ideas onto anyone else. Everyone should be free to believe in what they believe." He gave a hopeful smile. "So... I hope that God is with you. And... if you don't believe in Him, that's fine. Whoever you believe is looking after you, I hope they're with you, and that they help guide you to peace and good fortune."

Despite his hopeful smile, the little sea dragon was shivering, as if fully expecting her to get angry at him.

[Free Verse's thoughts?]

I finally got around to drawing it, so now Free Verse has an alternate form!:pinkiehappy: As implied by the new figure separating from her during the Song of Healing sequence, she can switch between this and her ninja–style appearance at any time, each one with its own perks. The pink form, which I'll dub for now her Showtime form, is a Normal and Fairy type that acts as a bard. It is in this form, unburdened and free from the lies she once believed, that she can bring out the special powers of songs and dances, using them to buff her allies and hinder her enemies. Her purple form, which I'm gonna call her Showstopper form, remains a Normal and Dragon type and is primarily combat–based, backed up by the reminder that she isn't the strongest and thus needs to fight to survive.

What do you think?

I love this idea; it gives her a great amount of versatility. Kinda reminds me a little of Zelda and Sheik, with how Zelda is mainly focused on mage powers, while Sheik is more combat-oriented.

I'll admit, I toyed with the Zelda/Sheik idea with Star Wing and her Night Fire form, but I feel that you did it better with Free Verse, since her Showtime and Showstopper forms are both much more distinct and unique from each other, and allow her to cover both support and combat in a way that Star Wing/Night Fire doesn't.

Also, this was probably unintentional, but in Kivouack (the place Wing was excited about at the beginning) a year is known as a stanza. And with the new year almost upon us, Free Verse's declaration that she's going to bring inspiration and hope to the world one stanza at a time almost sounds like a really awesome New Years Resolution.

Again, it was probably unintentional - my own mind had to do a few mental gymnastics to make the connection :twilightsheepish: - but it made me like Free Verse even more.

Awesome work. Thank you for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

PS: I hope you don't mind the little addition of characterization I gave Storm. I don't usually like discussing religion, since it can be a bit of a live wire for some, but I felt like it could help strengthen Storm's character, especially in some posts that I have planned for 2024. No spoilers yet, :raritywink:, but they wouldn't be as effective if Storm didn't believe in what he believes in.

Storm smiled and bowed his head. "It was my pleasure to help," he replied. He nodded to the world outside. "Do what you have to do. And, Free Verse..." he hesitated, clearly not wanting to offend and scared Free Verse might take it the wrong way.

"Yes?" Free Verse gave Storm a curious look. "Is there something else you want to tell me? You can speak your mind, I'm all ears."

He said carefully, "I just... I don't know if you believe in such things... and it's okay if you don't..." He hesitantly did the sign of the cross. "But... may God and good fortune be with you as you adventure towards your goals."

Free Verse smiled warmly. "Likewise. The God you believe in... May He bestow His blessings upon you as you walk in His light. But why the nervousness? I'm not against your beliefs."

He looked back at the cross.

"I know that there are... 'others' out there... who believe in a singular God, and... try to force that ideology onto others." He gave her a sad look. "I don't want you to think I'm like them." He looked up. "I like the idea of someone being out there. Even for the very powerful like Celestia or Arceus." He gazed at her. "And I love the idea of loving my neighbor as I love myself." His gaze turned sad. "But I don't want others to think I'll force those ideas onto anyone else. Everyone should be free to believe in what they believe." He gave a hopeful smile. "So... I hope that God is with you. And... if you don't believe in Him, that's fine. Whoever you believe is looking after you, I hope they're with you, and that they help guide you to peace and good fortune."

Despite his hopeful smile, the little sea dragon was shivering, as if fully expecting her to get angry at him.

Free Verse stood quiet for a moment. "...Although my time with my Trainer on Earth has made me aware of the God you speak of, I confess Arceus is the one I hold my belief in. He directly created me and most other Legendary Pokemon like Dialga and Palkia, and he's the one who assigned me the role of demigoddess of music. It'd be blasphemous of me to turn away from the one who created the Pokemon world upon hatching!" She looked up, beaming. "But I do believe in your God, thanks to my Trainer. I believe that He sent His son to pay the ultimate price for humanity, to ensure the humans' freedom should they accept Him as their savior. So while my origins in the Pokemon world mean I won't go to the heaven in which the God you believe in resides, I still believe and trust that He will take care of His followers on Earth."

She chuckled. "And don't feel like you're trying to force your ideology on others. Sharing the gospel doesn't mean you're forcing those who hear it to have a change of heart, it means you're making them aware. You're giving them a choice, not a command."

I love this idea; it gives her a great amount of versatility. Kinda reminds me a little of Zelda and Sheik, with how Zelda is mainly focused on mage powers, while Sheik is more combat-oriented.

Funny you should mention that, I didn't even realize until partway through designing her Showtime form how it would make her similar to Zelda and Sheik. It was all a coincidence, but a welcome one to be sure.

Also, this was probably unintentional, but in Kivouack (the place Wing was excited about at the beginning) a year is known as a stanza. And with the new year almost upon us, Free Verse's declaration that she's going to bring inspiration and hope to the world one stanza at a time almost sounds like a really awesome New Years Resolution.

:twilightsheepish:Heh, that was indeed unintentional. But it's a neat tidbit of information, though.

Awesome work. Thank you for sharing. :twilightsmile: 👍

Happy to share.:twilightsmile: And don't worry yourself about discussing religion with me, because I'm a Christian as well. Plus, like Free Verse said, spreading the Word doesn't mean insisting that people accept Jesus Christ as their savior, just that you're revealing Him to them, like sending the calling card of God. If they refuse, that's fine, people aren't robots.

Group Admin


She chuckled. "And don't feel like you're trying to force your ideology on others. Sharing the gospel doesn't mean you're forcing those who hear it to have a change of heart, it means you're making them aware. You're giving them a choice, not a command."

Storm actually started crying in relief. :pinkiesad2: "That... is the kindest thing someone could tell me. Especially when it comes to our beliefs." He bowed gratefully to her. "Thank you. Thank you so much. May Arceus bless you as God blesses me."

:twilightsheepish:Heh, that was indeed unintentional. But it's a neat tidbit of information, though.

Happy to share. I've been reading this book - 'The August Few; Book One; Amygdala' - which takes place in Kivouack, and I'm really enjoying it.

It's an intense read that definitely would be rated R if it was a TV Show or movie, but the characters are incredible, and the debates and themes they discuss are really thought provoking.

I'm definitely enjoying it, and I'm happy I was able to share it in a way that doesn't go too deep into the R-Rated stuff.

Happy to share.:twilightsmile: And don't worry yourself about discussing religion with me, because I'm a Christian as well. Plus, like Free Verse said, spreading the Word doesn't mean insisting that people accept Jesus Christ as their savior, just that you're revealing Him to them, like sending the calling card of God. If they refuse, that's fine, people aren't robots.

Thanks. I appreciate you and Free Verse being open-minded about it. :pinkiehappy: 👍

Oh, and before I forget, I wanted to share this with you.

Stick around until the end, there's a couple of guest stars.:raritywink:

Group Admin

:rainbowlaugh: Yeah, I love that song-number.

And Boopkins and Bob making an appearance at the end was also hysterical. :pinkiehappy:

Loved it. Thanks for sharing. 👍

I got a little preview myself. :raritywink:

In an unknown location in an unknown dimension, four silhouettes were scattered around a large council chambers:

The room was too dark to make out their features but from their silhouette, they seemed to waiting for something or rather, someone.

A portal opened up and two familiar foes stepped out, the dark and psychotic Noir, and Levi's brother Riku. The two walked up to the table at the center of the room where they stopped at a map on the table then crossed out a certain section on it.

"Another false lead mutts?"

Noir sighed and sat down an a nearby stone chair. "Unfortunately." He kicked his feet up and placed them on the table. "The only thing were some brainless welps who were all bark and no bite."

"Did you eradicate them?"

Noir filed his claws and rolled his eyes. "Obviously. They had a death wish and I delivered it to them." He blew on his claws as as he filed them.

Riku gritted his teeth and slammed his fist onto the table. "We've searched nearly everywhere in this stupid Multiverse and came out with crap! Where the hell is it!?"

One of the silhouettes sighed and stretched, walking down the stairway towards the two. "You're thinking about it all wrong sugar. All you are doing is making this more complicated then it needs to be. Why not take the simpler route?"

"Yeah. We know where he is being held physically. So why not get him from there?"

"Cause we would alert them!" Riku spat at the silhouette then returned to the map. "Master entrusted this task to me and I swore that I would succeed; which means that we have to do this discretely so that the Dimensional Guardians don't catch wind of this!"

One of the silhouettes hummed and grinned. "Well there's still the newbie. He could get it for us."

"I'll admit the lad's got skills, but he isn't ruthless enough." Another silhouette said.

"And that is why he's perfect. Besides, he excels in stealth operations. As long as we pay him he'll do anything we ask."

"And if he fails?"

A sadistic grin grew on the silhouette's face. "Then we dispose of him, or better yet; you can let me work on him and I'll turn him into something grand, just like the rest of the failures."

Riku sighed and fell into his chair. "Call him."

Out in the outskirts of Manehattan a lanky human with green hair, red eyes and wearing a black cloak dangled from the top of a building seeming taking a nap.

Suddenly, a ringing sensation hit his ear and he jolted up full of energy. "Sounds like work." He pulled his body up from the edge and tapped his ear. "So I got the clear?"

The voice in his earpiece answered yes and he jumped for joy. "Awesome! Time to get out of this stinking city!" But before he left the voice in his earpiece gave him some more information and his mood changed. "Wait, he's there?"

Once the voice answered, he gained he turned off the earpiece and sighed. "It was bound to happen sooner or later, eh Jason?" He walked closer to the edge and white wings sprouted from his back as he took to the sky.

Group Admin


:raritystarry: Interesting.

I'm guessing the one who said 'sugar' is going to be Crystal's nemesis. But who are the others?

No need to answer; I'll be excited to see how it plays out.

Thanks as always for sharing, buddy. I always look forward to seeing what your characters are up to. :pinkiehappy: 👍

PS: what would Aura or one of the heroes think of the world Wing was observing?

they'll find Star Wing near a small little portal, gazing at them with a hopeful look, like she'd been planning on them noticing her absence and going looking for her.

"Hey guys," she said with a small smile. "I was hoping you'd join me. I wanted to show you something."

She showed them the portal, through which was a strange new world.

If asked what this place was, Wing replied, "Kivouack; a land where time is measured, not in years, but in music. Bells, chimes, tones, stanzas..." she gazed at them with a childlike eagerness. "Isn't that cool? A world where time is measured by music?"

[Their thoughts on such a place?]

I'm just curious because that place is the setting for a book that I've gotten into; The August Few; Book One - Amygdala.

Not sure what you'd think of it - it's pretty intense, like Game of Thrones, but with alien creatures - but I've been having a lot of fun reading it. And if others are interested in Game of Thrones style political dramas, it might entertain them as well.

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