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Welp, I'm on another caffeine craze, Ragnarok17 wanted a more light-hearted post, and I just watched Popeye fight Saitama.

I got an idea, and I wanna share it! :pinkiehappy:

Say that, for whatever reason, your OCs went to go find Firedance.

They'd find him with Twilight, a very proud looking Applejack :ajsmug:, and any smart OCs as they watched Jackknife with an bottle of apple juice that had been painted to resemble a very familiar can.

If they asked what the apple/spinach was, Firedance proudly declared, "My latest invention. Utilizing Applejack's famous cider, infused with Pinkie Pie's cartoony DNA and a recording of the exploits of a certain sailor man, my hypothesis is that it should allow any who drinks it to gain the strength and power that only comes from eating your spinach." He hit a communication device. "Ready to test my theory, Jackknife?"

"Born ready, buddy," Jackknife declared, tossing the apple juice from hand to hand.

"Okay," Firedance said. "Commence test... now!"

As the Popeye theme song played, Jackknife drank the entire bottle of apple juice, and sure enough, his entire body gained a 'rubber man' like aspect complete with bulging muscles.

Jackknife even proceeded to laugh like Popeye.

"Alright," Firedance declared. "Secondary testing... begin!"

A missile launcher popped out and fired at Jackknife. But with an upper cut, Jackknife changed the missile into a tennis racket, which he then proceeded to use to bat a second missile right back at the missile launcher, smashing it and turning it into a blacksmith forge.

[Thoughts on Jackknife now being able to be like Popeye if he drinks Firedance's altered apple juice?]

"Anyone want to offer him something else as a challenge?" Firedance asked.

[What kind of challenges would your OCs offer a Popeye-Apple-Juice enhanced Jackknife?]

Group Admin

Say that, for whatever reason, Rash, Scarlet, Baby Wade and Ryder went to go find Firedance.

They'd find him with Twilight, a very proud looking Applejack :ajsmug:, and Borgman, Cyrus, Axel and Raziel as they watched Jackknife with an bottle of apple juice that had been painted to resemble a very familiar can.

Baby Wade is confused as he never sees a spinach can before.

"A spinach can?" Rash asked in confusion.

"Yeah, what is so hype about that?" Ryder asked as he was unsure about this.

"Guys, don't be rude." Scarlet scolds them before she turns to Firedance. "Don't keep us waiting, what does it do?"

"My latest invention. Utilizing Applejack's famous cider, infused with Pinkie Pie's cartoony DNA and a recording of the exploits of a certain sailor man, my hypothesis is that it should allow any who drinks it to gain the strength and power that only comes from eating your spinach." He hit a communication device. "Ready to test my theory, Jackknife?"

"Born ready, buddy," Jackknife declared, tossing the apple juice from hand to hand.

"Okay," Firedance said. "Commence test... now!"

As the Popeye theme song played, Jackknife drank the entire bottle of apple juice, and sure enough, his entire body gained a 'rubber man' like aspect complete with bulging muscles.

Jackknife even proceeded to laugh like Popeye.

"Alright," Firedance declared. "Secondary testing... begin!"

A missile launcher popped out and fired at Jackknife. But with an upper cut, Jackknife changed the missile into a tennis racket, which he then proceeded to use to bat a second missile right back at the missile launcher, smashing it and turning it into a blacksmith forge.

Baby Wade would be clapping his hands in excitement as he let out cute giggling at the sight of his uncle acting like Popeye.

"Whoa!" Rash and Ryder said in unison as they are surprised at the scene. "Cool."

Scarlet applause at this. "Great work, Firedance! Keep up with great work!"

[Firedance's reaction to Scarlet compliments him?]

"Anyone want to offer him something else as a challenge?" Firedance asked.

Ryder was thinking about it and then, he have a sinister grin.

"Hey, Jackknife." Ryder steps in. "I challenge you to..." he whispered into his ears, making sure no one can hear it.

[Jackknife's reaction? NOTE: Ryder challenge him to give Frost Bite the biggest surprise of her life... the one that would shock her so much it would cause her to fainted in the most dramatic way]

[Insert what Frost Bite doing?]

But what she doesn't know is she's about to get the biggest surprise of her lifetime.

[Insert what Popeye-Apple-Juice enhanced Jackknife would do to give Frost Bite the biggest surprise of her life? The one that shock her to her very core so much that it cause her to faint dramatically]

NOTE: Rash, Scarlet and Wade will also gives challenge to Jackknife as well... so, don't left them off.

Group Admin


Scarlet applause at this. "Great work, Firedance! Keep up with great work!"

"But of course," Firedance replied, "That's why I'm glad you're all here." He indicated the Popeye!Jackknife. "Offer him a challenge, and let's see what my concoction allows him to do."

Ryder was thinking about it and then, he have a sinister grin.

"Hey, Jackknife." Ryder steps in. "I challenge you to..." he whispered into his ears, making sure no one can hear it.

Jackknife grinned, muttering like Popeye as he marched off, punching a hole in Firedance's lab to get out, then promptly putting the hole he punched back into place, sealing it like there was no damage at all.

Firedance blinked. "Wait... what did you challenge him to do?"

Frost Bite hopped out of a time portal, dusting her hooves off as she seemed to have ended a fantastic adventure through space and time.

"Heh," she muttered. "Let's see Jacey beat that."

But what she doesn't know is she's about to get the biggest surprise of her lifetime.

As she moved to close the portal, she saw Jackknife marching towards her.

"What do you want, Jackknife?" she asked. "I'm extremely busy being a better time traveler than Jacey."

"Oh, yous think yous a time traveler, eh, ya big palooka?!" Jackknife demanded.

Frost Bite paused. "Er... why are you talking like a sailor?"

"I'll shows ya a time traveler!" Jackknife said, before he plucked the frozen clock that was part of Frost Bite's cutie mark right off her flank.

As Frost Bite gaped in shock, Jackknife wound up and punched the frozen clock, causing time itself to stop in a way Frost could never replicate.

Frost stared around as everything froze solid. But Jackknife didn't stop there. Muttering and giggling like Popeye, Jackknife spun Frost's clock around and started fiddling with the gears. He caused time to speed up around them, before he slowed it down and made it backtrack. He had day turn to night, then night turn to day, all while Frost's jaw dipped lower and lower to the ground until it started to burrow into the dirt.

As Frost gaped at Jackknife's exploits, Jackknife finally stopped fiddling with the clock, and slapped it right back onto Frost Bite's flank. It once again became part of her coat, and he marched off with another mumbling giggle, while Frost just sat there, frozen in utter disbelief. She then tipped over like a fainting goat, her thunderstruck expression still plastered across her face.

[Ryder's reaction?]

NOTE: Rash, Scarlet and Wade will also gives challenge to Jackknife as well... so, don't left them off.

Got it. :pinkiehappy:

Looking forward to seeing what they ask Popeye!Jackknife to do.

Fun Fact: the caffeine craze I mentioned; it was due to there being a lot of work at my job, so I got a bottle of caffeine spiked gatorade, and I couldn't help but think of Popeye as I chugged it down, and it helped me get all the work at my job done.

"Alright," Firedance declared. "Secondary testing... begin!"

A missile launcher popped out and fired at Jackknife. But with an uppercut, Jackknife changed the missile into a tennis racket, which he then proceeded to use to bat a second missile right back at the missile launcher, smashing it and turning it into a blacksmith forge.

"Show off," Pearl grumbled, earning a giggle from Twilight and Applejack.

"Anyone want to offer him something else as a challenge?" Firedance asked.

Pearl smirked, her cutie mark glowing as she did. Twilight's eyes widened. "Pearl. Don't you think that is overdoing it?"

Pearl laughed as she changed into her five-headed dragon form. "Oh relax, Twily. I wanna see just if this is all smoke and mirrors. Last I looked, Popeye never had to deal with something like me."

This is what Pearl changes into. It's all Pearl, her mind controls each of the dragons as well as her own. It's also impossible to do permanent harm to Pearl in this form. Throw her around and land solid hits for sure.

But no permanent damage can be done. At most, Pearl will be sore afterward, but in a way that will go away after a little while.

Group Admin


Pearl laughed as she changed into her five-headed dragon form. "Oh relax, Twily. I wanna see just if this is all smoke and mirrors. Last I looked, Popeye never had to deal with something like me."

"Ain't Popeye ya messin' with, ya big palooka!" Jackknife declared bravely. "I grew up with dragons." He proved it by blowing on his thumb, which caused his other arm to inflate to gigantic proportions. Then, with another clench of his fist, his gigantic arm broke out into five dragon heads of their own - all controlled by Jackknife as well.

With a mighty lunge, he stretched his dragon head-hands all the way to a bar, where his water power absorbed several jugs of Golden Saki.

Then, he made like Amaterasu in the video game Okami, and his five dragon head-hands belted all five of Pearl's dragon heads in the mouth, getting them drunk while also punching them hard enough to send them around the world and right into the bar that Jackknife had pulled the liquor from.

As you mentioned, no permanent damage will be done (to be fair, Bluto - Popeye's rival - always did come back for more no matter how many times Popeye beat him up), but Pearl is gonna be sore and have one heck of a hangover afterward.

Next morning

"Ow," Pearl groaned, nursing the hangover to end all hangovers. "Did somepony get the number of that carriage that ran me over? I'll turn it into firewood!"

Twilight giggled, handing her wife an anti-hangover medicine. "That would be the amount of sake to kill Ponyville twice over you drank last night, Pearl. That warning was for you, not Jacknife."

Pearl groaned. "Cheater. I just got these powers. He's had them his whole life. When do I get cool dragon powers?!"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Give it a few centuries, Rosey, and you'll probably get something. You're already an alicorn. Tiamat gave you the ability to turn into her yourself. What else do you want?"

Pearl only grumbled some more, earning another giggle and eye roll from Twilight.

Cosmic Crest had received a note from Helix to visit him at his lab, but he didn't find the avian scientist there. Assuming he was with a fellow genius, Cosmic went to go find Firedance.

He found him with Twilight, a very proud looking Applejack :ajsmug:, Helix, and any other smart OCs as they watched Jackknife with an bottle of apple juice that had been painted to resemble a very familiar can.

Helix was quick to notice Cosmic's arrival as the young hybrid looked at the apple juice bottle in confusion. "Oh! My apologies for not being home, Cosmic. My colleague Firedance called me over here to invent a concoction, and I couldn't refuse the chance to make a new discovery." He turned to Firedance with a grin. "Would you do the honors?"

Firedance proudly declared, "My latest invention. Utilizing Applejack's famous cider, infused with Pinkie Pie's cartoony DNA and a recording of the exploits of a certain sailor man, my hypothesis is that it should allow any who drinks it to gain the strength and power that only comes from eating your spinach." He hit a communication device. "Ready to test my theory, Jackknife?"

"Born ready, buddy," Jackknife declared, tossing the apple juice from hand to hand.

"Okay," Firedance said. "Commence test... now!"

As the Popeye theme song played, Jackknife drank the entire bottle of apple juice, and sure enough, his entire body gained a 'rubber man' like aspect complete with bulging muscles. Jackknife even proceeded to laugh like Popeye.

"Alright," Firedance declared. "Secondary testing... begin!"

A missile launcher popped out and fired at Jackknife. But with an upper cut, Jackknife changed the missile into a tennis racket, which he then proceeded to use to bat a second missile right back at the missile launcher, smashing it and turning it into a blacksmith forge.

"...?!" Cosmic stared at Jackknife, his eyes opened wide in bewildered confusion as he tried to understand what just happened. (Link to the image because when I try to post it here I get an ‘invalid image’ message)

Helix pumped his wing–fist in victory. "Testing successful! The Popeye–based drink worked!" His face fell, however, as he saw Cosmic's completely stunned reaction. "Wait a minute... That look on your face, it isn't just one of surprise or amazement, is it?" He crouched down to Cosmic's level. "Do... Do you know what sailor man Firedance was talking about when he described what went into the drink that Jackknife downed?"

Cosmic shook his head.

"..." With a bemused stare, Helix sighed. "Tell you what. When we get done here, I want you to go home to your mom and ask her to show you some classic cartoons, okay?"

Cosmic nodded, his shock slowly fading.

"Anyone want to offer him something else as a challenge?" Firedance asked.

Helix shrugged. "A fellow water–bender like the Keldeo family would likely be interested in challenging Jackknife's new power, but they left again yesterday."

"The eleventh, I think," Cosmic added. "Crescent and Leroy are with them too, if I remember right."

"Speak of Giratina..." Leroy walked inside with a smile. "...and it will appear. Alright then, you said something about testing Jackknife?"

Helix raised an eyebrow. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be working as a part-time partner?"

Leroy sighed. "Game Freak gave me a well-deserved break. This last time, I got stuck with a stupid Trainer. The kind of guy who spams Earthquake and other widespread attacks like Surf and Discharge without seeming to care or even know that it hurts ally Pokemon in Double Battles. I wasn't the one using said moves...":twilightangry2:

Helix took in a sharp breath.:fluttershyouch: "Oof, F in the chat for that one... Anyway, Jack's drank himself a mixture that gives him strength comparable to a certain legendary cartoon sailor, and we want to challenge his new might."

"Strong as that Sailor Moon girl? Heh, no sweat." Before anyone could correct him, Leroy leapt over to Jackknife and whipped out his trusty custom-made gun. "Since I got no clue who that anime girl is, I'm giving you a tricky one to be safe. Good luck trying to turn my weapon against me when you can't even manipulate aura to thus propel any ammo outta this bad boy!"

[Any reactions to Leroy thinking of the wrong sailor? And Jackknife's response to Leroy's challenge?]

Group Admin


Pearl only grumbled some more, earning another giggle and eye roll from Twilight.

Before Twilight noticed something at their door. It was a gift basket with several cures for hangovers - ranging from pills to what looked like very strange cocktails - but all of them with instructions for how they helped headaches and hangovers.

Accompanying them was a letter from Firedance and Jackknife:

To Pearl Rose,

Thank you very much for helping us with this experiment.

Jackknife sends his patented hangover cures with hopes that you get better soon, and show off that dragon form of yours again.

Have a pleasant day,


Twilight and Pearl are cute together. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for sharing. 👍

Group Admin


"Strong as that Sailor Moon girl? Heh, no sweat."

"Oh, not..." But before Firedance could correct him, Leroy leapt over to Jackknife and whipped out his trusty custom-made gun.

"Since I got no clue who that anime girl is, I'm giving you a tricky one to be safe. Good luck trying to turn my weapon against me when you can't even manipulate aura to thus propel any ammo outta this bad boy!"

Jackknife blinked. "Eh, who's saying I'm an anime gal?" He checked himself for a dress or a tiara, before shrugging. "All right, yas big palooka, let's see...!"

He marched on Leroy and picked him up, aiming his arm with the custom-made gun and pulling Leroy's other arm back like he was pulling a trigger.

To Leroy's likely shock, an aura round fired off. Setting Leroy down, Jackknife dashed cartoonishly off screen, Jackknife then appeared on the other side of the screen, now in the path of the bullet.

He then flexed his abs and let the bullet hit him head on, stretching once again like a rubber-man before he literally pec-flexed the aura bullet right back at Leroy, covered in ice for good measure just in case he could re-absorb the round. Though he did make sure to not aim for Leroy, instead hitting the ground close enough to him so that.

[Leroy's reaction?]

If he was confused on Jackknife teleported, Firedance clapped with glee and wrote down more notes. "That would be the insane 'cartoon logic' that the likes of Pinkie Pie follow."

Right on cue, Pinkie poked her head down from the top of the screen. "Hi!" she greeted for no apparent reason, before putting on a snorkel and disappearing back into the ceiling from whence she came.


He then flexed his abs and let the bullet hit him head on, stretching once again like a rubber-man before he literally pec-flexed the aura bullet right back at Leroy, covered in ice for good measure just in case he could re-absorb the round. Though he did make sure to not aim for Leroy, instead hitting the ground close enough to him so that.

I think there might be a misunderstanding. The aura isn't the ammo; it's what launches the ammo, as I've said before. Simply put, it functions both as the hammer and gunpowder.

How Pearl got that form is a whole story in itself, and changes depending on the universe. The one constant is that she got it from Tiamat, the dragon god in all of my stories.

Now, Pearl and Twilight? How that happened also depends on the universe. In many, Pearl is a former student of Twilight (between Starlight and Luster), who eventually acted on her crush toward the princess. Many shenanigans later, they were married.

But in their canon universe, Pearl and Twilight are fillyhood best friends, that eventually blossomed into love once they were old enough.

Group Admin

Oh. :twilightoops: Sorry.

The idea I was trying to convey is that he essentially used Leroy the same way Pinkie used Twilight in the Canterlot Battle.

Group Admin


The one constant is that she got it from Tiamat, the dragon god in all of my stories.

Makes sense.

Sort of like how a constant with Star Wing is that she gets her own dragon form from a dragoness called Rocket the Dawn Guard, whether that's due to Rocket being her mother, or (in the case of the current canon universe I've got going) the mother to one of Star's first dragon friends, who became her mentor.

Pearl and Twilight? How that happened also depends on the universe.

I like the fillyhood friends one. While I do also see potential in the one where Pearl was Twilight's student after Starlight and before Luster, the teacher-student romance usually has to be played pretty carefully, otherwise it can feel a little creepy :twilightoops:.

Group Admin

"I'll shows ya a time traveler!" Jackknife said, before he plucked the frozen clock that was part of Frost Bite's cutie mark right off her flank.

As Frost Bite gaped in shock, Jackknife wound up and punched the frozen clock, causing time itself to stop in a way Frost could never replicate.

Frost stared around as everything froze solid. But Jackknife didn't stop there. Muttering and giggling like Popeye, Jackknife spun Frost's clock around and started fiddling with the gears. He caused time to speed up around them, before he slowed it down and made it backtrack. He had day turn to night, then night turn to day, all while Frost's jaw dipped lower and lower to the ground until it started to burrow into the dirt.

As Frost gaped at Jackknife's exploits, Jackknife finally stopped fiddling with the clock, and slapped it right back onto Frost Bite's flank. It once again became part of her coat, and he marched off with another mumbling giggle, while Frost just sat there, frozen in utter disbelief. She then tipped over like a fainting goat, her thunderstruck expression still plastered across her face.

Ryder was laughing his ass. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! This is the greatest thing I ever watched!" :rainbowlaugh:

Rash, Scarlet and Wade chuckled at the scene as Rash steps in. "My turn! Jackknife! I challenge you to get Rico to eat her most despised food! The one food she hate the most! If I was able to overcome my dislike toward broccoli after Diamondback whoop up those delicious broccoli, I feel Rico should overcome her hatred toward her most despised food."

[Insert Jackknife's response?]

[Insert what Rico doing and what is her most despised food that Jackknife need to get Rico to eat?]

Fun Fact: the caffeine craze I mentioned; it was due to there being a lot of work at my job, so I got a bottle of caffeine spiked gatorade, and I couldn't help but think of Popeye as I chugged it down, and it helped me get all the work at my job done.

That's good that drink got you through hard work.

Being a postman is a hard job, huh?

Group Admin


Ryder was laughing his ass. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! This is the greatest thing I ever watched!" :rainbowlaugh:

Rash, Scarlet and Wade chuckled at the scene as Rash steps in. "My turn! Jackknife! I challenge you to get Rico to eat her most despised food! The one food she hate the most! If I was able to overcome my dislike toward broccoli after Diamondback whoop up those delicious broccoli, I feel Rico should overcome her hatred toward her most despised food."

Jackknife snorted and cracked his knuckles. "Too easy!" He marched off to find Rico.

Rico was playing at being Spiderman, swinging her way across the buildings of Manehatten. As she swung onto one building, she found Jackknife there, having set up a small little bar/lemonade stand and mixing up drinks.

"Hey, Rico," Jackknife greeted.

"Oh, hey Jack," Rico said, landing right on one of the seats he set out. "What're you doing up here?"

"Practicing my drink mixes," Jackknife replied, making a glop of dark water fly above them and into a cup containing a green mixture. He shook them up, changing the dark water to a rainbow-like sheen.

He hummed disapprovingly as he eyed the drink. "Aura would find something wrong with this drink. I just know it."

Rico got a dangerous glint in her eyes at the mention of Aura. "Who cares what the father of that snide time traveler thinks?"

Jackknife blinked in surprise at her. "Snide time traveler? Don'tcha mean Frost?"

"No! I mean Jacey!" Rico snapped. "Him and his dumb predictions about the future! Saying we all die? Saying Avispa and Avispon were actually a single guy called Venti, and then suddenly contradicting himself when Avispon confronted him on it?!" She lifted her phone. "I got the proof! I know he's a liar!"

She first showed this bit:

Jacey inspected the egg and grew a smile. "Oh, its Venti. I was wondering when he would be conceived."

Everyone looked at Jacey. "Venti, is that his name?" Para-Twi asked.

"No, not exactly. It's just a nickname that we came up with since he's a master of wind. After a while we just gotten used to calling him that and it sticked. Still, he is very jumpy and even more on edge then Swift." Jacey explained then bowed apologeticly to Swift. "No offense."

Then this bit:

"Actually, your not that different from the Venti I knew." Jacey noted. "You did have a twin but she was always busy. And you were a ladies man, difference was that the Venti I knew wasn't as forward as you are."

Rico glowered. "Calling the egg a 'he' and then suddenly claiming there's a twin? Saying he's jumpier than Swift and yet also a ladies man? It just makes no sense!" She grinned. "Unless he's lying."

"Ah," Jackknife nodded in understanding. "Like how you think he was lying about saying you never got over Logan?"

"EXACTLY!" Rico shouted. "Sure, Logan's handsome in a rugged rebel-skater kinda way, but that doesn't mean I obsessed over him. And either way, the dip-stick was WRONG! I MOVED ON! I FOUND SOMEONE ELSE! But does he admit he's wrong?! NO!" She paused then gasped. "I'll be HE told Shadow to threaten your life, so that I'd consider breaking up with him and going back to Logan so he'd be right! Well, jokes on him; I'm onto him! And if I find any evidence that it's true..." She glared away, chuckling darkly as she envisioned what she'd have in store for him then.

"Sure-sure," Jackknife said, sliding the drink across to her. "Well, then, this shouldn't be a problem for yous."

"No, it won't!" Rico declared, snatching the drink and gulping it down. She smacked her lips. "AHHHH!" She slammed the glass down. "You see THAT, Aura? Jack's a good drink-maker, no matter what you say! AND YOUR SON'S A DOUCHEBAG!" She fired her grappling gun, and swung away.

Jackknife watched her go, cackling all the way, before turning with a wide grin to Rash. "Ya know what was in that drink?" he asked with a chuckle.

If Rash asked what, Jackknife lifted a cup of something black and gooey, almost like the Venom symbiote, but it was clearly not alive.

"Black licorice flavored jello," Jackknife replied. "Normally, Rico hates dis stuff. Thinks it looks too much like a Venom symbiote, or like yous, Rash. She ain't got no interest in eating her brother." He chuckled. "Well, not unless she's too distracted ranting about her problems."

Further away, Rash spotted Rico staring at them, having heard the whole thing.

Her reaction is similar to Tom Holland's reaction here (1:36 to 1:42)

That's good that drink got you through hard work.

Being a postman is a hard job, huh?

It's got it's ups and downs. The people I meet definitely make a huge difference; when they're nice and polite, it's not so bad. But when you meet the jerks and @$$holes, then it's utterly miserable. :ajsleepy:

Also, sorry if Rico got into a rant there. She wasn't as forward about it, but she really didn't like how Jacey tried to pretty much write Avispon and Avispa's characters before they were even out of the egg, nor did she approve of Shadow threatening Jackknife's life when Jack had helped her walk again, while Shadow was content to try and keep her in a wheelchair.

... Do you have any sane characters? Cause They all sound a bit on the insane side. Or was that just Rico reacting to a specific situation and she's less of a hot head normally?

Group Admin

"Sure-sure," Jackknife said, sliding the drink across to her. "Well, then, this shouldn't be a problem for yous."

"No, it won't!" Rico declared, snatching the drink and gulping it down. She smacked her lips. "AHHHH!" She slammed the glass down. "You see THAT, Aura? Jack's a good drink-maker, no matter what you say! AND YOUR SON'S A DOUCHEBAG!" She fired her grappling gun, and swung away.

Jackknife watched her go, cackling all the way, before turning with a wide grin to Rash. "Ya know what was in that drink?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, what was in that drink?" Rash asked.

Jackknife lifted a cup of something black and gooey, almost like the Venom symbiote, but it was clearly not alive.

"Black licorice flavored jello," Jackknife replied. "Normally, Rico hates dis stuff. Thinks it looks too much like a Venom symbiote, or like yous, Rash. She ain't got no interest in eating her brother." He chuckled. "Well, not unless she's too distracted ranting about her problems."

Further away, Rash spotted Rico staring at them, having heard the whole thing.

Her reaction is similar to Tom Holland's reaction here (1:36 to 1:42)

Rash picks up a cup of black licorice flavored jello as he find it amusing. "Black licorice flavored jello is your most despised food, huh, Ricocheting Hound?" He called her by her full name.

Scarlet chuckled. "Don't worry about me getting angry at you, Rico... it was all part of the challenge." She teases her. "Next time, don't rant into your problem... you may ends up drinking a urine."

[Rico's reaction to the idea of potentially drinking an urine/pee if she rants again?]

Scarlet approached Jackknife. "I got a challenge for you! I want you to doing voices of both Blaze and Phoenix and have them being confused with each other, thinking one of them said to them."

[Jackknife's reaction? NOTE: If you didn't understand about Scarlet's challenge, this video would help you to understand her challenge better]

[Insert what both Blaze and Phoenix doing and Jackknife doing voices on them to get them confused with each other the same way Mark Hamill confused Joker and Trickster with each other by doing voices on them?]

Group Admin


... Do you have any sane characters? Cause They all sound a bit on the insane side.

Like the Cheshire Cat said once,

"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."

In all seriousness though, that was just Rico venting about a specific situation that ticked her off.

She tries to be more like Spiderman, but she's also a truth seeker, and doesn't like it when she thinks people are twisting the truth to suit their own needs. Having been raised with a police officer for a mother and a master thief for a father - both of whom would constantly alter the truth to suit their side - had a hand in that.

Group Admin


Rash picks up a cup of black licorice flavored jello as he find it amusing. "Black licorice flavored jello is your most despised food, huh, Ricocheting Hound?" He called her by her full name.

She shrugged. "It looks like you," she replied. [I think, didn't you say that Rash looks like the Venom Symbiote?]. "You don't want me eating you, do you, big bro?"

[His reply to that?]

Scarlet chuckled. "Don't worry about me getting angry at you, Rico... it was all part of the challenge." She teases her. "Next time, don't rant into your problem... you may ends up drinking a urine."

Rico shuddered and even Jackknife grimaced at that. "Let's not think about that," he asked.

Scarlet approached Jackknife. "I got a challenge for you! I want you to doing voices of both Blaze and Phoenix and have them being confused with each other, thinking one of them said to them."

Jackknife's face fell. "You mean... shape-changing?" He groaned.

"Come on, Jackknife," Firedance said. "A challenge is a challenge." He tossed him another Apple-Spinach Juice. "Plus, this is a chance to mess with Blaze."

Jackknife chuckled. "I like the sound o' that," he admitted. He downed the stuff as the Popeye music played. He flexed, his body shifting and changing into Phoenix. Then he marched off to do the challenge.

Meanwhile, Phoenix in a Mass Effect simulator, going through the planet Haestrom - which is a planet that normally has the environmental hazard of an overly hot sun. Normally, this overly hot sun would drain the health of any other players, but since Blaze was a fire dragon, it had no effect, allowing them to steamroll through the enemies.

"Okay, watch this, Phi," Blaze said, creating a flaming lasso connected to Phoenix and proceeding to wrap around two pillars. She hocked up a glob of flames, got ready to use her lasso to slingshot the flames at a boss enemy.

But as she did so, Phoenix glanced to the right, and did a double take as she saw... Blaze. Or rather, Jackknife perfectly shifted into Blaze. Steam and all.

She looked over to the Blaze still setting up her slingshot, and in the time it took her to process that there were two Blazes... one of them knocked her on the head.

When she did so, Phoenix's flame lasso snapped, causing the fireball to smack the first Blaze right in the kisser.

She sat down hard, shaking her head. "What the...?"

She glared up at 'Phoenix' (who was actually Jackknife shapeshifted to resemble Phoenix) who laughed and pointed at Blaze mockingly before sauntering off.

"H-Hey!" Blaze yelled. "GET BACK HERE!"

She ran over to find Phoenix leaning against the wall, rubbing her head from where Jackknife had hit her.

Blaze shoved at Phoenix and started arguing with her. Phoenix shoved her back and started arguing back.

And as Jackknife and Scarlet watched, the two fire dragons got so caught up in arguing with each other, they missed the boss character - who had been watching in complete confusion - launch an attack that hit both Blaze and Phoenix and knock them out of the simulation.

Both Blaze and Phoenix got angry and started fighting with each other while destroying the simulator.

"Hey-hey, watch it," Jackknife noted. "Dat's expensive stuff."

"Jack?" Phoenix asked, before both of them slowly connected the dots.

Scarlet could literally see the wheels in their head turning as they realized:

Jackknife = water dragon = Antenna = shape changer + two Blazes? = Ding-ding-ding.

"JACKKNIFE!" they both roared, rushing at him with intent to burn.

But with the Apple-Spinach serum still flowing through him, Jackknife laughed and uppercut both of them. Phoenix smashed into the simulator, which combined with her own cyborg parts to turn her into a slot machine. Seconds later, Blaze hit her head on the slot machine, which spun to reveal a jack pot, further knocking Blaze out by comically burying her in gold coins.

Yeah, I figured that's what you were going for. Still, I'm just saying that aura wouldn't be the ammo. Anyway...

He marched on Leroy and picked him up, aiming his arm with the custom-made gun and pulling Leroy's other arm back like he was pulling a trigger.

To Leroy's shock, a round fired off. Setting Leroy down, Jackknife dashed cartoonishly off screen, Jackknife then appeared on the other side of the screen, now in the path of the bullet–shaped blast of dirt as Leroy's eyes darted between his gun and Jackknife in disbelief not unlike Fang's reaction to having his weapon stolen (I love this attack):

He then flexed his abs and let the dirt bullet hit him head on, stretching once again like a rubber-man before he literally pec-flexed the bullet right back at Leroy, covered in ice for good measure. Though he did make sure to not aim for Leroy, instead hitting the ground close to him.

Leroy stumbled over his words as he processed not just Jack's boldness manhandling his gun but also his sudden teleportation. "I—but, how did... WHAT THE HECK?!"

Firedance clapped with glee and wrote down more notes. "That would be the insane 'cartoon logic' that the likes of Pinkie Pie follow."

Right on cue, Pinkie poked her head down from the top of the screen. "Hi!" she greeted for no apparent reason, before putting on a snorkel and disappearing back into the ceiling from whence she came.

Glancing back and forth between the sides of the screen a few times, Leroy threw his hands up in an exasperated groan as he walked out. "No kidding about the insane part. Gah, I've got my limits when it comes to that kinda logic..."

Helix chuckled. "Looks like Cosmic isn't the only one who hasn't had enough exposure to classic cartoons. Oh, and speaking of whom..." He looked over at Cosmic. "I was meaning to meet you at my lab so I could give you an update on my research, but here will suffice. Currently, I've got my eyes on the Spyro realm. The dragons there aren't too large for my dragon Pokemon to breed with, and their generally friendly appearance makes them slightly more approachable."

"Any specific ones in mind?" Cosmic asked.

"Most likely a dragon hatched from one of the eggs Spyro recovered during Year of the Dragon. That was twenty-four years ago, so the dragons should be reaching an age where they're just awakening to their sexual urges." Helix crossed his arms in thought. "As of now, I intend to find one who needs an outlet for those urges but lacks the skills needed to be a parent for the time being. Such a dragon would be a good candidate since he'd be willing to let his offspring go at first, then later after he matures and acquires the know-how needed to be a father, he can send and receive mail to keep in touch with said offspring."

"But can't he just visit Equestria instead?"

Helix scratched his head sheepishly. "Only outside of posts. As far as my writer is concerned, the father dragon is to have no cameos since he isn't an OC and doesn't have any major roles other than giving birth to a new character."

Group Admin


Helix scratched his head sheepishly. "Only outside of posts. As far as my writer is concerned, the father dragon is to have no cameos since he isn't an OC and doesn't have any major roles other than giving birth to a new character."

"Sounds similar to why we never met Luco's parents," Firedance mused. "Or Shiva's or Luke's. If there's no other major role for the character, it's probably not a good idea to give them too much screen time." He chuckled. "My own writer has been experiencing that while trying to write novels; he has so many characters he wants to share, but when they can't all fit into the same story he's trying to write, it begs the question of whether it's really worth it to keep them in if they aren't going to have the chance to play a major role and show who they are as people."

Helix nodded. "Right. Well, in any case, thanks for inviting me to assist with the creation of your new concoction, Firedance. The results were satisfying, and I'll be happy to aid you anytime with an invention."

Group Admin

"Thank you. Same to you," Firedance agreed.

Thanks again. It's always great to share these with you. :twilightsmile:

No problem. It's a bit tricky for me now because of Ragnarok17's dragon challenge and me having only one dragon OC, but that should change soon. I'm looking forward to the day my next dragon OC is finished, but I'm gonna be moving within the next week or two, so it'll take plenty of time.

Group Admin

No worries. Take as much time as you need.

I'm looking forward to it too. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


[I think, didn't you say that Rash looks like the Venom Symbiote?].

Yup, Shadow Jackers like him greatly resembles Venom Symbiote. 👍

She shrugged. "It looks like you," she replied. [I think, didn't you say that Rash looks like the Venom Symbiote?]. "You don't want me eating you, do you, big bro?"

Rash grimaced as he looks at the black licorice flavored cup before he immediately disposes. "Nope!" :twilightoops:

Both Blaze and Phoenix got angry and started fighting with each other while destroying the simulator.

"Hey-hey, watch it," Jackknife noted. "Dat's expensive stuff."

"Jack?" Phoenix asked, before both of them slowly connected the dots.

Scarlet could literally see the wheels in their head turning as they realized:

Jackknife = water dragon = Antenna = shape changer + two Blazes? = Ding-ding-ding.

"JACKKNIFE!" they both roared, rushing at him with intent to burn.

But with the Apple-Spinach serum still flowing through him, Jackknife laughed and uppercut both of them. Phoenix smashed into the simulator, which combined with her own cyborg parts to turn her into a slot machine. Seconds later, Blaze hit her head on the slot machine, which spun to reveal a jack pot, further knocking Blaze out by comically burying her in gold coins.

Scarlet couldn't help but chuckled at the scene. "I know I shouldn't be laughing but this is too good!"

Baby Wade cheered on Jackknife "That's what those two meanies get for being mean to Uncle!"

"Be nice, Wade." Rash chastised him before lifting Wade up. "Alright, sports, it's your turn."

"What do you want your uncle to do, Waving?" Scarlet asked.

Wade is thinking for a few seconds before a light bulb comes up as he turns to Jackknife. "I want you to put those meanie nobles in their place!" He challenged them. "Blueblood meanie and his goons are being mean to little children by taking their candies away from them!"

[Jackknife's reaction to once again, Blueblood being an asshole by taking candies from little children?]

"Hey! Give us our candy back!" A filly cried as Blueblood and his fellow nobles are laughing at them as Blueblood holding a bag of candies.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, peasants!" Blueblood sarcastically said to he smugly grins to them. "But the candies belongs to nobles like us! I don't care who donate the bag of candies, it doesn't belongs to you, peasants!"

[Insert Jackknife putting Blueblood and his fellow nobles in their place]

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Wade is thinking for a few seconds before a light bulb comes up as he turns to Jackknife. "I want you to put those meanie nobles in their place!" He challenged them. "Blueblood meanie and his goons are being mean to little children by taking their candies away from them!"

Jackknife gasped, before chugging down more of the Serum, and marching off to put the foul nobles in their place.

"Hey! Give us our candy back!" A filly cried as Blueblood and his fellow nobles are laughing at them as Blueblood holding a bag of candies.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, peasants!" Blueblood sarcastically said to he smugly grins to them. "But the candies belongs to nobles like us! I don't care who donate the bag of candies, it doesn't belongs to you, peasants!"

But as he laughed, Jackknife came out of the bag of candy he was holding and seized Blueblood by the neck. Briefly, he got nose to nose with the noble before winding his fist up and uppercutting Blueblood to the other side of the room.

"H-How DARE YOU!" Blueblood shrieked. "Guards, arrest this vagabond!"

Guards rushed in to try and subdue Jackknife, but with the Apple-Spinach Serum running through him, Jackknife proceeded to uppercut the guards back, causing each one to smack into Blueblood and causing him to get goofy faces as he kept getting hit in the face.

Some of the braver nobles then drew rapiers and tried to take their shot, but they were similarly sent into Blueblood's face. Eventually, Blueblood had the entire nobility get personally introduced to his face. With black eyes, missing teeth, and a bunch of bruises, he tried to collapse forward unconsious, only to fall right into Jackknife's hand.

Lifting him up by the neck, Jackknife grinned ominously, while Blueblood whimpered.

The kids were then shown watching in shock as the ground thundered and shook with Jackknife's beatdown of Blueblood. However, their shocked expressions changed to joy, as it turned out that somewhere in Jackknife's beatdown, he had built a candy store, with all the nobles dressed up as Willy Wonka and propped up like scarecrows, covered in neon signs inviting kids to buy as much free candy as they wanted - all paid for with the noble's funds.

Hence, the nobles were subjected to the fate Mr. Krabs suffered once, where he had to watch as Krabby Pattys were given away for free.

Group Admin

Hahahahahaha!!!!! That's what Nobles get for trying to take candies away from kids! :rainbowlaugh:

Awesome work! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Always happy to share :twilightsmile:

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