Offprint 40 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

As of writing this, Offprint is in active development, currently still in early alpha. As such, many features are not added yet. Here you can ask any questions about the site or make suggestions for things you'd like to see on it. I keep close tabs to the goings-on of Offprint, but if I can't answer your question, I can still pass it along to the development staff and get back to you. Same goes for suggestions!

I'd like it if there was a featured box! I love aiming for the box here on fimfic. It's a massive motivator.

Group Admin

Oh, that! I remember that there was conversation on how we might try doing a sort of mini-feature box for major genres or something like that. It's a while ago, and we haven't brought it up since so far.

Group Admin

Yeah, like Techie said, there's been a lot of discussion on how to handle that. Figments (the site founder) doesn't want to mirror Fimfic's feature board exactly, and wants to try to do something that promotes authors more evenly whereas Fimfic's can be like the popular get more popularity and other people struggle to scratch the surface. Of course, if that were an easy thing to do, Fimfiction would do it too... So lots of people are tossing around ideas for some form of feature board, and I'm sure we'll get something eventually, but it's hard to say what form that'll take


HMM... I dunno, I really like the fimfic model. It's very straight forward, even if it is a bit unfair sometimes. I do think a 'per genre' bit would be nice though.

Something separate for original works, fanfics, and poetry. That way fanfics wouldn't hog the spotlight.

Perhaps the story to be featured could be left up to popular vote? So a number of candidates are selected each day based on popularity, and a site-wide poll determines which go up there? Oooh, there could be first, second and third places for each genre!

It wouldn't solve the popularity contest, but I think the idea is kinda neat! :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

It is a neat concept yeah. Another problem arises with multiple fandoms, come to think of it. If you're not writing for whatever the hot fandom of the moment is, your odds of getting featured are gonna be smaller. I suppose like how you can search stories by "heat" on Fimfiction, you could maybe search within a fandom by heat on Offprint and thus sorta create a fandom specific leaderboard?

Very true! That sounds like a very neat functionality to add!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Just thought I'd mention, anything in as a banner at the moment is very temporary. Didn't look as good once it was actually on there, so I'm messing with it...

Edit: Well, that's a little better. Still might play with it.

Kinda bouncing between not liking it and being okay with it, actually. I should probably look at it when I'm not getting ready for bed... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I'll leave the banner like this for the night, I think.

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Awesome, thanks for giving us a banner! I was asking around a bit on the Offprint Discord to see if anyone wanted to give us one, but I got no takers.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem, biggest issue was that a pony related banner didn't seem quite right to me, and I sort of wanted to do this one mostly copyright free. Started playing around with it, and probably put one up too early.

The current one, I just decided that the original background just wasn't working, and Nasa's always a great source of public domain images. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle


Another thing I just thought of that could be neat would be both the ability to comment on individual chapters, and I've often seen suggested around here in Fim, that it'd be nice to have an upvote/downvote system for individual chapters as well.

I'm not 100% sold on the latter, though. It sounds pretty stressful, tbh.

Group Admin

I think upvotes/downvotes are only going to be per-work/blog on Offprint.

Group Admin

As far as I know Techie's right, and sites that let you rate individual chapters are skewed heavily towards longer stories. On Wattpad I gave every one of my chapters a fave because I could. On my oneshots that means one fave for the whole story, on my longest fic it's over forty. It skews it to look like the longer story is massively better

But commenting on individual chapters is an intended feature, not sure when it's getting added (I think the next thing to be added is supposed to be notifications) but it's coming!

Awesome! That's just as well, tbh. Upvoting per chapter sounds exploitable as heck.

the next thing to be added is supposed to be notifications

Yas! There's not much to be notified about just yet, but that's awesome to hear! :derpytongue2:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

One thing I do notice is there isn't any anthology tag. This does kinda make bringing over my anthology of 150 word flashfic stories difficult...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

I know Figments has said anthology fics are fine there, and indeed part of the idea behind calling the chapters "sections" is to encourage things other than the traditional chapter format, but I'll bring up the idea of having it as a genre tag. It's worth noting that that's something people were doing on FImfiction long before there was an anthology tag on here (myself included, and I ported that anthology over to Offprint, where it exists with no anthology tag). For the moment, I think best practice is to just make it clear in your description that it is an anthology rather than a multi-chapter fic.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Alright. Is it required to have at least one genre tag, though? In fimfiction, I left the only genre as "Anthology", because one chapter, it's a comedy, one it's a tragedy, one it's sci-fi. I haven't actually tried not marking a genre, so it might be allowable.

I suppose I could mark it slice of life for the connecting framework of "Sweetie Belle is writing stories, and thinks a one thousand word minimum is dumb" (seriously), but...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

I brought up that exact point in the server, that while it's all well and good for me to tag my anthology story "slice of life" and "romance" because every mini fic in there is a slice of life romance, the same isn't true for everyone. We're discussing options to take, partly because there's a planned feature called "anthologies" where you can link stories that go together (like a series, or just a thematic thing, or if you write multi fandom you could link all your work for one fandom, etc), so we're discussing name options.

For the moment, I would personally just put slice of life if that's a dominant genre and a disclaimer in the description that it's not all slice of life. Then if/when the anthology genre tag gets added, just change the story then. I'm gonna share patch notes here for every update, so we'll keep you in the loop :ajsmug:

Group Admin

Update: Figments did agree to adding an anthology genre tag, so it'll probably be added whenever the next patch goes out :twilightsmile:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Yeah, it'd be one thing if this was a themed anthology, but most of the stories are my entries to the monthly 150 word flashfic contest, loosely based on whatever the prompt of the month was. I know several other authors with anthologies collecting their stories from the same contest. (You'd be surprised how much you can pack into 150 words, too!)

Figment's agreed to add it? Great! I'll probably just wait for that update before bringing it over, then. I was looking at 20 stories in the anthology, and getting around 6 slice of life, 5 comedy, 4 sci-fi, 3 sad, 2 drama, 2 tragedy, 2 random & 1 poem (obviously overlap on the tags).

I'd actually totally forgotten I had a poem in there...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

I can't imagine writing anything in 150 words, as part of my own writing group we do monthly prompts with a 1k limit and I struggle to stay within that lol. But yeah, I can definitely see why you'd need the anthology tag for your work.

It will probably be a couple of weeks at least, considering the most recent update was only a week or so ago. Unless Figs finds some bugs to fix or something and tacks it on there, but more likely it'll be bundled into the 0.6 update since a few bug release updates have gone out for 0.5 and no one seems to be finding more bugs to squish at the moment.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem on the wait! There are plenty of other things that need to go in, anyways...

And yeah, 150 words is difficult. Some of them do end up feeling like scenes that could be incorporated into something else, or the start of a story, like "The Apple Jack" could easily have been the prologue to a whole Shadowrun story. "The Wind", though, I'm really happy with, and I'm not sure it'd be better with elaboration (and it won that month!).

I tend to find I've written 180 - 200 words and then have to pare down. Favoring dialogue helps, no unnecessary words, relying heavily on implication, minimal description... it can get pretty tricky! It's fun, though. It's like a puzzle.

--Sweetie Belle

When will I receive my account?

Group Admin

I'm not part of the moderation team, or affiliated with the website at all except as an active member. All I can say is that they send out invite codes when they're ready to add new members, but I can't say when that'll be. I saw you joined the Offprint Discord server, asking there would probably be your best bet to get a better answer than I could give.

Where do I ask in the discord server?

Group Admin

Probably in #open-seating (which is the general chat) since there's not really a channel for this type of thing. Alternatively, you could contact Figments directly, either in Discord or Fimfiction.


I think you should make the site more accessible for disabled people, and before I get any hate for saying this no I'm not just thinking about myself here.

Let's say that somebody blind wanted to use your website, the way it is now they couldn't access it, so I suggest that you implement a screen reader, or a reader like we have on fimfiction where when you are in a story it can highlight the text and read it to you, the text reader is something I would need because even though I can read I prefer to listen to what is on the screen.

Group Admin

Artist was answered in the Discord server, so I'll just repeat here for anyone else keeping tabs: accessibility like screen readers is a planned feature, but as Offprint is in alpha, the team is working on making a functional website before making it an accessible one.

Could we make suggestions about the group? It might be helpful to have a folder of stories that are cross-posted to the site. It’d also be a good way to advertise it more, and help readers and potential future members understand what gets cross-posted there, and that it could be some of their favorite stories.

Yes. I like the idea

Not sure if this is the best place to post this, but I signed up for an invite code a few months ago using the Google Form, but I have still not received a reply. How can I inquire as to the status of my invite request? Thanks.

Group Admin

invite codes are sent out in batches matching up to major site updates. You could probably ask Figments on the discord server about your request. :V

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