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Group Admin

Offprint has finally released a new version, rolling over from 0.6.1 to 0.7.0! This is the first major update on Offprint in quite some time. As always when there's a major release in alpha, it's likely this introduced new bugs, so please use this forum thread (or the Discord server) to report anything broken you find. I'll let Figments take it from here:

Been a while, hasn't it?

Nearly four months have flown by since Offprint received an update. The lack of communication on my part has been frankly unacceptable—no site posts about status updates, no hint of things being fixed, nothing. And honestly, I'm sick of myself as much as I'm sure many of you are as well. More should be demanded of someone who many of you felt it necessary to give money to in the hopes of seeing this site grow and become better. I couldn't be happier with all of you sticking with me and the team through this alpha process, but it's high time I renew my commitment to making sure your faith in this project was not misplaced.

I'll talk more about what happened to make things take so long in a blog post on my personal account. I don't think it'd be right to use site news as my personal sounding board. This is a platform for all of you, for a community of people wanting the same thing as I do—a place to read, write, and share, together—not for some rant from a crazy person.

For now, though, I think it's high time to finally unveil what all the work these past few months has gone towards. I hope you'll come to love it as much as I've loved to build it.

All The New Stuff

  • A whole new look for the future—Offprint has been completely redesigned, from top to bottom, with an all new user interface (again)! We hope the new look will provide a vastly more seamless experience, and hope to refine it as we move closer to the Beta launch. The more app-like experience will hopefully be a sign of things to come, so stay tuned for more updates on that front!
  • Everyone's Offprint—theme and content filter are no longer restricted to just people with accounts! Head on over to the More page to check out the new Global Settings section, where themes and filters can be set no matter who you are! Theme transitions have also been made practically seamless—no force refreshing the page here! One downside is that this removes the ability for themes to be set on a per-account basis, but we felt it was a better experience to move theming to a per-browser basis instead, and we hope you'll agree that this makes Offprint far more customizable than ever before.
  • Invites to the party—admins and moderators now have the ability to generate invite codes directly from the site itself, making the process of gaining access to Offprint far easier! Just hit up one of the members of our phenomenal site staff, and they'll get you sorted as quickly as they can!
  • My Stuff on another level—the My Stuff page's entire component structure has been reworked to better handle the app state and its corresponding parts. In layman's terms, the entire My Stuff UX has been streamlined, requires no refreshes, and updates automatically regardless of the sub-page you're on.

Bug Fixes

  • The authentication issues introduced in 0.6.1—where users were unable to log out, and credentials were not being refreshed properly—are now fixed. Sorry to everyone for the inconvenience and headaches this caused. (Contributed by SigmasonicX)
  • The email field on the login form should now alert users when the autofilled text isn't an email. (Contributed by Figments)
  • Links on the Collections pages now function as they should (Contributed by Figments)
  • Our deployment strategy was reworked from the ground up to introduce better, more stablized builds going forward. (Contributed by PingZing)

Known Issues & Regressions

  • Regression: Backing into a section page keeps you right where you were, rather than sets you to wherever you had been when you had viewed that section initially.
  • Known Issue: Blogs created prior to alpha-0.5 still display the incorrect publishing date.
  • Known Issue: The Offprint editor may experience performance issues when editing content exceeding 7,000 words.
  • Regression: Font color, size, highlight, alignment, and images are not being saved correctly.
  • Known Issue: Some buttons appear with their text not completely centered.
  • Regression: The Migration pages are currently unavailable but will be re-added as soon as possible.
  • Regression: Some output styles for blogs and sections may not appear correctly. We're working on getting everything looking good for the next point release.

For more known issues, please visit our GitHub repository and browse through the Issues tab.

As a reminder for everyone, any content written in the old QuillJS-based editor (the one prior to alpha-0.3.0) must be repasted as conversion is no longer supported. We apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause.

I’d also like to take this time to also give a shoutout to all the people who’ve decided to contribute financially to the development of this site. The contributions you guys have made go a loooong way to keeping the site up and running while we work on getting everything we need for a successful Beta launch ready to go!

A special thanks goes out to the following people:

  • Alara Rogers
  • Alex Holm
  • BatwingCandlewaxxe
  • Dexanth
  • Dream
  • Eris
  • FamousLastWords
  • Gara-The-Author
  • Geoffrey Walter
  • Juniper Moonlight
  • KittyhawkContrail
  • Krickis
  • Lofty Withers
  • Nitro Indigo
  • RoMS
  • Scott Becker
  • SigmasonicX
  • Singularity Dream
  • SockPuppet
  • TCC56
  • Tony
  • Typoglyphic
  • Undome Tinwe
  • wishcometrue

See you guys next time!

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Feels like it could use a little work. It was rather unintuitive, going to Offprint and only seeing an icon bar on the left and a blank white page until I hit home. It also wasn't really obvious if I was logged in, and it turned out that the button that looked like the log out button was the login button. Once logged in, being logged in was obvious, though...

--Sweetie Belle

Site Blogger


Feels like it could use a little work.

It is still very much in alpha. It needs a lot of work.

going to Offprint and only seeing an icon bar on the left and a blank white page until I hit home

This happens if you go to (which doesn't exist any more) instead of just If you have it bookmarked or your address bar is autocompleting or something, you'll want to update that.

it turned out that the button that looked like the log out button was the login button

A few people have commented on that, which is interesting, because:

If you google "log in" and "log out" icons, they're pretty much all variations on that theme.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I did have it bookmarked, and I've updated that now.

As far as the log out thing, the thing is that you usually see the log out icon in places, but you don't usually see the log in one, and they are similar enough that you don't notice the difference at first glance.

It'd make more sense to me if the option for logging in was where the "me" button is when you were logged in, and if logging out was just on the screen you get to by clicking it.

Honestly, I find this whole screen a little confusing anyways (I'm not sure why some stuff is on the left rather than the top and vice-versa, for example.). I'll have to think about what could be improved on it. The me button could probably be a menu...

--Sweetie Belle

Thank you for pointing these out! You can follow along with the Github tickets for your feedback here

Note that while some issues will be addressed soon, others will be put aside for later.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

No problem, and I pretty much figured some of those would be for later. Getting things in is more important than getting them in the right places.

I will say, also, that that was first impressions, looking at the site with the new update after not having been to it for a bit.I figured when I looked at it more, I'd have more ideas on how it could be made better, and I do have more ideas on that screen.

Right now, my thoughts are that settings are already in the first tab of the "More Stuff" icon, so you could just add the other settings that are under the "Me" icon to be there as well when you are logged in. Fimfiction has two separate settings areas, but it doesn't really make sense on fimfiction either.

"Works", "Blogs", and "Collections" all seem like things that could logically be under "My Stuff" when logged in. In fact, why not just merge that with the "Me" button and move "History" over there as well? Clicking on a picture of myself and having all my stuff show up seems logical.

I'll note that "More Stuff" also has an "OSL" button. I have no idea what it's supposed to do from the name, but nothing appears to be what it actually does. :unsuresweetie:

I do have a github id, so I could probably put things in over there if you want. I just figured I'd discuss it here.

--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

If it gives you an idea, something along this line might be an improvement...

--Sweetie Belle

To let you know, your points about reorganizing things are being discussed among the site contributors.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Okay, great!

I think some of the stuff I did in that picture above would help a fair amount. The sidebar is less confusing with things regrouped, labels, and lines separating sections...

(Any icon differences aren't suggestions so much as me just choosing things that looked close, btw...)


--Sweetie Belle

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