Offprint 40 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 21 )
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Can someone delete my offprint account? I'm not a fan of the direction this site takes and I don't want to be associated with it.

Then why make an account in the first place?

I mean, you know that people's opinions may change with time, right?
Also, guess my problem is that unlike some people I signed up for additional readers, not because fimfic bad or something. What I got is no new readers and an increasingly bizarre community I don't want to be associated with.


What I got is no new readers and an increasingly bizarre community I don't want to be associated with.

Yikes. I'll keep that in mind if I ever decide to publish any new stories on that site.

Though, just to satisfy my curiosity, what is the community like? I haven't been active on Offprint since February this year.


I like it but people don't read my stories


Then there's no point to me returning any time soon.

But at least on offprint people don’t downvote for no reason

Do they even read stuff there? Most stories seem to have less views combined than I get on the first day after posting a new fic on fimfic.

bats #10 · Dec 19th, 2021 · · 2 ·

The site doesn't yet have much of a reader base, but it's also in closed alpha and that is reasonably to be expected. I personally don't much care about any of the 'fimfic bad' narrative, I'm more looking for 'site with interaction and community tools similar to fimfic that's for multiple fandoms,' or to put it another way, a better AO3. Offprint might be able to be that, but that's a big question mark still. Right now it's early growing pains and populated by early adopters who are primarily writers, not readers. If you're just looking for readership, site isn't going to have it for now. In the future, hopefully that will change, but for now that remains to be seen.

I haven't been there in a long while, so I took a look.

Bizarre community? What do you mean by that? As far as I can see, Offprint is basically more of Fimfiction, only with more shows than just MLP being fanfictioned. I saw nothing at all different or stranger than here.

If anything, there seems to be less Twincest Rape Vivisection Cannibalism Cumflation Vore Mass-Murder Gothy-Edge fiction than Fimfic. Which, frankly, is a straight-up positive (what the hell is wrong with people?).

Group Admin

Passed along the deletion request to site staff. If you're specifically after new readers in the short term, I agree that Offprint is not the place to look. Hopefully it'll become more active as the site develops.

Group Admin

Offprint has, that I'm aware of, two reputations surrounding it. One is that the site pre-screens people from joining based on a cancel culture style thing where supposedly they're background checking everyone before allowing them in. This is not the case, and largely is because a few controversial people weren't let into the closed alpha due to not having moderation tools to moderate them yet. I believe (though I'm not site staff and could be wrong) that there were two such people, one of whom is very vocal about this to anyone who'll listen.

The other reputation is that Offprint is the "SJW fanfiction site" because they don't allow Nazis and pedophillia. Which like, tbh fair, but you know people and their free speech and all that.

If there's any other reputation going around then I don't know about it, but I'm just a fan of the site, not affiliated with it in any official capacity lol


Hopefully it'll become more active as the site develops.

Given the direction it takes, I doubt it'll catch on, but still, finally something constructive in this thread. Thanks.

Group Admin

I'm genuinely unsure of which direction you mean, unless you're referring to the ban on Nazis and foalcon. And I mean, as for the thread, you came to a place to discuss Offprint, made vague comments about the community behind it, then refused to elaborate. And like, I don't care really, I'm not hounding you for an explanation here, I'm just saying that while it would be nice for someone before me to come around and pass this message along to site staff for sure, it's also not an unexpected way for this thread to go.

Why are you being rude?


unless you're referring to the ban on Nazis and foalcon

That was the beginning of offprint, I signed for it, no problem. I don't mind fimfic's policy and I don't mind offprint's policy regarding that. Whatever, I have no problem with either. But I also don't like the hypocrisy of the community that strives to be better than fimfic while also casually encouraging the posting of memes about how stupid the straights are. When I sent the Discord post about how dumb cis people are to Sock he immediately left the site and the server, and when it was clear nothing would be done about the casual bigotry despite his complaints, I left too.
I'm pretty sure I'm not the last.

Group Admin

Ah, that makes more sense. I admit I didn't notice it being too bad, but I agree that's hella uncomfy. Also wasn't actually aware Sock left, I'm not terribly active there (or anywhere) these days. This is actually really good feedback though, whereas "an increasingly bizarre community" isn't. I have no idea what's going on with the mods behind closed doors, but I know enough about moderating to not assume nothing is going to be done just because nothing happened right away. But again, I have no real idea what conversations happened between Sock and anyone he raised a complaint to.

And like, I'm not trying to get you to give it another chance, but feedback like that is essential and I'm already discussing it in the Offprint Discord now and throwing in my two cents on how to stop that behavior. So yeah, if you don't want to be part of smoothing out a growing community, I get that, but for whatever it's worth, the conversation is being had on no longer allowing that kinda thing in part because of this feedback.

I mean, it's never gonna change if nobody ever says anything about it. As soon as this thread was brought up in chat people started talking about it.

And speaking as someone who's AMAB and exclusively sexually attracted to women, I never noticed or cared. So the people who notice and care should probably say stuff about it. Directly. Explicitly.


because they don't allow Nazis and pedophillia.

Another positive about Offprint!

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?

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