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What if the following villains from various media were asked to join the Legion of Doom from DC Comics?

Lord Voldemort (Harry Potter)

Daleks (Doctor Who)

Lord Garmadon (Ninjago)

Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)

Team Rocket (Pokemon)

Cinder Fall (RWBY)

Sir Benedict Cumbersnatch (Sunset Paradise)
And last but not least...

The Dazzlings (MLP: Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks)

Really? Daleks.

Those fuckers can't be killed anyhow unless by another dalek, destroyed by that stone Missy used when Peter Capaldi was The Doctor and when Clara Oswald was the companion with Missy at the time.

The Daleks would most likely just exterminate them instead of joining.

That's fair. I thought the Daleks joining the DC Villains would be a stretch, but a fun stretch.
Besides, I think Voldemort would turn his back on them for the same reason as the Daleks.

The only things that Daleks don't hate enough to exterminate are their fellow Daleks, just barely.

That would be like suggesting that the Cybermen join Hydra or the Borg join COBRA.

Yeah, the Daleks are just gonna murder everyone like the good little space Nazis they are.

Why not just place the Daleks under Mind Control? I'm sure someone like Gorilla Grodd can keep them under control.

Not even Grodd could control them, and from what I remember, they were specifically designed to be immune from things like psionic control.
Besides, even if you could mind control them, they wouldn't be much use except as cannon fodder then.

Good point.
If not the Daleks, then which Doctor Who villain would you recommend join the Legion of Doom?

I think Garmadon, the sirens, and Team Rocket are the most likely to turn good and betray the legion.

The Master would fit right in methinks.

Hmm... Replace the Three Stooges (Jessie, James, and Meowth) with Hunter J and we'll have ourselves a deal.

Hmmm...An interesting choice for a villain if I do say so myself.

Group Admin

Even if all of them agree to join the Legion, at least one of them will inevitably try to usurp its leadership and the in-fighting will threaten to tear the entire team apart.

After all, a certain someone once said:

"To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best."

Of course. The Legion of Doom threatened to tear itself apart when Luthor and Grodd fought over control, so what makes the villains think they'll have any better luck with a few more members from other universes?
Then again, it's all about getting the right leader in charge. Luthor would only use the villains for his own gain before he would discard them, and Grodd would use them to turn everyone into gorillas. If the Legion of Doom is to truly thrive and prevent any power struggles, it needs a leader with every villain's best interests in mind, not just his own.
Kinda hard to do that since they're all villains though.

Group Admin

Then, perhaps their ideal leader is someone not as ambitious as the others.

Someone who has malicious intentions and yet cares about the well-being of his/her subordinates.

Anyone in particular comes to mind?

I would most likely pick Blue Banana (Of course I would go there lol).
He may want to seem powerful and intimidating, but he's got a good heart deep down.

Really the Daleks?

Daleks don't ally with no one. They consider everyone not like them as inferior lifeforms.

And all inferior lifeforms deserve nothing, except for one thing and one thing only...EXTERMINATION!


Well for one the Legion of Doom would be an actual threat instead of a gagglefuck of defeated enemies

I'm no Dr. Who fan, but what I've heard, Daleks are like the Harvesters from Independence Day, they don't need to join other beings as their priority was to exterminate other lifeforms.

The Master would wind up leading The Legion of Doom, he'd just make them think they were leading themselves and he was just a janitor or tinkerer that showed up.

That sounds like a good...oh wait...Davros did that for a while and they wound up breaking free, imprisoning him and using his body's cells to make a new generation of Daleks.

Wasn't there that one time the Daleks allied with everyone to stuff the Doctor in the Pandorica?
I could see something like that happening.
Sure. Maybe even Shadow the Hedgehog, if he's willing.

To echo what nearly everyone on this thread said, I'm pretty sure even the Legion of Doom would draw the line at inviting nigh-unkillable space Nazis into their ranks. :rainbowlaugh:

Wizard Hitler is a maybe, though. :twilightsmile:

Hey, if the Daleks don't join according to plan, then the villains can just send them to the Phantom Zone like LEGO did in the LEGO Batman movie.


Wasn't there that one time the Daleks allied with everyone to stuff the Doctor in the Pandorica?

Why yes, however, while it's true that one time they did do that. It is also more then highly likely they would've betrayed their temporary "allies" once the Doctor was dealt with. If the story of that episode never went out the way it did.

Any sort of rare allegiances that the Daleks may have made with the other species. Tend to be extremely finite and they will eventually turned on their so-called "allies" only when their targeted goals are met. Because Daleks always have their own ulterior motives for everything they do. Because let's face it. It's their nature to hate and EXTERMINATE all inferiors.

Because once again. Daleks considered themselves the superior species, while all other species not like them are inferior. To them all inferior lifeforms (especially Cybermen) are superior in only one respect...

A good argument nonetheless.

Group Admin

Well, there is one other villain who could be the best leader the Legion could ask for:

Bandora from Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger, which is the Super Sentai season that the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers seasons was based on. And yes, Bandora herself did serve as inspiration for the OG Power Rangers villain, Rita Repulsa:

Except I don't think Maria would approve.

It's fascinating to see how the American version just made her a goofy cartoon villain who gets cranky every time she loses while the Japanese version made her more tolerant to failure than most villains. In fact, I find the idea of villains who tolerate their failures in general very nice, and I wish people would do that more often (Like Thanos in the original "Infinity Gauntlet" comics).
OK, I confess to not knowing a lot about the Sonic lore, so I have no idea who Maria is.

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That is probably the only thing the comic book version of Thanos is better at as a villain in comparison to his cinematic counterpart.

By the way, Shadow did work for Eggman to avenge the death of his closest friend Maria, but he has since moved on from that loss and is now firmly on the side of good. Even though he's a bit of an anti-hero and has an intense rivalry with Sonic, the two do have mutual respect for each other's skills and are always willing to work together to stop world-ending threats.

OK, that clears things up on my end. All I knew was that he was the Eddie Brock to Sonic's Peter Parker.

Group Admin

Yes and no. He and Sonic were indeed enemies once, but after Shadow learned to put his past behind him, they basically became frenemies. They still disagree and compete with each other from time to time, but there is still mutual respect and occasional partnership between them.

Also, Shadow is more than just a slightly edgier version of Sonic. He was created to be the ultimate life form by Eggman's grandfather, Professor Gerald Robotnik, and his DNA contains strands from that of an invasive alien species called the Black Arms.

Well then.
Really makes you wonder how they're going to do this in the movie universe.

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As long as they do the Adventure games justice, I'll be happy.

Hell, it would even be fun to see some interactions she could have with Deathstroke or Deadshot.

Dr. Eggman would definitely join the Legion Of Doom, but a well-written Shadow would never join them...unless he was trying to take them down from within.

To everyone objecting to the idea of the Daleks joining the Legion Of Doom, Brainiac would likely bring them in line.

Of course! Brainiac isn't organic, so the Daleks can't logically hate him for being a lesser organic! That's plain genius!!!

I was just thinking he'd reprogram the Daleks to serve as additional bodies.

Then it wouldn't be the mean three anymore.

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