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The Mane 6 and That Vegan Teacher wouldn't get along. They're vegetarian. Though their diet mostly consists of plants and plant-based goods, they do eat some animal products like milk and cheese. Also, there is the occasional time where the ponies are shown eating what looks very similar to a ham sandwich. Plus the whole public shaming of someone and stirring up public controversy because they don't live the same lifestyle as you wouldn't float with them. It's a good way for her to get imprisoned, or banished, or imprisoned in the place where she gets banished.

The same goes for the Human 7. I don't think the Equestria Girls special or show ever showed or even mentioned Sunset Shimmer being vegetarian.

A Man Undercover
Group Contributor

Why are you always making your thread titles so long?

7750808 Overcompensation?

Okay first off, can you stop overdoing in making thread titles from you being so long?

It's getting really overkill if you ask me. :/

Well Sunset works at a sushi place, and probably eats there. I count fish as meat, so not vegan

Fish isn't meat, it's seafood. Just like chicken isn't meat, it's poultry.

I could see Sunset being a pescatarian and ovo-lacto vegetarian.

Its all meat cause tetrapods evolved from fish, therefore fish is meat

7751248 I never understood why some people claim that fish isn't meat. It's an animal. Animal = meat.

No, fish is not meat. As a general rule of thumb, if the flesh comes from mammals, it's meat.

Don't be purposefully obtuse. It doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look stupid.

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