Nine Elements Group 12 members · 10 stories
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Naturally, this thread is for discussing pretty much anything related to the "Nine Elements" version of the Equestria Girls series that the members want to discuss. Just please, keep the discussion respectful.

What do you all imagine pony Sunset's outfit would be in this version when she goes to the human world? I'm positive human Sunset's outfits in EQG would be the same as the canon counterpart's set of outfits, but would pony Sunset's human form have a different outfit (similar to how we see Princess Twilight's human form has a different outfit than Sci-Twi's outfit to symbolize they are different people)?

Group Admin

At first, pony Sunset wears this when living in the human world:

Meanwhile, human Sunset (Susan) was dressed like so:

Would Dragon Spike wear a different colored collar and a different tag to differentiate with himself from his native canine counterpart?

And, also, let's see:

Human Twilight: Tara

Human Sunset: Susan

Human Rainbow: Roxanne

Human Applejack: Abbigail (also occasionally called AJ, Abby and Jackie)

Human Rarity: Rachel

At least that's what I remember.

Group Admin

Human Applejack is named Ashleigh. Maybe dragon Spike has a green collar.

Yeah. Thanks for the correction on that. I remembered wrong. I freely admit that.

And, yeah, a green collar with a small, purple dragon-shaped tag. Good idea.

Of course, I remember there are eight geodes in this universe (including one for Dog Spike)

Dog Spike wears HIS geode as a collar decoration.

As a reference to Dragon Spike being the Element of Unity, perhaps one of Dog Spike's two powers could be giving the other seven Geode users an additional power. (as so each of the other seven Geode users ALSO has two powers)

Dog Spike's main power (besides the support-based power of granting an additional power to the other users) could be the ability to transform into a humanoid with superhuman strength (though less than half of the levels of Ashleigh) and flame breath as well as the durability needed to use those powers without hurting himself (though he can only maintain this form for two hours at a time and only activate this form once every twelve hours).
Susan's geode not only has the touch telepathy from canon but also the power of empathic power mimicry (meaning she can duplicate the powers of any of the other seven Geode bearers so long as it is done with those Geode users' full knowledge and permission).

Tara's powers are telekinesis (as per canon) and teleportation.

Flora's abilities are fluent animal understanding and speech as well as a healing touch.

Well, at least those are ideas. I will fully respect your right to not use those it you don't want to and will also apologize for overstepping. And, if you DO like the ideas, you can go ahead and think of an additional ability for each of the other four Rainbooms.

Group Admin

Human Fluttershy is named Fauna. For the additional powers of the other Rainbooms, here's what I'm thinking:

Ashleigh: Geokinesis in addition to her superstrength.

Human!Pinkie: Precognition.

Roxy: Aerokinesis.

Rachael: Cryokinesis.


Thanks immensely for the correction. And, yes, those DO sound like good additional abilities.

Group Admin

I was also thinking Dog!Spike's geode has sensory aptitude powers.

Makes a lot of sense.

Group Admin

Regarding the humanoid form, is it basically an inverted werewolf?

Yeah. That would be something along those lines.

Group Admin

But, with dragon breath?

This is an idea for an OC villain the Rainbooms could face in their college years. A formerly small-time thief graduated to super-powered cyber-terrorist called "the Internet Tough Guy"

Anyway, the background I was able to think of was that he was a crook trying to rob a computer lab Tara was working at. Trying to avoid getting spotted, he ducked into a part of the lab that had an experimental ray device. He ended up getting zapped by the ray and it sent him into the computers and granted him super-powers - including the ability to travel anywhere where there are electronics.

Once merely a burglar, this now-super-powered criminal realizes that his powers give him the means to be a much greater threat. Operating as a cyber-terrorist, the "Internet Tough Guy" (based on a slang term for somebody who makes all sorts of outrageous boasts and threats on the internet, but, more often than not, tends for their bark to be much worse than their bite - though, in his case, he actually DOES have the powers to make good on his boasts and threats) holds entire computer systems hostage, hijacks nuclear arsenals and turns bleeding edge scientific gear against its creators.


Prior to the ray exposure, "the Internet Tough Guy" had only the abilities of a normal person with VERY slightly above average intelligence and some experience with burglary.

After he got zapped by the ray device, he gained 64 times greater than peak human strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina, senses and willpower as well as a 64 I.Q. point intelligence boost to his intellect (which makes him, while not as smart as Susan or Tara, still definitely genius-level in intelligence [an I.Q. of 174]) as well as electrical powers (energy blasts, force fields, controlling electrically powered machines [up to sixteen at a time within his immediate area], fly for limited distances and, as aforementioned, rapidly travelling to and from anywhere that has electronics [wall sockets, computer screens etc.]), limited size-shifting (he can increase his height by sixteen inches and his proportionate muscle mass by sixteen percent), and the powers to turn himself intangible for sixteen seconds at a time and create up to sixteen pounds of solid matter merely by thought once every hour-and-a-half (providing he knows all the inner workings of what he's trying to create) - and THAT is when he's OUTSIDE of a computer.

INSIDE a computer, his powers are increased in both level AND number to a point that is very nearly unlimited.


As for weaknesses, well, there is the fact that he shorts out when exposed to water (when outside a computer), the fact he is much less powerful outside a computer than inside one (though still powerful enough where it would be rather advisable to take him seriously in a fight, he isn't as close to invincible and omnipotent as he is INSIDE a computer [being physically weaker than Ashleigh - who can lift around 60 tons - and slower than Roxanne - who can move at Mach 10 with the sped up reflexes and thought processes as well as the increased agility needed to go that fast without accidentally hitting anything and the increased durability needed to handle the friction of that sort of speed - even if he is still strong enough and fast enough to be more than a match for most police forces]), the additional facts that his electrical powers are powerless against things that are naturally non-conductive of electricity (glass, plastic, rubber, wood, etc.), his super-eyesight and super-hearing makes him super-sensitive to bright lights and extremely loud noises respectively, he (at least when outside a computer), despite his superhuman durability and potential for generating force fields, still needs to breathe like almost anybody else (meaning a gas attack could subdue him if he is outside a computer), his concentration can be ruined by having to fight a sufficient number of opponents at the same time in many different directions, his ego has been increased enough to make it near-impossible for him to remain anonymous when he pulls something big (as well as much more likely to be goaded into making a big mistake) AND his powers can be temporarily negated by a sufficiently strong and advanced computer virus when he IS inside a computer.


Personality wise, he was a relatively simple crook who kept quiet about his crimes before he got super-powers. He tried very hard to avoid violent confrontations (as he knew he would be more likely than not to come out on the losing end). He pretty much knew he was a total loser, but there was an inner rage beneath the quiet self-awareness.

AFTER he got super-powers, however, he became MUCH more arrogant (though smart enough to back up the ego surprisingly often), having gained the means to act on his inner rage more often. His computer-based crimes became large-scale, to the point of frequently posing a credible threat to entire cities and even being a real danger to the entire planet on more than one occasion.


Appearance wise, the Internet Tough Guy was a five-foot-two, scrawny Caucasian who dressed in modest attire of varying types (predominantly black during nighttime, though, as it was best for night time stealth), he had medium brown eyes and hair.

After he got super-powers, however, he was six-foot-six with lean muscle, wearing an electric blue tuxedo jacket with matching pants and undershirt as well as a golden yellow tie with matching gloves and dress shoes.


Of course, I've been unable to come up with a real name for him or any background information besides what I already listed, so anybody who likes the character enough to use him can go ahead and include any additional information they wish to use.

Group Admin

So, will there be a bit more instances of the Rainbooms visiting Equestria? I get the feeling the human Sunset will end up visiting in Mirror Magic to get another magic journal (or simply use an interdimensional phone) and meet Starlight in doing so and will probably visit again in Forgotten Friendship to get Twilight and pony Sunset's help to find what caused everyone in CHS (except Dog Spike since he technically isn't a student) good memories of her to vanish (at least getting Celestia's help won't be as awkward since human Sunset never really had a personal connection to her), but what about the other Rainbooms? I know Susan, Tara, and Roxie will visit Equestria through the quicksand portal to escape the wild plant monster in Spring Breakdown, but any other possibility of other additional moments of the Rainbooms visiting Equestria?

Group Admin

I'll consider that.

So, will Susan keep her first movie outfit during the events of Friendship Games and Magical Movie Night (until she and the other 6 Rainbooms get new main outfits starting in the Digital Series and Forgotten Friendship) or switch to the canon outfit her canon counterpart had on during those movies, possible unconsciously emulating her pony counterpart's human form clothing?

Group Admin

I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

And, getting back to "Forgotten Friendship", there could be some stuff where Susan is talking to Spike (the only one of the group that hasn't had his good memories of her erased as he isn't a student per say) commenting on how much it hurts that the others don't remember that good stuff (ESPECIALLY not Tara). And, of course, Susan using her "Empathic Power Mimicry" abilities to duplicate Spike's super-senses (with his full permission) to help with the investigation concerning what is going on.

Group Admin

I’m thinking Spike comforts Susan, recognizing that she needs it.

That makes a lot of sense indeed.

Group Admin

Even letting her hold him.

So, what does Susan do during the holidays and on Christmas? Considering she has no family with her parents dying in a car crash, how does she celebrate Christmas without a family either before the first Equestria Girls movie or after that (as in the first one after the first movie)?

Group Admin

Before the first movie, she spent Christmas like she would any other day. Her one consolation while Sunset was there was that she had someone to spend it with. After the first movie, the Rainbooms spent Christmas with her purely out of obligation to keep her alive. Afterwards, they’d spend more heartfelt Christmases with her. Susan’s Christmases really improved when her relationship with Tara started (despite Tara being Jewish).

Pretty sweet and nice touch of Tara being Jewish, nod to how her VA Tara Strong is Jewish as well.

So in Forgotten Friendship, does Spike try to jog the rest of the Rainbooms' good memories of Susan and try to convince them Susan is telling the truth on having changed? Especially to Tara given she's the only one who hadn't witnessed her cruelty as a bully first hand like everyone else did and the fact her own dog is defending Susan possibly making her have doubts on if she was really that bad.

Group Admin

Spike will even ask Susan’s friends what more proof they need after witnessing Susan sacrifice her own memories and end up confused about her adolescent body.

Now that it's safe for me to ask with the recent Christmas fic publicly confirming Sunset and Sunburst are siblings in this version, how does Susan react when she finds out that the pony counterpart of her mother Stellar Flare is still alive and that her pony counterpart has a brother?

Group Admin

Susan feels a bit depressed at the revelation.

Will there also be a bit of expansion on how the Rainbooms and Celestia/Luna manage to keep the magic antics a secret from the general public and only keep the secret among Canterlot High students (and later Crystal Prep, Gloriosa, Timber, the Canterlot Movie Studio people, Vignette, and Post-Crush when they find out in later movies/specials) and their families?

Group Admin

I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Another possible OC Equestria Girls villain for the girls' college years (well, mostly Roxanne).

Freezer Burn is a mutant criminal whose powers started manifesting themselves in his mid-teens. He possesses the ability to shoot powerful blasts of heat from his right hand and ice blasts from his left hand as well as a considerable degree of resistance to temperature extremes (as in fair protection from his own powers) and twelve times greater than peak human strength, speed (including sufficiently sped-up reflexes and thought processes), agility, stamina, durability and senses.

Because he was a mutant, he was a target for violent racists, leaving him with a big (and non-hypocritical) dislike for unnecessary violence (though he was fine with super-powered Gentleman Thief tactics), but as this was twelve years before the Rainbooms got their powers (he was 30 years old at the time of his first encounter with Roxanne [who only had HER powers for about three years by that time] and had been operating as a discreet super-thief for a decade and a half), he didn't have any positive role models to motivate him to use his powers for better purposes. It doesn't excuse his actions by any means, but it does provide at least some explanation.

He is only slightly above-average height and a bit lanky, but not skinny enough to look sickly. He has golden yellow hair and medium green eyes. He wears a flame red jacket with matching shoes and ice blue pants with a matching shirt (the latter worn under his aforementioned jacket).

Personality wise, he is a rather clever thief who believes in being loyal to his friends/minions (as it is a good way to inspire THEM to stay loyal to HIM) -treating them well unless they REALLY mess up (and, even then, he almost never takes it past berating them and giving them pointers on how to avoid making that mistake again) and has an extreme distaste for hurting children (unless the children actually try to make trouble for him AND have the power to actually be a decent challenge). He much prefers money to a body count (especially since he knows the police will look a lot harder for a murderer than for a thief, even a super-powered thief), so he doesn't kill unless it is absolutely necessary. In other words, he's Affably Evil (with more emphasis on the "affable" part) with a good mix of Even Evil Has Standards and Pragmatic Villainy.

Her primary nemesis is Roxanne (who is "sophomore year of college" aged - meaning technically young adult - by the time of their first encounter, so it doesn't violate his rule about not hurting children).

So far, I haven't been able to think of a real name for Freezer-Burn, possible family or much more than I already included, but if you like the idea, you can go ahead to include those details when you can think enough of them.

Group Admin

I’ll worry about that later.

So, will Pony Sunset also gain the ability to have a "pony up" transformation in the first movie and Rainbow Rocks like Pony Twilight did when she was in the human world in those movies?

Group Admin

Yeah. The first time is a reaction to the original six Elements of Harmony.

Sounds great.

Will Dog Spike show up in Rollercoaster of Friendship and Spring Breakdown (given he also has geode powers here too)?

How did Pony Sunset interact with Roxy, Ashleigh, Rachael, Fauna, and Pinkamena before the time of the first movie? Was she involved in or even aware of Susan's schemes to break apart their friendship? Did she try to be friendly when running into them?

Group Admin

Well, Sunset was close friends with the Humane 5 (practically the glue that held them together). Susan slipped Essence of Lavender (a potent ingredient in sleeping potions) into Sunset’s morning tea to keep her from interfering with her plans. Without Susan to talk things over with them, the group fell apart until Twilight came.

What is Pony Sunset's stance on meat? Given she was initially a pony, did she avoid all types of meat in the human world or was she at least fine with eating fish (assuming she got a sushi waitress job like her canon counterpart did)?

Group Admin

She was nauseated by the very idea of eating meat. Susan, however, wasn't. When Sunset unknowingly ate meat, her stomach (which wasn't used to meat) felt queasy.

Will Discord's human counterpart show up at some point? I'm imagining he's likely already married to Principal Celestia at this point.

Group Admin

Since you have said Dog Spike will show up and go on the cruise with the Rainbooms in Spring Breakdown, will he end up visiting Equestria with Susan, Tara, and Roxy through the quicksand portal, leading to an interesting role reversal of Susan (since she isn't from Equestria like canon Sunset is), Tara, and Roxy adjusting to walking on four legs while Dog Spike adjusts to being bipedal?

Group Admin

Well, Susan had been to Equestria a few times prior, so, she's used to walking on all fours.

So, does Pony Sunset also know how to play guitar like her canon and human counterparts do?

Group Admin

Yeah. She practiced whenever she could and even brought a guitar Roxy got her on a previous birthday to Equestria with her.

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