Nine Elements Group 12 members · 10 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Do any of you feel Brandon might be too harsh on certain characters, or specific moments (whether in canon or Nine Elements)? Any characters you wish would get more attention? Talk about how you feel about their characterization/treatment here!

To Brandon: This is not an attack on you! However, everyone's got a right to voice their opinions on how they feel about how someone portrays characters. Just because you hate or love certain characters, doesn't mean everyone else feels the same way. Sometimes, someone going, "Hey, don't you think you're being too harsh on [X]?" or "Don't you think you give [X] too much attention?" or "[X] character has/had GREAT potential; I wish you realized that and used them more!" can really help writers.

I respect this, but don't you think you should have asked him if this was okay before posting the thread?

Why? People don't ask permission before doing this sort of thing for print comics (ex. many people wrote in to Archie Sonic and Sonic the Comic to give their opinions, positive or negative), webcomics, fanfiction, social media & review sites for movies, tv shows, etc.

That's fair, and a good point, sorry

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