The Non Toxic MLP Fan Club 13 members · 7 stories
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1: you blame others for how your life is going

2: You feel as though everything is stacked against you

3: you have trouble coping with setbacks

4: you have a negative attitude going into most situations

5: When someone tries to help you, you lash out in anger

6: When you feel sorry for yourself, you feel better

7: You tend to hang out with other people who like to complain and blame other people

8: You find it hard to make changes in your life

9: You feel like you lack support from other people

10: You lack self confidence or low self esteem

11: You feel like others should recognize that you have been the victim

12: You want the people who have done you wrong to recognize what they did

13: You have a very black and white view of other people

14: You lack empathy for other people’s problems

15: You tend to ruminate about situations

16: You are passive when you go about your days

17: You think the world is an unfair place

18: You are hyper vigilant to bad things that might happen

19: You are not emotionally available to other people

20: You feel as though failing is permanent

21: You have a constant feeling of helplessness

22: You have a tendency to catastrophize

23: You always feel as though people are better off in life than you

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