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Im back, still taking them requests. Only change is that now im angry rather than bored and this is to do something constructive with my unmitigated rage. Ok two changes, one sketch per person. Three...three changes. Try to keep it simple you guys mmkay? Imagine that when youre asking for stuff im literally only versed in mlp and nothing else. If you tell me to draw an OC in batman's golden years special edition batsuit im gonna draw your OC in a hotdog costume. Thats right. A threat has been made! What are you gonna do, call the cops? huh? Call my mom? Pls no.
Recap of past rules: Very mess, only sketch, no color yada yada yada

If I take a bit to reply its cause Ive probably fallen asleep eating french fries from a bag like a horse with a feed bag. Does it sound weird? Good because its supposed to be. Now its a we thing than a me thing and we all get to take those horrible images to bed tonight.


Okay, I'll try to keep simple... perhaps Amethyst Star with an 80s mullet and headband?

... Probably not simple is it?:twilightblush:

Sorry you're angry.
I did absolutely love your last thread, it made my day and I got a sketch I'm still enjoying.
Hopefully things go a bit better this time.

Request: a group pic of these ocs i made but in their equestrian forms (one is a griffon and the other is a deer from the idw continuity):

(This one is meant to be a Cloudsdale Royal Legion Pegasus)

(This one is meant to be a unicorn sorcerer like the one at the very top)

Only one per sketch per person?

Okay! You already did that rhino one for me, so that's fine. Hope you're feeling better soon.

Did you read the first post? :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

Battlegnome! Feel free to meme it as you wish. :raritywink:


Can I get FlashTruth with magic spining around him (he know a bit of ever tip of magic, unicorn, zebra, buffalo, dragon, ... and harpy)
I want Feathers, magic-Potions, Crystal, Gems, animal-Paws, ...

P.S. Don't forget that there are Pins in his Hat.

FlashTruth: 100% Crystal-pony; He is a lite-colored (white, Lite-Blue or lite-gry or lite-...) crystal-pony with a (Dark-Brown or black & brown) mane, a fisher's hat and a orange cote and Dark-Black Sun-Glasses (He color of his eyes are unknow) . This is how he

He wears four magical crystal horseshoes, on each of his hooves (which he use has a conductor for his magic). He is also a photographer (his camera is make out of crystal levitated by his magic).

You would have a hard time knowing if he is being sarcastic, serious or making a joke. He is very, and I mean VERY cool with everything! Especially the L.B.G.T.Q.*/L.G.C.B.T.Q.H.F.I.S.A.N.D.P.O.K.M.* (But not mocking nor racist ponies.) But he mite be a bit too cool with everything, he likes to make jokes, but he assume too much that all the other ponies are cool with all things. He likes to help all his friends like Podiny, Daisy-Rose, Speed, Player, Green-Brid, Waiter, &... . He also likes to sing to girl's songs, and other things that would get guys called gay, fagot, or queer. He has always lived in New-MoonRacer, so he's not aware of the horror in the other places. He flies around with the help of the M.S.P.C. . He is also 2-Spirited/2-Spiritual/Bi-Spirited/Bi-Spiritual , Amazon-Chaser and an aspe (not the only one in New-MoonRacer, but the most well known of the aspes).

Cutie-Mark: worm-colored helping hand giving a camera (with the free masones logo in the left, the fair trade icon on the right and the eye of truth in the camera's lens) to a cold-colored hand

M.S.P.C. = Magical-Self-Poling-Carriage. it's a carriage that pols it sel. It becomes big if there's more ponies that gets in it, the carriage has a 4D map programmed in it, and it's guided by the minds of the New-Moonracer-ian, mainly FlashTruth, because he is the one who uses it the most.


Fell Free to try to do any other O.C.


Okay, I’ve got a simple one for you, if you've got the time: a fox in MLP style. :)

Mind drawing a humanoid changling queen (she has changeling horn and wings and hair but otherwise looks human) but a 6 burned into her forehead and a Long thin segmented black tail with a curved blade on the end, wearing a short dress.

Ps loopholes lol, if you do it I can’t wait to see how you retaliate, lol

Also are you ok, you said your mad, is everything alright, not trying to pry, you don’t have to say if you don’t want to, just making sure your good

Thanks for drawing yesterday’s drawing for me it actually made me cry and put that drawing with the theme for Ventus in the background and you have a very sad moment because to me that was a very nice thing to do.
Also I’m giving you full credit of making it.

Ah well there goes my idea of pranking my friend with a drawing of his oc (note: he isn’t a brony) but no biggy I fine by the one drawing per person but if that wasn’t there the I would have requested Fausticorn as a white wolf with a red mane as in not fur colour but her mane from her pony self with her wings from being a Alicorn on her back in the Equestria Girls world and yes this would be part of my fanfic were Fausticorn turned herself into a snow wolf to keep My OC companie. Note that the request is only a example that I’m using but if you take it as an actual request then I’m totally fine by that.

Edit: Scratch what I said about that request being an example you can draw I don’t mind but please don’t hot dog the wolf please have mercy on Rose (that’s how Fausticorn is called in my fanfic)

The hot dog was nearby but you managed :)

No problem! And yeah it was really unavoidable things well be fine.

That was honestly too many characters, but I still made it. I dont know this IDW continuity you speak off so you still get a hotdog in the picture.

Daring Do and Nurse Redheart running away from a giant antibiotic pill

A long haired Female sphinx. (Mlp version of a sphinx.)



Oooohhhh, Amy looks so cute! :rainbowkiss: Thank you silly!

*picks up the silly and huggles* :twilightsmile:

6885938 Holy Christ on a cracker thats a lot of very small text.


I drew it, Unfortunately for you I didnt like reading too much so Ive hidden a hotdog in there too.

Is this still open?

Ummm... That's not what I asked for.

p.s. I know that that's some ones else's

L :rainbowlaugh: L

Nice I love it

P.S. could I show it off on my page ?
I'll let them know that it's from you.

p.s. not to sound rud nor ungrateful
but when you have time and fill better.
could.. could you please take off the camera from his neck
FlashTruth doesn't like having thingd around his neck

I'm a bit late. i meant the Deer form the comics:

That was towards Altlus, not you, because I wasn't sure he read your rules before making his request.

--Sweetie Belle

I seeeeeeeeeeeee the hot dog!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, I don't know if you're still doing this, but if you are I've got a piece I'd simply love for you to draw!

Could you draw Anon and Aryanne in a drinking contest?

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