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I can't tell for certain. Sure she spends a lot of time socializing but she also spends a lot of time alone, she is working but it's still alone time, she might be using that time to recharge, from all the socializing. Which is introverted. Tell me what you think.

Wanderer D

7069993 She's extroverted. Just because she needs personal space when doing creative work, doesn't mean she's not. She's a complete socialite and engages in conversations easily with just about anyone.

I'm not convinced but okay.

She wears the mask of a shallow socialite at times, but it is obvious to those who know her well that she is brilliantly-creative and cares a lot about other Ponies -- especially her friends and family. She is very moody, and in some moods can be very extroverted, in others very introverted.


She's a 50/50. I've known people like that, who can recharge from time with other people OR time alone. Either that or they NEED both.

Rarity's impressive. She can do the work, and she can do the hustle. :duck:

Huk #6 · Dec 2nd, 2019 · · ·


I'm with Jordan179 and Captain_Hairball on this - she seems to be both. Think of someone who likes parties and attention (she said it herself many times), but also needs time alone to do her work and recharge.

IMHO, Rarity is probably the most balanced character in that regard. A real rarity indeed :raritywink:

I'm not sure extroversy and introversy works in the sense of 'ye I'll just be both, lol'.

Being alone to work and rest is not exactly uncommon for extroverts. I'm an extrovert myself and I spend a lot of time alone... it's just that I get very upset if people don't pay attention to me regularly. I spend time alone because attention doesn't convert to actual, physical energy (which would be literal magic), so sitting down quietly to watch anime is still great for when I'm tired, and some stuff is better enjoyed alone. Work is something you often need to do alone as well, because being an extrovert doesn't magically make you great at multitasking. Focus is still something you need and if that means minimising distractions, then hot diggety damn let's go.

The whole 'gaining energy from social interraction' doesn't negate the need to physically rest (it's less energy you gain, rather it's closer to stimulation, which implies you need energy to actually use it; I love attention but there isn't much calories in conversation), especially when fighting for attention can actually be mentally taxing (I don't mean getting attention, I mean competing for it). You can end up in this weird space where you're an extrovert, but struggle with crowds because nobody pays attention to you and you actually end up just alone, but with people. but then people say 'oh you must be an introvert' because you're getting ignored and not having fun...?

Rarity might be an introvert, but I'd find it unlikely. She seems far too comfortable when she receives attention to be an introvert to me. Needing time alone to work strikes me as pretty normal for someone who seems to get distracted by people a lot too, so nothing out of the ordinary there.

Huk #8 · Dec 2nd, 2019 · · ·


Introvert vs. extrovert is often (wrongly) understood as a binary thing - you either like spending times with others, or you don't. In reality, there seem to be levels of both, and they often interleave at some point. Introverts usually need to talk with someone at some point, and extroverts need some peace and quiet.

So the proper answer is not 'introvert' or 'extrovert' but rather something like:

10% introvert - 90% extrovert

Or vice versa.

IMHO, it would be something like this for mane six:

Pinkie - 100% extrovert - 0% introvert
Rainbow Dash - 80/20
Applejack - 70/30
Rarity - 50/50 (or maybe 60/40)
Twilight 40/60
Fluttershy 0/100 (season 1) 20/80 (final season)

Of course, that's just my personal views :unsuresweetie:.

7069993 I'm pretty sure that both she and her little sister are extroverted.

This guy knows what's up. Everyone else, pay attention to what he's said. He's right.

7070204 I think Pinkie has a little bit of introvertedness in her. Even a pony like her would get tired of always being the center of attention 24/7.

7070204 I'll be real, I don't particularly like the science of psychology because it strikes me as woefully poorly organised, but my understanding of the extrovert/introvert is that they are, largely (there's a spectrum; but this doesn't mean you have some 'introversion' in you if you're not super-duper outrageously extrovert; it just means your behaviour more nuanced or controlled makes it harder to tell which side you truly fall onto), binary. It gets complicated and difficult to navigate, even for me, though, since there are so many different theories and ideas people have thrown about since the idea of psychology was birthed, much like a mutated post-apocalyptic monster that nobody knew how to categorise properly.

The tests most folks (including myself) take online do refer to percentages, which is confusing for many, but that's because of how the test works. Because there are a certain number of questions whose answers relate to introverted or extroverted behaviour (but are not necessarily indicative of being an introvert or extrovert), the tests take the balance of both to use as a tool to gauge which of the two best corresponds to your answers.

For instance, if there are 3 questions (this would be a very poor test, but for simplicity let's say its 3), and one of the questions is 'do you like hanging around large groups of people'. Now, the answer associated with extroversion (because most extroverts will answer this positively) is yes, but as I discussed, I actually don't like large groups of people, because I find competing for attention to be exhausting. This would mean that the test would say I'm 'two-thirds extrovert, one third introvert'... or it appears to. What it's actually saying is that two thirds of my answers are extroverted. I'm 100% extrovert, but the way the test comes together is that it doesn't indicate that perfectly, showing a less than 100% extroverted character. This is when you get to the analysis of the test and its interpretation. If you take a test and 50% of the answers go one way and 50 another, most sensible psychs will either declare the test nonconclusive (which doesn't mean there isn't an answer, only that the test couldn't find it) or use a different method to find out.

The reason, incidentally, that I don't like the way this works it becomes circular logic. Extroversion is defined by traits associated with people we think are extroverts, but in order to think they're extroverts... we need to check if they have traits that are associated with extroverts? Great. I'm sure professional psych-dudes will have a better grasp of this, but this is a problem I've found a bit common whenever I delve into stuff like this. It's why I'm in medical devices and therapy, not psychology, despite how fascinating the brain is. Long story short, though, the MB test, which this concept is at least partly based on, assumes that these are binary, though many articles speak of a spectrum along both (and so we delve into the Wild West of online psych articles... goodie).

In terms of meyer briggs? Binary. You're one or the other. Depending on if you talk to some other dude and some other test? It can vary. Most people refer to the two in terms of MB though (which, despite everything, is still fairly credible), so that's generally the way I answer.

Whenever we're dealing with complicated, dynamic characters like Rarity or real people in real life, any choice they make is the result of many factors. The mistake being made mostly by the OP and this thread, in general, is treating extroversion/introversion in isolation.

If I'm invited to attend a social gathering, my introversion is one consideration. Opportunities for networking perceived level of fun based on entertainment opportunities at the function, wether I own or would need to purchase specific attired, how available transportation is, and my opinion of the host and guests are all factors which can weigh into my decision to accept the invitation or not. I can and will attend many social gatherings and even behave enthusiastically at them. I don't particularly seek them out for their own sake, and I don't crave or seek out the attention of others. I do seek out business opportunities and entertainment.

When looking at Rarity's character, it's obvious she seeks out social settings. She craves participation in high society. She speaks of such things in glowing, romantic terms. She makes the choice to turn potentially solo activities, like going to the spa, into social affairs (even inviting Applejack along periodically). This as opposed to simply performing basic personal hygiene at home. When she does choose to be solitary, such as when working on a project, it's clear she's doing it for an opportunity to concentrate. But these solo periods are always preparatory things she does in order to set up for a social event: usually dressing up her friends, Saphire Shores, or whomever. She creates alone in order to present herself and her creations to others. In-person. In big, inclusive events. The bigger and gaudier the better.

It is not that she is some percentage of extrovert and some percentage of introvert. It is that she's a complicated character. Her extroversion is pretty obvious, and it often is a noticeable factor in how she behaves and makes choices. But it is not such an overwhelmingly dominant feature of her personality that she suffers from mental illness that creates stress or harm for her when she is alone for five seconds. Like any reasonable, healthy, and sane individual, she can spend time in the company of others as well as by herself without suffering mental harm from either. It's obvious she prefers the company of others by a large margin though. She's an extrovert.



I'm not a psychologist, but... To quote Wikipedia:


Extraversion and introversion are typically viewed as a single continuum, so to be high in one necessitates being low in the other. Jung and the developers of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator provide a different perspective and suggest that everyone has both an extraverted side and an introverted side, with one being more dominant than the other. Virtually all comprehensive models of personality include these concepts in various forms.

The way I understand the above is that extrovert/introvert is NOT a binary system, but that every person has both traits, just in different proportions. That would also seem to correlate with my personal experiences with people.

What the populace considers extrovert or introvert seems to be the extremes of both. Consider Pinkie vs. (early) Fluttershy - one is an ADHD-like person with tons of energy, spontaneous ideas, and inability to shut up. While the other keeps so much to herself that getting out her name may be difficult, and interactions with others can cause significant discomfort.

While such people exist, the more common scenario seems to be that each person has a personal threshold for both extrovert and introvert behavior, he doesn't want to cross. For example, the answer @HapHazred gave, about not liking to hang around big crowds, was pretty common when I researched the subject some time ago. A lot of people were like: "I'm an extrovert. I lover hanging out with friends and partying, but if the crowd gets too big, it makes me feel uncomfortable, and I have to leave." Oh, and let's not forget there are ambivert people too :trollestia:

Even if we look at the MLP world, it works the same way. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are definitely more of extroverts then say Twilight, but they pale in comparison to Pinkie.

IMHO, the question should not be whether Rarity is introvert or extrovert, but how much introvert and extrovert she is, and which traits are dominant.

For me, she seems to demonstrate traits from both sides. That's all I'm saying:unsuresweetie:.


Everybody has some, of course - see above. But Pinkie is the closest to the extreme some people consider a 'true' extrovert, just like (early) Fluttershy is the opposite. But as I said above, in the real world, such extremes rarely happen.

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