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I think she is, she wants a rich guy so she can be spoiled like she thinks She deserves. Change my mind.

7082484 In both "The Ticket Master" and "The Best Night Ever", she clearly says that she's going to the Gala to meet her prince charming. She said nothing at all about money. She seems to be well off thanks to her business. Why would she need to marry a rich guy if she can easily spoil herself with her own money? Besides which, she clearly enjoyed being around Fancypants in "Sweet and Elite" due to the fact that he treated her well and could help her with her social standing. Associating with him really helped her climb to the top of the social ladder during her stay in Canterlot, as we clearly saw. Again, money had nothing at all to do with it.

She wants to have a fairy tale romance with her prince charming.
That does not make her a gold digger. A hopeless romantic? Sure. But not a gold digger.
Furthermore, she is very successful by her own merit. She is/was the Element Bearer. She has a successful and growing business. And she designs dresses for royalty.
I think she is the one in danger of attracting gold diggers.

If that's what you think she is from watching the same show I've seen, I quite doubt there's any argument you're going to hear that'll change your mind.

That being said. To me, one of the most fundamental aspects of Rarity's character is her ambition. She wants wealth and status and all that, sure. But she wants to get there under her own power, drive and capabilities. Having her idea of a happy life involve riding off of a stallion's success and fortune completely undermines her character. Notice that, rather conspicuously, she's one of the members of the mane cast who doesn't seem to be married by the end of the show. If she wanted to marry her way into wealth, she'd have been making very different choices throughout the show, so I just don't think there's any evidence to suggest that was ever her goal.

I mean, she already has Rainbow Dash and Princess Twiggles and Coco and Sassy. She seems pretty set already.


You obviously haven’t watched the Rarity episodes.
There is no indication that she’s a gold digger, the gala meltdown was because she wanted to be swept off her hoofs like in a fairy tail. Also that was in season one.
She’s already expanded her business to two different locations, even before the 20ish year time skip in the last episode. Basically, she’s set with money that she’s worked for, not even counting that her best friends are a princess, a Wonder Bolt , and the owner of massive apple farm.

Also she doesn’t need some pony to spoil her because she can do that herself, which is warranted because of how hard running her business is.

She wanted that perfect life. The perfect stallion, the perfect Romance. Money played a part but in reality it was all about the end goal. To be that perfect wife to the perfect stallion that will make other mares green in jealousy so no, not a Gold Digger but definitly a Mare with high and well high unreachable standards. By the end of the show though she has reached all her goals but the marriage one. Kind of a shame really that her one over riding goal in the early part of the show. The perfect romance never happened. She got fame, she got wealth. She never found love.

She's rich on her own efforts. She generously gives of her time and wealth to others.

Maybe you're mistaking Rarity for this character?

Best bet is Spoiled is what a married Rarity would turn into if she was just a trophy wife. There opposite sides of a coin.

Not sure what you mean, exactly.

If Rarity got married, I imagine she'd continue to be the same person she is already. She wouldn't become Spoiled Rich simply by getting married.

Rarity wouldn't ever be a trophy wife. She has her own accomplishments and accolades. If anything, whoever she married would need to be pretty impressive to not be the trophy.

Spoiled Rich and Rarity are not opposite sides of a coin. They're not the same coin. They're not even the same currency.

Yes, but no.

She wants a rich guy yes, but not to be spoiled. Rather, it's because like a lot of women, she's a lot more burned out on romance for it's own sake than she's letting on (she only acts like it because she still hopes for it) and is choosing security instead. Because she's thinking perhaps a bit too far ahead and is wondering about the futures of her hypothetical future. Stuff like that.

EDIT: I forgot about Rarity clearly wanting a Fairy-Tale Romance. What I described might suit Rainbow Dash better instead. Rainbow might have be burned out on romance for it's own sake, she comes across as the type to be really susceptible to Pistanthrophobia, and just chooses the most emotionally and financially stable stallion she knows on a personal level.

Diamond Tiara is going to have one Hell of a stepmom when the inevitable happens and Filthy divorces Spoiled.

Don't make me roll up this newspaper.

7082548 Of course not. She's so busy with her business that she doesn't have any time for dating.

Jesus, I didn't mean it like that.

Listen, sometimes, after enough ugly breakups, people get tired of purely emotional romance for its own sake, especially young women due to a factor in evolution: Men were always more threatening than women, so while male memories tend to sweeten, female memories tend to sour. So if enough ugly breakups happen to women, Pistanthrophobia, fear of trusting others, can kick in, and as a result, only the most gentle and most together options seem doable. Quite being together primarily means being very chill, but it also often means having a job that will provide, not because the women who do this enjoy massive shopping sprees, but because they're thinking far ahead, perhaps too far, and are trying to ensure a good future for their hypoethetical children, and are trying to avoid the "deadbeat boyfriends" they likely previously had experience with. That's why a lot of women go after really chill and fairly well-to-do guys: Not because they're shallow, but because they've had so many bad experiences, they can only bring themselves to choose safety. They originally picked almost rebellious choices for male partners at a really young age, often really young men who might not own much, only for these men to prove to be horribly immature, as all teenaged boys are, and in some especially miserably cases, mistreat their girlfriends later.

Often, women enter this state by men breaking up with them or facing simple rejection by doing things like writing angry comments on every single post, something incels do. So, hilariously, incels are responsible for creating incels. They react selfishly to rejection, or do get into a relationship, but either break up violently, or get paranoid and assume that "Stacy" is cheating on them, and so cheat on them with some other woman as an act of revenge for the totally imaginary problem, and then they render the women they knew to utter pistanthrophobia, making it impossible for other men in the same position to stand a chance. ....That's why I'm just sitting back and focusing on my career and am getting as much careful treatment for my neuroses as possible. Because the assholes are going frighten pretty much everybody to the point where it gets impossible for somebody with as many issue as I have, despite the fact I'm at least kindly, to stand a chance unless I do just that. Be more than just kind, but also completely chill, and be more than just well-off, but a more driven, career-focused individual.

...That being said, as has already been pointed out, Rarity doesn't come across as this type.

Rarity actually comes across as the type to have actually spent her high school years, especially her earlier ones, focusing on arts and ambitions, and thus actually rarely made time for stallions until she was at least 16 years old, if not older, thus she already started off with men who were able to take rejection and breaking up fairly maturely, so she's not afraid of guys at all. In fact, she's thrilled by the idea of romance for it's own sake, because she waited so long for it, and it brought her almost nothing but good experiences. She's not burnt out by the thought of it at all.

Rainbow Dash actually reminds me of the more pistanthrophobic women in my life, and given how Zephyr Breeze hits on her and how other boys bullied her when she was a filly, it's not hard to see why. In addition, we know zilch of her high school life, so she already might have tried it during her freshman year and made a really bad choice for "first partner" that scarred her long-term because it happened to her when she was so impressionable and the males so immature. My belief is that Rainbow will finally settle for a stallion who is stable in every single sense of the word.

I'm thinking early on in the series. season one or two before she had other shops and just a struggling shop in Ponyville. At that point if she was married to say Prince Blueblood it's a good bet she wouldnt have made those accomplishments but rather have turned into the Rarity we saw during Twilights Birthday episode full time. The Pony Everypony should know. But at this juncture, she is just Bluebloods wife.



In multiple interviews, Lauren said that with Rarity, she wanted to fight the girly stereotypes. I'm pretty sure that includes the 'gold digging' thing :unsuresweetie:.

The only season in which Rarity could be considered as such is the first one, when she says she wants to marry Blueblood. But after the fairytale bubble bursts during the gala episode, she never ever mentions anything of the sort again.

Also, I doubt Rarity would dump her business after getting married. She doesn't work just because she has to, her business is her passion.

Sure, Rarity is manipulative, self-centered and selfish at times, and as others said, she seems to be a hopeless romantic. But at the same time, she's hard-working, runs her own business, continually works to expand it. Plus, she helps her friends and helps others...

She's a character with flaws, and her own antics (and frankly, that's why I like her so much), but she's NOT a gold digger.

She would not have to leave her business. Marrying a rich guy could 'help' her business, all her earnings could go into improving and expanding her business, she wouldn't need to set aside any for her personal needs because rich guy has her covered. and she could possibly use his too if he was willing to spare a few million pennies to her cause.

Explain this to me please.

Huk #20 · Dec 16th, 2019 · · 1 ·


You assume she does it only for the cash, while in the show it was established MANY times over, that making dresses is her passion. When you like what you do, you don't want to drop it 'just like that.' :unsuresweetie:

Of course, there is a possibility that after getting wed to some rich guy, her entire life would change dramatically. Maybe she would start traveling, attending galas, and just looking good. But the way Rarity is portrait in the show, I doubt it would be enough for her.

The way I see it, she would get bored quickly and would get back to designing new outfits to get the adrenaline flowing again. Sure, maybe she would give more responsibilities to Sassy Saddles and focus on designing new things, instead of doing all the 'boring' chores. But dropping the business altogether? Nope... :duck:

As a side note, I happen to know a person (my aunt) you could call a gold digger, and believe me, she's NOTHING like Rarity (but she share a lot of traits with Spoiled Rich). That woman has never seen a day of honest work her entire life, and she expects everyone to give her stuff for free.

Rarity is NOT like that, not even close! She GIVES a lot and works HARD. This is a contradiction of a gold digger :unsuresweetie:.


To be clear, that reply was to the original version of the post, which said:

She would have to leave her business. Marrying a rich guy could 'help' her business, all her earnings could go into improving and expanding her business. and she could possibly use his too if he was willing to spare a few million pennies to her cause.


...That being said, as has already been pointed out, Rarity doesn't come across as this type.


It's shallow. Like your post. Has no head. No thought. Just anime grin and legs. No thought possible.

As has been made abundantly clear by basically everyone in this thread: Your attempt to get a read on Rarity's character is shallow at best. Ignore everything else about Rarity and maybe you could make a case that she's a golddigger. A useless but pretty gal that successfully attaches herself to a rich dude in order to live a comfortable life.

I never said it was for the cash stop putting words in my mouth :ajbemused:.

Huk #24 · Dec 17th, 2019 · · 1 ·


I replied to the original version of your post (the one FimFiction sent to my email), which said:

She would have to leave her business. Marrying a rich guy could 'help' her business, all her earnings could go into improving and expanding her business. and she could possibly use his too if he was willing to spare a few million pennies to her cause.

The way I read that was: she would have to leave her business because after marrying a rich guy, she could use all her money to improve it to the point where she would no longer need to run it herself or worry about cash.

If that was a typo then excuse me, but you're blaming the wrong person :duck:

Site Blogger

I find this whole thread highly amusing. Either you're completely unaware of who Rarity is as a character, which is amusing in its own right, or you're very aware and this is all a big troll run on Rarity's devotees, who are falling for it.

Or there's the third option: you're just interested in seeing debate for debate's sake and using an obvious hot button topic to get it. But that's not as amusing.


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