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Personally, I think her best episode was Suited For Success. It shows her at her ansolute best, working her hooves sore on behalf of her friends. Her worst episode was Sweet and Elite. I just didn't like that one.

I love Suited for Success as well. It really does showcase her generosity and passion as an artist.

But I loved Sweet and Elite as well. Yes she does act kinda stupid, but it’s not like she does it out of malice. What I really love are the many many gorgeous outfits and the awesome song! Give me a montage with beautiful fashions and good music, and if don’t care if you pour gasoline and fire ants over the rest of the story. I likes me some purdy dresses.

And Spice Up Your Life is also awesome.

7342456 I have my own list for Rarity. But her best is probably "Suited for Success" because of what it did for her character.

Her worst, for me, would have to be "The Cart Before The Ponies" because there's just no excuse for her to be so petty that she'd ignore Sweetie Belle's wishes for the sake of some vague award from her fillyhood.

Agreed that Suited For Success is best. Worst? The Cart Before The Ponies and Simple Ways, where she borders on out of character imo.

"The Cart Before the Ponies" felt like a season 2 script someone at DHX unearthed, then used without considering that the ponies had grown wiser since then. I don't hate it, but, yeah, agreed that it's OOC and petty to have AJ/RD/R hijack their sisters' competition.

I thought Simple Ways was one of the funniest episodes of MLP. The one-two of Rarity's rejection when Trenderhoof goes chasing after Applejack, followed by her literal rivers of tears at her Trenderhoof shrine, makes me laugh every single time. She's not at her most sensible throughout it but I'm willing to cut it some slack just for that

To toss in my own nomination, I eventually really came round to "Canterlot Boutique" after not caring for it for a long time -- I watched it when it came out and didn't like it, rewatched it last year and thought it was great, so I'll give that a shoutout. Rarity episodes of MLP were always my favourites so it's hard to pick just one as the best one!

I actually loved "Simple Ways" and would probably peg that for her best episode, just because she went all out, had so much fun and crazy melodrama it was beyond hilarious. While she may have been acting like a pain, the lesson she learned and taught was a valuable one and mixed with the humor and lengths she went to; I feel it balanced well. A close second would be "Rarity Investigates!" that was such a unique side for her; being a detective and showing she has own her wits and sharp skills beyond needles and threads.

Worst I would say is "Forever Filly" (I think its called that), where she thinks Sweetie Bell is growing up and does all the kiddie stuff she used to like. That episode just felt.....like flat pop. It felt forced, reduced Rarity to a dim witted character that felt too much out of her own personality. It just didn't feel right and none of the humor or the message really worked; it was too obvious at best and at worst it was dumbing down characters to baseline components for a story that felt too simplified.

Sisterhooves Social?

And maybe Sonic Rainboom for worst...

--Sweetie Belle

The parts of "Forever Filly" where Rarity is present are amusing, if pretty flanderised, but good lord I just don't care about Zipporwhill and her stupid dog and that's that...

On the plus side, Rarity spends a good portion of it dressed as a rose, which counts for something. You're right that it's a weak episode (I forgot about it because it's overall mediocre, tbh), but it has its moments! Mainly that and the intro at the Canterlot Boutique with Sassy Saddles, which I'm pretty fond of


For me, Rarity has had a lot of great episodes - some listed here - so I'd name "Suited for Success" solely because it was the one that first solidified her entertaining yet relatable character (she'd had good moments before, but this was where she earned a lot of brownie points and became one of my favourites). Passionate artist, savvy businessmare, painfully socially aware, and funny as heck: Rarity at her finest started here.

Worst episode? Of the ones I haven't watched, "Dragon Dropped" sounds inexcusably creepy and horrible. Of the ones I have watched, and narrowing it down to ones where she has a major focus, "Ponyville Confidential" never sat well with me. It's bad enough the adults have no problem reading embarrassing gossip of each other regardless of the invasions of privacy (something I feel strongly about), but when Rarity's friends have all been targeted and distressed right in front of her, for her to brush it off and start saying, "Maybe they deserve -" is depicting her as way too callously selfish in my eyes.

My favorite is Filly Vanilli. I love her dynamic with Fluttershy in that episode.

Their relationship in general is the main reason I like her. For that reason I might have selected "Green Isn't Your Color".

It certainly has my favorite Rarity moment, with her risking humiliation to cheer Fluttershy on, despite being jealous of her.

That being said, the pacing is off somehow, and that drags it down.

In all honesty, I find Simple Ways and Look Before You Sleep to be terrible overated.

Rarity thrives in taking mundane concepts and turning them into dramatic, yet powerful slice of life stories.

Yet whenever she's with Applejack, her character's intelligence degrades so badly, that the whole thing becomes a comedy skit.

If I want that, I'll watch Pinkie Pie for the thousandth time.

(It's such a shame what they did with Pinkie Pie's character.)


I just don't care about Zipporwhill and her stupid dog and that's that...

But they look so cute!:rainbowkiss:

But yes, as a episode it doesn't play to Rarity's strengths (beyond looking adorable).

The fact that they already did this once before, in "Somepony To Watch Over" makes it feel like Rarity is once again eating Applejack's leftovers.

Not really stupid. Selfish sure, but there's a difference.

That being said, I liked Sweet and Elite. She doesn't want to hurt her friends, merely to live her dream.

And her dream is portrayed in such a way that the appeal is on full display.

It's not just the "in crowd" she's looking for, it's people who appreciate the same sorts of high art that she does.

Nor do her actions have overblown consequences, the way far too many of these serials do.

It just works, and that's coming from a guy who never bothered with expanding his social circles.

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