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Title says it all. Maybe I'm just missing them, but I can count the competent Cadance/Anything but SA ships on one hand.

I get that she's married to Shining Armor, but seriously, all the stuff in the fandom and Adultery is the one thing that doesn't seem to get violated? =\

I can, in less than five minutes, watch a tentacle go in one hole and come out the other, or incestuous rape, but little to no Cadance/Non-SA ships? Dafuq.

4264062 Wow, you sure you've looked really hard?

Cause, sweety, I've got a whole library full of 'em. There's a lot.


4264066 Mm, in hindsight, maybe not as hard as I can, but a whole library? Are you referring to your favorites library? Because I count a total of 8 with a Cadance/Romance tag, and of those even come close to fitting a non-SA shipping from what I can see.

I can, in less than five minutes, watch a tentacle go in one hole and come out the other

I'm sorry, I just thought of Cage the Elephant when I heard this :P


all the stuff in the fandom and Adultery is the one thing that doesn't seem to get violated?

You obviously haven't looked at the Shining Armor ones. Apparently, he's with a fair amount of ships - including Chrysalis, Twilight and Rarity - and most involve him being married to Cadence.

4264062 I guess Cadance isn't just all the big a deal to the shippers.

There are a few Cadence/Twilight stories, aren't there?

But the male characters of MLP are mostly pretty boring and interchangeable. If you're writing an M/F Cadence story, when you choose who the male character is, there's very little reason to choose anyone other than Shining.


I'm guessing that the reason why is that neither have a personality which seems to fit well with being adulterous. Twilight considers Shining Armor her model of male virtue (though it's obvious from his own responses to her that he thinks she idealizes him too much) and he's in love with the freaking Alicorn of Love, who clearly returns the sentiment very strongly. In their introductory story they get married; in their second one they fight side by side against Sombra. There are hints that their marriage might not be perfect, but it seems so far to be very close to it; and based on the toy line they're having a foal.

4264145 Oh, there's not a terrible shortage of Shining fics, just Cadance, which is part of what confuses me.
4264163 So it would seem.
4264171 Mm, I can think of one right off the top of my head, but I can't remember too many. I suppose I can understand the lack of male characters -not a lot of good male representation in the show- but you could argue the same thing for any other character {'cept only Shining/Cadance are the only official couple as far as I know} and people will just tell you to replace them with OCs. Why not for Cadance also?
4264173 Mm, fair enough, though I think you could pretty well argue Cadance and adultery, saying that she's the princess of love and to confine herself to only a single type of love would be counter-productive to her talent. Perhaps not a flawless argument, but an argument that would hold up {if done right} in fiction.

Also, sorry for the time it took me to reply; I zoned out a bit and watched ants fighting to the death.


Well yeah, but if it worked like that, she'd be doing it with Shining's knowledge and acceptance. Cadance is in canon extremely nice -- it's hard to see her being willing to hurt her beloved Shining by lying to him.

4264244 Fair point. Wonder how Shiny would react to her asking about that.


Well, I wrote a really good Twidence fic. It's got clop in it though, so a lotta people are turned off by that.

IF you're still interested, check out My Princess Alluring.

4264171 4264210 I wouldn't say totally interchangeable. I mean shipping Cadance with Big Macintosh would surely be a stretch. She certainly would have little reason to be attracted to Trenderhoof. I'm not even sure I would consider Shining Armor and Prince Blueblood interchangeable.

4264145 I believe i found one where Twilight was married to Cadence and shining armor was fucking cadence behind twilight's back and well it didn't end well.

4264372 yes I loved that fic do you have any plans for more twidance fics(there is so little about right now) or a sequel to it.

4264062 there are a few those are the ones i have found. though there are probably more hidden.

Maybe we're all too scared of what Shining Armor will do if he finds out.

4264076 Mental library.

There are a shitload I've found in my time here, I'm surprised you haven't found the stuff you're looking for.

4264399 there's a story with Big Mac and Cadance too

4264210 I want to see a cadance x sombra I mean come on there's sombra x main 6/shining armor/bonbon/chrysalis/celestia/Luna/OCS but no cadance come onnnnn:raritydespair:

4264988 Hell....there isn't even a story where Cadence can actually redeem Sombra with Shining's approval in an Alternative Timeline or something.


I know how you feel. But then again aside from clopfics, there's not a lot of other shippings involving Cadence (aside from being paired with either Twilight Sparkle or Chrysalis to a degree) mainly because she's married though it doesn't stop other fans from pairing Shining (who is also married) with other ponies often.

Personally Very few Cadence ships work in my eyes (Mostly because I've seen Way to Many stories involving Cadence ditching SA for the first pretty face she finds, usually because SA is now "Boring" somehow)

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