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Lies, all lies.

Wait, Sugar Belle? That Sugar Belle? Oh, my. And isn't "Feather Bangs" too inappropriate a name for a kid's show?

Hang on a minute; where are your SOURCES?!

Oh, man. That's at least 7 ships that have gone down to a watery demise.

5890403 Big Mac and Sugar Belle? Sugar Mac? I can kind of see it. They're an odd pairing, though. Like if Lyra fell in love with Soarin.

Well, there's no guarantee that Big Mac will end up in a relationship with Sugar Belle, considering the last time the CMC tried to play matchmaker, so I won't give up on my alignment with Mac Dash, at least not yet. And even if he does end with her, I'm flexible enough to adjust my headcanons.

Wait... Big Mac is only having his first crush now? He's in his mid-twenties at least and we're supposed to believe he never had a crush on anyone while he was in school? Jeez, even Spike has more dating experience than him (no, the love poison incident doesn't count).

Wait! No, Sugar Belle isn't his first crush, because he also has a crush on Marble. And it's mutual. It's also a little creepy because there's a fifty percent change they might be cousins, but that's not the point.

Every Sugar Belle ship to exist. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe she won't be interested in Mac. Maybe she's already married with a foal on the way.

They haven't even released the synopsis for episode 5 yet. They normally do not go out of order. And the equestria daily synopsis have been wrong in the past.

Nvm I just visited the source. But there still is a chance it's wrong. I don't really see hasbro shipping characters in canon this directly.

5890604 Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. Canon shipped and married.

I love how hasbro has literally hinted him with Cheerlee, kind of with Fluttershy, at least something with Marble pie and two other chicks in the comic, and the pony he has a crush on is Sugar belle...................
I can't wait to see how they play this out. :eeyup:

Given the Shining Armor and Cadance are married and it hasn't stopped anybody from writing shipfics that put them with other people, I don't see this slowing down the Big Mac shipping very much.

5890759 if anything, it will cause an increase in Big Mac shipping! Everyone will want to keep their headcanon ships intact and will write more stories!

Oh my..then that's a bit easier for me. Now I'm not a cross shipper for tow of the mane 6:scootangel:damn tou hasbro why did you put Quibble Pants in this:ajbemused:

Yes! :yay: While I know that there will still be AU shippers, with FlutterMac not being made official, the ship won't be as prominent anymore, which means one less rival for FlutterDash!

Meh, most likely Sugar Belle and Big Mac would go on a few dates only to be nothing more than friends and Sugar joins the "Heart's Broken by Big Mac Club" with Fluttershy as the president and Cheerilee as the vice president.

5890403 WAH! I want MacMarble!

Even when it is true and even when this will work out for Mac and Sugar... who cares?
Seriously, I read so many stories that went TOTALLY against canon... Hasbro can ship every pony with what they like, they will always be that heavy storm of non-canon stories. The only thing that would change - at least I think so - is that there will be much more stories about McIntosh cheating his wife/girlfriend ^^

Cadance is married and Spike is crushing on Rarity... that never stopped the shippers before. you guys know your first relationship isn't always your only one

Meh, I never really liked FlutterMac anyway, no offense to other Shippers, please

5891015 Lol i think Fluttercord was the only rival you should be afraid of

I'm conflicted that the show spread Big Mac's relaltionship on 3 different mares now. Cheerilee was his first FORCED crush and she's still his good friend. Marble was his actual first crush even if it was very short. Sugar Belle is the third pony tied to him if you don't include IDW comic moments.
I wonder if at the end of this episode he will still end up with Sugar Belle or go back to either Cheerilee or Marble shipping.

People kept saying that after CheeireMac episode, Fluttercord episode and MarbleMac episode. I think at this point, FlutterMac shippers don't even care whether there are chances in canon or not. They know that neighter fandom or show staff support them.

That and AppleDash.

Hmm, oh well. Atleast they didn't post anything about Flashlight, I hate that one!

5890403 Funny enough I think what really is going to happen is the CMC assume Big Mac has a crush on her and tried their best to push them together. Though an even funnier idea could be that they think he has a crush on her but in reality, he has a crush on another mare altogether and they keep messing things up during the entire episode.

5890403 Another thing I just noticed. Out of all his ship they could have chose. they go with the one that happens to have the least amount of art of Derpibooru. With five pieces so far and only one of them being a clop based one.


It's also a little creepy because there's a fifty percent change they might be cousins, but that's not the point.

Why a 50% chance? The fact that the options are {they are cousins, they are not cousins} doesn't imply that all those options are equally likely. Trying to put a number on it is... difficult.

Also, "cousins" is just an approximation in the show- if Applejack and Pinkie Pie are related, it'll be more distant than merely first cousins, and inbreeding stops being significant around the third cousin mark.

5901022 Do you really need to get technical? They either are or aren't cousins. We don't know. They don't know. It might as well be 50%.

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