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Whenever im making a ship story i always set up the shipping map. null I put it on my dart board and every two ponies i hit always never make sense. But then i had a Brilliant idea what two ponies only appeared on two diffrent episodes once? Thats right! Button Mash, The colt thas was briefly seen in that Hearts and Hooves Day episode. Screwball, the swirly-eyed filly that was seen in Return of Harmony: Part 2 and possibly discords daughter.

Im just throwing an idea out there. You bronies and pegasisters can do whatever you want.

Just getting a new ship going.


It's interesting, if you ask me.


Also, there is a Button Mash fan character... He appeared in a video titled, "Button's Adventures".

Actually, he's a canon character that made one appearance in the show. His name and personality are mostly fanon though.

As the OP mentioned, he was in Hearts and Hooves Day. He's a background pony.


You bronies and pegasisters can do whatever you want.

'Kay! That would be: Nothing.

Who wants the flames for shipping, for no reason, a little boy and an insane mare first?

1835647 geez calm down its just a thought:rainbowhuh:
And i thought Screwball was a filly.

1835626 why thanks i thought about it when they both ware the same hats.

I think you're thinking of Screw Loose. She's that blue mare who is (literally) barking mad.

Screwball is the purplish pink filly who's supposedly Discord's daughter or something. I don't know if that's canon, I just got that from the song "Daddy Discord". (It's a terrible song, in my opinion.)

1835620 Three words: Fuck that shit.

1835810 It is a terrible song. Anyway, I call her Topsy Turvy because Screwball is just mean. She's a fly in the one fic i have with her in it. I also find the shit about her being Discord's daughter stupid because she appears in one scene AFTER Discord had fucked up Ponyville.

No, I'm thinking of the right Screwball.
Is she supposed to be a filly? I could never tell. Her proportions are all screwed up in Return of Harmony.

I know some of the fandom treats her that way. But I never decided one way or the other.
I kinda like Daddy Discord. :unsuresweetie:

I think her proportions are messed up on purpose. She looks like a filly to me, though. If I recall correctly, even being closer to the foreground, she was smaller than the Mane 6.

I have no idea how Discord could have possibly made that. Considering he's the embodiment of chaos, though, that's probably the perfect argument for him being her dad. :derpytongue2:

P.S. I don't hate "Daddy Discord", I just find it to be extremely overhyped. The song honestly bores me and just doesn't sound good to me. Discord's singing voice in that one sounds quite a bit different than what I'd expect. To be fair, I only watched about the first minute.

Nothing seems best. Why is it so popular in this group to attempt to inspire others to write with such lazy prompts?

Tom x Bloomburg is best ship.

It's a tangled, torrid love affair and needs skilled writers.

It starts with Fluttershy's unrequited love at first sight to Spike in S1E1. Spike then of course spurns her for rarity.

When Spike eventually comes to accept Rarity's petraphilia he is shown a new world of arbor amour by Applejack.

Creepy stalkershy reveals she knows of Spike love of a good, hardwood on the train to Apploosa. Spike of course immediatly flees into the comforting boughs of Bloomburg.

Of course when passions run too hot with the draconic lover, Bloomburg fears he is a bit too flammeable.

Tom, still hurt by the brief but intense fling with Rarity, goes through some rocky times. He tries to sabotage Spike and Bloomburg's budding romance in "Spike at Your Service" but fails.

When the dragon and the apple tree split, Tom rolls in. Will it be just a rebound or will they weather through and endure?

Now there is a prompt.

That is some seriously epic romance, right there.
I'm impressed!

1837586 It certainly has way more canon hooks than all these "dartboard" suggestions we keep seeing.

Someone seriously watch the four episodes I mentioned/hinted at and write something.

If you want to make a suggestion in hopes of inspiring someone else to write rather than just writing it yourself, then give an idea to work with. Suggesting some random pair of bg ponies with nothing to work with from either the canon or yourself is lazy.

Yeah, I admit, it's getting incredibly old.

People just get so excited about posting these totally random, totally worthless and unfounded pairings. It was funny to snark at it the first time. Not so much the next twenty.

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