/fic/ception 83 members · 272 stories
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Lol, such a dramatic title Kurbz! Let’s see what’s up with this.
Oh whoa, a PP/Discord ship thing? Is that what’s going on here?

Huh, Pinkie Pie attempting to be surreptitious… that’s an odd angle, and one I canna see her playing very well… but then, with the proper emotional drive, I suppose she could, which you’re certainly setting up for.

Not accustomed to seeing this level of consideration and reflective thought from the pink ball of crazy, but this is an interesting take. My only thought so far is that you’re playing her a bit *too* elegantly. It’s only the first page though, so no premature conclusions.

I’m quite liking how you’ve obliquely established what’s occurring without actually saying it. This speaks of both your subtlety, and your respect for your readers. Fluid establishment of the timeline as well. Props.

uh oh. now you’re raising questions that are breaking my immersion. How has PP been coming to the statue for two years an nobody’s noticed? I’d think there’d be some heightened focus of security or at least concern around the statue now-a-days. And considering the weak device the show used to break D out in the first place, the ruminations on his second release could use some bolstering.

>I can show them myself, intimately.

Hmm. You’re letting your narrative slip into character perspective a bit much, me thinks.

> draconequus
And there it is. The reason I’ll never be able to write a story about Discord. That word… I just can’t take it seriously, lol.

After a two year crush, the first thing I’d think of PP doing is glomping the dude. Not just entering popcorn munching let’s-watch-a-movie mode.

>attended to his royal duties
What the… okay, now I’m seriously curious what the hell kinda angle you’re playing here.

>On one hoof, they had all been positive, but on the other, there was still a possibility that she could change him.
This line, given the context, makes very little sense. Double-positive.

As you move on in this, the dialogue between the two takes on a more assumptive tone, as though you give less attention to illustrating the internal machinations that drive the characters. This seems to be an unnecessary streamlining, and kind of hurts the qualitative value, imo.

Well shit, that was an abrupt ending. What the hell man?? So shortly after you establish the solid hook, an have your reader engaged and speculating, you’re all, “haha that’s all folks”. Damn it Kurbz! I demand another installment!

All in all, I very much enjoyed this. Well done.

Shite that needs brushing-
Rare tense confusion, Expound a bit on the insights into the characters, Too fucking short!

Group Admin

Will be reading this. Revive thread, start now.

Group Contributor

I remember reading about half of this when it came out before putting it down because I simply couldn't get behind the 'nice guy' characterization of Discord. Having fully read it now, it seems a little better, but it leaves you with two conclusions:
It was all a dream
It wasn't a dream
Stories that leave you wondering which of two possibilities is true are fun. It's why I enjoyed shutter island and inception so much. It gives the reader a bit of freedom otherwise missing in reading a story, in that they get to choose what to believe based on what they've seen so far.
This is slightly dampened by the fact that I can't quite get behind the two endings, and the only ending I want to get behind isn't really hinted at and it would also make for a longer (and different) story.
It was all a dream: This leaves the entire story as being something that happened in Pinkie's head. But if that's true the story has no real consequence/nothing really happens.
It wasn't a dream: I still have a minor problem with 'nice guy' discord. He's a bit too sympathetic/mellowed out in this. I felt he could have acted slightly more like his old tyrannical self.

The ending I could get behind is: It doesn't really matter if it is or isn't a dream, but upon convincing her friends to free Discord, Discord simply escapes and starts running amok again, leaving Pinkie Pie at fault and wanting to has to set things right. (Possibly trying to find whether or she was dreaming when talking to the statue, and all the while believing he still has some good in him while she tries to stop him. And maybe even trying to find a way to stop him other than turning him into stone again.)

But that would be a completely different story altogether.

All in all the story's worth a read, but nothing really changes or happens during it. And I didn't feel there was any part tugging on my heart strings enough to merit the 'sad' tag.

Group Admin

I have to agree with SLP and Seattle here. There really isn't a resolution to the story and I'm not sure what does the fic do to earn the [Sad] tag to begin with.

All in all, it demands some sort of sequel to tie loose ends, if nothing else. Still a good read though.


Group Contributor

Zero stars for underlined heading and indentation plus double-spacing.


Baltimare, dawg.

As I say all the time, I'm really not one for shipping, mostly because it tends to bore me. But this... freakin' Discord/Pinkie Pie... that's just bursting with conflict and turmoil and... chaos.

"Harmonic Chaos" is rather a bleh title. It's too ambiguous and pretentious, and really doesn't seem to reflect anything in the story... maybe that Discord the chaos dude is being all nice and harmonious and stuff in this fic? Nah, I think that's a bit of a stretch.

I love a tiny story or a bit of flash fiction that acts like a window into a wider and more interesting situation, but this doesn't have enough specifics to really be a window. I would have liked to have seen Discord's memories in more detail, and maybe something of the buildup of Pinkie's one-sided relationship with Discord. What was its spark? I guess I just have trouble suspending my disbelief on this premise because of how short Discord's return was, and how very, very little Pinkie engaged with him while he was around. I'm sure this is still a thing that could have happened, but I would be interested to see the buildup.

And of course there's a lot of potential for a sequel where Pinkie frees Discord and he betrays her.

All in all, though, this was a good read. The prose was clean and flowed well, and the story engaged my imagination. but it wuznt as gud as this http://www.fimfiction.net/story/32606/dumb-pinkie-what-have-a-statue-romance

Pav Feira
Group Contributor

The hook was a little buried at the end of the second paragraph. Not too bad, but for a one-shot it never hurts to move the hook up as close to the top as possible.

“If only I’d been there,” she told herself, “I could have stopped you. I could have told you it was too much... I could have saved you.”

So, the story does lampshade the fact that Pinkie had no choice in needing to seal Discord with the other Elements, even if it was against her wishes. But didn't she have opportunities to talk him down before that point? Understandably it's a delicate dance to twist canon events in order to incorporate shipping, but this latter point didn't feel as effectively explained as the former point did.

He didn’t like seeing her so upset, but he couldn’t think of what to do.

This bit hopped into Discord's head, when the narrator to this point has been third person limited on Pinkie.

One half argued that it was too dangerous, and the other, more emotional, half said that she could curb his viciousness, that she could change him.

Heh. Women. Of course you can change your man, Pinkie. That is not only possible, but also it will solve everything.

Some of Pinkie's blocks of thought felt a little too convenient at times, since they really bared her mind—and exact thought process—to the reader.

As some of the others mentioned, Discord felt a little off to me too. In the show he's all smarmy and cocksure. He's trying not to laugh at the joke, because you don't yet realize that the joke is on you. Frankly he's a lovable psychopath. In here, he felt really softened. Granted, part of that's due to being defeated twice and part of that is being in the presence of his special somepony, but he could still be a boastful smug snake about it. I also questioned the Celestia memories, since painting the Princess as the Fun Police seemed a bit unbelievable. My best explanation is unreliable narrator: either his remembrance of the past is distorted and he thought his harmful pranks were merely silly games, or he was showing Pinkie fabricated memories (which he was already shown capable with his future wishes) in an effort to paint himself as the victim. Either possibility has delicious implications.

I did like the overall concept, that Pinkie would be remorsefully visiting Discord's "grave" so to speak, years after she herself imprisoned him. There's some baffling chemistry between those two characters, and this story gave a touching insight into that dynamic.

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