Pinkie Pie: Pinkamena Diane Pie 1,626 members · 1,865 stories
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Is there anyone who disagrees with the way Justice3442 writes Pinkie? Especially in that Dan Vs./My Little Pony crossover? I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to write Pinkie the way he wants, and I do like his stories it's just... There's something off about how she's written in his stories. But anyway, I want to hear what you guys think.

I only just finished rereading The Wheel and the Butterfly for the 5th time, so I'm fresh to comment on this.

Pinkie is written in such a way as fits with the situation she is in for the story. How ever you are correct that she is off. it really isn't possible to write a character "correctly" because even in the cannon for the show they are written by several people who each change the way a character is.

As for not liking or liking how she is written in the story is purely subjective. Some people just really don't like "Pinkamena" and if you are one of those people the story will likely rub you the wrong way.


Thanks for taking the time to write this.

So there's something of an in-Vs. (:trollestia:) reason for this. Technically there's several, but the most subtle, that I don't discuss almost at all until WAY late in the fic, is that Dan's Vs. isn't full of magic the way Pinkie's is. This basically hits Pinkie with a sort of constant nagging feeling that something is missing which in turn manifests in her being slightly more unhinged. Now there does seem to be "real" magic if you go through Dan Vs. but it's not the same of each and every creature being innately magical themselves on some level, something else I kind of play with in the off-shoot story Chaos Vs. Order.

Other factors include the fact that Dan is something of a negative influence on Pinkie. Even though they both have a unique outlook on life and how to approach situations in a way that's compatible, Dan is pretty much irritated or angry about every little inconvenience in his life, and that's got to wear on a person. Pinkie has her own issues that make her not the easiest to live with, though that's not super relevant to this discussion.

Also just on the surface level, Dan's Vs. is definitely a bleaker, more violent place than Equestria or even our own world for that matter. I wouldn't say it's a total craptastic world, but there are daily dangers and oddities the likes of which we don't even have to deal with, let alone a magical pony from Equestria. Sure Pinkie has had her own experiences with danger and strange, magical dangers, but Dan's Vs. problems usually mean daily life is simply more difficult.

When combined, Pinkie is sort of a little 'on edge' every waking moment of her life there, so she's not going to behave exactly like she does in Equestria.

I will admit that often times I focus on some of the ponies' negative qualities from the show, often as part of my random-comedy stuff so that might color my style a bit outside that realm. I tend to view the ponies as forgetful, fickle creatures when compared to humans, it's sort of the only way I can make sense of the characters we've all come to know falling into bad habits time and time again.

Though, an odd occurrence in canon that might somewhat justify Pinkie's behavior occurred in "Trade Ya!" where she pretty much threatened a child with implied violence. This came after I had already written quite a bit of the story, but it was an interesting vindication of Pinkie in TW&TB as it showed that Pinkie does apparently have at least something of a mind for unnecessary violence. :pinkiecrazy:

Pinkie is a very easy character to write badly. Many of the show's own writers fail at it an turn her into a one note Looney Toons gag without any further depth.

5813747 And what about the Pinkie from the rest of your stories? This goes for that Pinkie too, you know. Also, another thing I have a problem with is that you make her too similar to how you write Sonata. While Sonata is clearly meant to be an evil version of Pinkie they are still their own separate characters and thus should be written as such.
5814196 So... you don't like the way Justice3442 writes Pinkie?


I'm not a huge fan, but I can't really comment in depth because the story didn't appeal enough to me to read more than a small portion of it.


Everyone has their opinion of how Pinkie should been written, and as many people have mentioned, because different writers write her, writing her in fanfiction is difficult— just like any other pony or creature from the show.

I think Justice writes Pinkie just fine, honestly.


Thank you. :pinkiehappy:
If your experience with Pinkie is from my random stories, she's likely purposely flanderized for comedic effect. Pinkie Pie Places her Tongue on Polar Temperature Pole and The One Where Pinkie gets Even are going to more even Keeled. Still, given the length, the story where she has the most depth is definitely The Wheel and the Butterfly.

Pinkie and Sonata do have similar energy levels, so there's some commonality there. Though Sonata is usually a bit more unhinged and definitely a bit more dense, however Pinkie's attitude in my "random" stories does push her in that direction a tad.


While you're certainly permitted to have a different opinion on what Pinkie should be like, I find it kind of baffling that you single out Justice3442's writing to the point of calling it out in this forum. Pinkie's "character" isn't exactly consistent even in the show, so it's not like there is a character bible for us to follow. We all interpret characters in our own way, and quite frankly we are going to put in more emphasis on the parts of each character that appeal most to us (whether positively, or negatively, in the case of say, Blueblood). I note that for a lot of people the part about Pinkie they like best is her randomness and fourth-wall breaking. For me it's her desire to make people happy and her completely non-judgemental nature. For some others it might be her insecurities that were shown in Party of One and Pinkie Pride. And there's nothing wrong with writing her in a way that emphasizes the trait that you like best.

The thing is, I've seen and read reaaaally out-there fics involving Pinkie. There are those that completely obliterate any resemblance to her show characterization. There are those that hollow her out completely to fit some role the author wants her to play. Justice3442's Pinkie isn't precisely the Pinkie Pie we see in the show, but it's not hard to see that she miiiight become like that. (Disclaimer: I've only read a significant minority of The Wheel and the Butterfly. Sorry Justice, it's too long for me to get through.)

I note that Justice3442 tends very heavily towards comedy, and honestly, we generally give a lot of leeway to comedy as far as consistency is concerned, even in the actual show itself. We don't comment much on the cartoon physics in some episodes being incompatible with the threat of bodily harm in others, for instance. Nor do we really make a big deal about Pinkie seemingly having supernatural powers of teleportation. We just joke about it. It's comedy, and the test of comedy is whether or not it's funny. Considering the comments in his stories, I'd say that yes, they pass that test. Now, maybe you do not find his stories funny. That's all right - humor is very subjective - but it doesn't invalidate the fact that his readers do. It's unreasonable to hope that any story will be universally loved: even if your grammar is perfect, characterization is flawless and storytelling is top notch, I can guarantee that someone out there will hate your story. Consider that even the top rated stories on this site have around a 1-2% downvote vs upvote rate.

As for the Sonata comment, I really have no idea why you would take umbrage at this - Sonata has virtually no characterization for writers to refer to. She appears as a flunky to big bad Adagio Dazzle in Rainbow Rocks and we don't know anything about her other than the fact that she is kind of ditzy and is at least positively inclined towards tacos. In real life, I know plenty of people with very similar personalities and it is even more common in cartoons.

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