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First off, have a Sparity image:

and second, yes there's a new episode.

I got bored and looked at Derpibooru and was surprised to see some official-looking images involving Spike. I thought they were from an episode I forgot about but it turns out Australia has started a small mini series or something involving MLP.

The episode is called A-Dressing Memories. The plotline, I had no idea but someone PMed me the link to the actual episode on Discord (which no longer works so please don't ask me for the link). Normally, I would ignore this one like the other leaks, but the pictures on Derpibooru showed something that made me frantically click the link to the episode.

Along with a tag that says "implied Rarity"
So Spike with hearts bubbling plus an Implied Rarity tag equals fuck everything I need to see the episode just for this lil' moment.

So I finally watched the episode and.... okie dokie.

What's it about? Spike and Starlight have an album that automatically has memories turned into photos to go into here and they plan to give it to Twilight, which they did in The Last Problem. So they start with Rarity where she talks to Twily about the past experiences involving Rarity and such. To simply put: It's just a clip show.

As for this moment I talked about, at one point Twilight says she admires Rarity for the things she does (cue some clips from past episodes) and also mentions that someone else admires her (cues clips of: some Sparityish moments from A Dog and Pony Show, and some Sparityish moments from Best Gift Ever. No Rarity kissing Spike on the cheeks though or some other Sparity moments like in Inspiration Manifestation or Green is Not Your Color). After those clips, Rarity then states that she agrees that her relationship with Spike is indeed "special", to which it cues to the memories turning into photos for the album and we see Spike all hearts and stuff.

Since this takes place during the Coronation flashback from The Last Problem, this is basically (and chronologically) the last Sparity moment we got (since they didn't even show anything involving the adult Spike and older Rarity...).

I mentioned in my post about Dragon Dropped:

I'm still hoping for another proper one before the season ends. Preferably one where she kisses him again, heh heh.

Unfortunately, The Last Problem didn't address anything about that but I still kinda like the fact that this clip show did something about it.

As for the episode itself, it's just a clip show episode. Just five minutes of original content plus some moments from the show.

And my bad for the constant spoiler filtering. Since this was an episode that almost no one noticed or is hard to find unless you live in Australia, I felt it was appropriate to do so.

Hadn't heard of this, interesting. Wish Sparity was official but understand why they'd leave it vague.

Here is a small Equestria Daily article confirming it's existence.

I don’t understand, I thought the show was over.

I'm confused as you are. I heard rumors about scripts being leaked or something in some discord server I'm currently in.
This is probably just gonna be a miniseries though, from the looks of it.

Group Admin

There was some spin-offish stuff planned I believe. There's also the 2nd movie which is confirmed by Hasbro.

Part of me is hoping the reason they didn't do the Sparity stuff in the final episode is to do it in the movie XP

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