Spike's Greatest Works 854 members · 1,402 stories
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Okay, I've been on this site for going on a year, and even with the major format switch from a few months, and the new batch of banner art from I think July, one main character has been visibly left out... Spike. There are setting background and OC banners on the site, 2 of Zecora, and Spike hasn't gotten a single one yet. I've already sent in a few suggestions of artwork for knighty to look trough, but don't think one person will get his attention. I have a suggestion to everyone out there who wants to see Spike finally get a spot on the banner art along with his friends. I propose anyone willing, to either PM knighty a link to banner art worthy pieces of art to him, or send him a PM asking for him to really consider giving Spike a slot and/or look over the pieces anyone might send in. Anyone up for the plan? Some may call it a lost cause, but I don't give up on a lot in life, and isn't that the attitude that makes changes die out?

MAN THIS IS A GENIUS IDEA I've been using an AppleDash banner for months.

1892213 Well the reason why that is so, is because Spike has not done anything to prove himself. There are some people who don't consider him a main character at all! :ajbemused:
I hope that changes in season four.
I like your plan, there is strength in numbers.

That's what I was going for. And as for the whole proving worth to get a banner piece, don't forget that Roseluck is up there.

1892374 Yes, that's how bad it is. :facehoof:

Which is why Spike deserves this banner

1892844 Absolutely. But what I mean is he has not done anything major there than saving the Crystal Empire or being the Voice of reason when no one else can.

Saving the Crystal Empire should automatically give him something. Plus he was also the one who charged after the diamond dogs without hesitation, informed Celestia about Twilight going crazy, turned into a freaking monster before realizing who he was again, chocked a giant timberwolf, and is soon to be in a Power Pony stint.

1893263 And yet no one will treat him more than a second banana. It's either racism, sexism, or something else for anyone to un-appreciate this guy. Remember winter wrap up? Ever wonder how he felt about at the end of that?

Pretty crappy. Which is why I started this thread. I dont even mind if any one doesn't send in artwork to knighty, I've done quite a few rounds of those already. All I'm really asking if for people to send him a message to consider looking over them and really thinking about giving Spike one. Strength In numbers I suppose

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