Spike's Greatest Works 855 members · 1,402 stories
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Here's an idea starting out during 'Feeling Pinkie Keen'

That flame effect of Twilight's? That wasn't an effect, she actually changed color and burst into flame, and it worried her, so she went through every test she could think of to find the cause, comparing herself to everything she could think of. And when she happens to compare her blood samples to Spike's, well...Let's just say Mrs. Sparkle has some explaining to do when Twilight finds out she's not only Half-Dragon, but Spike's older half-sister!

2149042 I can honestly say that I didn't see it coming... and I wonder how that can be... I'm certainly interested... what will all this entail?


Twilight: How is this even possible?
Twilight's dad: Well, you see, my great-great-great-great grandfather was a dragon, and your mother's great aunt's second cousin twice removed was also a dragon. ...That makes sense, right?

So Twilight's mom fucked a dragon? I have no idea why I find that so belivable.


Because it would explain why Twilight is so kick-ass? Dragons are supposed to be powerful creatures, mixing that in with the active magic powers of a unicorn might explain some of the stuff Twilight could do.


Shining: No, dad, it doesn't, it sound like you're desperately trying to cover something up or explain away something you don't want to think about


Well, the idea would probably entail a closer relationship between Spike and Twilight (It could also add a reason to why Twilight was able to hatch Spike), possibly a deteriorating relationship between Twilight's parents. I'd imagine Twilight might look to her friends, Rarity and Applejack especially, for advice because she rreally doesn't know anything about being an older sibling.

The effect on episodes like "The Great Dragon Migration" would be interesting because Twilight's own inquisitive nature would definitely set her to join spike on his quest, something he can't really go against since it's her heritage too. The failure to do so in this episode could also spur them to find their father

Ability-wise, Twilight's abilities could be linked to her form, gaining dragon like abilities when she turns all firey-mode, maybe immunity to fire and such, and her quest to learn how to master that power, possibly with help from both Celestia and Spike.

She might also go through some greed or other emotional problem (Maybe linked to the Lesson Zero episode, explained as happening later in life for her because she's Half-dragon, where it happens worse and earlier to Spike because he's full dragon).

Being a little brother, Spike might also spend even more time with Twilight as they try and connect on a sibling level and both try to find what that means, if there would even have to be a change in their current relationship

A very interesting concept, I'd definitely give it a read.

Sound's like another interesting story idea. I hope you do it.

You seem to have talent for coming up with great story idea's. Like the story where Blueblood was born a girl and want's Spike to marry her.

Any chance of making a story of oneshot's full of story idea's that hopefully you will do one day like this one and that one.


Any chance of making a story of oneshot's full of story idea's that hopefully you will do one day like this one and that one.

:twilightoops: Care to repeat that? You mean like a story of random, one shot plot bunnies or something?

You know like something you've done on fanfiction. Like for example with Naruto having a different summons every chapter on one of you're stories. It could be a oneshot story with a different story every chapter or more for those with than one part. Know what i mean?


I've thought about it, but just haven't gotten around to it...Maybe in a week or two...

Ah okay. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Hope you have a good day.

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