Rule 63 4,002 members · 1,250 stories
Comments ( 23 )
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Just random thoughts.

For the most part, people seem to agree on the mane six's genderswapped names.
But everyone else?

not so much.

I've seen Macareina, Red Gala and Big Paula Red for Big Mac, Sunny Smiles and Merrimac for Cheerilee, Sucre, and Bar Bar for Bon Bon, and so on.

so what about everyone else?
what names do you like for the genderswapped characters?

Personally my name for Cheerilee would be Cheerio :pinkiecrazy:

And ya, the only variation in the mane 6 names is whether Pinkie's double is Bubble Berry or Berry Bubble (I've seen it both ways) :applejackconfused:

Sweetie Belle is usually renamed Sweepy Belle or Silver Bell, both of which are stupid, so I'm trying to get Soprano to take off as the R63 Sweetie Belle name.

For Trixie's R63 name, I prefer Trixter.

i like crest pro for colgate, lol and gleaming shield for shining armor, and Mc C07T (colt) and of course guyra

I've seen the name Professor Whooves for the R63 version of Doctor Whooves. Although the Doctor doesn't really need a change due to gender because a female can be a doctor as well, but I guess this creates less confusion when the Doctor meets his female self.

snips and snails are usually called sugar and spice, for obvious reasons.
chrysalis -> metamorphosis and cadance -> crescendo.
hoity toity -> pish posh

Spike is Usually translated to Spines when fanfics are R63'd


I was one of the supporters for trying to make it Charming Chime, but Silver Bell won out.

Is it wrong that I kept Rainbow Dash as Rainbow Dash? :unsuresweetie:

When it comes to :moustache:Spike's R63 name I like Barbara better than Spines. I don't think that Spines would suit her.


I honestly can't think of anyone who likes Spines as 63!Spike's name.


I do

Because both names are related to bones or something

What's R63!Luna? In all mythology I've seen the moon is feminine... The Goddess, Morrigan, Diana, Artemis, Luna, Noctaina...
>>>Also, if anyone knows R63!Luna, know any M/M fics?

I know Celestia is Solaris.
I prefer Macareina for Big Macintosh.
AJ for Applejack is a bit meh.
Trixter for Trixie... LOVE IT :trixieshiftright:
What's Derpy/Ditzy Do? ...Merpy?

Bubble Berry annoys me. It needs to be three syllables to keep with the pattern. Dusk Shine only works because it is different from the others with two syllables just like Twilight Sparkle with four. Bubble berry doesn't show any relation to baked goods either. It should be Berry Blintz.

Not as bad as Princess Cadence, which ends up making me rage. Here are the ones I see the most:
The most common one is "Bolero". **** this name. Of all the music/rhythm-related terms (of which Cadence is, defined as "the next logical note in a progression"), they picked a ****ing Latin dance style. AAAAAAAAUGH!... Anyways, the next one I see the most is "Tempo", which is lengthened to "D'Amore Temporus", which is the one I like the most and use most often. The one I actually saw first was "Authentic", which also plays on the "authentic cadence" versus "false cadence" pun present (and intentional) in "This Day Aria", but it's now the one I see the least.

As for some of the other ones, if I used them, I like Red Gala for Big Macintosh, Sucre for Bon Bon, Mandolin for Lyra, DJ-Col7 for Vinyl Scratch/DJ-Pon3, Octavius for Octavia, Tristan for Trixie, Solaris for Celestia, and Apollo for Luna. Also, "Gleaming Shield" seems to almost be set in stone for Shining Armor as one others agree on.

[sarcasm]I think you mean just "The Professor",[/sarcasm] but what's wrong with just keeping it as is and having a female Doctor?

I agree 100% with how awful Bolero is. I used Eros as her male name in my story, Kinds of Love, named after an ancient Greek love god. I actually feel the same way about Gleaming Shield, it just doesn't sound good as a name at all. I ended up using Aegis instead.

753063 there has already been a female doctor. Look up Rowen Akinsin Dr Who. Seriously, mr bean played dr who. Funny as hell.


63'd Vinyl's new DJ name is Col7?
Last time I paid any attention it was Col4.

I kept seeing Col7. Also, if you want to keep in mind the "leet-speak" thing, 7 = T and 4 = A, so "Col4" would be "Cola" while "Col7" would be "Colt".

752669 Wow:pinkiesmile:

752650 Bubble Berry sounds better and isn't as much confusing with Berry Punch, I think.

752666 Silver Bell or Soprano, the Sweepy Belle is indicating a female, if you look it up?

3827617 Gleeming Shield for the Shining Armour? looks good.

3827552 Princess has to be Prince if swapped.

3840707 I forgot I even commented on this thing. also I sorta Forgot about this site since I got a job. then Email said you replied to a comment of mine.

3841583 Congratulations to your new job, then!

Since you found your way back, I take it you still do enjoy the community and the subject at hand(erm, hoof)?

Since we do entertain the Rule63, each and every Pony need a gender-swapped name, right?

Just resently started up a few stories, where these names are rellevant, so I dropped by to see if the names could be found.

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