TwiMac 468 members · 138 stories
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Big Macintosh was definitely lived up to his name. The tallest stallion in town with bulging muscles from years of farmwork and, rumor had it, legendary equipment. That embarrassed Mac to no end, since he couldn’t believe the town was that obsessed with his genitals and he’d been confronted by many a mare, who’d ranged from asking him to grabbing his crotch and a couple times, even tried to yank down his pants (this resulted in more than a few sexual assault charges).
But the rumor Mac really hated was that he was a lothario who had banged every mare in town. One, not only was that blatantly untrue, he was not the kind of guy who treated sex frivolously, and having lived with three women for most of his life, he had a deep respect for females. And even though there were plenty of mares who threw themselves at his hooves, Mac just stepped over them.
Not to mention, despite what the other guys thought, having so many female admirers was severely overrated. Applejack and Granny Smith would have to chase off mares who swarmed the orchard to watch Mac work without his shirt off, Applejack had to forcibly remove ladies who were more interested in him than buying apples in market, and there were several birthdays when mares tried present themselves as presents. Sweet Apple Acres had put out more restraining orders than the rest of the town combined.
Honestly, it was extremely harrowing, a real headache, and made him paranoid whenever a mare approached him. His late father had told him when he was young that pretty faces were a dime a dozen and that the most desirable woman was a smart one. So if Mac met a woman who was both pretty and smart, he’d best snap her up before anyone else did.
Mac had been very unsure if such a mare would ever appear in Ponyville, until Twilight came to town. Big Mac thought she was the most beautiful mare he’d ever seen and when she saved Ponyville, well, that just blew his mind. In the months that followed, Mac made many visits to the library, talking with Twilight about endless subjects, from literary greats to sciences and mathematics of all kinds. Eventually, he worked up enough nerve to bring Twilight a bouquet of apple blossoms and asked her out on a date. Twilight was shocked that the most desirable bachelor in town was interested in her of all ponies; she’d been rendered weak-kneed by his physique like any other mare, but it was learning that he had a brain as big as his muscles that really drove her crazy. They were both new at the whole dating thing but they pushed through it diligently
(Note: not complete. Also, this is anthro.)

4233659 Paragraphs, please.

I like the direction this is going...!:moustache:

Thank you. I believe that the Apple family are the most wholesome folks you'll ever meet and find it really offensive whenever someone calls them 'hicks' or 'hillbillies'. Also, Mac seems like the kind of guy who treats women with respect.

Please write a full-blown story of this. Quality twimac is extremely rare these days and from this little snippet you seem to have the skills necessary for it. This seems too promising to be left unfinished like this.

I like this idea. Story for it please :D

Celestias Paladin
Group Contributor

I'm impressed, it fits quite nicely with canon and isn't at all detrimental to the characters. Hell apart from the Anthro bit it would fit perfectly into my headcanon.

Well, with you guys asking, how can I say no?

Celestias Paladin
Group Contributor

To add my two cents... do it or I'll hunt you down and beat you with a shovel, or something like that. So yes TwiMac please.

Alright, ya crazy yahoo, I'll do it.

Celestias Paladin
Group Contributor

*puts away shovel*

*Chanting* "Do it! Do it! Do it! Do it!"
You'll do it? YAY! :D *Celebratory Party Canon launch, causing colorful rainbow confetti to rain around us all*

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