TwiMac 467 members · 138 stories
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Looking for a little more advice-Chapter 3, Mac and Twilight sit awkwardly at the table, both unsure what to say or do. Where should I go from there?

writers block is a bi*ch aint it? but i got nothing

One of them tries to break the ice with a cliché line, like the weather, how's your day been, etc. Then they start fumbling trying to keep a conversation going. If you want a romantic path, have them find something they are both interested in and end up losing time talking about it. For a comedy route, one or both of them ends up embarrassing themselves in someway. Or interference from an outside party. I don't know.

Thank you, I'll work with those.

4315500 Look, I would say have let other mare's notice it and try to sabotage it. But Im going to say this, Just do what you think is best.

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