TwiMac 467 members · 138 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Do you ever feel ashamed to be a fan of MLP because of what bronies have done? (Being sexist, racist, claiming to marry ponies, screwing MLP toys, hating on the past gens, naming their kids after MLP characters, defending their disgusting fetishes, claiming brony to be a race, a religion, etc. hating on the little girls who are also fans) Because I see stuff like this, and I feel dirty, like I'm a part of this just by association, like I've stolen something great and trashed it

Not particularly. Another's sins aren't mine so I see no reason to feel anything about it.

Celestias Paladin
Group Contributor

Less ashamed more like "Please don't judge us all because of those idiots." I don't feel the shame, mostly because its hard to feel shame with the pounding headache I have after banging my head against my desk.

I...can't say I've seen any of those things happen personally, though the fanbase HAS displayed the kind of bad attitudes this show is teaching us to be free of, and it's been a long time since I felt any pride in the fandom.

The closest thing I can think of I've seen to what you're describing is the insistence of adhering to the stereotype that Rainbow Dash be a lesbian simply because she's a tomboy. Her preference shouldn't matter one way or the other, but being a tomboy doesn't automatically make her a lesbian.

Oh sure, they say they "just want a positive lesbian character", so why must they resort to stereotypes in a show that's all about going against stereotypes? :ajbemused:

Well truly only a very small amount of the brony community say and do such extremes, just focus on the better side of the fandom. Such as all the charities, for example Kiki's Cancer Fund was started by Tara Strong to help a 6yr old with a brain tumor. Doctors claimed she had less than a year to live but because of bronies the family raised enough money to extend Kiki's life by over 2 years. It’s all about looking at the better things that happen, I find it makes the bad parts of the fandom see less so. :pinkiesmile:

I guess I'm just a casual fan, because I rarely even hear about this stuff!

Not really. I just enjoy the show. If some of the other fans want to express their love for the show in their own way then let them, as long as it doesn't do any serious harm then I don't see the problem. We already have people who complain about a bunch of things and perform odd acts that degrade their social status, why should a few more make any difference?

2413906 Eh, I'm not what you'd call a hardcore Brony (a bit more than casual, but still not the extent of others I know) but even so I don't get too upset/annoyed by the trolls. They make up a small amount of the fandom, they're just really loud about it and thus make people think it's a large amount o people.

no 1% of bronies is gay 30% of bronies are good people but the rest of them suck

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