Warhammer 40k 1,421 members · 291 stories
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So, I'm looking into getting into Warhammer; I ordered a Starter set that will be getting in later this week. Everything I think I'll need to get the kits all painted and ready to go probably won't get in before the end of the month. I'm mostly looking to help me focus, and I think everything will help me with that. I do know a bit about the 40K lore and whatnot, but I think it's barely more than someone with casual knowledge of the setting.

That all said, I've also recently started cooking up a whole new faction, which I'm slowly writing a template for, one that falls into a sort of niche I am currently not occupied in the setting, and I'm hoping it will be distinct enough, both aesthetically and in gameplay when completed enough to reasonably share, to bring in something that can really mess with things in a fun way. Ask me about it, if you're interested, and I'll share a bit of what I've kind of got going with it so far.

But for the most part, I'll probably focus on what's already there and spend this early period finding what appeals to me most from the current established selections. I've got a few ideas regarding that, but I think I should at least get some sort of tangible grasp on the basics before branching out into those options; doesn't mean I won't stop working on the custom faction stuff; I think it's fun to think about possibilities there are potential avenues for. 40K is a whole galaxy and universe (literally), so there's always the potential to explore something that isn't quite established yet and play around with it.

hope it works out for you

Thanks, so am I

i got into wh40k through dawn of war and fan animations

I have some of the 40K video games on my computer, but they didn't really hit for me; it wasn't until recently, with someone I follow on YouTube talking about his favorite faction in Warhammer and nerding out about it and how his experiences with the game helped him through a difficult time in his life, and I feel like I'm close to that time he was talking about. And that's when I decided to try the experience in the form that so many people like to talk about; the video games just feel too constrictive to me, and maybe a little too much of the same thing.

It's great that there are the Warhammer 40K video games, but they always seem to focus on and around the Space Marines in the single-player/campaign experience. Is it too much to ask for a focus shift? What do you think a video that focuses on the Grey Knights could look like? Because I haven't found anything regarding that as even a potential project.

And yes, I know the Tau are basically the new kids on the block with barely any real variety to them as a faction yet, and they are one of the forces that is currently up for my consideration to at least try out, but that isn't going to stop me from working on this original faction of mine. What appeals to me in most settings is the lore, and the video games don't help out with proliferating that lore; they're just good about reiterating the lore for you if you are some level of familiar with it.

i hear ya. Technically, dark tide lets yo play as guardsman and such. Me, i am imperia guard, so dawn of war 1 and its expansions are my favorite. IN fact, i try a imperial guard crossover fic, kinda

I just did a check; now there are Warhammer 40, 000: Mechanicus, where you apparently play as a Tech-Priest (you can get it for PS4 on Amazon, but the Switch version is out of stock), and Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood & Teef, I think you can guess the what that's like from the title. So now, there's a bit more variety to the video games.

I know, just saying. I find dow 1 holds up well

I got into Warhammer 40k through the Dawn of War games.

And I hope you enjoy the setting, despite how dark it can be at times.

I think of it as more of a parody of the Grimdark setting; it helps my mental health.

And, as I mentioned above, I am kind of writing up the template for a potential faction with that nice Warhammer twist.

I'll give some more detailed info if you want if you PM me about it. But to keep things brief and concise, they're basically a culture of literal primitives, compared to the established factions, that basically take a Mad Max-style slapdash approach to equipment and the like because they are literally working technology from more advanced cultures, that they have scrounged up from the bowels of their world and have somehow found their way to their world from the currently established factions. So, it's possible their exposure to these advanced technologies has accelerated their cultural development to a certain point.

I will admit that they might be a little Ork in their approach, but when I said it that way, I was talking about how things seem to be mismatched. Like they might have a very Ork-style gun while wielding an Imprium-type gun (likely scrounged up from where it fell into their world, possibly literally) while wearing a mishmash of cyberpunk and medieval attire that looks like it shouldn't work but somehow does.

Not quite, but you might find a few similarities

Well, I hope it goes well for you and your story turns out to be good.

I too was trying to make a series of crossovers and such that culminate in some 40k, though really 30k, stuff, but it all got a little big for me to deal with.

I've been thinking about some of the factions I would like to try out after I get a handle on things with the starter set.

I've got a bit of a mix to see what I can find that sticks out; they're all army options that I find mildly interesting.

I also posted something else on the forum yesterday. Feel free to take a look at that

Well, at least from my experience of trying to write stories, I would suggest just trying to keep things fairly simple when you're starting out, as trying to add too much into the story too quickly can turn the story into a mess and even overwhelm you as a writer.

I'm not trying to scare you or anything, I just don't want you to fall into the same holes I did.

Maybe start as simple as "The Salamanders or Ultramarines somehow get warped to Equestria and a chaos warband managed to follow them and starts to wreak havoc" and go from there.

That's what I would suggest as far as how many factions you might include when starting out.

I Appreciate it; I have a small list of factions I would like to try, so I'm going to limit things to a single squad-type box set to keep things from getting too overstimulating, even if I do have two in my save-for-later list at online shopping.

No problem.

And that's probably a good scale to start out with.

I hope you're able to make some good stories.

As for my other forum post from yesterday, it's just a little fun exercise I thought of; I left a couple of examples with the post, they're both songs.

Oh, ok, maybe I'll check it out when I get the time.

Here's a link to that thread, just to make it easier for you

Yeah, I saw it before.

And I do kind of agree about Sabaton's The Last Stand would fit the Custodes pretty well.

My paints are projected to get in on Tuesday; then I'll be able to start to work on the starter set, which got in last week; the painting station I ordered to work with arrived, like, the day after the Starter set got in.

Well, I'm not too much into the table top myself, but I hope you enjoy it and that your paint jobs on your minis and such comes out good.

I'm hoping the same

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