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I'm not sure if anyone remembers this cult classic, I do but I'm weird like that. Then again I didn't see it when it first came out, but on a ScyFy channel trilogy special week. Recently the fifth movie came out, I highly suggest watching all five movies and the series.

Anyway the idea is a crossover AU style thing, where there just happens to be a town named Inflection Neighvada in Equestria.
Original character ponies make up some of the cast, minus a few characters that get dragged into this. Mostly background and side characters, because none of the Mane 6 worked for what I needed.

It's a place ponies go to escape the world, or where you happen to end up because your ancestor sold everything to buy a mine in the 1800's.
One day at the reopened mine, something is unleashed. Rampaging across the region and eventually towards the town, ponies are disappearing. It's up to the towns ponies to defend themselves and their homes from a prehistoric precambrian beast.

Oh and a pony called Dirt Runner is a complete and utter expy of this man.

I can even link this wonderful theme song to the story.

So who wants to see Graboids in Equestria (again)?
I know there is a story like this already, but I'd like to try my hoof at it as well.
It's not like I've watched all the movies, and the series, and obsessively draw art of the Graboids and their other forms.

It may take awhile to get off the ground, but I should I give it a go?

I would almost pay good money for a crossover like that

5520983 YES!!! yes, yes a thousand times yes!!! Make this will please me:twilightsmile:

Alright then I shall my friend, it is officially on my to write list. And the cover art will be made by me, because I'm damn good at drawing those precambrian worms.

Well it's a good thing I can't charge for FanFiction, glad to know I have your approval.

I should note that I won't be doing all five movies and the series in one story.
This is because:
A. That is the opposite of how the franchise works and B. Doing so is how you can make the stories feel disjointed.
And they will be done in order, including the TV series crossover!! I may have one of the Mane 6 show up for cameo parts in a few episodes.

Any more comments are welcome.:twilightsmile:


An awesome idea, but there is a little problem.
Will they be Magical Creatures or Mundane ones?


I'm not sure if anyone remembers this cult classic,

Anyone who watched it will remember that masterpiece. :moustache:

5520983 I'll read it. Scared the shit out of me because I watched it when I was like eight or nine years old. I couldn't go out of bed without checking the floor for weeks, no, months after watching it.

"You wanna eat, EAT THIS!"

Inflection is near a massive deposit of minerals used to make magic nullifying rings. Regardless of what you have before you enter Inflection, once you enter the region this story is set in your magic is extremely limited or completely nullified.
I'm thinking closer to the original graboids, with an innate adaptation in their skin that nullifies any magic attacks on them.

Have you seen the fifth movie!?

I would hope so. :moustache:

Wonderful. And for your enjoyment I must inform you there are actually five movies and a series! The series starts after the third movie chronologically.

Again more comments are always welcome.

Glen Gorewood

5521034 so you'll have 4 stick out like a sore thumb? Like it did in the series? I felt like 4 should have come out before 1 from a point of chronological order, but I'm so glad they didn't. The first was the best, then I loved the 3rd. Second was funny, but never saw the 5th


Well, there is one little thing: Equestria already HAS canonical graboids. :trollestia:


I meant they will be released in the order they were in films, but you have a good point.

Hmm, I probably should release the first one, then the prequel ( the fourth film), then number two, three, the series, and finally the fifth one.
That would make more sense.

You should see the fifth, that thing mentioned at one point in the series, about before Burt married his wife? It's plot important in the fifth movie.
Each part will have custom artwork with the precambian terror from thier respective films. The series of course will be different.

And yes..

Glen Gorewood

Tatzleworm is actually based off a beast in Alpine folklore.

Even how to seal it away is from old legends from the region.

Graboids are inspired by the Mongolian Death Worm and the Ottoi family of Cambrian worms. It even says so at one point in the series and movies.

The design may be call out, but it is not a Graboid.

There's a difference between the two.
It's like calling the Yeti the same as The Sasquatch, Yeren, Alma, or Lailoken. They are all very different creatures.
I know my cryptids. :moustache:

Comments are still welcome.

Glen Gorewood

5521262 Two Questions then:
1) Will it be soft-balled? I really hope that Graboids will actually kill their targets and not let them survive for some unexplained reasons.
2) Will Fluttershy be able to understand them?

1. No, it will not be soft balled that would go against the spirit of Tremors; and counts as sacrilege. Ponies will die in this series, and the first one will be the iconic death from the first movie.

2. Yes, and she'll be terrified by what they say.

Glen Gorewood

Is the fifth movie the one in Africa?

Kudos to you.
I wish you well on your project.

Yes it is, and the Graboids and their evolutionary ofshoot are bigger, badder, and hungrier.

Thank you, I'll make sure to do the franchise proud.

Glen Gorewood

5521428 1) Good.
2) Won't they be simple as a penny? i mean, they will probably be talking about eating everyone and all that jazz.

And that's the reason she'll be scared, especially as they learn...Remember they may be primitive but they can learn.
Though I'm making El Blancho , like in canon, more intelligent than average in Graboid terms.

Oh this is going to be such a glorious holiday season.

Glen Gorewood

Good evening, I take it you like the story idea.

Glen Gorewood

Oh man that movie was the sh*t! No CGI or nothing and it was still freaking awesome and scary. I would totally read a crossover of that!


*points up*
First post on the page, it's a Tremors/Equestria crossover.

I know, or any CGI in the sequels was limited and done smoothly; it's one of my top scifi movie franchises.
However you'll have to wait till late November, but it will be created!
And every movie (and the series) will have it's own story.
Happy early holidays.

Glen Gorewood

I have tremors in my pants.

I am so sorry to hear that.

Glen Gorewood

Shhh. Don't be sorry. I like it.

No really, I am quite sorry for your condition.

Would love to chat more but writing the outline for this crossover tale you know.

Glen Gorewood

I hope it will bring you many tremors of the pants.

Thank you for the good wishes.

I'm off to type the outline everyone, thank you, and I hope you look forward to the series in November.

Glen Gorewood

5521599 I hope you'll let El Blanko be at least somewhat tolerable in terms of personality.
Also, what about Shrikers and Ass-Busters?

*glances up from outline*
El Blancho: Personality will be tolerable, I'm actually working on specifics right now.
Shriekers: Pack hunters, more intelligent than graboids. Faster learning curve.
Assblasters: Most intelligent of them all, excluding El Blancho.
African Varieties: Meaner, faster stronger, far more intelligent than the North American ones. And far more evolved.

5521691 I'm working on the outline right now, the story will be out in November.

Glen Gorewood

yea yea yea love the wee little worms of death and chaos and not a one shot that involves discord writing a script superb i say

5520983 All I'm gonna say is, you mess up Burt's counterpart and we're gonna have words.

I expect no less, it is your civic duty as a fan of the series to inform me if I do so.
As such, if I mess up Burt's counterpart, I shall leap into the maw of El Blancho feet first.

Just to be sure, I am going to reinvigorate my memory of the series and Burt. By watching every single movie, and the series, multiple times, before starting the actual story.

Thank you, and no one shots for this series, for that does not do it justice.

Glen Gorewood

Thing with Equestria is: Most of the valley of Ponyville and the cities around it is just dirt with very few rocks to climb on. Canterlot is safe as is Cloudsdale. As for the other cities like Manehattan. Is asphalt as deadly for Graboids as is a concrete trench? Sadly Perfection was playing in a desert village and not in a Metropolis city. The entire place must echo like hell into the soil for the Graboids Either spooking them or attracting them.

This is where one takes artistic liberties and sets the story in Inflection Neighvada, the more arid desert plans region that used to be an old mining community. It's near the border of the Badlands, so it has the rocks needed to climb on (the transitional zone). Also, it's where the special ore used for magic nullifying devices used to come from, a kind of mineral that naturally inhibits magic used in the region. As a result what magic can be used is limited to really basic actions, no fantastic spells. It's not that far fetched when you think about it, after all even in Equestria there are transitional zones between different environmental regions.

As for why the graboids haven't left the region yet, well it starts with the first movie, so no pony knows where they came from. However it is noted that they can't burrow through solid stone, and the area where the desert plains meets the mountains on one side, and the badlands on the other; is solid stone in nature like a natural barricade. So they couldn't make it out if they tried.

Then jumps to the prequel (4th movie released), and introduces sand dragons. Then it goes on to the second movie, no pony has any idea where graboids come from yet, but a scientist is studying them. Finally in the third film (ass blasters and el blanco premiere) their origins are discovered.
Then on to the series, and the fifth film

I don't think asphalt would work, Asphalt isn't as solid as concrete so it is unlikely it will stop a Graboid.

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