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Anyone remember this show? I loved it. Anyone know if anyone´s done a crossover? Either on here or

5538510 i did see some chaotic crossovers don't remember the titles thou. :ajsmug: a one-shot with Discord battling tom and it's longer sequel.

5538510There they are, It's time to get a Little choatic.
and then even though it's not complete yet Codemaster conumdrum
I am trying to work out the last battle it's a little hard.

5538510 I remember that show, loved it, and hope to find some story around it.

5538510 good show...would like a good crossover story of it

5538510 That show was the SHIT.
Sadly I don't know of any crossovers here.:raritycry:

5538610 I know right? i might get the freaking game, even thought TTG based video games aren´t really my thing. Freaking Yu-Gi-Oh, Chaotic, so much memories. It sucks it was cancelled, if memory serves. Code Lyoko was awesome as well. Watched a bit of Evolution, pretty good sequel show

5538614 If memory serves the show stopped after a weird tentacle Eldrazi looking race was defeated in Chaotic...those things were cool and powerful but also creepy when they could literally take over the world without even lifting a tentacle.

5538618 And ya know, things with tentacles are creepy in their own right

5538620 Also they can mind control people, from a single person to a whole army depending on the rank of those tentacle things. Oh and there called 'M'arrillian's'

Actually, it had a short (~12 ep) season after the M'arrillian arc. The big all-tribe alliance lasted all of one episode, and the season's name only became relevant in the second to last episode.

5538645 jesus. I saw on the TVTropes that apparently it liked the number 7 and apparently there were supposed to be 7 seasons but nope.

Yeah, shame. If only they'd kept the animation style of the first season, though, that was part of what made it so cool.

5538656 Yeah make an entire series out of Flash instead of going straight to anime, I mean I haven't watched chaotic in forever so I wouldn't know much but still.

5538510 I wanted to name the same stories as Freewing Alchemist P^^

Not sure if you like this kind of story, but here is a Displaced story: But sadly I think it's not going to continue.

5538620 That show was amazing. I really liked the concept of how they had to get scans and went on adventures. The M'arrillians were insanely powerful. Anybody remember the fights between Maxxor and the twisted past version of him? That was awesome. There are definitely crossovers like that on here as I've seen them, but unfortunately I don't remember their titles and they did not appear to be well received.

5538610 5538606 I made a crossover and near the beginning of the thread I left links to them.
5538877 thanks I check it out too.
5539067>>5538648 I'm just sorry that America never got to see the season after the M'arrillians. What little I did see and hear about it I used to Make my second story.

5539067 I think you mean the Episode "Codemaster Chronicels" were Tom battles against Codemaster Crellan. That was one of my favorite episodes as well.

5540590 ah alright then, but the M'arrillians are cool though, brain washing eldrazi creatures that don't just turn everything to a pile of corrupted nothing

5540837 There not bad but the un-tribed creatures are nasty too.

5541958 Un-tribed? Or are you talking about the War Beasts?

5541989 Cromaxx is one as well as the creatures for Prexsor chasm, then later one some of the ancient Parame creatures.

5542040 Then the Elementals, the ancient creatures that lived in ye oldy Perim and all that jazz.

5542075 Most of them yes, but there are some are ancient tribe members too. The elemental came in two types but I have the elemental that are allied with the tribe.

5542103 Right then. Chaotic had so much going for it it's weird that it had to be canceled. A friend of mine said 'yugioh digimon clone' and I thought 'makes sense' but it at least had it's own thing that made it different, like if the two franchises had a kid and it made that.

5542117 Actually Chaotic started when bar code scanning technology was able to be use for toys. Originally it was part of a toy that if us scan a bar code and attached to a creature. Then you could battle it with another person with the same toy. Then later another company picked up the rights to this toy and it evolved into what we know.
In fact man creature use in the original toy did survive.

5543191 Huh, didn't know that. Kind of like how Monster Rancher became a thing with disk scanning then fell off the face of the earth quite hard.

5543556 I think the it was the bad economy is what kill the company that own chaotic.
It was too bad they were really doing cool things. The online game was using a rough augmented reality, like you could use codes to get your cards on the online game and you could even scan new creatures, battlegear, mugic, attacks, locations.
But there were even things that you could never get in the physical world.
Or my favorite was that center events that could happen, like in the Ma'rriane invasion when Maxxor went to get the gold armor he wore when fighting Au'nee, did see that? Well online you could control an avatar, and in one situation your avatar could follow Maxxor to get the armor and scan it as a seaport Battlegear.

But the funny thing about Chaotic is that a scientist says that the scanner might be the best way to travel to other dimensions.

5544694 Alright then, yeah that's a bad thing.
Wait what?0_0, an actual scientist said that a Scanner, the one in Chaotic, is the best way to travel through dimensions? So you mean Chaotic could be a real thing? Or just dimensional travel in general?

5545403 A device like the scanner and a way station like Chaotic would be the best way to travel into Alternate dimensions. The Scanner like device would be the best way to collect info fast with out too much interaction.
Would you like me to elaborate? I know I sound weird but I have to explain it like he did.

5546042 No it sounds pretty self explanatory. You basically have a 'Recall' button like in most MOBA's and the 'Chaotic' way station would obviously be the 'Fountain' where you can relax and enjoy your time, and then when your ready you just teleport to another dimension like with the 'Teleport' ability...sound about right if I used those game terms?

5546263 Right on the noes , basically

5547313 So Chaotic isn't complete bullshit after's still improbable bullshit but not complete bullshit.

When I was in elementary school, 4th or 5th grade, I actually went to a store with my mom to get Chaotic cards because I thought that they were real. I asked the guy at the register if they had any, and both him and my mom looked at me looked at me like I was speaking another language or something. So, instead of getting the not-actually-real cards, I got some Yu-Gi-Oh cards instead.

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