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Does this show deserve the hate?

People hating on it because it's a cartoon that looks like an anime, or that it looks like it's taking several other anime plots and tropes and mashed them together?

Or maybe because this is a rip-off of Harry Potter.

As I see it, the way Crunchyroll handle and indroduced the concept of the show, really set my expectations for it low. The only thing, if my memory serves me right, is that the show was produced by women... and that was it. They didn't say anything for what the show was gonna be about. I haven't been keeping up with Crunchyroll news however and I don't know if they released something else about it. But after seeing this official trailer, I stay standing. The show looks so unoriginal and basic that I can guarantee that you've seen the same plot and characters in another show and that other show most likely executed it better than what this show could ever hope to achieve. That's just how I see it.

Am I gonna watch it? Most likely no. Unless this show turns out to be a massive hit and does something that no one expected, I don't see myself watching it or enjoying it in the future. Because, like I said, people have already done the same thing and done it better.

Does it deserve hate? No, the show isn't even out yet. I'd say people who are willing to spend the time should be open and at least give it a chance. If enough people leave a good review and gives it good points, then maybe I'll watch it at a later date. Or it will prove to have been a massive bomb and crunchyroll will have wasted a lot of money.

Mix-up #5 · Aug 11th, 2021 · · 10 ·

I doubt it ever really did, I think it was one of those first manufacture backlash's created by small but particularly distasteful groups of anime fans who blew it out of proportion and was a PR Nightmare for Crunchy rolls and went black out for over a year keeping low. I think personnel they had promoted the series say too soon before they really had enough material to really make a strong build up of anticipation from otakus having mostly just concept art and illustration with not much in the way of substantive of what the would be the story actually would be to back it up which allowed it to turn into a circus. Art style feels pretty standard for a American style anime at the moment aide at little girls, which was pretty much expected from the start, so it it might not win points for style, but then again it could be a not so great the editing of the promotion video, I think they are revealing a little too much on what the story plot would be.
At the moment it seems that they are leaning heavily on the anime fantasy tropes, American animation had not had much success in trying to replicate the 'feel' because of clashing design philosophies and approachs of anime and Western animation. The only groups that I can definitely can say managed to to match that feel and exceed expectations was the the French series called Wakfu, made by Ankama who were originally specialized in vector/flash games, and didn't had anything to do with the animation industry pipeline before that.

and you can say Harry Potter was a ripoff of The Worst Which novels by Jill Murphy form 1974, of a little girl doing going to a boarding school for witches', which no one is complaining about. Anyone and anything can be accused of being a rip off of someone else work, it's been done sense and are mostly improved alliterations on the previous formula. The series need to be jugged by it's own merits, that it can stand on it's own, at the moment I don't have high hopes from the premise, but if we consider G4's unexpected rise I reserve the chance to be surprised.

I fully agree with that assessment, and wait and see on how it actually turns out.

I've never read The Worst Which novels by Jill Murphy, but I agree.

Well, Anime America put it more politely and the social drama that was cause by this new coming show. It was a case of being at the wrong place and at the wrong time. That and poor marketing decisions and rather questionable choices of words. Give or take...

no, it wasn't the show. Chruchy roll showed a preview with interviews about the show. But all they did was talk about how many women they had on staff and what feminists they were. People are sick of sjws so there was back lash and it got canceled.

Who knows what the actual show would have been like. They barely said anything about the actual plot or setting

Well it really depends where you stand. It is an understatement that this new show cause some social drama within the anime community. It didn't help that Crunchyroll rather poor handling of the early trailer for Hugh Guardian Spice was a huge mixed bag for everyone and I am saying that politely. Some individuals didn't exactly take the creator's words very kindly to say the least.

Overall, if you or anyone else want to watch the show than by all means go right ahead. Especially if you're a fan of Steve Universe or She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018).

I on the other hand give it a mild pass. The show simply doesn't interest me, mostly because as a long time anime fan since 1997, I am a bit picky about what anime I'm willing to watch. I would usually watch two or four episodes of a new anime show. If i don't like the story or the characters than I simply stop watching it and move on.

Right now I am more than likely to rather watch Goblin Slayer or The Rising of the Shield Hero or Berserk or even maybe Puella Magi Madoka Magica over watching High Guardian Spice.

Not to mention since I didn't watch the actual show, I really have no honest opinion on it. So for now I'm neutral. That's all I got to say on this matter at least for now.

while I could, maybe, agree with the over emphasis of on their team composition and lack of more substantive content on what they were actually creating, which should in all common sense just merit eye rolls at worst and just move on, the vitriolic backlash attention against them was completely way out of proportion and was fueled clippait headers of channels who profited off that kind of negative traffic, and financially benefited in fanning the flames even further, in catering in this kind of audience. This made people lose all sense of perspective or proportion to was is in the end just a stupide children's TV show. I think the fact that the series had in fact been promoted with the feminist angle, which stood out, showed more about the haters who signal boosted this and what sort of audience they are willing to attract and cultivate shows what sort of people they really are.

If the show's good, I'll probably give it a go. But, from the trailer, it looks kinda bland and generic. First impressions mean a lot, and while it hasn't exactly made a bad first impression, it also didn't make an especially good one. But, I also acknowledge that I may not be the target demographic, so if the people they are trying to appeal to like it and I don't? Eh, no water evaporated from my current host lake.

No, but to be honest, it feels-.... empty. at least to me. I mean, if they were gonna do it, then they should've but due to production cut-backs, it held back by years in development hell.

Would I watch it? Maybe, maybe not....

it would depend if the show itself is good. but other than that, no.

I see.


Okay, I can respect that.


You guys are missing a really important part of the controversy. One of the showrunners is Kate Leth, a person infamous for tweets like this:

You know, the kind of awful shit you only get away with if you say it about men.

Right, and we all NEVER ever get angry and start talking shit about people in social media or your life, and regret it later.

Well, yeah... That's what I meant when I said "Some individuals didn't exactly take the creator's words very kindly to say the least.", it was her words and the overall trailer, which seem to be talking more about the usual SJW and feminist nonsense or whatever. Not to mention bragging they have an all female stuff and saying this cartoon/anime was not made for men. In some sad attempt to earn kudo points from the folks on Twitter.

Rather than talking about the actual show and it's characters. You know a short summary to tell the audience what the main story of your show is about. Give them a reason why they should be interested in the characters and ultimately what will make them watch this show. Instead of doing that it's the same old social mucking about. The same old usual Twitter and YouTube drama along with the ever burning dumpster fire.

I mean good grief the whole damn cartoon/anime show hasn't even been out yet. That's not good, not good at all.:applejackunsure:

I missed the part where you said that sorry. I'm still keeping that image there for the sake of some additional context behind the hate though.

Its all good, friend.:pinkiesmile:

OMG the legends were true. For how little they told us about the show from the start, it looks decent.

Oh shit. Now this brings up another good point that will prove why this show will be a massive failure. Remember the first trailers for "Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey"? How basically the entire trailer was just "We don't need men-" or something.

It is a very stupid action for one of the showrunners to publicly insult half of their audience. Even if they say stuff like "The show wasn't meant for men" It doesn't matter. The male public is still a part of the potential audience and making them not want to watch what you create is going cost you.

holy crap.... Now I'm convinced that It's gonna be last jedi levels of bad.

Too right, friend. Too right.

My Little Pony wasn't meant for men either... and yet, look where we are.

wow. I haven't heard of this show in a LONG time since they first showed it off years ago (or rather, showed how many women were working on it X/). Not exactly the best trailer I've seen, and not exactly an anime given it's off Crunchyroll, but I've seen much worse. Mediocre at best by the looks of it. While I'm not blind to the fact the minds behind the show basically want all men to die in a pit, I can let that slide if that kind of thinking doesn't seep into the actual show. Anyone can have an opinion on something, even if it's insensitive at best, but if that influences what you do or is the main inspiration behind a product, well ... it's not gonna end well.

Exactly! That's why such an excuse is not helping. Anyone can enjoy a show, even if it has a "target audience", you shouldn't insult the others and make them not want to watch it.

Yeah, that's for damn sure. But unfortunately common sense seems to be in short demand these days. I mean if you want people to watch your new show. Its not exactly a wised thing to insult the male audience. Especially those who love magical girl anime or cartoon shows. I mean come on if you're going to preach about equality then you got to play it both ways. You know what I mean, ya?:twilightsheepish::applejackunsure:

Yes yes yes, exactly. :raritystarry:

7549664 It DOESN'T look like anime. It looks like a high school art class' failed attempt at anime.

7549781 There is a common trait among these SJW NPCs: they seem to make an active effort to physically LOOK as stupid as they are.

7550052 The 'it's not for YOU!' angle has been played multiple times... and the shows and movies which use it have UNANIMOUSLY failed.

Yes cause they took the money meant for animators in Japan and made there own show people subscribed based on the money going to the creators in japan to to pay for some animated tumbler comic. It got heat cause it is the product of embezzlement. I will give it a watch and it better make up for its crime by being vary vary good like better then gundam good for how it is funded with stolen money .

they got hate cause the money they used to fund there pet project was meant for animators in japan that barely make mimumwedge

Better than Gundam? :rainbowhuh:

Like better than Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn or any of the other Gundam anime series?:applejackunsure:

Not to sure about that, friend. That right there is a quite the tall order to say the least.:twilightsheepish:

yeah i know i actually doubt it be better then 1940s astro boy but ill give it a fair shot

Yeah, bit than again. Their very first trailer was exactly well received by most. You know what I'm talking about so there no need for to repeat what has already been said multiple times.

But like I told KarasAdamas.

mean if you want people to watch your new show. Its not exactly a wised thing to insult the male audience. Especially those who love magical girl anime or cartoon shows. I mean come on if you're going to preach about equality then you got to play it both ways.

They already dirty the crystal waters before the blasted anime was even released. Damn fools.:facehoof:

yeah but thats just a case of the SJW illness in American media its every where

Yeah, tell me what I and many others don't know. I mean we've put up with it for the last decade or so. These days it's all about ideologies and agendas, more than just telling a well written story with well rounded characters. With some misguided and twisted sense of what feminism should be and than some. These people don't care about the actual IPs just as long their hypocritical rhetoric is heard. But I digress.

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