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Hello. I would like to take a moment of your time, if it's not too much trouble. You see, I'm gathering people for a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan project that is entirely directed by MLP fans who wish that the series didn't end at season nine. This is, in essence, a fanmade version of season ten and beyond, with real life people using whatever talents they can to make the project come alive, with their own original characters at the forefront.

There are multiple roles for those who wish to join, including, but not limited to animators, artists, and certain genre specialists. For example, I will be providing voice samples for one of my OCs, Crimson Flame, and potentially another OC named Broken Glass. I will also provide art for the project, and much more.

We seek not to accumulate fame or wealth, but rather a sense of community that comes from partaking in this project. Some people have joined on expecting us to pay them for participating, but that's not something we can do. The purposes of this project are to make friends, to bring enjoyment to those around us, and most importantly, to have fun making stories together. This is not a for-profit venture.

To those of you who have read this whole thing, I want to thank you for at the very least considering this invitation.

More details here.

Could be interesting. I'll keep an eye on this but I doubt I'll be able to contribute.

We have a good many roles that may suit you, if you'd like to give them a try. We would also be willing to help you fit into a role you might like. What's most important is not how skilled you are, but rather that you want to join us. None of us are professionals, we just enjoy telling stories together.

Of course, the decision is yours to make. We won't force you into it.

You can check out our wiki if you are so inclined, or if you have questions, you can send me a message or ask your question in a reply to this post. I'd be very happy to answer most questions about the project.

Alright. This sounds interesting like I said. How do I sign up?

I will send you a private message here on the site linking you to to my private Discord account. We can talk more from there.

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