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Lately I been wondering about something about Oc/ Original Characters what was the first oc that was created and I mean the very first oc that started the whole idea for Ocs and for what franchise was that very first Oc made for?

Possibly Dante's Inferno if you want to go far enough back.

Really for what franchise?

Nevermind looked it up

The proper title is the Divine Comedy, by Dante Aligheri, and it was written around the 1600's or so, but I forget exactly.

You will have to go much further back, as every myth and legend is an original character spun out of someone's imagination.
On analysis, you will find they all have the same underlying inconsistencies in the portrayals, etc. that any OC or creative writing has today.

The concept of the Hero's Journey is arguably even fundamentally a part of our reality because it comes from something originally.
If every story has a beginning, something began it for the rest to follow.
Which also logically leads us to conclude there is a single genuinely true story somewhere that inspired everything else.

Most people complete bypass this depth of thought, however.
Shoot me a PM if you want to look at things in the range of fundamental truths in reality, as it is much more a personal conversation because of how far reaching it is.

Okay and this is all good info

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