The Mighty Lunar Republic 1,029 members · 663 stories
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Today is the Winter Solstice AKA the longest night of the year. That means the time has come; Execute Order 66!

For us Order 66 is: Fully denounce the Sun and take out any and all "Sun Lovers" *spit* you see.


*wears a clone trooper armor but with a night color scheme*
Yes sir.....
*went outside to kill the sun lovers and the sun council*

2433615 finally !!!! Lets do this

*Runs in with full armor with NMM coloring and a huge crescent moon on the hip, a helmet covering my face*

Very well, it shall be done...

*runs out with a large halberd*
Die Sun-Lovers!!!

Wears a neutral armor and watches the battle in confusion.

"Holy beast core what is going on here? Great princess twilight want to help calm these guys down we are after all the eclipse squad and thus neutral to this squad war" said GH as he hefted his cross armorment system(x.a.s.) and constructed it's gun mode.

"Yes because if my name is any indication I am the bridge between celestia and Luna. Time to put my logic to use shade army restrain these fools so we can calm them down" said twilight sparkle.

An army of physical shadow rose behind her with a symbol of two crescent moons chained together at the tips with a keyhole at the center of the symbol somewhere on their bodies.

They charged with GH as he commented in his mind. 'Shoot she really is living up to her name as the eclipse princess.'

"For the eclipse princess stop them"
*a resounding roar sounded as they joined the fight to end the battle.*

Now to storm Canterlot Castle and remove this tyrant! :yay:

Hehe, okay. *Flicks right wrist and a bottle slides up out of the sleeve and into his hand.* Good thing I happen to live next to this solar guard barracks. *Tosses it at the building and the whole place goes up in flames.* Now lets see if I can recall any of my old destruction spells. Haven't used them since the last uprising of the night.

2434384 "hold it right there under orders of princess twilight you are under arrest for arson shades detain him" said GH.

A bit late, don't you think? *Fades into the dark of the night until only his eyes remain before they too disappear.*

What there has to be at least someone here to be the peacemaker in this might as well be me. And yes I'm the guy who let toa coy use the shades for his story. So you know what is in the eclipse squad.

Voice on the wind:Indeed, I suppose there does. However I'm always up for a bit of havoc and I do so love the night. It is a time for when one can get a bite to drink, if you will. Feel free to pursue. I should be appearing in Manehattan in just a moment. Assuming no one tore it down that is where I keep my toys.

2434528 "shadows are not the best place to be what do you think the shades are made of? They are shadows brought to life by equal light and dark magic otherwise known as eclipse magic you just let your self get caught" said GH with a smirk as a shift walked out with a limb tying up the arsonist.

"This is GH reporting I got the arsonist permission to send this guy to the captain of the royal guard for punishment I got to check celestia and make sure Luna stops this insanity" said GH to his com link.

-permission granted-

"I really don't want to be in your shoes" smirked GH as he engaged his phase armor and ran to the throne room after putting out the fire.

Technically I was using the darkness rather than shadows but eh, good enough I suppose. *Hums a jaunty tune while he is hauled in.* I do hope you have something better to hold me by the way.

2434159 "hold it right there electric your not getting celestia on my watch by order of princess twilight you are under arrest!" Said GH as he brought up his weapon as he stood before the doors to the throne room.

2434598 dude eclipse magic is like a mix of celestia's magic with Luna's in an equal amount so that shade army is twice as strong as Luna's shadow gollums so yeah your not going to escape from that shade anytime soon also shining armor is really ticked.

2434598 not to mention the shifts can shape shift as you noticed by it's limb so it can easilly form a cage. Face it you got outsmarted.

Heh, outsmarted? My dear fellow I'm never outsmarted. Occasionally outmaneuvered perhaps but never outsmarted. I suspect I shall be talking to someone seeing as I've been deposited here in the throne room rather than the dungeons. So let's have it then, this shall be most amusing. Last time I was captured I not only talked my way free but got my captives to help me wage a war. Investing in bluff and charisma comes in handy.

2434746 Dude princess Luna is there and she's really ticked off right now I just explained what was going on to her and well violet better watch out as once I'm done with electric your both going to regret following that guy.

*Continues to wait until someone comes to interrogate him seemingly more amused by being captured than anything else.*

2434746 also guess I better reveal what the GH in my username is. It's geo hikari and yes it means earth's light I'm not one of the day guard but more of the balance types. My personality is that of a lybra star sign even though I was born the day before valentines day. Yeah odd huh. Then again I made my own phrase similar to holy cow when I got into this forum if you look at my first message here you can see it.

2434831 also no one is getting interrogated here until we catch violet speaking of where is that guy.

*Shrugs.* Haven't the foggiest. No interrogation? Oh, now I'm disappointed. *Assumes another form himself this time that of a small snake.* Let's see if these bindings can keep up. *Assumes another form this time that of a minotaur. After a moment assumes the form of a pegasus.* Hehehe..... *Bursts into green flames and assumes the form of a changeling for a moment.*

Comment posted by Gamer Script deleted Dec 22nd, 2013

2434855 *walks through the dungeon, slashing down solider after solider getting in the way, nearing the cell* "Hello gent... I think you should be letting my friend in there go..." *he said threateningly, but with a calm voice as he held his halberd in his wings* " of course 'Princess' Twilight hires brain-dead guards..."

*Continues slashing through soldiers left and right, fighting a way to the castle and smirks, strapping the Halberd to his back and flying up* For the record, I could've done this at quite literally anytime. *he laughed and flew to the castle, grabbing the halberd in his teeth and slashing at incoming foes, slashing them out of the sky*

2436187 "well shades have no voices but first take this" said GH as he activated a function on his weapon.

-final break-

"Eclipse burst shot" said GH as his gun released yellow and blue energy shots that merged into a green orb of energy that struck cloud and right into the same shade cage as ebony.

"I will take those" said GH as he grabbed their weapons. "Shining armor they are yours to punish especially the changeling" said GH as he saw his shadow clone face off with eletiric.

Whoever said I was a changeling? *Assumes his original form.* I'm simply a shapeshifter. *Doesn't even seem frazzled by the energy that hit him as it only causes his eyes to glow for a moment.* Really? I suppose it is time for an oldie of mine as I tire of this. Hotaru protocols initiated. *His body turns into thousands of fireflies, given that this is Equestria and the magical talents of this captive that is rather literal, and they begin to fly out of the gaps in the shadow cage. As they set fire to anything they land on a few swarm in the path toward Cloud to prevent anyone getting to him.*

2436943 uh bad move the shades can use elemental magic like lightning you just set yourself for a major zapping plus now Luna is really ticked you set fire to the throne room.


"Wow she's mad well looks like violet is in fore it now" said GH with a wince.

* he ran away as a loud zap was heard and ebony landed in the cage smoking as he and cloud looked at the lunar princess in fear.*

"Poor fools one thing I learned about Luna is that it's never a good idea to make her mad. Well better see how my clone is handling electric -

*suddenly screams of terror sounded from the throne room as celestia appeared next to GH.*

"Do I even want to know what is going on" said celestia.

" Long story short some idiot decided to cause a revolt and your sister is furious as one of them set both the barracks and the throne room on fire right now there is one or two enemies left" said gh .

* suddenly the screams intensified as twilight eclipse's voice joined Luna in making the two in the shade cage repent for the damage.*

"Ouch they made twilight go into her version of nightmare moon not good there was a reason I call her the eclipse princess" said GH witha look of fear on his face.

Electricity? Hehehehe. *Looks to be rather healed and recharged by the electric attack.* Tch, learn your enemies alignments before using elemental attacks on them. Greetings Luna Majesty of the Night and Twilight Mistress of Magic. Nice to meet you two in person. Been awhile Luna. I haven't seen you since well over a thousand years ago. *Snaps a finger and all the fires disappear and the damage is removed.* There, that wasn't so bad was it. Seems all three of you are here now. Oh... greetings to you as well Sunbutt. Haven't seen you since you drove that spike of solar energy into my heart after I set fire to those guard barracks about three centuries ago. Been doing well?

2437201 Twilight eclipse just scowled with Luna as they levitated swords.


"My friend is right thou has gone to far GH go find violet runner to get this mess cleared for good with the remaining three that's an order" said Luna.

"Rodger hime" said GH as he ran off.

2433615 'now if I was the mastermind behind this where would I hide' thought GH before spotting electric getting beat by gh's shadow clone as he saw the other two of Joe and madness get ambushed by shade wyverns.

'There the astronomy tower! The only place that hasn't been attacked" thought GH as he pulled out his phase driver.

"Henshin" said GH.

-hunter's moon the hunter of the moon unleashed-

Now in the kamen rider phase armor that seemed to be based off a blue wolf with silver trim he ran to the astronomy tower.

2437064 My halberd... *he growled and stood up* You think a cage like this can hold me in? *slowly shifts as his bones cracked and mended into different form, his fur disappearing into his skin as black scales replaced them and his armor shifted with him. His forelegs turned to mighty claws and scales covered every inch of his body. His feathers slipped away from his wings and were then replaced by leathery scaled wings, his teeth growing sharp and his tongue becoming forked. His tail grew longer and bigger, scales taking that over as well until he was a 6 foot black scaled, green eyed dragon* The moment I am free from this cage I will rip you to shreds! *He growled threatening the one that shot him grasping the bars tightly in a rage* and then I will take my Halberd back and slash apart the rest of your so-called guards!

Dude remember the shades are twice as strong as Luna's magic also you just made ebony squished in there remember he is in there as well. As for your weapons I placed them in hammer space so only I can take them out. Oh hold on you just got three new roommates. Plus celestia and Luna with twilight eclipse are so furious they super charged that cage with their magic combined.

*growls and shifts to his normal size, standing tall and strong* Princess Luna... Princess Twilight... Oh, and you brought Madam Sunbutt along as well... To what do we owe the ⅔ of a great pleasure? *His body once again hidden behind the lunar armor except for his jade green eyes*

Don't worry about me. I'm okay. *Is smoke that flows out from where he would have been squished and resumes a humanoid form.*

Now Twilight, I know you don't know me, yet, so I'll ignore that pointless threat. Luna, Sunbutt, you two know me and how it works when I get killed. I don't think we want the entire palace to be destroyed in the energy release, now do we?

2437646 "right now stopping this farce" said Luna with a broadsword held to cloud's neck.

*just then electric,madness, and Joe were thrown into the cage by shades.just as twilight eclipse cast a veiwing spell to show GH in his krphase armor just got to violet runner's position.*

THIS IS FINALLY GOING TO END said twilight eclipse as the sunset alicorn with a blue mane with silver highlights smirked as she looked at the screen.

"I do hope you go back to normal after this sparkle this form is reminding me of the nightmare" said luna.


"Well now violet everyone but you is captured and I am going to bring you in SAA sore was jikan o karida!" Said phase s he pulled out his hunting knife and hand gun.

*He stood unfazed by the blade at his throat as he smiled, grasping it in his armored hoof*

I see... My Princess, I shall do anything you command of me. Say the word and I shall discontinue my attacking... But to be honest, my call it is not. But The Violet Runner's... I am merely a solider that would do anything for his princess... Apologies if boundaries are stepped on or deaths are evident, the soldiers I have slain were all noble in their own right and I granted them all dignified deaths... I know my crimes are inexcusable, and that blood stains the obsidian of my blade and my armor, but all I have done this day... I did in honor of the beautiful stars none see, the shimmering moon thou hast created and risen for all to love and cherish, and most importantly... For the honor and grace of your elegance... All that I speak is truth, I'd never lie to thee Princes Luna... So though I do not deserve it, and I know it is very slim chanced that I will achieve it but... May I have your forgiveness?

If not...*he pressed the blade closer to his chest* Then proceed with your blow... And allow this warrior of the night a death dreamed of by a little colt for many a year... *he used his free hoof and took off the helmet, revealing a stallion, black fur, with jade green and charcoal black mane, a smile on his face* This... Is all I ask of you... Not as a warrior, but as a child of the night, and a worshipper of your throne...

*Sits back in mid air to watch and then remembers he let himself be captured for a reason. Assuming a serious tone for the first time since being captured he begins to speak.* Anyway, I must ask, Twilight, if you haven't felt it? The odd flow of energies in this world. A thousand years of solar rule alone is at fault. The solar toned magics have grown and infested this land without their counterpoint for far too long a time. Admittedly, sealing Discord upset nature quite a bit but this overwhelmingly lopsided millennium has caused other issues. Ones easily fixed with a bit of a balancing act. Luna doesn't need to be the dominant power for a thousand years but she does need to be it for a good while.

That said I do believe I've done well enough as a distraction. I'll see you three ladies later I know. After all eternity is so short and those that walk it are few. Ciao. *Turns into a small black dagger that does not seem to be exhibiting any magic.*

By the stars that fill Her majesty's nights sky, I will not surrender. For as long as the sun tyrant lives and all those who follow her, the night will always be tainted from all the time she raised the moon in Luna's stead.

2437930 "then I shall end this and show that the lunar princess with her majesties help can repair the ballence and as you won't surrender the time for words has ended" sad phase as he started off with a shot at the mastermind behind this battle of day and night.

( to be honest I am a major twilight fan so I follow her not celestia so you can say I am more of a guy who helps with the balance.)

(Everyone ignored the coolest speech ever)

*Takes out six shot revolver.* I won't go easy. *Fire first shot at rope holding the chandelier.

*dodges and threw his knife like a boomerang while shooting energybullets* "I'm not your average kamen rider" said phase as he saw his bullets rebound around forcing violet to constantly dodge.

*He pressed the blade closer* Well Princess? What's your call? Death or forgiveness? *He said sternly*

((Not really. I thought it was a rather nice speech.))

WAIT UNTIL GH HAS FINISHED WITH VIOLET IT LOOKS LIKE YOUR FATE DEPENDS ON THE OUTCOME. Said twilight eclipse as she put the blade away but Luna kept a close eye on cloud to make sure he does'nt do anything to force their hoof.

2438673 (Why thank you Ebony)

Comment posted by Gamer Script deleted Dec 23rd, 2013
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