The Mighty Lunar Republic 1,029 members · 663 stories
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2433615 (uh violet where are you? We really need to finish this also you could have explained that you were making it a fanfic.)

2439788 (sorry I have a life outside the internet.:pinkiegasp: And I started writing the fic before this turned into a role play.)

*fires a couple more shots.* Hold still damn it. *one of the candles from the fallen chandelier causes a carpet to catch fire.

2438694 Very well Princess Sparkle, no need to shout. *he turned to Luna* I will stay here until the battle is over. I will not lift a hoof to defy or attempt escape from whatever fate you may choose. *He lied down and crossed one armored foreleg over the other as if in a resting position* I will be right here if needed.

Oh, and I do hope you realize Princess, that if Sunbutt had tried to speak to me I wouldn't have given her a second glance. Just making sure you know. *he smiled sweetly as he grabbed the black dagger in his hoof and peered at it to kill time*

Comment posted by Kamen rider yokai deleted Dec 23rd, 2013

2439869 *quickly he dodges the fire and saw his current form was not working.*

"Great just great looks like hunter form is not enough, time to try crescent form" said phase as he pulled a lever on his phase driver.

crescent moon! Reaper of the moon descends!

His armor streamlined and went from blue to black with crescent moon symbols on the chest and shoulder armor. On his back was a scythe with a blue blade.

"Now then see if you can handle the lunar reaper" said phase as he blurred and thanks to the light of the flames looked like a shadow as he appeared slashing violet's gun in half.then he spin kicked violet back as he went out the window taking the fight to the courtyard as it begun to rain to put out the fire as phase followed.

*Looks at the dagger ebony seemed to leave behind and tossed it out the window* No need for that to cause a disturbance or any sense that I was lying.

*Rolls to avoid any major damage from the fall.* Nice trick. Let's see how you handle this. *Fires up horn and uses his magic to uproot the pips of a nearby fountain and uses them as high pressure water canons.*


*uses scythe to pole vault over the water and smirked.*

"Big mistake ever wonder why the scythe blade is blue? It's because this allows me to manipulate water!" Said phase as he used the scythe to send the water right back in the form of a titalwave that formed a barrier around the courtyard as he landed.

"Last chance surrender or face the power of the tides!" Called phase.

*One week prior*

*Looks over the battlefield that was once Stalliongrad, drinking tea.*

"What has this world come to? People can't just rejoice in the night, but have to extinguish the day as well. Even neutral parties are taking sides."
*Looks for a little while longer*

"Now must be the time to take arms."

*telekinetically grabs some bombs, a blunderbuss, and a saber.*

Some want night eternal.
Some will kill for the day.
Some just want to watch the world burn.

*Storms off to Canterlot.*

*one week Later*

*Goes through open door to castle, through a hall littered with bodies, ad into the throne room.*

*Stays in the shadows and plants bomb on load-bearing columns.*

*Walks into full view.*

"Get off of him!" A brown unicorn yells at Luna.

*Cloud shot up and saw the stallion* Now whom might this be... Yelling at the Princess, how rude." he looked around at the cage and sighed, breathed deeply, and yelled sending a black hurricane at the stallion that had yelled at Luna*

Not until the sun tyrant is crushed and the night regains her true beauty! *Quickly firing up his horn he used his magic to disrupted any machines in the area.* My special talent in Machines. "He said showing his gear Cutie Mark.* and unless I'm mistaken that includes your little mode changing thing.

*watches as the emp spell deflects off the armor and deadpans*

"Baka my rider armor is not just a machine it's part of my soul! This armor is the altered version of a curse that I turned into a gift ever wondered why it's based on a wolf and the phases of the moon? It's because I'm a lycan! You won't be able to disable it if the source isn't mechanical in origin the driver filters it!" Said phase catching the dagger cloud threw and pulled the lever again.

Quarter moon! Blade of the moon sanjou!

His armor turned silver as the dagger turns into a sword as silver as moonlight.

"I will protect this world and stop this madness to make sure that the world can still exhist that is my vow as a kamen rider! Time to end this!"

He tapped the center of his driver.


He got into a stance as he glowed with moonlight as he blurred and sudenly split into twenty phases, they all sourrounded violet as they charged like kamen rider double when performing 'metal branding'

"Lunar quarter barrage" called phase as they all slashed at violet stopping to point their swords at violet's vitals but one of the phases couldn't stop in time and cut off violet's horn.

2442778 (did you forget I'm trying to stop the madness here?)

2443068 *Falling to the grown panting Violet observed his surrounding* R-regrettable... Although my rival, you were spectacular. I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom... My family has severed the princess of the night for centuries, going all the way back to Tyrian Runner who was the adopted son of Luna before the war of the sun and moon and the lead of her Children Of The Night. Belief or disbelief rests with you. To die by joining the stars... That is the way of the Runner Family.

(Tyrian is a shade of purple by the way)

Well Princesses... I believe the battle is at an end. Or at least the endgame. *He smiled and shook his head, closing his eyes and turning his nose downward* Sad to say, that the Runner family may be at its twilight as well.

I just wanted to stop this whole mess. What made you think princess Luna would ever hate her sister enough to let you go though with this? Siblings have there differences that is a fact. They never see eye to eye on some things but in the end they can get along. I should know as I got two siblings. They constantly argue and I tried to stop it a lot but they just can't get along. But they do eventually stay strong as siblings. People here tend to forget that immortal or not the princesses have their flaws just like us. An example would be nightmare moon Luna's darker half. She was created by Luna's emotions just like we let our emotions control our actions. And now that our battle is over let's go and see the rest oh and here let me fix your horn.

*picks up the horn and uses the lunar energy of his armor to reverse the damage*

Also I just got word from twilight that your spell stopped some bombs a assassin placed during our battle so you saved all three princesses. Better get out of this armor.

*takes off phase driver causing the armor to turn into moonlight revealing a werewolf in GM's neutral armor.*

Entering the throne room GH tossed the dagger into the air as it became ebony as cloud, madness, and joe were freed.

"Now then princess twilight time to revert this revolt is resolved" smiled GH.

*twilight was covered in shadows that vanished revealing her usual purple self*

"Thanks GH with this the lunar rebellion is over and we can start repairing the balance now then what to do with him?" Said twilight pointing a wing at gagekid.

"Easy have him rebuild the damage done to the grounds then let shining punish him by the way cloud nice job knocking the guy out. Well see you later celestia, Luna but I got to head back to earth I can hear dead pool causing damage at my home town" said GH as he was covered in moonlight as he vanished.

*lands on his hooves and groans, cracking his neck and sighing* Ah, much better. Well then, now that that's over, what to do with myself... Oh, and I'd like my halberd back.

*He looked at the unicorn and lifted him up by the mane with his hoof* Him? But of course. None will harm Princess Luna, Twilight... And since I know it will never change, Princess Celestia. I was obligated a s a solider and citizen to stop this little lunatic. But seriously, I want my Halberd back.

2443437 (what made you think I would kill the guy? I'm not like that at all I mean I'm as kind as fluttershy for eclipse's sake! I'm only 18 years old man. Jeez and people say my twin sister's overdramatic)

2443487 (I'm a drama king when I wanna be, I'm 2 years YOUNGER than you are.)

*ebony and cloud's weapons appeared next to their owners with a note*

-next time don't do anything idiotic like going where I can easily spot you I got the sight of a wolf after all! But remember this next time I won't hold back on my attacks that was only five percent of my strength.

2443500 *Cloud chuckled and grabbed the halberd, and replacing it on his back. He then walked up to Luna, Twilight and Celestia & bowed* Your highnesses, I once again apologize for my actions.

2443461 I have failed to remove the taint from you night caused by my your sister the sun tyrant and in doing so have brought shame on my family past and present. *He said kneeling before Luna* Please grant me the privilege to restore some honor by allowing me to join my ancestors among your stars.

Comment posted by Gamer Script deleted Dec 23rd, 2013

2443510 *Cloud sighed and stood, walking to him and knocking him in the head* Fool! Do you listen to anyone? The princess doesn't want you to dispatch her sister, nor does she wish for a never-ending night. She simply wishes for peace. And I believe our attacking made that even harder to achieve than it already was. Do not apologize because of a failed ambush, but for your acts against the throne and princesses.

"What are thou saying GH spared you because he knew that you can learn from this he was correct that you all tend to forget we have our flaws like any other pony. Once repairs are finished you are going to repent by over seeing the night guards training by going through it yourself. Your talent with mechanics are able to be used with magic so well you disabled bombs from a large distance that skill is needed in the night guards new bomb squad I have been hearing reports that bombs are being used frequently in manehatten and I will need someone to stop those from destroying the city and killing all of the ponies living there" said Luna with an expression that said are you out of your mind.

2443569 ... Wait, really? And what can I do your highness? *His said with a hopeful expression*

Every thing my family has ever done has been in service of her majesty, this rebellion was to bring true peace to her night. what ever she wished to do with once it was accomplished was to be up to her. I even deactivated the bomb that was set over there during my fight with GH.

(put this before Lunas' sentencing)

"Easy your going to join him with your flight skills you can give him an aerial scout to locate the bombs ebony here is going to be your informant on where the bombs are coming from as his talent is suited for infiltration!" Said twilight with a smile.

"As for Joe and madness they are going to work in Apple Jack's farm to repent for this night for the amount of three months" said celestia as she looked over the damage to the throne room and sighed at seeing the stained glass windows showing the major events of equestria's history were destroyed.

2443604 True, but I knocked out the little loon that SET the things in the first place. *he held up the brown unicorn in his hoof*

2443569 As you wish. *He said not looking up.*

2443605 I'm working with these two? *He looked at them and smiled, shrugging* Understood. I can deal with that. So we're going to be the royal bomb squad basically?

2443605 2443643

*Two years later*

Ok how are we going to get rid of this Bomb? Magic? Robot? Magic Robot? *The new recruit asked.*

Calm down I have something a little more sophisticated. *Violet said laying down some dynamite.*

Dynamite? Dynamite's more sophisticated? *The recruit asked.*

No. FIRE IN THE HOLE! *Violet yelled before lighting the dynamite from a safe distance.* Another bomb destroyed, another potential terrorist put behind bars. *He said walking back into the bomb squad HQ after taking care of the bomb.* And yet... *He sighed looking out a window at the setting sun.*

2443816 One, I could've just blown it away or something. And two, get over it man. Its been two years. Lets report our succes to the princess. *he wrote down a note and turned into his dragon form, blowing a green flame over it and sending it to the princesses* I'm so glad Princess Luna gave me this ability.

2443891 I know. And I guess I should be graetful she alowed me to stay in her service. *He said with another sigh.* So got any planes for Heaths Warming Eve?

GH appears with a twitch in his eye.

"Never dealing with dead pool again! That guy is too insane! Anyway who's the new recruit? I been busy stopping dead pool from destroying my town guy doesn't give up I had to send the guy to space to stop him. Without a rocket or space suit. Wait did you use dynamite on a bomb? That would have made it worse!" Said GH as he went and used a barrier to contain the explosion to a small size and teleported it to dead pool.

"Just in case I really hate that merc with a mouth" said GH as he whipped his forehead.

"Next time don't use dynamite ever that is never a good idea some bombs are made of dynamite!" Said GH with a twitch remembering when dead pool tried to do the same last month.

2443931 Tch, not like I have anyone to spend the season with. I'll probably just stay at work or something. How about yourself?

2443981 Huh? Oh, hey GH. Been a while. *He crossed his scaled arms and leaned against a wall, folding his wings in* So what brings you here?

2444066 "eh came by to spend the holidays with my squad then see about getting therapy that dead pool really gave my sanity a major blow I'm now randomly going into my werewolf form even during the day! I really need a vacation" said GH as he noticed he changed mid sentence.

"Well see you guys at canterlot for hearths warming I got to report to twilight about dead pool" said GH as he shifted back to a brown haired green eyed teen.

*pulls out a hover board and zooms off back to ponyville*

(Kay guys this is going to be my last contribution to this forum I got to work on my own stories as merry Christmas guys}

2444137 (Okie dokie, merry Christmas)

So Runner, what're you gonna do for the holiday? Got any family to spend it with? Friends?

2444066 Not really * He said clocking out for the day.*

*He chuckled and clocked out behind him* Looks like we're on the same boat.

Looks like it. *He said with a laugh.* No homo.

None whatsoever. Especially not you. *Cloud laughed as he looked towards a bar* Ooh... I wouldn't mind a drink right now. How about you? *he gestured*

Why not. *he said as they entered the bar.*

(The End.)

*In the Canterlot dungeons*

A brown unicorn wakes up, after a short coma.

"What happened?" He asked the nearest guard.

"You attempted to assassinate the princesses, got caught, and got thrown in here." The guard replied, with a sneer.

"Oh. Where'd you hide my weapons?" Black Quill asked.

"You don't need to know." The guard responded.

"Alright. Any plans for hearth's warming eve?"


"You know, you're the single most talkative guard I've ever known."

"You've been caught before?"

"Yes, in Stalliongrad."

"You wouldn't happen to be Red Star?"

"No, he's my dad."

"You're not."

"Black Quill? I am." The unicorn stated, and with a loud clatter the door was thrown at the guard, killing him.

"Where to now?" Black Quill asked himself, looking around. He spotted a hallway and walked down it.

Partway down, a guard trotted down, causing Quill to jump into the nearest room.

Looking around, finding himself in the alchemy room.

Let's get to work.

Quill mixed up some gunpowder quickly and found a book of matches. He ran down the hall, only to be met with a heavy oak door embossed with iron. He promptly blew the hinges, and ran. He was met with a group of guards, into whose faces he blew some gunpowder, he darted into another room, this time finding his blunderbuss and saber.

he dispatched the guards, not before getting a gash on his front right lower leg. He limped, and found a escape route out of the castle, no doubt in case of siege. He hobbled out, and kept to the shadows until he was out of range of the searchlights.

*three days later*

The gash had scarred over, without infection.

Thank Luna.

He had arrived in Ponyville, and was walking towards the library. And upon arrival, he knocked on the door.

"Hello?" Twilight Sparkle asked at the door, met with a unfamiliar brown unicorn.

"You may not remember me, but I was at the castle during the incident, and I would like to say goodbye." Quill pulled out and shot Twilight at point blank range. She was not able to put up a defensive barrier in time, and was promptly splattered on the wall behind her.

Quill ran. He ran until his legs were sore and his hooves felt like they were going to break. only then did he stop to rest, he was back in Stalliongrad, three days later. He rested in an abandoned miner's shack for the night.

Nopony will find me here. Luna doesn't monitor the dreams of those who live here.

"Please don't let them find me." Quill pleaded to the air around him.

*In the Canterlot dungeons*

A brown unicorn wakes up, after a short coma.

"What happened?" He asked the nearest guard.

"You attempted to assassinate the princesses, got caught, and got thrown in here." The guard replied, with a sneer.

"Oh. Where'd you hide my weapons?" Black Quill asked.

"You don't need to know." The guard responded.

"Alright. Any plans for hearth's warming eve?"


"You know, you're the single most talkative guard I've ever known."

"You've been caught before?"

"Yes, in Stalliongrad."

"You wouldn't happen to be Red Star?"

"No, he's my dad."

"You're not."

"Black Quill? I am." The unicorn stated, and with a loud clatter the door was thrown at the guard, killing him.

"Where to now?" Black Quill asked himself, looking around. He spotted a hallway and walked down it.

Partway down, a guard trotted down, causing Quill to jump into the nearest room.

Looking around, finding himself in the alchemy room.

Let's get to work.

Quill mixed up some gunpowder quickly and found a book of matches. He ran down the hall, only to be met with a heavy oak door embossed with iron. He promptly blew the hinges, and ran. He was met with a group of guards, into whose faces he blew some gunpowder, he darted into another room, this time finding his blunderbuss and saber.

he dispatched the guards, not before getting a gash on his front right lower leg. He limped, and found a escape route out of the castle, no doubt in case of siege. He hobbled out, and kept to the shadows until he was out of range of the searchlights.

*three days later*

The gash had scarred over, without infection.

Thank Luna.

He had arrived in Ponyville, and was walking towards the library. And upon arrival, he knocked on the door.

"Hello?" Twilight Sparkle asked at the door, met with a unfamiliar brown unicorn.

"You may not remember me, but I was at the castle during the incident, and I would like to say goodbye." Quill pulled out and shot Twilight at point blank range. She was not able to put up a defensive barrier in time, and was promptly splattered on the wall behind her.

Quill ran. He ran until his legs were sore and his hooves felt like they were going to break. only then did he stop to rest, he was back in Stalliongrad, three days later. He rested in an abandoned miner's shack for the night.

Nopony will find me here. Luna doesn't monitor the dreams of those who live here.

"Please don't let them find me." Quill pleaded to the air around him.

(Okay now I got no choice but to continue as gagekid made it personal)

*enters library to see the murdered corpse of twilight.*

"Your highness! What in the eclipse republic happened?" Asked GH. Suddenly a black version of twilight rose with white hair and blue streaks rose out of twilights shadow.

"Geo thank the princesses! it was that bomber two years ago he somehow escaped and killed twilight only reason I'm still alive is because of the shadow shift spell. I can reverse the process of the spell to revive her but you got to find that bomber" said the black twilight.

"Right dawn have spike alert the princesses and the rest of the eclipse republic I'm gathering thle captains of the eclipse squadron to take that guy out" said GH seriously.

He walked out and pulled out his communicator.
"rainbow dash, fluttershy, rarity, Gilda, flarewing, and zecora come in we got a problem black quil escaped and got twilight spike will join us soon rainbow i need you and the changeling and griffon devisions to locate that bomber while fluttershy and her timberwolves track him down. Flarewing have chrsailas notified and have her help. We got a job to do. Remember our motto, balance is key to everything and the balance just got destroyed. Twilight was the one who decided to prevent a civil war in the way of harmony and with her undergoing recovery it's up to us to bring harmony back. For our friend and the eclipse princess he will pay" said GH.

- Rodger commander - was heard.

He pulled out his moterbike and drove towards crescent dawn to meet his squad to take down black.

Black Quill wakes up in his ramshackle home, and senses a disturbance in the force. (Ha, just making a reference to the top.)

He runs into the abandoned basement turned chem lab. He makes a large amount of explosives, a detonator, and writes a note to be suspended behind the door. He then hangs the note, rigs the explosives and closes the blast door in the wall. He holds the detonator inside a small nook.

Diagnostics: Explosives will kill all in the room, but will not collapse the room. Detonator: check. Explosives: armed. Note: giving fair warning. Will to fight: let's do this.

He clutched his weapons, hoping for the best, but expecting the worse.

"Please don't let them kill me." He muttered to himself, half-sobbing.

*arrives in crescent dawn where the captains of the eclipse squadron were waiting*

"Everyone listen up we got a lot of work to do" said GH as he explained what happened. "I heard what happened from dawn let's make that black pay" said spike as he drew his twilight dragon sword.

2479801 *Flies in with halberd drawn and puffs green flame from his nostrils, walking up to GH and Spike* GH, Princess Luna sent me... Where's that little bomber freak?* he growled, his teeth fuming with emerald flames*

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