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____ is best pomy!

5936415 That's totally an unfair question. For me, its a tie between Maud Pie, Fluttershy and Flash Sentry. (I'm not kidding)

5936415 Hmmm. _____ is good, but ______ is better in my opinion.

5936424 As a Maud fan, how did you feel when that Glimglam episode tried to attach Maud to Starlight while claiming Maud is also responsible for Starlight's evil actions?

5936961 I...don't know. I don't really mind it because it was more Maud. That alone is enough for me. Sorry, I'm not good with opinions.

>Sorry, I'm not good with opinions.
I want to give you a big hug. That is the cutest thing I've ever heard anyone ever say.

5937754 *accepts hug* Thank you, I needed that.

5937765 You should take more pride in yourself. You're a Maud fan, and that episode reduced what Maud as a character is worth solely to make Poochie look more palatable. It also reduced Pinkie to a loudmouthed idiot, her stereotype, and reduced Rarity's worth as a fashion designer and gem expert by outright stating she had no idea the gems she'd been using her whole life were common low-tier trash.

I'll leave my review of that episode here. It's kinda harsh near the end, though. But it isn't directed at you, it's directed at Glimmer fans. Mainly at the kind of Glimfan that'd make a throwaway account solely to insult me on DeviantArt.

In this episode, Pinkie was reduced to her stereotype, an annoying loud moron, and drained of all competence in her main field of expertise to create an obstacle for the pairing between Maud and Glimglam. Because NOBODY can reject the almighty Mary Sue, who is always forgiven and is as strong as Alicorn Twilight, an outside force needs to get in her way if the episode's supposed to last more than 6 minutes. Last episode I saw, the outside force was Twilight being uncharacteristically dense, bad at explaining concepts, bad at teaching, etc. This episode attached Maud to Starlight (Because attaching Trixie, Discord, Thorax, and the other OCs to her just wasn't enough) and made Pinkie terrible at the main thing she's supposed to be good at when written well. Pinkie is forced to use gags that'd go better if said by Twilight (Personality questionaire, anyone?) and Rarity shows up out of nowhere solely to be shocked by the NEW KNOWLEDGE that the gems she uses are cheap, common, and crappy. So, we've brought down what the characters of Pinkie, Rarity, and Maud are worth, solely to shill for Glimglam. Only a glimmer fanboy could love an episode like that. Or, I suppose, someone equally stupid. Someone with a shit argument like "Well I enjoyed it so you're wrong".

This episode could have been a terrible Starlight episode, it could have been an ok MaudPinkie episode, but by putting the two together like this, the writing team's problems when it comes to writing these particular stories get even worse. This episode was genuinely put together just for the sake of being a MaudPinkie and Glimglam episode, and to do that, these writers had to write so many characters as OOC, it makes you wonder why Vogel, Miller, or any of the other talentless hacks were hired. On every level, even the objective ones, this episode was bad. Even the glimglam fans on /mlp/ of all places admitted they thought the "Maud shares some of the blame for Starlight's evil, because she kinda helped Starlight find something she would have eventually found anyway once her evil plots were already underway and she was running out of Cutie Mark storage jars" scene was awkward and out-of-place. However, I liked this part, as it's proof that these writers just aren't trying any more, but it's also proof of how hard they try. They're trying hard to make you love glimmer, but not trying hard to be good at it. They want you to love Glimmer. They're ham-fistedly shoving her down your throat, while trying to make her go down faster by attaching better characters to her. Remember when they pretended Glimmer would find Maud's "I like rocks because they don't look down on ponies" admirable, and the scene tried to draw a parallel between what she did in Equal Hell, even though it's already canon that she dedicated her entire life to a childish temper tantrum and cultist crusade against the very concepts of talent, ability, and individuality themselves solely because her only friend moved away and never wrote to her? Fucking Broly wasn't this dumb, and his dumbness worked because of what his character represented.

And do you know why the writers are having to pull this shit? Why they're constantly trying to add new depth to a shallow character and attach friends to an unlikable character, hoping their likability rubs off on her? Why are they trying to shill for Glimglam so hard, and why are they failing?

It's because Starlight Glimmer is a bad character.

I could write a good few thousand words on Glimmer as a villain, but the issue isn't what a dumb villain Starlight is, and how her terrible backstory turned what could have been a great villain into a bad joke almost as much as a badly-written and rushed redemption removed her reason to exist in the show's setting. I could also write quite a bit about how stupid it is that she has the magical power to fight Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle to a standstill, the reserves to do this multiple times in a day, the knowledge to create her own spells on the spot, and so on when Twilight's supposed to be the Embodiment of the Element of Magic, a student of Princess Celestia, the strongest Unicorn alive, etc. Twilight had to face character challenges related to this. What are they worth if she's not the strongest, or even anything remotely special when compared to a pony that can tear the Cutie Marks off multiple ponies like they're stickers, screw up the timeline multiple times in a day, without the changed timeline affecting herself, fight Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle to a standstill multiple times in a day, brainwash the minds of five of the Mane Six in less than a few seconds, move five billion times faster than the speed of light, and slay fire demons with her magic burning katana- whoops, my eyes drifted to the feat list for the wrong Mary Sue.

Glimmer... This post-redemption Glimmer? Take away her friendship with Trixie, her edgy best friend there to make her look better. Take away the headcanons her fans have invented for her, like the belief that she was bullied by her family or hometown for not being good enough once Sunburst was gone, or that she loves Moths because they remind her of herself: "Unloved by most but beautiful in its own way". (Christ, I could barely type that dreck without throwing up) Take away her acts as a villain. Focus on what she is, right now. What is she, besides a second-rate bootleg Sunset Shimmer? Say what you will about what an idiot she was in the clusterfuck that was the first film, back when she was a villain, and feel free to miss some more points while you're at it. We're talking about post-redemption Shimmer, and how she relates to post-redemption Glimglam. Shimmer got scenes where she struggled to earn redemption, got bullied by people that didn't forgive her, earned their forgiveness, etc. Glimmer was instantly given forgiveness, brainwashed her friends when their free thought and better ideas triggered her, was given forgiveness again, and then complained to Trixie that not everypony immediately forgave her for being the worst criminal currently known to Ponykind, arguably bar Tirek. In Pony Humans: Camp Superhero Edition, Shimmer encouraged Twilight and had more than one scene where she displayed empathy and likability. What positive traits has Glimmer shown, besides the occasional scene where she akwardly fucks up something obvious like "Don't run away from an awkward situation like you just shot someone" or "Don't use brainwashing spells on your friends", endearing her to her socially-retarded potentially-mentally-retarded fantards? Lauren Faust designed the original Mane Six to, in her words, "Represent the different ways that one can be feminine", and she wanted each one to be a good role model in their own way. I'm pretty sure being a sociopathic cult leader that feels no remorse for your crimes unless prompted by the reactions of those you want to forgive you... is not what Lauren Faust would consider a good role model. Feel free to say "Well she was forgiven for all crimes, so that means she represents forgiveness and is a role model that says forgiveness is good". You'll look retarded, sure, but you'll also look retarded. Feel free to say "Lauren Faust doesn't run this show any more. This is Vogel and Jim 'Fuck the bronies, we make this show for little girls' Miller's show, deal with it! If they think it's good enough, so do I". You'll look retarded, sure, but you'll also look retarded. Feel free to say "You don't like Glimmer so you aren't qualified to talk about Glimmer". You'll look retarded, sure, but you'll also look retarded.

But of course, triggered glimglam fans, bless your heart, feel free to point and laugh at the arguments you can't refute. Show me your best /b/-tier damage control posts. Go on. Type laughter, and call your reaction to my post an argument against it. Put on your stoner voice and claim I'm thinking too hard about "A dumb pony show", while pretending the show was never once more than that. Tell me how many views the front page of our porn site or mediocre favouritist shit-tier "Official" blog gets every day, those statistics are relevant, right? Tell me the childish Glimglam fans and their tendency to lash out at critics isn't driving people away. Tell yourself those you throw excrement at should have thicker skin and more tolerance for your shit, displaying self-absorption on a whole new level! Tell me I'm "Over-analyzing" a kid's show by critiquing an episode you want to like. Tell me I totally didn't make you cry, so there! Tell me you're crying, and I should feel bad for you. Tell me that if I don't like your waifu, it means I get triggered upon seeing her. Autistically screech at me how hard you believe my review is "Autistic screeching". Project onto me. Strawman me. Tell me I'm unfairly taking away your bad argument cards before you can use them, and ask how you can possibly make an argument now. Tell me I'm treating my opinions like they're facts by stating my opinions and backing them up with logical arguments. Tell me I'm not a real brony because real bronies mindlessly love all your waifus. Hell, I've only been in this fandom since the start of S2, what do I know?

5937798 Um...nevermind. I never thought of it that way and uh...yeah. Sorry, I'm not that opinionated of a person with mlp. The only characters I don't like in mlp are Sunset Shimmer and Applejack and I'm not that much into hatred for them.

5937968 Sunset is a bad villain but a good hero. certainly better than Starlight.

anyway, uh... ever seen code geass?

5938841 I have. And I think Sunset is an okay villain and a HORRIBLE HERO! Hate that character and the reformation. A Rainbow Beam and everyone accepts that. Hate that stupid reformation.

Sorry, we'll end up disagreeing there. That I like Starlight Glimmer and her reformation. I think she works as a villain and hero. Yeah...sorry, that's what happens when I have an opinion.

5938903 That reformation was dumb, but "Purified by a rainbow beam and reduced to a crying loser begging for forgiveness" is more satisfying than "Ok screw it we forgive you again". Have you seen the second film? It made me go from a Sunset hater to a... not a Sunset fan, but I like her now. Yes, the rainbow beam removed her demon powers, but it didn't make everyone forgive her. She had to struggle to earn forgiveness, she fought self-doubt, it was great. Way better than Starlight "UGH, WHY haven't all these invisible ponies never shown onscreen forgiven me for being worse than hitler yet? It is SUCH A DRAG! Don't you agree, Trixie?"

5939288 I...you know what, I'm not in the mood for an argument. I honestly don't find a rainbow beam satisfying as a reformation due to the fact that there's no suffering or backstory to Sunset Shimmer. She doesn't suffer at all at the hands of the people she's done bad things too, they just have her save them from fish people and they're like 'Okay, she's fine now'. That's garbage and playing to the audience to make something unlikable, likable.

As for Starlight, no one knows what's she done except the Mane 6 and the 'The Town' ponies, who no one cares about. She takes over a town and tries to make them see things her way, that's fine. Evil 101. But when Mane 6 expose her, she goes out for revenge and Twilight shows her the errors of her ways. Starlight reveals she actually has a back story, not two sentences from Celestia of a backstory, and she decides to give what Twilight is offering a chance. Then, she spends episode after episode trying to figure friendship out, which is more than saving others from singing fish people.

In conclusion, Starlight at least has character and flaws. Unlike Sunset, who's basically a blank slate after reformation due to her being a punching bag in the second movie and the 'ultimate, can do no wrong' character in the following movies. That and Starlight is friends with Trixie, who's one of my favorite characters to write. That's an extra plus in my book.

Alright, let's agree to disagree and leave it at that. Sorry for the rant.

5939342 That's not a rant. A rant would be a yelled speech about how awful elderly sonic fans are for whining about "Muh cartoon Sonic in 3d environment is unrealistic!" until they killed Adventure and sealed their doom with this new boost-to-win QTE BS that makes Sonic Utopia look even better.

Also, as bland as the generic nice and empathetic character is, she's more likable than the sociopath Glimmer.

One of the main things I find annoying about Glimmer... She doesn't belong in Equestria.

She would be HILARIOUS in Rick and Morty. Or Gravity Falls. In fact, any show with darker themes and preferably also characters you aren't all that attached to. When Morty suffers, you laugh. When Pinkie suffers, you feel bad for her. A sociopathic wizard randomly brainwashing Morty for conevience's sake and because his voice was annoying her... that's pretty funny. A sociopathic wizard randomly brainwashing Pinkie for conevience's sake and because her free thought and better suggestions were annoying her... that's not funny.

Like how Pikachu electrocuting Team Rocket is funny, but Littlepip getting shot by a Raider is sad. It's weird, but there are unspoken rules of comedy, and "Make sure the person suffering deserves it, unless bad things happening to good people is one of the show's central themes, in which case, good luck with that" is one of them. It's why Bugs Bunny works and bad Patrick episodes of modern Spongebob don't.

5940155 Eh, I kinda agree with you. Except Discord did brainwashing too, which kinda negates the argument since he's technically more evil.

Why don't we agree to disagree and leave it at that?

5940162 Discord did magic brainwashing. Tap a claw to someone's head and force it, or induce it with weird visuals.

Starlight did disturbingly realistic brainwashing just like real cults do.

It's kinda like the difference between Voldemort and Umbridge. Sure, Voldemort's stronger and more evil, but you don't know anyone like Voldemort. But you know someone like Umbridge, you've been hurt by someone like her, and you hate her. Magical wizard hitlers feel like fictional characters for the heroes to fight, but there's this undertone of realism with Glimmer that just doesn't belong in a show like this. Besides, Discord was a fun villain, while Glimmer was a detestable villain that went too far over and over again. But sure, we can stop talking about this if you want.

Ever seen Code Geass? I hear it's getting a S3.

I don't know who Umbridge is and I don't read Harry Potter, I just recognize the name.

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