________ 299 members · 1,592 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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my story is about something!
therefor, it is ineligible!

Go home, 2255474, you're drunk.

2255667 Not of drinking age.
Try again

2255679 no.
I am under no effect of drugs

You're headbanging?

2255689 :ajbemused: I believe I'm raising a valid point

Excuse me for saying, but your point is rather rounded. :moustache:

2255719:facehoof: How exactly?

Well... What was your point? :trixieshiftright:

2255728 That my story can't be in this group because it is about something.

But ______ is in every story! To claim that yours does not have ______ is simply ______ with no doubt!

Go home, OP, you're still drunk

2255474 It would appear that you believe ______ is the same as nothing.
This is not what we believe. _______ can be anything, from ______ to ______, or even cabbages.

______ is universal, multifaceted, and stands for everything... which includes nothing.
If someone thought your work was ______, it was likely a compliment.

2261898 Thank you for the explnation

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 17