The Writers' Group 9,324 members · 56,773 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Okay, so I had something I wanted to get some opinions on, and I thought asking in a thread here would be a good idea.

So, once, back in the mists of time, this group was ruled by a giant afro. He was a wise afro, but eventually gave up his position, and is undoubtedly out there somewhere, seeking other hairpieces that are his equal. His legacy lives on, though, and one of the things he left us was this thread. You may have seen it.

Admin Post: Legend of Important Threads and Groups ♥

It was a good thread, at the time, but sadly, hasn't seen any updates since September of 2013, and is now very out of date.

First, it was meant to be listing important groups for writers, but it only lists these groups:
The School For New Writers
Author Support
Looking For Editors
The Collab Cage
The Collab Group

It also has a long long list of threads for important discussions that you might want to look at, but again, these are all from 2013.

So, I'm looking for your help, 'cause I'm working on an update. Are all the groups listed still alive? (I'm not sure on the Collab groups) What other important groups should be in the list? I know about the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau, and I think there's some sort of Write-off thingy (which I could use the link for). What else?

Also, what other threads here in the writers group do you think are ones that you might actually want to look back at and refer to, that can be added to the list? Are there any you should be taken out?

I want to get this all up to date, so anything you can contribute is helpful...

Edit: I've posted the new thread, but you can still use this thread to comment on it and suggest changes, even if nopony else has posted in it for a while.
--Sweetie Belle

4489161 I know the Author's helping Author's is pretty active. One of the few that is.

Of the ones listed, I was mostly in the Looking for Editors and never got anywhere most of the time. Very rare I found one, but had to wait for months at times.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Authors Helping Authors? Okay! It does look pretty active. Sounds like a good one to add.

I saw for editors that there's also Overly Extensive Editors and Editors-R-Us, but I don't really have experience with any of them...

--Sweetie Belle

4489213 I've tried OEE. Didn't have a lot of luck.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Alright. All three editor groups looked just about as active, but that's not very active...

--Sweetie Belle

4489281 Only thing I've made that's even close is called Story Planning, but that's not doing much at the moment.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Yeah, five members is kinda low. I'm figuring I'm mostly going for big groups for this. I should probably add the New Groups group too, actually.

--Sweetie Belle

I would personally like for the Cage to become more active, but there's little I can really do to stimulate that without, y'know, people actually collabing and participating. I would love to bring back the Round Robins and the Mini-Monthly collabs and other such things, but, again: People need to actually be a part of it and participate.

Probably couldn't hurt to list Art for Fanfiction, and I agree about adding The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau. Might want to look at possibly including Struggling Authors since it also has a focus on helping writers, and I imagine a number of writers would like to know about The Ultimate Free-Use OC Collection.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Okay, that sounds good to me. The art group makes sense, and I could see the OC collection being handy. I think I was already thinking of Struggling Authors and forgot to mention it. Maybe I should add the Proofreader Group to the editor list, too.

Is it still active occasionally, or mostly dead at this point? Are you still trying to get more members over there? I'm just mainly trying to figure out if I should still keep it in the list. I might just cut down the descriptions on the collab groups, and mention they aren't very active. We don't really need all the rules for the group in the description, after all...

Once I've got everything together, I'm basically gonna unsticky the original post, do a new one, and probably link back to the original, for reference.

--Sweetie Belle

Well, I personally wouldn't call it dead. But if places like this that offer their partnership and support start removing that, it will certainly only help it to die. A group like mine is absurdly dependent on users, and because it also requires people to work on things, as opposed to just being a place to start threads and talk about stuff, that's another strike against potential activity. So any place that can lead others to the Cage, offering it as a place to actively work and talk about things that aren't allowed in their own forums is very helpful. But it may ultimately be for naught if users don't take advantage of it.

However, I'm not going to ever abandon the Cage, regardless of what happens. And in that spirit, it won't officially 'die' until I leave, I can assure you that.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


I'll leave it in, then. I just wasn't sure, and I want to make sure everything's up to date. The front page also had all the slots open, which was making me wonder. As long as the group's still trying to keep going, that's fine, though.

I don't suppose you know the status on the Collab Group?
--Sweetie Belle

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I went ahead and posted what I've got so far, but you can still reply here with changes or suggestions!

--Sweetie Belle

4491469 Holy crap that new thread is awesome.

SweeAI Belle is Best admin

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


Thanks! It's heavily based on CosmicAfro's original thread, but it's got a lot more groups and most of the important links at the top. And, of course, 'cause it's posted by me, I can edit it, where the original would have needed CosmicAfro to change it.

It's still up for revision, though, if there are groups I missed that should be in there or threads or anything...

--Sweetie Belle

Group Contributor

I regret to inform you that your post has broken rule 5c.

5) Don't post prohibited threads

c) 'CosmicAfro is not the best admin, past, present or future.' threads
Oh ho ho. You kidder. But seriously, we dislike heretical lies.

You are the first to ever violate that rule.
You will now be banned for two consecutive eternal sentences.

But since you're half right, and Sweetie is the second best after Cosmic, the court will have mercy. You'll only be banned for a single eternity.

No idea, but they've got less than a hundred members, so I can only assume that, while we may be stuck in a rut, they might never have taken off to begin with.

4491558 Ah, but I didn't post a thread. Therefore rule does not apply.

Group Contributor

Rules lawyering adds one more day to your ban, mister. It is now Infinity+1 days.

4491661 Well.....You'll never take me alive!

*Leaps out window to awaiting helicopter and flies away*

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I just thought I'd mention that I decided to add The Writeoff Association to the list. I figure that really does belong in the groups for authors section.

I also changed the formatting a little.

--Sweetie Belle

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